Single-Double quotes error in Full Text Search - sql-server

I am run into trouble.If type in Single-Double quotes in search statement will raise up a error,My sql statement like this:
SELECT UsersID,Sex,Age FROM dbo.UserBasicInfo WHERE
The error message:
Msg 7630, Level 15, State 3, Line 1
Syntax error near 'JAVA*' in the full-text search condition '"*"JAVA*"'.
Assume that the result must contains Single-Double quotes like: "JAVA"PHP" How to do?
Thanks !

You have an extra embedded double quote:
This effectively terminates the string early, and SQL Server doesn't understand what that extra stuff is.
Should be (I think, not a full-text guru):
However, I think that will eliminate the error, but not return the results you are after, since punctuation is ignored. You may have to use a combination of CONTAINS and LIKE, e.g.:
AND PositionDesired LIKE '%"JAVA"%'
Or for the new requirement you've added:
CONTAINS(PositionDesired,'JAVA PHP')
AND PositionDesired LIKE '%"JAVA"PHP%"'
In the LIKE clause you don't have to worry about escaping or doubling-up the double quote, because it isn't a string delimiter there.
Hopefully the CONTAINS clause will filter results first, but even in a normal query there is no guarantee of short-circuiting or order of evaluation; I have no idea about a query with full-text and standard filters.


Use of pipe symbol in Select clause

Is there any way/use of putting pipe symbol || in select clause.
I have come across following query in one of the article(probably to concatenate two values), but when I try to use the same in my query I am getting syntax error.
select FirstName ||''|| LastName As CustomerName from Customer
Please correct if I am using wrong syntax.
You can use CONCAT() function, which works in SQL Server 2012 and above, or just a plain + sign to do concatenation.
Returns a string that is the result of concatenating two or more
string values.
you need to use '+' to perform Concat() instead of pipe if you are using SQL-Server. Pipe operator is not used in SQL-Server
It is used to concatenate you columns and output a single result i.e in one column.
For example, if i want to see first name and last name together as in one column then i could use pipes:
SELECT Fname||Lname FROM my_table;
If you are asking whether you can use pipes || for concatenation in Microsoft SQL, then the short answer is no.
If you’re asking about the concatenation operator itself, then read on.
|| is the standard ANSI concatenation operator. This is apparent in PostgreSQL, SQLite and Oracle, among others.
Microsoft, however uses +, because, why not. Except Microsoft Access uses &, because, why not.
MariaDB/MySQL have two modes. In traditional mode, || is interpreted as “or”, and there is no concatenation operator. In ANSI mode, || is interpreted as the concatenation operator.
Most DBMS (not SQLite) have the non-standard concat() function which will also concatenate. They also coalesce any NULLs to empty strings, so they’re a bit more forgiving if you don’t care about NULLs.

Escaping Strings in SQL Server

Am having issues with escaping parts of strings in SQL. On example is:
SELECT TOP 10000 *
FROM experience
Which is saying incorrect syntax near Incorrect syntax near 'AT'. Seems its an issue with the & - is there any general rule to escaping?
Have also tried
SELECT TOP 10000 *
FROM experience
WHERE name Like
This works, although gives no results (there are results which should come up)
The only character that needs escaping in a string literal is the single quote. '. This is escaped by doubling them up instead of with a backslash.
SELECT 'O''Reilly'
In the vast majority of cases you should be using parameterised queries anyway and never need to even do that.
The correct operator to use is =
SELECT TOP 10000 *
FROM experience
WHERE name = 'AT&T'
Works Fine SQL Fiddle Demo
IS is only used in conjunction with [NOT] NULL
The only special significance backslash has in a string literal is if immediately before a line break when it acts as a line continuation character.
PRINT 'This is all \
one line'
This is all one line

