Clojure Loop and count - loops

I am trying to get a link for each photoset. It should look like this:
[:p (link-to (str "/album?photosetid="photosetid) photoset-name)
In the following code I get a map of all photoset ids and names:
(def ids (map #(str "/album?photosetid=" %1) photoset-id))
(def names (map #(str %1) photoset-name))
After that i try to create the links:
(loop [x (count ids)]
(when (> x 0)
[:p (link-to (nth ids x "") name) (nth names x "")]
(recur (- x 1))
The problem is that I don't get any output.
Thanks for any help!

(map #(vector :p (link-to (str "/album?photosetid=" %1) %2)) ids names)


Using loop inside defmacro

I'm learning (common) Lisp, and as exercise, I want to implement 'xond', a cond macro, that transform this silly example:
(xond (= n 1) (setq x 2) (= n 2) (setq x 1))
into a if-else chain:
(if (= n 1) (setq x 2) (if (= n 2) (setq x 1)))
Currently, I have this macro:
(defmacro xond (&rest x) (if x (list 'progn (list 'if (pop x) (pop x)))))
that just expand the first two items in x:
(macroexpand '(xond (= x 1) (setq y 2)))
(PROGN (IF (= X 1) (SETQ Y 2))) ;
Now I want to process all items in x, so I add a loop to produce a if-serie (a step toward if-else-version):
(defmacro xond (&rest x)
(loop (if x
(list 'progn (list 'if (pop x) (pop x)))
(return t))))
but then macro seems to stop working:
(macroexpand '(xond (= x 1) (setq y 2)))
T ;
What I'm missing here?
verdammelt's answer put me in the right track, and coredump's made me change my approach to an iterative one.
Now I'll implement (xond test1 exp1 test2 exp2) as:
(block nil
test1 (return exp1)
test2 (return exp2)
which can be done by iteration.
I'm writing this for my minimal Lisp interpreter; I have only implemented the most basic functions.
This is what I wrote. I'm using la to accumulate the parts of the output.
(defmacro xond (&rest x)
(let ((la '()))
(if x (push (list 'if (pop x) (list 'return (pop x))) la)
(progn (push 'nil la)
(push 'block la)
(return la)
(macroexpand '(xond (= x 1) (setq y 2) (= X 2) (setq y 1)))
(IF (= X 2) (RETURN (SETQ Y 1)))
(IF (= X 1) (RETURN (SETQ Y 2)))
) ;
Second edition
Add a label to block and change return to return-from, to avoid conflict with other return inside arguments. Also changed push for append to generate code in the same orden as the parameters.
(defmacro xond (&rest x)
(let ((label (gensym)) (la '()) (condition nil) (expresion nil))
(setq la (append la (list 'block label)))
(if x
(setq la (append la (list
(list 'if (pop x) (list 'return-from label (pop x))))))
(return la)))))
(macroexpand '(xond (= x 1) (setq y 2) (= X 2) (setq y 1)))
now gives
(BLOCK #:G3187 (IF (= X 1) (RETURN-FROM #:G3187 (SETQ Y 2))) (IF (= X 2) (RETURN-FROM #:G3187 (SETQ Y 1))))
Some remarks
You do not need a progn when you only expand into a single if
The use of pop might be confusing for the reader (and the programmer too) since it mutates a place, maybe you want to start with a less imperative approach
Also, in that case I don't think a loop approach is helpful, because you need to nest the expressions that come after in the body inside a previously built form, and even though it can be done, it is a bit more complex to do that simply a recursive function or a "recursive" macro.
