Database schema for end user report designer - sql-server

I'm trying to implement a feature whereby, apart from all the reports that I have in my system, I will allow the end user to create simple reports. (not overly complex reports that involves slicing and dicing across multiple tables with lots of logic)
The user will be able to:
1) Select a base table from a list of allowable tables (e.g., Customers)
2) Select multiple sub tables (e.g., Address table, with AddressId as the field to link Customers to Address)
3) Select the fields from the tables
4) Have basic sorting
Here's the database schema I have current, and I'm quite certain it's far from perfect, so I'm wondering what else I can improve on
AllowableTables table
This table will contain the list of tables that the user can create their custom reports against.
Id Table
1 Customers
2 Address
3 Orders
4 Products
ReportTemplates table
Id Name MainTable
1 Customer Report #2 Customers
2 Customer Report #3 Customers
ReportTemplateSettings table
Id TemplateId TableName FieldName ColumnHeader ColumnWidth Sequence
1 1 Customer Id Customer S/N 100 1
2 1 Customer Name Full Name 100 2
3 1 Address Address1 Address 1 100 3
I know this isn't complete, but this is what I've come up with so far. Does anyone have any links to a reference design, or have any inputs as to how I can improve this?

This needs a lot of work even though it’s relatively simple task. Here are several other columns you might want to include as well as some other details to take care of.
Store table name along with schema name or store schema name in additional column, add column for sorting and sort order
Create additional table to store child tables that will be used in the report (report id, schema name, table name, column in child table used to join tables, column in parent table used to join tables, join operator (may not be needed if it always =)
Create additional table that will store column names (report id, schema name, table name, column name, display as)
There are probably several more things that will come up after you complete this but hopefully this will get you in the right direction.


Create a cross reference table using Golden record and associate other records to the record

I have a table where I have ranked all the rows based on the created date column and have the rank indicated on the table as below
main table
I would like to create a cross-reference table with the golden record as the recurring column and the other two records as associated records as below.
output desired
I would like to know how I can achieve this using SQL.
I have tried creating a seperate table with all ID numbers (Rank = 1) and then joining it with the main table to get the ones with rank 1,2 and 3 associated with it. But it doesnt seem to work as I intend to.
I have not tested but something like this should work. You might want to add a name_id field.
select b.id_number,a.id_number
from table a
join table b on
where b.rank=1

how to use case to combine spelling variations of an item in a table in sql

I have two SQL tables, with deviations of the spellings of department names. I'm needing to combine those using case to create one spelling of the location name. Budget_Rc is the only one with same spelling in both tables. Here's an example:
Table-1 table-2
Depart_Name Room_Loc Depart_Name Room_Loc
1. Finance_P1 P144 1. Fin_P1 P1444
2. Budget_Rc R2c 2. Budget_Rc R2c
3. Payroll_P1_2 P1144 3. Finan_P1_1 P1444
4. PR_P1_2 P1140
What I'm needing to achieve is for the department to be 1 entity, with one room location. These should show as one with one room location in the main table (Table-1).
Depart_Name Room_Loc
1. Finance_P1 F144
2. Budget_Rc R2c
3. Payroll_P1_2 P1144
Many many thanks in advance!
I'd first try a
DECLARE #AllSpellings TABLE(DepName VARCHAR(100));
INSERT INTO #AllSpellings(DepName)
SELECT Depart_Name FROM tbl1 GROUP BY Depart_Name
SELECT Depart_Name FROM tbl2 GROUP BY Depart_Name;
FROM #AllSpellings
This will help you to find all existing values...
Now you create a clean table with all Departments with an IDENTITY ID-column.
Now you have two choices:
In case you cannot change the table's layout
Use the upper select-statement to find all existing entries and create a mapping table, which you can use as indirect link
Better: real FK-relation
Replace the department's names with the ID and let this be a FOREIGN KEY REFERENCE
Can more than one department be in a Room?
If so then its harder and you can't really write a dynamic query without having a list of all the possible one to many relationships such as Finance has the department key of FIN and they have these three names. You will have to define that table to make any sort of relationship.
For instance:
1 Finance_P1 FIN
2 Payroll_P1_2 PAY
3 Fin_P1 FIN
This way you can correctly match up all the departments and their names. I would use this match table to get the data organized and normalized before then cleaning up all your data and then just using a singular department name. Its going to be manual but should be one time if you then clean up the data.
If the room is only ever going to belong to one department you can join on the room which makes it a lot easier.
Since there does not appear any solid rule for mapping department names from table one to table two, the way I would approach this is to create a mapping table. This mapping table will relate the two department names.
Depart_Name_1 | Depart_Name_2
Finance_P1 | Fin_P1
Budget_Rc | Budget_Rc
Payroll_P1_2 | PR_P1_2
Then, you can do a three-way join to bring everything into a single result set:
SELECT t1.*, t2.*
FROM table1 t1
INNER JOIN mapping m
ON t1.Depart_Name = m.Depart_Name_1
INNER JOIN table2 t2
ON m.Depart_Name_2 = t2.Depart_Name
It may seem tedious to create the mapping table, but it may be unavoidable here. If you can think of a way to automate it, then this could cut down on the time spent there.

