How to read data from USB Port? - c

I never done the Universal Serial Bus port data read using C. I wanted to know how can data be read of Universal Serial Bus port using C language.

You can look at something like libusb, but you also should read up on USB basics. It's a bus, not a "port", so there is a lot more complexity than you might be expecting.


How to read data from USB port using C

I have sensor node connected to USB port that sense temperature, humidity and light and send the data to PC.
What piece of code will help me to read that data from the USB port in normal C.
Application of the nodes is built on C using Eclipse.
I looked into the specifications of your board and it seems like it's a FTDI chip. This means it's exactly the same way you read from a serial port.
Here is how you program the serial port in Windows (it hasn't changed in a long time).

reading USB port in Linux

I am writing a program to read data from a Bluetooth USB dongle. I am using Linux, so I suspect there may be a POSIX library to read from it, or perhaps there is a predefined file descriptor for each USB drive. How do I read a stream of data from a USB port in C?
The most common way of interacting with random USB device is libusb. This provides low-level access to the device, so if you want something more complex (for example, if it's an actual USB drive with a filesystem on it), you might want to use some existing driver for the device rather than trying to interact with it directly.
OK, given the answer above: the PS3 controller is, almost certainly, a HID device. You pair with it like you do any other Bluetooth HID device. It will appear as a joystick (or mouse, or keyboard, as appropriate) automatically once paired, with no software required on your part. This site seems to have a guide, though obviously I haven't tested it:

How to find the base address of usb to parallel port device in Linux?

I am doing IO programming in C in Ubuntu. And I need the base address of the port to write data.
My laptop dont have a parallel port. So I bought a USB to Parallel port connector. I plugged in the device and its getting detected in /dev/usb/lp0
I ran "lsusb" to see the list of devices and I can see the ID also. But how can I get the base address ? For the usual hardware parallel devices, the base address is 0x0378. this address is not getting detected while using USB to Parallel device.
Please help.
A USB parallel port doesn't have a base address - it's not a meaningful concept for USB. I'm afraid the days of doing I/O on PC hardware via in and out instructions ended a few years ago, though lots of old tutorials still survive on the web.
You can write bytes to the parallel port as a character device, and these will appear on the printer port pins. The USB adapter will expect the other end to handshake data exactly like a printer. If you want to do general I/O prototyping, you're probably better off with a simple USB microcontroller like an Arduino.
Further discussion here.
If you are still interested to use this USB-to-parallel-printer device for your own bit-banging, it's important to know that their built-in firmware always allows controlling of D0..D7, INIT (as outputs), /ERR, ONL, PE (as inputs), but never for /ACK, BUSY (inputs), /STB, /AF, /SEL (outputs) pins.
And you need an 8-bit latch (e.g. 74HCT574) for catching data while strobing.
See here (
especially for possible data rates.
Accessing from software side is a bit complicated but possible, and you may have to re-structure your software and hardware for making such adapters useable. I don't know for Linux case how to access, but IMHO you don't need to write a kernel-mode driver.

microcontrollers and file IO

I'm programming a 8051 microcontroller system (in C) connected to a PC via a serial port. I'd like for the µC to write to a file on the PC. Is there a simple general way to do this from the C level?
I'm not aware of a off-the-shelf way to do this, but it's not hard to develop yourself. You will need to:
Define a serial protocol for transmitting the file data. There are existing protocols from the old dialup modem days, but they might be too complex. See:
Write your microcontroller code to transmit the file data over the serial port, using your protocol.
Write a program that runs on your PC to receive the data and write it to a file.

Simulate serial port

I am writing a C program in Linux which will read/write to/from a serial port. I know the data that needs to be read and written on the port but I don't have a serial port to currently test this with.
Is there any way to simulate a serial port? Would reading/writing to a file be sufficient? I can have one process write to the file while another process reads that data and writes back other data to the file. Or are there others tools that can be used to simulate a port?
Serial ports on Linux are terminal devices. A close simulation is to create a pseudo-terminal pair; the program that normally talks to the serial port is instead told to open the slave side of the pseudo-terminal, and the simulator writes and reads from the master side.
The pty(7) man page has more information.
Despite being an old topic, and my answer is not exactly something the OP was looking for, I decided to share my experience, as someone else might come across it like I did. Instead of straightforward simulation, I used the software called Serial to Ethernet Connector to gain access to the specific device I needed to test the app with. Worked nicely for me.
A character device, even something as simple as normal stdin and stdout should work if you don't care about attributes specific to port devices.