Here I explain both approach, starting with "recursive" macro (the quote here is because the macro does not call itself, but expands as call to itself).
Macro expansion fixpoint
If I had to implement xond, I would write a macro that expands into other calls to xond, until macroexpansion reaches a base case where there are no more xond:
(defmacro xond (&rest body)
(if (rest body)
(destructuring-bind (test if-action . rest) body
`(if ,test ,if-action (xond ,#rest)))
(first body)))
For example, this expression:
(xond (= n 1) (setq x 2) (= n 2) (setq x 1))
First macroexpands into:
(if (= n 1)
(setq x 2)
(xond (= n 2) (setq x 1)))
And eventually reaches a fixpoint with:
(if (= n 1)
(setq x 2)
(if (= n 2)
(setq x 1)
Be careful, you cannot directly use xond inside the definition of xond, what happens is that the macro expands as a call to xond, which Lisp then expands again. If you are not careful, you may end up with an infinite macroexpansion, that's why you need a base case where the macro does not expand into xond.
Macro calling a recursive function
Alternatively, you can call a recursive function inside your macro, and expand all the inner forms at once.
With LABELS, you bind xond-expand to a recursive function. Here this is an actual recursive approach:
(labels ((xond-expand (body)
(if body
(list 'if
(pop body)
(pop body)
(xond-expand body))
(xond-expand '((= n 1) (setq x 2) (= n 2) (setq x 1))))
; => (IF (= N 1)
; (SETQ X 2)
; (IF (= N 2)
; (SETQ X 1)
; NIL))
Your xond macro ends with (return t) so it evaluates to t rather than your accumulated if expressions.
You could use loop's collect clause to accumulate the code you wish to return. For example: (loop for x in '(1 2 3) collect (* 2 x)) would evaluate to (2 4 6).
How about
(ql:quickload :alexandria)
(defun as-last (l1 l2)
`(,#l1 ,l2))
(defmacro xond (&rest args)
(reduce #'as-last
(loop for (condition . branch) in (alexandria:plist-alist args)
collect `(if ,condition ,branch))
:from-end t))
(macroexpand-1 '(xond c1 b1 c2 b2 c3 b3))
;; (IF C1 B1 (IF C2 B2 (IF C3 B3))) ;
;; T
alexandria's plist-alist was used to pair the arguments,
the intrinsic destructuring in loop used to extract conditions and branches.
The helper function as-last stacks lists together in the kind of
(a b c) (d e f) => (a b c (d e f)).
(reduce ... :from-end t) right-folds the sequence of the collected (if condition branch) clauses stacking them into each other using #'as-last.
Without any dependencies
('though, does alexandria even count as a dependency? ;) )
(defun pairs (l &key (acc '()) (fill-with-nil-p nil))
(cond ((null l) (nreverse acc))
((null (cdr l)) (pairs (cdr l)
:acc (cons (if fill-with-nil-p
(list (car l) nil)
:fill-with-nil-p fill-with-nil-p))
(t (pairs (cdr (cdr l))
:acc (cons (list (car l) (cadr l)) acc)
:fill-with-nil-p fill-with-nil-p))))
(defun as-last (l1 l2)
`(,#l1 ,l2))
(defmacro xond (&rest args)
(reduce #'as-last
(loop for (condition branch) in (pairs args)
collect `(if ,condition ,branch))
:from-end t))
(macroexpand-1 '(xond c1 b1 c2 b2 c3 b3))
;; (IF C1 B1 (IF C2 B2 (IF C3 B3))) ;
;; T
The helper function pairs makes out of (a b c d e f) => ((a b) (c d) (e f)).
(:fill-with-nil-p determines in case of odd number of list elements, whether the last element would be listed (last-el) or (last-el nil) - in the latter case filled with nil).

