is there a way to search encrypted data using LIKE? - database

In a fulltextsearch where the field is encrypted, is there a way to search for its content?
value on the database is name = "John Stewart" (encrypted)
I want to search for either records that contains "John" or "Stewart".

If encrypted properly this would be nearly impossible. I'm not aware of any options in MySQL that you could use to encrypt a column like you are suggesting. So you'd need to get all results, decrypt in your application, and check against the decrypted value.
If the value has instead been hashed it would be literally impossible, as the shorter string and the longer string would have completely independent hashes, and you wouldn't be able to turn the hash of the longer string back into the string itself to check.


Encrypt And Decrypt Hash sha256 in Postgresql

I am trying to hash a string in postgresql using sha256 as follow:
select digest('This is a test','sha256');
this returns below hashed value:
Now i want to retrieve my initial string using this hashed value but unable to find anything in the postgres docs regarding it, Any help regarding it will be appreciable.
There is a difference between hashing and encryption:
an encrypted value can be descrypted to get the original back, so encryption is loss-free and two different clear text values will always result in different encrypted values
a hash cannot be decrypted, because information is lost; different values can result in the same hash, although it is desirable that these "collisions" do not happen too often
Hashing is irreversible, while encryption is reversible.
Now digest is a hashing function:
digest(data text, type text) returns bytea
digest(data bytea, type text) returns bytea
Computes a binary hash of the given data.
So you won't be able to recover the original string.
You can use pgcrypto extension in Postgresql to save data after encryption.
For insertion,
INSERT INTO tablename (columnname1, columnname2) VALUES (PGP_SYM_ENCRYPT('value1', 'aes_key'), PGP_SYM_ENCRYPT('value2', 'aes_key'));
For fetching,
SELECT PGP_SYM_DECRYPT(columnname1::bytea, 'aes_key') as columnname1, PGP_SYM_DECRYPT(columnname2::bytea, 'aes_key') as columnname2 from tablename;

how to Hash an already existing password?

After testing and ensuring my Send_email function authenticates successfully using the hardcoded user and password in the SQL Table, I am now trying to Hash the password.
the way my columns are set up is something like this:
variable | value
password | someP#ssword
the columns are varchar both, with the value column being 1000 length (is that too much? i set it to that much cause i read that sha 512 requires a lot of length or something, and seen examples using 1000 at least so went with that)
I am using this query to hash,
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Table] (value)
VALUES(HASHBYTES('SHA2_512', 'someP#ssword'))
but it generates a nonbinary hash, which i am suspecting is why i am receiving this error of email authentication failed because it probably cant decipher the nonbinary password characters. but the problem is i have other values in the value column, so i can't convert the whole column to varbinary.
so is there a way to hash the password that is hardcoded or i have to insert it as hash? or is there a way i can convert just that particular field/cell without having to alter the rest of the design of the value column so it wont affect other values in there as well? or am i supposed to create a completely separate column for password and set it to binary?
EDIT: I have to pass the password in this email function call for authentication:
Send-EMail -EmailFrom $From_Email -SendTo $To_Email -Body $Email_Body -Subject $Job_Success_Email_Subject -Username $SmtpUser -Password $SmtpPassword
but Von in the comment said i can't pass the hashed password in there as credential. then that means i have to keep it nonhashed in the table? i thought hashing would work perfectly in this situation...
It looks like you have been confused by the irrelevant discussion in the comments above.
First of all: hashed password would not work in your Send-EMail function as the function has no way of "unhashing" said password. Read this introduction to Hashing vs Encryption.
If you want to secure your password and be able to retrieve original value you will need to encrypt it. The topic of encryption is quite large and way outside the scope of what can be written in SO. I will provide a few links for you to read:
Encryption by pass phrase would be the simplest to implement but also weakest as anyone reading the code of an SP will find out the pass phrase and therefore can decrypt data. Note that pass phrase itself can be passed into ENCRYPTBYPASSPHRASE as a parameter, allowing you to store it (securely) elsewhere outside the database i.e. you don't have to hard code in your SP code. You will need to implement pass phrase storage method yourself if you decide to go this way.
Encryption using keys and certificates offers a very secure method but requires some time to set-up in addition to very carefully backing up your keys. If you loose your keys your data is gone i.e. you can never decrypt it.
As far as storing binary data in varchar column goes - easy, here is an example:
DECLARE #BinValue VARBINARY( 500 ) = HASHBYTES('SHA2_512', 'someP#ssword')
DECLARE #StringBinValue VARCHAR( 500 ) = CONVERT( VARCHAR( 500 ), #BinValue, 1 )
SELECT #BinValue, #StringBinValue, CONVERT( VARBINARY( 500 ), #StringBinValue, 1 ) AS BackToString
I have used your original HASHBYTES function as an example but you will need to change it to an encryption function.
Hope this clarifies things for you.

