Salesforce Custom Button Signer Roles - salesforce

I'm trying to create a custom button that implements a one-slick sign based on an existing template.I want to use the Custom Contact Role Map so that contact roles are automatically picked up from under the Account object and not opportunity. The code does not work.
Below is my code:
CRCL='AccountContactRoles,Email~Contact.Email;FirstName~Contact.FirstName LastName~Contact.LastName;
DST = 'CDC69B56-94D2-43F6-9994-2F4E13BBA3CB';
STB = '1';
Am I missing any steps. Please advise.

When was the last time you tested this? There was a bug in the system that was causing this recently, but that bug was resolved and the fix pushed to DfS (DocuSign for Salesforce) 2-3 days ago. Also, you need to be an active DfS user for this work, are you?


mgt-react PeoplePicker defaultSelectedUsers not working as I would expect

I've been writing a React app that relies on the mgt-react components.
The app is basically just an interface to a SharePoint library.
Everything has been working great and the PeoplePicker is working in so much as I can start typing a users name and the drop down works and I can select a person.
However now I'm at the point where I want to create an edit screen. In order to implement this I need to prepopulate the PeoplePicker with the users that were input at insert time.
I can't seem to get the "defaultSelectedUsers" property to work.
I've pared things down to simply hardcoding a users email address and it still doesn't work.
Here is my code for the component (email address changed for privacy reasons):
<PeoplePicker defaultSelectedUsers={['']} selectionMode="single" selectionChanged={handleSelectionChanged}></PeoplePicker>
No matter what I do it is not prepopulating with a user / person.
The permissions are all there (I think) which is proven by the component working when I start typing a user name.
Any ideas what I might be missing?
As always thanks so much for any input in advance.
----- edit ----
Oh okay, it seems that I can't use that prop with mgt-react? I have to use defultSelectedUserIds and can't just provide an email address. Can someone confirm this is the case?
Is there mgt documentation for the defaultSelectedUsers property? As far as I am aware, the people picker only supports defaultSelectedUsersById. The email address should work though, assuming the graph is able to retrieve the users (it's their actual id).
For a quick test, are you able to retrieve the users through the graph explorer with the /users/${id} (replace id with your email) filter? This is what we use for the property.

Salesforce "Record is not createable INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS" error

I'm trying to create a lightning component to add records to the campaign object and I keepo getting an error message that I can't seem to find sufficient information on.
I'm using the lightning:recordEditForm component and because it automatically generates the picklist or input field based on the field data type and doesn't need a controller.
Here is the code I have written.
When I try to add the component to the appropriate page I get the error message shown in red.
Has anyone else solved a similar problem?
I'm inclined to believe it's a permissions issue but I'm not sure. If there's any more information I can give let me know.
I would really appreciate some assistance.
Thank you
Make Sure that your Profile has all necessary Object Permissions for Campaign Object.
For Campaigns: check if you have enabled "Marketing User" checkbox in the relevant User's profile.
This is one of annoying Salesforce Gotchas.
Check whether the user has access to create the record.
Try checking it in Profiles --> Campaign --> make sure Read, Create, Edit are checked (True)
Also make sure you have enabled Marketing User (Setup --> Users)

In salesforce how to add a custom checkbox in pre-existing standard (E.g. User creation) page using Apex?

I want to create a salesforce app. That have trigger on user creation. I need to make it optional by including a checkbox on user creation page.(i.e : the trigger have to start only when my custom checkbox is selected).
How to add custom checkbox in "User creation" page programatically using Apex ?Is it possible or not ?
I tried with MetaData API as :
MetadataService.MetadataPort service = new MetadataService.MetadataPort();
service.SessionHeader = new MetadataService.SessionHeader_element();
service.SessionHeader.sessionId = UserInfo.getSessionId();
List<MetadataService.Metadata> fields = new List<MetadataService.Metadata>();
MetadataService.CustomField customField = new MetadataService.CustomField();
customField.fullName = 'User.custom_create_field__c';
customField.label = 'Custom created field';
customField.defaultvalue = 'false';
customField.sharingModel = 'ReadWrite';
customField.type_x = 'Checkbox';
MetadataService.AsyncResult[] results = service.create(fields);\\trows session timeout error here
But the last line throws session timeout error. Am I going in correct way to achieve my need? If so how to solve session timeout error?
Why do you want to do this programmatically? What's the problem with adding the checkbox declaratively to the object and to the layouts?
By adding the field to the object metadata as you're doing here, you'll still need to manually add it to layouts to ensure it's available for users to check or uncheck on your user creation page. Adding a new field to all custom layouts is not a trivial exercise, believe me!
However, if you still want to go ahead with this, you should try a different approach. It looks very much to me as though you've taken inspiration from Andy Fawcett here:
You should see the IMPORTANT UPDATE section. The async Metadata API methods were deprecated some time ago, this is the pattern to follow now:

Creating a Popup for new case assignment in salesforce

When I create a new case and assign it to a user in salesforce, I want a popup to show up on their screen to show that they have a new case. I have tried several different things but cannot get this to work. Is this something anyone can help me with?! Thanks!
One solution is to create a task as a reminder for the case assignee. Then when the assignee logs in or when the due date comes they get a web pop-up.

Drupal Replacement Pattern for Entity Reference

I have a Profile Type attached to a user. In there I have a Entity Reference Field of Program Manager. I have Live Events(content-type) that people can register for. I set up a Rule to Email the Program Manager every time someone registers.
My problem is I am trying to pull information from the Profile based on the the entity reference for the Program Manager.
I have the field printing out by using this pattern...
However when I try to pull the first name, email of phone I can not get it to show up.
Does anyone have any ideas to share?
Many Thanks!
Okay so I was trying to solve for sending the email to the Author of the page but was having issues. So I created a new fields hoping it would be easier. In trying to solve for this I solved the original issue.
To print the Author of a node to an email through Rules actions us this.
So for first name it would be:
Hope it helps someone else.
If you're using entityform instead of a node and referencing the default user info (not the 'Main Profile' profile type), then you want to use something like
In this case, 'field-staff-entity-ref' is the entity reference field in the entityform and 'field-work-email' is the field in the user's account settings.