Oracle SELECT - Double quotes or no double quotes? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Oracle SQL Syntax: Quoted identifier
(4 answers)
ORA-00904: invalid identifier
(13 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
When writing SELECT queries for Oracle 11i databases, why do some tables in Oracle enforce applying quotation marks to the fields being selected, and others not.
An example I've recently come across:
In Aqua Data Studio in a Query Analyzer window I have attempted to select the same field from two different tables:
select _id from table1
select _id from table2
table1 and table2 differ greatly, but Only table1 executes this select statement without an error. When I try to execute this statement for table2 I get the following:
ORA-00904: "_ID": invalid identifier
Script line 1, statement line 1, column 7
However, when I execute the second statement like this it works perfectly:
select "_id" from table2
Does anyone know what is going on here, why is this the case, and what could the key differences be between the tables be that is causing this?
The answers and links about casing are correct, but your situation goes a little beyond a simple case issue, both because your column name started with an underscore and because your client is apaprently usually hiding the quoting from you.
If you tried to create a table with a column called _id, without quoting it, then you'd get an 'ORA-00911: invalid character' error, the cause text of which says 'identifiers may not start with any ASCII character other than letters and numbers'; which is actually wrong as well since it can't start with a number either (for example, 0_id gives 'ORA-00904: : invalid identifier'). This is backed up by the database object naming rules:
Nonquoted identifiers must begin with an alphabetic character from your database character set. Quoted identifiers can begin with any
So it looks like Aqua Data Studio is following a convention of enclosing the upper-case version of the object name you supply in double-quotes, a practice mentioned in one of the linked posts.
From what you've shown, select _id from ... gets passed to Oracle as select "_ID" from ..., which is fine if the column name was created as "_ID". It appears that is the case for table1, but table2 was created as "_id" - so that case mismatch generates the legitimate ORA-00904 you're seeing.
Your client is not modifying a column name that is already enclosed in double-quotes, so select "_id" from ... is passed through to Oracle as-is, and works OK for table2 (but, conversely, would fail for table1).
Oracle requires the name to be enclosed in double quotes if it doesn't follow the rules for unquoted identifiers, and if it was created as quoted - unless the original quoted value was valid anyway, i.e. follows the unquoted rules and was entered in uppercase. Since your column name starts with an underscore, as far as Oracle is concerned all references to it have to be enclosed in double-quotes regardless of the case. Your client is just doing that in the background if you haven't quoted it yourself.
Following the advice others have given to avoid quoted identifiers and to always use names that are valid unquoted would avoid issues like this.
The problem comes from the creation of the object.
If you create an object with lower case AND quotation marks, it will enforce case sensitivity.
So you'll need to use quotation marks and right casing to use it.
If you create without quotes (or all in upper case), you won't face any "case sensitivity" problems, and will be able to select object with lower or upper case (without quotation marks)

Meaning of ; in queries

What is the meaning of ; at the end of queries?
For example; what is the difference between:
select 1
select 2
select 1;
select 2
"From a SQLServerCentral.Com article by Ken Powers:
The Semicolon
The semicolon character is a statement terminator. It is a part of the ANSI SQL-92 standard, but was never used within Transact-SQL. Indeed, it was possible to code T-SQL for years without ever encountering a semicolon.
There are two situations in which you must use the semicolon. The first situation is where you use a Common Table Expression (CTE), and the CTE is not the first statement in the batch. The second is where you issue a Service Broker statement and the Service Broker statement is not the first statement in the batch."
this is from When should I use semicolons in SQL Server? which might be what you are looking for
which is in turn "straight a cut and paste"
I think this might be stack overflows version of a joke.
edit: ; are also after merge statements
Using the ; is the correct way to end one statement and start another. If you do not use the ; you may get unexpected results
It is to denote the end of an Sql statement.
Giving a list of situation that are 'required' is always prone to omission. There are other situations besides commont table expression and SSB which the parser cannot handle w/o semicolon terminating the previous statement, like THROW or WITH XMLNAMESPACES and the list is bound to grow.
The correct answer is: semicolon terminators are required and should always be put whenever writing new code. Period. Omitting them is tolerated, but is on the official deprecation list:
Deprecated feature: Transact-SQL Not ending Transact-SQL statements with a semicolon
Replacement: End Transact-SQL statements with a semicolon ( ; ).
Ignoring this deprecation warning is on your own peril.

Why SQL Server doesn't treat this code erratic? [duplicate]

Shouldn't one of these statements work and one fail?
Intuition says Statement 2 should fail because there is a comma after int and no second column listed.
Yet both work and the trailing comma "," after the last column data type makes no difference.
-- Statement 1
CREATE TABLE dbo.MyTable1( col1 int);
-- Statement 2
CREATE TABLE dbo.MyTable2( col1 int,);
However (and this is expected): two commas ",," after the last field do cause a failure:
-- Statement 3
CREATE TABLE dbo.MyTable3( col1 int,,);
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 1
Incorrect syntax near ','.
Testing shows that its not just any character after the last field that is allowed through. For example, this fails:
-- Statement 3
CREATE TABLE dbo.MyTable3( col1 int ~);
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 1
Incorrect syntax near '~'.
Maybe SQL Server is "saving a seat at the table" for something? The Primary Key perhaps? I really don't know.
I am using Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 (SP1) - 10.50.2500.0 (X64).
When executing the CREATE TABLE command, a trailing comma following
the last column is allowed. Based on the grammar in BOL and comma
usage in lists in other T-SQL statements, this behavior is
inconsistent. This is a very minor issue and does not appear to cause
any adverse side-effects. It just appears that the parser may be a bit
Microsoft views this as a bug, but a minor one.
This was resolved some time ago as "won't fix" but we didn't explain why. Simply, this seems pretty harmless, and not worth fixing in a service pack. We may consider fixing this in a future release.
It should be flagged as a syntax error, but there is a bug in SQL Server that doesn't treat the trailing comma as a syntax error.
Source: Microsoft Support (The affected versions in the list - 6, 6.5, and 2000 - are old, but I guess it's still around because it just worked for me in 2008.)
Almost all languages which permit comma-separated list items permit a comma after the last list item. This is done to make editing the program or file, and especially inserting new list items, easier. You don't have to worry about adding a comma after the current last list item, or removing a comma if you delete the old last list item.
