How to manipulate attachement path on DotNetNuke.UI.UserControls.TextEditor - dotnetnuke

Im kinda new to DNN and I need to control the text editor not to show the system files when users attach files to a mini blog. Is there a way to manipulate the DotNetNuke.UI.UserControls.TextEditor attachment path to look only on a specified folder and not defaulting to ~/portal/[portalid]?
Thanks in advance!

In the Host/ HTML Configuration Manager page you can choose the "Path" that the Text Editor loads by default (found under the Image Manager Settings section)
You can also make those settings apply only to a specific page or role if necessary


Issues in editing a Joomla plugin, cannot find files

I am unable to find this page in the Joomla files. I want to edit this table and place a link in every row in the table. This is a creative contact form plugin for Joomla.
The page link from the Joomla administrator is https://SITENAME.COM/administrator/index.php?option=com_creativecontactform&view=submissions
Thanks in advance.
If I see it right, it's not a plugin, it's a component. I assume that you want to change the view, not the database table.
You should find all the files that handle the output of these components in the directory:
or for frontend in the directory
The file you're looking for should be in the directory
Upate: You should not change the original files. If you like to change the output you have do create an override. See section Component Output Types and Layout Overrides in the Joomla documentation Understanding Output Overrides.

How to add a Images in article page in Joomla?

I am trying to add images to my Joomla article page. They do not display. Only the path is showed, like the following
Please help me to find out the reason.
Thanks in advance.
1) Go to Extensions -> Plugin Manager and make sure that Simple Image Gallery that you use is turned on. Click on it to open settings.
2) You should have a name of root images directory - directory above "Hotel" in your case - under Images root.
3) In the very end of the settings check that GD library is supported by the server. Otherwise, ask your hoster to turn it on for your account.
4) In the details panel set the radiobutton to "Enabled". Save the settings.
If you use K2, note that you can use Simple Image Gallery tags only in K2's introtext or fulltext blocks.

Make a hyperlink to a ClearCase file?

In ClearCase, is there anyway to make a straight hyperlink to file? Like of the form
where all a user has to do is click on the link to view a page or download a file?
We have several non-technical people at our organization who want to look at some of the documentation that developers are storing on ClearCase.
On Windows, you can try and version (add to source control) an xxx.lnk file: a shortcut file, which is set to open an http url.
Once loaded in a snapshot view (or even accessed in a dynamic view), a simple click should open a browser.
An even simpler solution would be to store an xxx.html static page, which would:
open the same browser when double-clicked
list all the actual documentation urls you want.
One file, multiple links!

store image in a folder form a list in silverlight

I want to store a image in to a folder which I have selected from a list in silverlight
In Silverlight you have only limited access to the file system for security reason.
So everything what you want to save would end up in IsolatedStorage...
Check out this Quickstart Video and let me know if it helps
In Silverlight, You have limited access to the client file system. If you are running Out Of Browser application with elevated permission, you can access User folders (My documents in windows).
But you can try some workarounds like using JavaScript u can try to download file. For reference Download a picture OnClick

dnn - upload an image to portal and use it in html module?

how do i upload an image to the portal and use it in my html of my html module?
i have an html module i want to use and part of it is an image. how do i upload to my portal and then reference the url where it is on my server inside my html?
In case you didn't see my comments on the other one. One way is to just find the file on the hard drive and figure out the link manually in relation to your web root. But if you are using this as a portal system then this might not be the best solution.
There is also upload option right withing html editor. click on image manager icon and it will give you the option to upload an image.
alt text
alt text
If your HTML is being put in the DNN HTML module, you could also use the media picker baked in.
If you want a more integrated option, you could use the DNN FileManager API to accomplish integrated uploading and retrieving of files. The DNNFilePickerUploader might come in handy for this, which will give you a DNN file ID which you could the use to get the image url.