Remove all substrings in first-array that match elements in second-array

The Quest
Remove every substring in first-array for every string in second-array that matches.
What is the best way to do it in Clojure?
first-array: ["Adam" "Goolan" "silly"]
second-array: [ "a" "oo" "ll"]
result: ["Adm" "Gln" "siy"]
Note that the result should be the same if
second-array: [ "oo" "ll" "a"]
If it is by matched elements (i.e. first item in first matches first item in second and so on):
> (defn the-quest [xs ys]
(map #(clojure.string/replace (first %1) (second %1) "") (map vector xs ys)))
> (the-quest ["Adam" "Goolan" "silly"] ["a" "oo" "ll"])
("Adm" "Glan" "siy")
See #Lee's comment below:
> (map #(clojure.string/replace %1 %2 "") ["Adam" "Goolan" "silly"] ["a" "oo" "ll"])
("Adm" "Glan" "siy")
Note - the above courtesy of
With any-to-any matching:
user=> (defn repl-all [x ys]
#_=> (reduce #(clojure.string/replace %1 %2 "") x ys))
user=> (defn the-quest [xs ys]
#_=> (map #(repl-all %1 ys) xs))
user=> (the-quest ["Adam" "Goolan" "silly"] ["a" "oo" "ll"])
("Adm" "Gln" "siy")
There's two slightly different formulations of the problem and your example doesn't quite indicate which you want:
Make one pass, removing any substring of the input strings which matches any of the second strings.
Make one pass for each string to remove in sequence. This can remove more characters than option 1, as each removal can create new substrings which otherwise wouldn't qualify.
If what you want is the second case, that seems to be taken care of. If it's the first case, I'd suggest something like
(import java.util.regex.Pattern)
(defn the-quest [strs to-remove]
(let[my-pattern (->> to-remove
(map #(Pattern/quote %))
(clojure.string/join "|")
(map #(clojure.string/replace % my-pattern "") strs)))
Here I just create a regular expression matching any of the to-remove strings and do one replace on instances of the regex. You have to bring in Pattern/quote if you want to be able to use regex control characters in the to-removes.