SQL server 2012: Make string fit Column Name limitations

In my stored procedure I use string entered by the user in the application to create column names in a table. The string has no limitations in the application. Is there a way (function maybe) to convert the string so that it fits the Column Name limitations? I know that I can do REPLACE to remove HTML and special chars but I am looking for a solution that it will somehow guarantees that the converted string can be placed as Column Name.
I dont want to limit the user in the UI because the entered string can be used in other parts of the application where for example HTML chars are important
Example: String edited by the user: Cat's <b>name</b> . I wont to be converted to a valid column name string.

SQL Server String Manipulation for URLs?

I need to append a paramter-value 'xval=9' to all non-blank SQL server column values in a multi-million row table. The column contains URLs and they have a random amount of "querystring" parameters appended to the column. So when I append, I may need to append '?xval=9' or I may need to append '&val=9', depending on if parameters already exist.
So the URL values could like like any of these:
'aval' and 'bval' are just samples, really any kind of key/value pair might be on the end of the URL.
What is the smartest pure-TSQL way to manipulate that, hopefully utilizing some kind of indexing?
Do that on Presentation or Model layer, not on Data layer.
i.e. read all data and manipulate using C# or other language you use.
Maybe this should work
SELECT CASE CHARINDEX('?', Url) WHEN 0 THEN Url+'?foo=boo' ELSE Url+'&foo=boo' END AS Url FROM Whatever

How do I store a signature block, including formatting, in a Sql server table?

I've been assigned the task of creating a table that stores an email signature for each username. The question is, how should I store the signature block? I could use a regular varchar type, but then how do I store the formatting metadata?
Any ideas or suggestions would be welcome.
Another idea I had was that you could design a specific email signature template, and then let people specify fields, such as Username, quote, avatar, alignment etc, and then have them modify their signature in a "signature editor". This way you could just store the "data" and not the rendering. so you could store something like follows:
<avatar href="http://url to my image"/>
<quote>A bird in the hand is not in the nest</quote>
and it could look something like:
A bird in the hand is not in the nest
use varchar(max), or whatever length limit is appropriate.
otherwise, the only real concern is that you might want to make sure the html is html-encoded before you stick it in the database. (i.e., replace < with <, etc.) Not sure what you're using, but some tools have a setting so you don't have to do it manually.
other things you can do besides / in addition to html-encoding
1) restrict the formatting tags to some pre-defined set (i.e., search/replace tags you don't want before doing the insert. You can manage this in your db stored procedure, or better yet, in your front-end (if you have control over that).
2) disqualify attempts to insert data if they include certain tags (like '<script>', etc.)
HTML, RTF, XML. The stanard choices are multiple.
Note: "email signature" is NOT "digital signature". The term digital signature has a specific meaning and means a SIGNATURE to make sure - for email - it comes from th real sender and has not been tampered with.
I'd suggest going with your initial thought -- varchar(max). This will allow you to store signatures that are ASCII based. This includes plaintext, RTF or HTML signatures.
If users want to embed images (i.e. not a link to an image), then you'd have to determine a way for the caller to convert those images to Base64 or other before storing and after reading from your table.
Based on what I'm finding, you have basically two options:
1) Convert your formatted signature data to Binary and store it as a BLOB.
2) Instead of saving the signature itself in the DB, save them as files somewhere and store a reference to that file location in the DB.