Copying data from old database to new one with a new structure

I had an old database with a single table containing customer orders and customer details. I went on to create a new database model using seperate tables for customers and details. I managed to migrate the customer details to the new database, but was unable to migrate the the cusomer orders. We thought that this would be ok, and that we would just build the order record from now on ignoring all previous orders in the old database. This was a while ago, and I cannot remember the exact reason why I was unable to import the customer orders. However, now we have discovered that we will need the old orders in the new database. Is there an easy way to do this using Microsoft Access?
This is the reason why:
Split a table in access into two linked tables
Depending on how complex your schema is, a simple approach would be schema-mapping by a INSERT INTO SELECT query.
For example if your old database had a table:
And your new database had fields with different names, extra fields, etc:
All you would need to do was to create an insert query to append the old records to the new table. In defining the query, you can specify the source and destination field names, and you can even perform functions / expressions on the data. You can even query on the other table directly, without linking or importing it into your new database:
INSERT INTO OrderDetails (Order_ID,Customer_ID,Product,Price,OrderDate)
SELECT OrdID,CustID,ProductName,Price,DateSerial(oYear,oMonth,oDay) AS oDate
FROM Orders IN 'C:\oldDatabasePath.mdb';
If you have to do additional transformations to the data, such as run expressions on column values, I would recommend testing out the SELECT part of the query before adding the INSERT line.

table relationships, SQL 2005

Ok I have a question and it is probably very easy but I can not find the solution.
I have 3 tables plus one main tbl.
tbl_1 - tbl_1Name_id
tbl_2- tbl_2Name_id
tbl_3 - tbl_3Name_id
I want to connect the Name_id fields to the main tbl fields below.
Main tbl has a Unique Key for these fields and in the other table, fields they are normal fields NOT NULL.
What I would like to do is that any time when the record is entered in tbl_1, tbl_2 or tbl_3, the value from the main table shows in that field, or other way.
Also I have the relationship Many to one, one being the main tbl of course.
I have a feeling this should be very simple but can not get it to work.
Take a look at SQL Server triggers. This will allow you to perform an action when a record is inserted into any one of those tables.
If you provide some more information like:
An example of an insert
The resulting change you would like
to see as a result of that insert
I can try and give you some more details.
Based on your new comments I suspect that you are working with a denormalized database schema. Below is how I would suggest you structure your tables in the Employee-Medical visit scenario you discussed:
Some important things:
Note that I am not entering the
employees name into the
EmployeeMedicalVisit table, just the EmployeeId. This
helps to maintain data integrity and
complies with First Normal Form
You should read up on 1st, 2nd and
3rd normal forms. Database
normalization is a very imporant
subject and it will make your life
easier if you can grasp them.
With the above structure, when an employee visited a medical office you would insert a record into EmployeeMedicalVisit. To select all medical visits for an employee you would use the query below:
SELECT e.fName, e.lName
FROM Employee e
INNER JOIN EmployeeMedicalVisit as emv
ON e.EployeeId = emv.EmployeeId
Hope this helps!
Here is a sample trigger that may show you waht you need to have:
Create trigger mytabletrigger ON mytable
INSERT MYOTHERTABLE (MytableId, insertdate)
select mytableid, getdate() from inserted
In a trigger you have two psuedotables available, inserted and deleted. The inserted table constains the data that is being inserted into the table you have the trigger on including any autogenerated id. That is how you get the data to the other table assuming you don't need other data at the same time. YOu can get other data from system stored procuders or joins to other tables but not from a form in the application.
If you do need other data that isn't available in a trigger (such as other values from a form, then you need to write a sttored procedure to insert to one table and return the id value through an output clause or using scope_identity() and then use that data to build the insert for the next table.

Storing multiple employee IDs in one column of data

Web app is being written in classic ASP with a MSSQL backend. On this particular page, the admin can select 1 or any/all of the employees to assign the project to. I'm trying to figure out a simple way to store the employee IDs of the people assigned to it in one column.
The list of employees is generated from another table and can be dynamic (firing or hiring) so I want the program to be flexible enough to change based on these table changes.
Basically need to know how to assign multiple people to a project that can later be called up on a differen page or from a different query.
Sorry for the n00bish question, but thanks!
Don't store multiple ID's in one column! Create another table with the primary key of your existing table and a single ID that you want to store. You can then insert multiple rows into this new table, creating a 1:m (one to many) relationship. For example, let's look at an order table:
and I have a product table...
Now, you could go down the road of adding a column to order that let you list the products in the order, but that would be bad form. What you want instead is something like..
You can then perform a join to get all of the products for a particular order...
from orders
inner join order_item on order_item.order_id = order.order_id
inner join product on product.product_id = order_item.product_id
where orders.order_id = 5
Here's an example order_id of 5, and this will get all of the products in that order.
You need to create another table that stores these values such as. So this new table would store one row for each ID, and then link back to the original record with the original records ID.
