running an AngularJS app in general - angularjs

I am taking baby steps with AngularJS. I am a bit confused about requiring a webserver to run an AngularJS sample or demo. The reason is for study purpose I have downloaded running examples and demos, but not having any luck with it. A very simple demo of displaying a name is not working for me. Do I have to do anything specific to get a simple app running. I feel very weird asking my doubt requing a webserver as AngularJS is a client side Framework. Nevertheless, hoping someone can throw some light on this.
Thanks in adavnce.

If you use Firefox, then you don't need any server to have your basic app running. If you use Chrome, then for security reasons it doesn't like file-access to librairies. Librairies must be serve in another way. So you can have the hello-world AngularJS working by opening the classic index.html with Firefox, so that you don't have to start any web server.
Here is a sample application with explanations in the README :

Actually, you don't need a webserver to run AngularJS application since it is client-side framework.


creating a website using angularjs in front end and in back end using falcon

Can anybody just tell me is it possible to achieve? I am trying to create a website using angularjs- front end and falcon- back end. So, how could i integrate them so that my form data get posted to back end?
Thanks in advance!
Yes, It is possible to achieve. I have Falcon and Angular 5 running in production and deployed on AWS Beanstalk and they've been playing very nicely together.
It's hard to answer your question without knowing what you have already tried. If you have not started yet, I suggest you start with the simplest setup for both Falcon and Angular (I'm going to assume Angular 5).
This is a very rough plan to get started:
1) Install Falcon library; copy the example API from Falcon and run the server.
2) Download the example APP from Angular Tutorial
3) Edit HeroService to get data from your API server.
If everything goes well, you should be able to get here within an hour or so. Once you see Angular calling your Falcon backend and fetch data you know you've got a basis to start from. Good luck!
Use Node js instead of the falcon-back end and also brush up using angularjs documentation and nodejs documentation

Angular App to AppGyver- Port to Mobile Solution

I'm beginner to appgyver steroids.
I have angular project. Now I need to make iOS application using AppGyver.
Instead of modify root view and point it to my angular app url ( can I add my angular app source / angular project build to AppGyver project make it iOS application.
Appreciate your comments
You can run steroids create yourApp. This will walk you through the generation of a multi page or single page application. You can then move the structure of your angular application into the /app folder. Check out the example that the steroids create method generates and see the structure there.
You may notice some differences at first. It may take some testing to see what is failing if anything once you port things over. If you used $rootScope for anything it is not as reliable in my experience in an iOS or Android application. There are other methods for passing data between views and broadcasting (publish/subscribe) to other controllers.
You will want to use the iOS simulator or http://localhost:4567/app/moduleName/oneOfYourViewsYouAreTesting.html in your favorite browser while steroids connect is running to debug.
The version of Angular that is coming with this now is AngularJS v1.3.15 installed via bower. You may want to verify things are compatible with your current Angular version.
Ionic is used and Supersonic so you may see conflict with existing CSS or even javascript depending on what you've implemented.
There will be some tricks to learn about preloading views in the file and load times / rootView / initialView. There is lots of support if you come across any issues.
This forum has been really helpful in figuring out any issues I've come across. The Appgyver team is usually pretty responsive to questions directly as well.
They are updating the platform in a few days, and they say big changes are coming. They are hiring a lot of developers right now to take care of GitHub issues as well as build out the rest of their incomplete components.

Creating a mobile App with Laravel and AngularJS

I've been reading up on AngularJS lately (always used jQuery) and I'm starting to understand and like it. Normally I would build webapplications with Laravel. Now i'd really like to dig further and learn about connecting these two frameworks to build an awesome SPA. In this case, Laravel serves as a REST api and Angular handles the front end. This article and also this video helped me a lot, but still raises questions.
The biggest one (maybe very stupid) is: could the HTML/CSS/JS be converted to a native mobile app, for example with PhoneGap? Because that is what I'm wishing to achieve if possible.
Also, if this is possible, is it a good way or does it get too tricky?
This is still very new to me, just need some help on the way. I hope my question makes some sence, thanks in advance.

Can I run Angular-U/UI-Router with Notepad++?

Is there some way to run UI-Router without running bower/npm, etc?
I tried linking to it (just like to angular), but that didn't work. Tried saving it locally in a .js file and referencing it. That didn't work either. Am I missing something or am I just trying to do something impossible?
edit: Alternatively, is there anywhere to test this? Like plunkr or something?
Here's the source for what I think is the latest. I think you should just be able to link to it in a <script /> tag in your index.html:
Or copy that to a text file and run it completely locally, since I think you're just trying to test it out. If it didn't work, maybe make sure you have all of its dependencies, if any.
Of course it looks like it's a package in plunkr, so you should be able to try it there. I added it and the latest angular for you (haven't tested it though):
You can write Angular UI routing code into your Notepad++ editor, But you require a normal web server to run it properly.
You can try the Google Chrome Plugin to execute all AngularJS related codes.
Kindly Run all the applications using a local server. There is no need for Tomcat server. You can easily download a Google Chrome Plugin "Web server for Chrome". here- Web Server for Google Chrome
Also the Angular UI routing Snippet is available at:

Angularjs connection to kaazing

Can anybody share some sample code where 'angular javascript' module interacts over web sockets with 'kaazing' JMS. I have created a small application SPA which is using ember right now but now i want to get it converted to angular. I tried to find something on internet but as such not much available in terms on angular and kaazing together.
I posted the sample on github. Let me know if you have any questions.
