Database schema to store configurable sections of a web page - database

It is not a normal CMS feature where I want to store whole page content in one column in the database.
My ASP.NET MVC project requirement is that users selects a web page template to create a web page.
Template should then be loaded with its relevant sections e.g. Title, Headline, Latest News section having a heading and Text lines, Other Links section containing Links e.g. About Us, Images section containing images, caption etc.
Template has already filled in the sample data into all sections.
All the Page sections and sections' content are configurable. e.g. User choose to add News section. A form will appear having three fields. Title, Text1, Text2 and a button e.g. Add more text. User can then select to add more text or edit text1, text2.
Web Page's main struture is that:
User creates a web page. This page has sections. Sections have links, headline, text, images, video, buttons etc. All sections and their content are configurable.
I am wondering how can this kind of data/configuration be stored in the database. e.g. sql server.
Anyone can please help?

It sounds like a page associated with a template and has a set of named 'sections'
- tid (pk)
- template (blob)
- pid (pk)
- tid (fk to template.tid)
- url (string)
section: (pk=pid + name)
- pid (fk to
- name (string)
- content (blob)


In Drupal 7 views how to give external link (another website) to a title?

Iam new to drupal 7 views.
I have a content type contains title, description fields. I want the content title's to scroll at the top of the page, so that i created a view and it works fine.What is my question is, i want to link a content (eg: 1st content (title) in a scroll) to another website instead of content page, the remaining contents linked to the content page. Is it possible?.If it is possible how it can be done?..
Thanks in advance,
A.John Melchior.
Yes, it's possible.
One way to do it, would be to use the Link module to create a link field in your node.
Use the link field to input the external link value.
In views add the link field, before the title ( order is important ) and exclude it from display
Add the node title field in the views and in the rewrite field output option, use one the link field token as your path.
I'm not looking at the Views UI right now , but you should find at least a couple of ways to redirect content when the node title is clicked. You should have the Rewrite field output and the Output this field as a link.
You could make use of Display Suite coupled with the description above.
Create a link field for your nodes.
Create 2 view modes for your content type via Display Suite. View Mode 1 will show the link field as the first data element, View Mode 2 will show the title as the first element.
Configure your view to show output using Display Suite, configured to show the first record using View Mode 1, all others using View Mode 2.

Veeva Salesforce uploading presentation

maybe this is not a good quetion posted on this site, but I am trying to upload a presentation to SalesForce ( I understand that at first I have to create "Key messages" which represent each slides in the presentation, then I create new CLM presentation and select presentation slides.
But then I am stucked. Is this everything to uploading the presentation or I have to migrate the presentation somewhere, upload somewhere else using FTP, etc.
I hope my question is understandable (because my English is not very good).
Thanks for help.
AFAIK, follow these steps to upload a presentation with single slide..
Create a Key message and upload the media (zip file). (Simply give key message name and upload proper well-formed zip)
Create a Presentation Slide (Just slide name)
Now, create a CLM Presentation, in which you need to browse and select the above 2 objects against their respective fields.
That's it on salesforce.
Now sync iRep app on device/iPad and it should come down in "Media".
Try this,
1.Create a new presentation
2.Go to CLM Key Messages tab and here, before creating a new key message you might need to create a new view("Create New View" link button) to group these key messages(at least that's how I do it).
Here you need to make sure that the filter method is set correctly otherwise I won't be able to see those key messages attached to this view.
So you can set sth like this(on step 2):
Field | Operator | Value
Message | contains | slide_prefix
On step 3 you need to add "Message" in "Selected fields" Tab
3.Now create a "New CLM Message" and make sure that it has "slide_prefix" on his name composition(Ex: if slide_prefix is "EXSlide" then clm message should be named like: EXSlide myslide01 or EXSlide_slide01)
4.After creating CLM key message you will be redirected to his info page where you need to upload the ".zip" file.
5.Last step is to create "New Presentation Slide"(On the bottom of the page). Here you need to input the Presentation(presentation name created on step 1), key message name(you can search for them) and a display order
Now sync the ipad and it should appear.
In addition to sTx answer, you can take a look at the "Veeva Content Creation Guidelines" (Link below). This will fit most of your developer needs.
Veeva Content Creation Guidelines
Keep in mind that often client groups have special region codes and labeling rules (see also: sTx answer to "Prefix" rules), that you have to follow, to match users and contents in a global account. If you dont, nothing will appear on the iPad. Example: yourID + Language + Country (
Also companys often split thier environment in two, a sandbox and a production section - Make sure you have the permission to see sandbox contents. For this purpose, activate the "Training Content" checkbox on the presentation object, to see your presentation without a migration.
All contents you create in the backend are by default visible to you on the iPad. Check the "Config" > "Media" list and look for your Zips files; if they get downloaded.

