How to swift between face and line? - x3d

I want to display a obeject that can be changed between face and line by a switch. What should I do?
here is my code:

You can use a Switch node that contains two versions of the object (one using IndexedFaceSet and one using IndexedLineSet) and toggle between them using the Switch.whichChoice property.
Here's an example:
Group {
children [
DEF sensor TouchSensor {}
DEF shapes Switch {
whichChoice 0
choice [
# Choice 0: Not wireframe
Shape {
appearance DEF appearance Appearance {
material Material {
emissiveColor 0 0.5 0
geometry IndexedFaceSet {
coordIndex [0 1 2 0 -1]
coord DEF coords Coordinate {
point [
-2 -2 0, 0 2 0, 2 -2 0
solid FALSE
# Choice 1: Wireframe
Shape {
appearance USE appearance
geometry IndexedLineSet {
coordIndex [0 1 2 0 -1]
coord USE coords
DEF script Script {
field SFNode shapes USE shapes
eventIn SFTime clicked
directOutput TRUE
url "javascript:
function clicked(){
if (shapes.whichChoice == 0){
shapes.whichChoice = 1;
} else {
shapes.whichChoice = 0;
ROUTE sensor.touchTime TO script.clicked


swift filter 2d array by some value

I have an array like this
var cinema = Array(repeating: Array(repeating: 0, count: 30), count: 5)
user might input some values like this
cinema[1][20] = 5
cinema[1][21] = 6
Now, I would like to find out all nun 0 values and its index.
I think it is maybe possible to do it by for loop, but this is takes more time.
Is there a way to use something simpler? such as array.filter? {
$0.enumerated().filter { $0.element != 0 }
The code from #Jessy is correct. {
$0.enumerated().filter { $0.element != 0 }
Additionally, one could try follows as well:
for (i, row) in cinema.enumerated() {
for (j, cell) in row.enumerated().filter({$0.element != 0 }) {
print("m[\(i),\(j)] = \(cell)")

Count hashmap elements with condition for members? [duplicate]

I'm basically looking for the swift equivalent of the follow c++ code:
std::count_if(list.begin(), list.end(), [](int a){ return a % 2 == 0; }); // counts instances of even numbers in list
My problem isn't actually searching for even numbers, of course; simply the general case of counting instances matching a criterion.
I haven't seen a builtin, but would love to hear that I simply missed it.
Like this:
let a: [Int] = ...
let count = a.filter({ $0 % 2 == 0 }).count
An alternative to Aderstedt's version
let a = [ .... ]
let count = a.reduce(0){
(count, element) in
return count + 1 - element % 2
My intuition says my way will be faster because it doesn't require the creation of a second array. However, you'd need to profile both methods to be sure.
Following MartinR's comment about generalisation of the function, here it is
extension SequenceType
func countMatchingCondition(condition: (Self.Generator.Element) -> Bool) -> Int
return self.reduce(0, combine: { (count, e) in count + (condition(e) ? 1 : 0) })
let a = [1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 12].countMatchingCondition { $0 % 2 == 0 }
print("\(a)") // Prints 3
Default array:
let array: [Int] = [10, 10, 2, 10, 1, 2, 3]
filter(_:) method
let countOfTen = array.filter({ $0 == 10 }).count // 3
count(where:) method
Update: This Swift 5.0 feature was withdrawn in beta testing because it was causing performance issues for the type checker.
let countOfTen = array.count(where: { $0 == 10 }) // 3
You can use Collection.lazy to have the simplicity of Aderstedt's Answer but with O(1) space.
let array = [1, 2, 3]
let count = array.lazy.filter({ $0 % 2 == 0 }).count
The most compact reduce statement that will do this is:
let a = Array(1 ... 20)
let evencount = a.reduce(0) { $0 + ($1 % 2 == 0 ? 1 : 0) }
Reduce takes two variables: starts with 0 (var $0) then for every element in Array a (var $1) if the value is divisible by 2 with no remainder then add one to your count.
This is also efficient as it does not create an additional array unlike using a.filter(){}.count .
You can also do this with reduce()
let a = Array(1 ... 20)
let evenCount = a.reduce(0) { (accumulator, value) -> Int in
guard value % 2 == 0 else { return accumulator }
return accumulator + 1
Almost everything you want to do with the map() and filter functions can actually be done with a reduce although it's not always the most readable.
Swift 5 or later:
public extension Sequence {
func occurrences(where predicate: (Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Int {
try reduce(0) { try predicate($1) ? $0 + 1 : $0 }
public extension Sequence where Element: Equatable {
func occurrences(of element: Element) -> Int {
reduce(0) { element == $1 ? $0 + 1 : $0 }
let multiplesOf2 = [1,2,3,4,4,5,4,5].occurrences{$0.isMultiple(of: 2)} // 4
"abcdeabca".occurrences(of: "a") // 3
extension BinaryInteger {
var isOdd: Bool { !isMultiple(of: 2) }
var isEven: Bool { isMultiple(of: 2) }
(-4).isOdd // false
(-3).isOdd // true
(-2).isOdd // false
(-1).isOdd // true
0.isOdd // false
1.isOdd // true
2.isOdd // false
3.isOdd // true
4.isOdd // false
(-4).isEven // true
(-3).isEven // false
(-2).isEven // true
(-1).isEven // false
0.isEven // true
1.isEven // false
2.isEven // true
3.isEven // false
4.isEven // true
let odds = [1,2,3,4,4,5,5,11].occurrences(where: \.isOdd) // 5
let evens = [1,2,3,4,4,5,5,11].occurrences(where: \.isEven) // 3

How do I filter out hashes from an array of hashes?