collecting multiple maximum values

I have a list of elements. Each element is structured as followed:
('symbol "string" int-score)
An example list:
(list (list 'object1 "wabadu" 0.5)
(list 'object2 "xezulu" 0.6)
(list 'object1 "yebasi" 0.5)
(list 'object1 "tesora" 0.2))
I want to retrieve the maximum values for a specific symbol. When I search with the symbol object2, I should get back:
('object2 "xezulu" 0.6)
If I search with object1, I should get back:
(('object1 "wabadu" 0.5) ('object1 "yebasi" 0.5))
I want to collect all the highest elements of a specific object. What I can do is this: assume that the above list is the list used below and that I'm searching for object1. I can retrieve all elements of a specific object:
(loop for element in list
when (equal 'object1 (first element))
collect element)
I can also retrieve one highest element of the list:
(loop for element in list
when (equal 'object1 (first element))
maximize (third element))
However, this will only return one element. What I want is all maximum elements. I've tried some combinations with collect and maximize, but my knowledge on the syntax is little. Is there a way to collect all the highest elements in a ‘simple’ function?
A sketch of a LOOP-based version:
(defun mymax (target list &aux result max)
(loop for (item name value) in list
when (eql item target)
do (cond ((or (null result)
(> value max))
(setf result (list (list item name value))
max value))
((= value max)
(push (list item name value) result))))
This will create a hash-table with the keys being the symbols and the values being arranged in the way (maximum . (list of strings corresponding to maximum))
(let ((data (list (list 'object1 "wabadu" 0.5)
(list 'object2 "xezulu" 0.6)
(list 'object1 "yebasi" 0.5)
(list 'object1 "tesora" 0.2))))
:with table := (make-hash-table)
:for (item string num) :in data :do
(destructuring-bind (&optional max strings)
(gethash item table)
((or (null max) (< max num))
(setf (gethash item table) (list num (list string))))
((= max num)
(setf (cdr strings) (cons string (cdr strings))))))
:finally (return table)))
;; #<HASH-TABLE {1005C6BE93}>
;; --------------------
;; Count: 2
;; Size: 16
;; Test: EQL
;; Rehash size: 1.5
;; Rehash threshold: 1.0
;; [clear hashtable]
;; Contents:
;; OBJECT1 = (0.5 ("wabadu" "yebasi")) [remove entry]
;; OBJECT2 = (0.6 ("xezulu")) [remove entry]
I think your life would be later easier with this hash table then with the data structure you currently have.
You can do that by looping through the list once for selecting all the sublists with the right first elements and determining the maximum (you can use into to let loop accumulate multiple values), and then a second loop in the finally clause go through the selection and now select only those with the maximum score:
(loop for triple in *l*
for (key nil score) = triple
when (eq key 'object1)
collect triple into selection
and maximize score into max-score
finally (return (loop for triple in selection
when (eql (third triple) max-score)
collect triple)))
Edit: Alternatively, instead of a second loop, the delete function can be used here quite concisely:
(loop for triple in *l*
for (key name score) = triple
when (eq key 'object1)
collect triple into selection
and maximize score into max-score
finally (return (delete max-score selection
:test #'/=
:key #'third)))
The maximize returns only one element. You can sort all the list by the 3rd component and then gets the front one(s). Like this:
;;; suppose a copy of the data is stored in l
;; get all 'object1 and sort them
(setf l (sort (remove-if-not
(lambda (x) (equal (first x) 'object1)) l)
#'> :key #'third))
;; remove the ones with smaller value than the first one
(setf l (remove-if
(lambda (x) (< (third x) (third (first l)))) l))
Abstract your data to create basic building blocks; combine building blocks into your needed functionality:
(defun make-foo (type name score)
(list type name score))
(defun foo-type (foo) (elt foo 0))
;; ...
(defun make-foos (&rest foos)
(defun foos-find-if (foos predicate)
;; return all foos satisfying predicate
(defun foos-maximize (foos orderer)
;; return the maximum foo (any one)
(defun foos-find-if-maximized (foos)
(foos-find-if foos
(let ((max (foos-maximize foos #'foo-score)))
(lambda (foo)
(= (foo-score max) (foo-score foo))))))
Here is an approach by first saving symbol-list that only contains the lists with the search object. Then we can easily get the maximum value and remove those lists with a smaller value.
(defun foo (symbol list)
(let* ((symbol-list (remove-if-not #'(lambda (l) (eq (first l) symbol))
(max (apply #'max (mapcar #'third symbol-list))))
(remove-if-not #'(lambda (l) (= (third l) max))
We can call it: (foo 'object1 l)
As a rule of thumb, if you are really wanting to boil down a list of things into a single result, there should be a nice way to do this with reduce.
And there is:
(defun collect-maxima-by-third (list)
#'(lambda (max-list next-element)
(let ((max-value (third (first max-list)))
(next-value (third next-element)))
(cond ((< max-value next-value)
(list next-element))
((= max-value next-value)
(cons next-element max-list))
(t max-list)))) ; the greater-than case
(rest list)
:initial-value (list (first list))))
It's not perfect, as if you give it an empty list it will give you a list containing an empty list instead of just an empty list, but you can easily add a case for this if you think that will happen often.
This type of technique (maybe not this exact example) is detailed in various texts on functional programming; some Haskell texts do a particularly good job (Learn You a Haskell comes to mind).

Write a nested doseq over unknown number of collections

I have a file LIST that has a sequence of characters per line. Each line is labeled with a category, i.e. "C". Example:
C: w r t y i o p s d f g h j k l z b n m
V: a e i o u
E: n m ng
I want to print every combination of C, V and E (or maybe just C and V, C and E, etc.) using doseq, but generically as I won't know the nested collections at compile time.
"CV" [x y] (str x y )
"CVE" [x y z] (str x y z)
"CVCV" [x y z a] (str x y z a)
My code word-generator.clj
(ns word-generator )
(use 'clojure.string)
(import '
(use '
(defn get-lines [fname]
(with-open [r (reader fname)]
(doall (line-seq r))))
(defn get-list [x lines]
(first (remove nil?
(for [num (range (count lines)) ]
(if (= (first(split (nth lines num) #"\s+")) x)
(rest(split (nth lines num) #"\s+")))))))
(def sounds(get-lines "LIST")) ;; get the list
(def C (get-list "C:" sounds)) ;; map consonants
(def V (get-list "V:" sounds)) ;; map vowels
(def E (get-list "E:" sounds)) ;; map end consonants
(def LI "CVE") ;; word structure
(defn word-runner[carry args depth]
(doseq [x C y V z E] (println (str x y z)))) ;; iterate and make the words
(defn runner[]
( (print "enter arg list: ")
(def INPUT (read-line))
(word-runner "" INPUT 0)))
How can I implement word-runner so that doseq does a nested loop over all sequences of characters found in the file - but without knowing the number of lines in the file at compile-time?
This is actually a problem of combinatorics, not so much looping. Use the cartesian-product function from the math.combinatorics library to solve your problem.
;; alternative implementation of "word-runner"
(defn print-cartesian-products [& seqs]
(doseq [combs (apply cartesian-product seqs)]
(println (apply str combs))))