Marking one article as Featured to show on the Taxonomy Landing Page in Drupal 7

On my Taxonomy (Category) Landing Page, I am listing all the articles in the chronological format. But I also want to show one Article (that I select) or a latest one as a Featured Article on the Landing Page. With the Featured Article, I'd show the following Custom Fields within the Article:-
Featured Image
Couple of other custom fields
My question is how to do it with a probable customized loop or any module?
Create a view (block) and setup your fields.
Add a Taxonomy Term ID Contextual Filter
Choose "Provide Default Value" in the "WHEN THE FILTER VALUE IS NOT AVAILABLE" section
Choose "Taxonomy term ID from URL" in type.
Save the contextual filter and then save your view.
Have the view block display on the taxonomy term pages.

Drupal 7 - How to create a contextual filter based on an aliased url

I've created a content type 'Attorney', and have set a url alias pattern for all attorneys to be 'attorneys/[node:title]'. I'd like to create a view that uses the aliased path to display the information about the attorney. This view should have a 'page' display.
When a user visits '' the view returns data for the Attorney with the name Aaron Silber.
I've searched high and low for a solution to this but can't seem to find one that works for me. Typically I'm asked to create a page view with a url of 'attorneys/%' and add a contextual filter with 'Content: Nid', choosing to provide a default value (type: Raw value from URL, path component 2).
The resources on the web for this case are aweful at best. Lets try to fix it here once and for all.
Use a Views block instead with the visibility set to "Only the listed pages" and supply "attorneys/*" in the textarea. Set the block to display in the main content region. Use the Content: Nid filter with a default value of path component 2, as you were previously attempting.
You can't have an attorney node page and a Views page occupying the same URL.

Views Content Pane "Related content" by taxonomy

I'm currently developing a Drupal 7 site where I use Page Manager's "node_view" to customize the layout for my "Article" content type.
So, whenever viewing an Article I want to show a little box with "Related content".
I have a taxonomy vocabulary "Shared category" that I use in all my content types.
For example I also have a "Gallery" content type, so when viewing an article in with the "myTag" term - I want to show a Content Pane with images tagged with "myTag" from the "Shared category" vocabulary.
My question is about setting up the Contextual Filter for the Content Pane.
Should the "Argument input" be a Vocabulary or a Term? - I've tried both but can't get it to work.
Also I have another question: Is it possible to use a Content Pane as a block, that is shown with the Panel? - I guess not, sinse the Contextual filter value comes from Page Manager.
You won't want to manually input the argument in the panel, as it will vary for each article.
You'll want to set it automatically using a default argument that gets the tid from the node.
To get the related content block to show content based on the same terms as the node being viewed, you'd need to add a taxonomy term id argument to the view.
You can then try the 'Set a default argument' and use 'taxonomy term from URL' ( node option )
If that doesn't work, you may need to get the relevant tid from node using php code in the default argument area, with something like node_load or menu_get_object to load the node.
e.g something like
if($node = menu_get_object()){
return $node->field_shared_category[$node->language][0]['tid'];
Related content can be shown by using contextual filter in block views. This block view will contain content which are associated with the current content viewed by a user.
You can goto "Create related content block view based on terms in Drupal 7" blog post to get step by step instruction to create this block view.