I have params that looks like this:
params = [{:limit=>5}, {:skip=>0}, {:asc=>""}, {:desc=>""}]
I want to remove the hash elements whose value is 0 or an empty string. I tried doing:
params.reject { |h| h.values !== 0 }
but this gives me a syntax error
Also tried: { |h| h.values != 0 || h.values != "" }
but this gives me nothing. What am I doing wrong?
You have an array of hashes, so you have to operate on each hash.
params.reject { |hash| hash.any? { |_, v| [0, ''].include?(v) }}
#=> [{:limit=>5}]
Instead of having an array of hashes with only one pair of |key,value|, you could just merge all the hashes to get one big hash.
It becomes easier to remove the unwanted values, and it also becomes easier to extract information :
params = [{ limit: 5 }, { skip: 0 }, { asc: '' }, { desc: '' }]
hash = params.inject(&:merge).reject{|_, value| value == 0 || value == '' }
# => {:limit=>5}
# => 5
With an array of hashes, you'd have to write :
(h = array_of_hashes.find{|h| h.keys.include?(:limit)} ) && h[:limit]
#=> 5
I found two ways to do this:
filtered = params.reject { |hash| hash.values.any? { |v| v.to_i == 0 } }
filtered = { |hash| hash.values.none? { |val| val == '' || val == 0 } }
Using reject with include will also solve this problem.
params.reject { |key| key.values.include?(0) || key.values.include?("") }

extracting csv data and plotting 2D array using scala and processing

I was wondering if anybody might be able to shed some light on this problem, I'm quite new to scala and generally non R programming, so i'm still learning some of the ropes so to speak.
What i'm trying to do is plot a 2D array, so a grid of squares on a gray scale with a darker colour representing a higher value. I have a csv file of x and y locations on the grid and a third value z which will be represented by the colour.
I've written two pieces of code which do what I want, one extracts data from a csv file, the other plots the type of data that is extracted. The problem I have is getting them to work together.
So piece of code 1 extracts data which is as follows:
x, y, z
50, 16, 52
21, 25, 29
13, 12, 445
///////extract the data
object DataExtractor extends App {
def using[T <: Closeable, R](resource: T)(block: T => R): R = {
try { block(resource) }
finally { resource.close() }
for (line <- io.Source.fromFile("C://~//TestData.csv").getLines.drop(1)) {
val array = line.split(",")
try {
val xloc = array(0)
val yloc = array(1)
val intense = array (2)
}catch { case ex: Exception => }
This gives me a value from each line of the csv the x axis location (xloc), y axis (yloc) and what will be the intensity value (intense) in order to plot how darkly shaded the grid square is.
The second piece of code plots a 2D array using "processing"
/////////plotting data
import processing.core._
class FT extends processing.core.PApplet {
val xloc = 9 //define locations
val yloc = 1
val intense = 4 //define intensity of colour
var grid: Array[Array[Cell]] = _
var cols: Int = 100 // grid size
var rows: Int = 100
override def setup() {
size(200, 200) //window size
grid = Array.ofDim[Cell](cols, rows)
for (i <- 0 until cols; j <- 0 until rows) {
grid(i)(j) = new Cell(i * 10, j * 10, 10, 10, i + j) //cell size
override def draw() {
for (i <- 0 until cols; j <- 0 until rows) {
class Cell(var x: Float,
var y: Float,
var w: Float,
var h: Float,
var strength: Float) {
def display() {
rect(x, y, w, h)
def height() {
strength = intense
def xl() {
x = xloc
def yl() {
y = yloc
As you can see, in my second piece of code i've given xloc, yloc and intense arbitrary values. What i'm trying to do is to loop through a csv file and for each line plug in the data to the plotting code so the final result is a grid with differing colour intensities based on the x, y and z values in the csv file.
Any help will be much appreciated as i'm still trying to figure out how one links chunks of code together in scala.
So what i've tried is to integrate the two pieces of code, however I'm running into a new problem which is that scala will not initialize a local varaible within a method (var grid). But by moving grid outside of the loop it can no longer access the Cell class...any pointers or ideas would be much appreciated
import processing.core._
class FT extends processing.core.PApplet {
for (line <- io.Source.fromFile("C:~TestData.csv").getLines.drop(1)) {
try {
val array = line.split(",")
var xloct = array(0)
var yloct = array(1)
var intenset = array (2)
val xloc = xloct.toFloat
val yloc = yloct.toFloat
val intense = intenset.toFloat
var grid: Array[Array[Cell]] =_ // error "local variables must be initialized"
var cols: Int = 100 // grid size
var rows: Int = 100
def setup() {
size(200, 200) //window size
grid = Array.ofDim[Cell](cols, rows)
for (i <- 0 until cols; j <- 0 until rows) {
grid(i)(j) = new Cell(i * 10, j * 10, 10, 10, i + j) //cell size
def draw() {
for (i <- 0 until cols; j <- 0 until rows) {
class Cell(var x: Float,
var y: Float,
var w: Float,
var h: Float,
var strength: Float) {
def display() {
rect(x, y, w, h)
def height() {
strength = intense
def xl() {
x = xloc
def yl() {
y = yloc
} catch { case ex: Exception => }

Double loop in Groovy

How can I double loop using each if I have a structure like this:
Termin 1
[ [ 1][2 ][3 ] ]
Termin 2
[ [1 ] [2 ] [3] ]
println("second"); // 1 2 3
it is used when you don't define the attribute name. You can just change the name:
def nested = [[1],[2],[3]]
nested.each { n ->
n.each { s ->
print "Nested: $s \n"
it is implicit to the wrapped closure, so if you are fluent with Groovy semantics, you can also use
def nested = [[1],[2],[3]]
nested.each {
// `it` is meant for the nested.each{}
it.each {
// `it` is meant for the it.each{}
print "Nested: $it \n"
Both of the approach yield the same result.