Variadic Functions in Scheme (using nested maps)

I have to define a variadic function in Scheme that takes the following form: (define (n-loop procedure [a list of pairs (x,y)]) where the list of pairs can be any length.
Each pair specifies a lower (inclusive) and upper bound (exclusive). That is, the following function call: (n-loop (lambda (x y) (inspect (list x y))) (0 2) (0 3)) produces:
(list x y) is (0 0)
(list x y) is (0 1)
(list x y) is (0 2)
(list x y) is (1 0)
(list x y) is (1 1)
(list x y) is (1 2)
Now, I had posted on this topic one previous time and was helped wonderfully. However, I have been given new guidelines to adhere to. The solution is to be found using nested maps only.
The way I've been going about this is as follows: find all of the values specified by the first set of bounds (in the example, (0 1 2)). This can be done by a function called (enumerate lowBound highBound). Then, I need to take each of those numbers, and cons each number in the next set of bounds (0 1 2 3), resulting in ((0 0) (0 1) (0 2) (0 3) (1 0)...).
What I've written to this point is the following:
(define (n-loop op . pairs)
(apply op (generate pairs))
(define (generate pairs)
(map (lambda (x) (cons x (generate (cdr pairs))))
(map (lambda (x) (enumerate (car x) (cadr x))) pairs))
But for the given numbers, this outputs (0 1 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2) when I need ((0 0) (0 1) (0 2) (0 3) (1 0)...). This is a nasty problem. Does anyone have any insight?
This problem is more complex than you seem to realize. In particular, generating the cartesian product of an arbitrary list of ranges needs far more work - have you tried your procedure with more than two ranges? It piqued my interest, this time I'll give my shot to a complete solution, using only procedures defined for the solution, simple operations over lists (cons, car, cdr, append), lambda, apply and map.
First, the helper procedures from simplest to hardest. We need a way to generate a range of numbers. If available, use build-list or for-list, but if you need to implement it from scratch:
(define (enumerate low high)
(if (>= low high)
(cons low
(enumerate (add1 low) high))))
Now we need a mechanism for folding (reducing, accumulating) the values in a list. If available use foldr, otherwise implement it like this:
(define (reduce proc lst init)
(if (null? lst)
(proc (car lst)
(reduce proc (cdr lst) init))))
To avoid unnecessary nesting in lists, use a flatmap - a procedure that both maps and flattens a list of values:
(define (flatmap proc lst)
(reduce (lambda (e acc)
(append (proc e) acc))
lst '()))
This is the core of the solution - a procedure that generates the cartesian product of an arbitrarily long list of lists of values denoting ranges:
(define (product . args)
(reduce (lambda (pool result)
(flatmap (lambda (x)
(map (lambda (y)
(cons x y))
Finally, the procedure in the question. It uses the helper procedures defined above, noticing that the op received can have an arbitrary number of parameters (depending on the number of ranges specified), so we need to use apply on each generated tuple of values:
(define (n-loop op . pairs)
(map (lambda (tuple) (apply op tuple))
(apply product
(map (lambda (pair)
(enumerate (car pair) (cadr pair)))
Test it like this:
(n-loop (lambda (x y z) (list x y z))
'(0 2) '(0 3) '(4 6))
> '((0 0 4) (0 0 5) (0 1 4) (0 1 5) (0 2 4) (0 2 5)
(1 0 4) (1 0 5) (1 1 4) (1 1 5) (1 2 4) (1 2 5))
