How to open a WPF project with Blend in Visual Studio 2012? - wpf

I'm using Visual Studio 2012 Professional Edition and have a WPF project.
I'd like to open my WPF project with Blend but the option doesn't exist in my visual studio.
Should I install Blend separately? How can I make the option visible and enable it?
Look at this video:
there is an "Open for Blend" option when right clicking on the project.

You can initiate a new instance of blend 2012 and open the corresponding project in that.. This is very basic.. is it not working?

I have had this same exact problem with using VS2013 Ultimate SP2.
It would appear that this only actually works when it's a Silverlight project, but once you open up Blend for Visual Studio you're able to go to File -> Open Project/Solution... and select the project you want to design with Blend.
As far as I am aware this is the only way to open Blend without looking through the VS 2012/2013 program folders. I have tried it several times with WPF (even right-clicking on specific XAML files) with no success.
This may have been fixed, so I will be updating VS2013 to the latest version (SP3) and update this answer with my findings.


How to show Smart Tags in Winforms Form in Visual Studio 2019

I've been out of the winforms space for quite a few years. Trying to find out where the smart tag is in a winforms form in Visual Studio 2019 and how to invoke it.
Following instructions from
I cannot, even without devexpress find the windows smart tag. Ideas?
Smart tag is enable by default in design-time. If you don't see it, try:
Uninstall Visual Studio.
Delete all temporary, settings, data files/folders of Visual Studio.
Restart computer.
Re-install Visual Studio.

WPF 4.5 doesn’t show the option to open the project in Microsoft Blend

In my WPF 4.5 project in Visual Studio 2013, when I right clicked the name of my project it doesn’t show the option to open in Microsoft Blend…..
How I can open my project in Microsoft Blend???
Make sure you open Projects panel in Blend for Visual Studio 2013 after opening the solution file. Then you can open .xaml files from there.

cannot open project file in blend in visual studios 2012

Hello I've been switching between blend and visual studio for designing and coding and I heard that you can right click an XML file and click open in blend I've looked on the context menu and it isn't there. Any help is appreciated.
The Blend in Visual Studio 2012 is for Windows Phone and Windows Store apps only,
Blend will continue to ship as a standalone tool with Visual Studio
2012, as part of a consolidated designer/developer offering. Blend for
Visual Studio 2012 provides a rich design-centric environment for
building Windows Store apps and Windows Phone apps. In addition,
Visual Studio 2012 Update 2 and later adds support for Silverlight and
WPF editing, as well as SketchFlow.
You will have to install Update 2 as suggested by Microsoft.

WPF application template not available in Visual Studio 2010

I have just installed Visual Studio 2010.
when I attempt to create a new project in c#, there is no option for a WPF application. There is for Visual Basic.
The flie does exist in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\ProjectTemplates\CSharp\Windows\1033
What could be wrong here?
My first suggestion would be to run the installer again - it should come up with "repair" and "change" (or something like that) options along with "uninstall".
"Repair" will reset what you already have installed.
"Change" (or "Update" - I don't have VS2010 installed on this machine to check the actual wording) should let you run through the install again adding and removing components. Step through this double checking that you've installed all the templates and options.
If that doesn't work then you could try an uninstall and re-install/
You need to specify the targeting .NET framework.
Select File menu from VS2008 or VS2010; Select .NET framework 3.5 or 4.0; Select Visual C#. you will find WPF Application template listed

Visual Studio 2008 Xaml Editor not working / disappeared

When I start up VS 2008 to work on a WPF / Silverlight App and open a XAML or XML file the XAML / XML editor is no longer working. The designer does not show up and intellisense is unavailable. It basically looks like a text file has been opened.
Try running the following command.
"%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\ide\devenv" /resetSkipPkgs
If that doesn't work try repairing the Visual Studio Install
Start -> Control Panel
Add Remove Programs
Select VS
Choose repair
The designer for XAML is awful. Do yourself a favour and set your XAML files to open in the code viewer instead; they'll load quicker and you won't have to deal with the designer's flakiness.
However, to fix the intellisense, just re-register TextMgrP.dll using regsvr32 as indicated here.
I've seen this problem before, running this command should fix it :
Devenv.exe /ResetSkipPkgs
If you right click the file, select "Open With", and then choose "Windows Presentation Foundation Designer", does that work? If so, most likely the default editor for .xaml files has changed. You can reset this back to the designer by pressing "Set as Default" when the designer you want is selected in the list in the Open With dialog.
It looks like there is an XML package that was previously not loaded, see other question here;
Visual Studio 2008 XML Editor Disappeared
Also, there is an answer on the Silverlight forums that describes using the "devenv /setup" command that can be found in (VS2008InstallationDirectory)\IDE.
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! It finally worked!!!!! Only after a week of pulling my hair out. I had multiple issues.
Xaml editor and add DataSource Wizard and other things would not work with VS 2008.
Tried to install SP1. It would not let me because Office Suite 2007 was in the middle of an SP1 update and would not finish.
Un-installed Microsoft office and reinstalled and service packed.
Tried devenv /setp & devenv /resetskippkgs to no avail.
Finally service packed VS2008.
Retried the devenv /setp & devenv /resetskippkgs twice and voila!! It worked.
Thanks a bunch.
i had similar problems when i installed VS2008 Professional over an existing VS2008 Express edition. Suddenly my XAML designer stopped working . i got failed loading the XAML dll error.
So i just uninstalled all VS Express stuff and then installed VS 2008 SP1 fixed all things.
try link below for VS 2008 SP1.
