Use cases for -U - c

Some C compilers provide -D to define a macro on the command line and -U to undefine one (built-in or defined with -D).
I have used -D, but I'm curious about -U. What are the cases where it's useful in practice?

Here's one use case (I'm sure there are others):
Where your C compiler is being called from another application that generates the source for the C compiler, you won't easily get access to the source to modify it by hand (although most such compilers have a "keep C" option, editing generated code by hand is something to avoid). Usually the first compiler will have a bunch of options to set, and also let you pass further options to the C compiler yourself in an "options for the C compiler" argument (for instance, it might do this to let you control C compiler optimisation levels without assuming that the compiler is GCC). And sometimes the options for how to ultimately compile the generated code are controlled by macros built into the C output: since the output doesn't exist at the time you're entering command line options, -U and -D may be the only way to set those flags.
Real-world example: Gambit-C defaults to the option to output one massive C function instead of many separate ones, which (according to the docs) makes it easier for a C compiler to optimise the final code. It actually outputs the same C either way, toggling the behaviour with the __SINGLE_HOST macro. But compiling one huge function can take forever (or just fail) on an older machine, so there needs to be a way to turn this behaviour off. -U__SINGLE_HOST as one of the passed-through arguments to the C compiler can make it possible to actually compile Gambit projects on older computers while still enjoying some level of optimisation.
In this case the behaviour of __SINGLE_HOST could have been handled by the Gambit compiler instead, but while not strictly necessary, it gives more freedom to the person designing the first compiler. Which is always good.
The more generalised version of this answer would be that -U is useful any time your build system passes a bunch of -D arguments, and you don't want all of them; it can un-set default definitions after the system sets them.

I can only think of two cases where this can be useful:
If you have a #ifdef MY_MACRO or #ifndef MY_MACRO in your code, and MY_MACRO is defined (probably built-in, otherwise you could just delete it), and you want to compile without this macro (to change the behaviour of #ifdef)
Or if you want to redefine a macro with a different definition you "should" undefine it first (I write should, because the compiler complains if you doesn't, but everything works fine anyway)


How can I tell which defines are missing in a C file, not via compilation failure?

I have a C file (for simplicity, assume it includes nothing). This C files requires several definitions of literal numbers to compile properly - and I want to figure out which definitions these are.
Naturally, one can try to compile the file, and at some point we would start to get failures; with some failure recovery, we might get failure notifications about additional defines. But - that's not what I want:
I'm not interested in completing the compilation of the program. Building a syntax tree (or even a simplified syntax tree of some kind) should be enough.
I can assume that, other than missing macros, the program is syntactically correct. Which, for C, should means it's syntactically correct, period.
I can assume that the relevant macros are all in uppercase, i.e. they have the form [A-Z][A-Z_0-9]* ).
What are my alternatives for getting the list of undefined macros?
Motivation: In reality, I'm feeding something into a dynamic compilation library, and I want to check beforehand if all necessary macros have been defined, without knowing a priori which macros the file needs (i.e. it could be different ones for different input files).
The ugly fallback solution:
Obviously, your fallback is to just compile the program. But - do so while minimizing irrelevant messages and irrelevant. This will be compiler-dependent, but with GCC for example, you can:
Avoid any output generation
Suppress warnings
Suppress notes
Be strictly standard-compliant, no GNU extensions
Disable the use of those dumb fancy quotation marks GCC insists on using
... using various command-line switches and when making it take input from the standard input stream rather than a file (only way I've found so far to suppress some of the notes). That looks like:
cat your_program.c \
| LC_CTYPE=C gcc -std=c99 -fsyntax-only -x c -fcompare-debug-second -
and the output could look like:
<stdin>: In function 'mult':
<stdin>:3:18: error: 'MY_CONSTANT' undeclared (first use in this function)
Now, if your program is correct other than the undefined macros (= undeclared identifiers), then you can easily parse the above with a bit of shell scripting:
cat your_program.c \
| LC_CTYPE=C gcc -std=c99 -fsyntax-only -x c -fcompare-debug-second - \
| sed -r '/error: /!d; s/^.*error: '"'//; s/'.*//;" \
| sort -u
This has the further disadvantage of not being fully embeddable into your program, i.e. you can't invoke the partial compilation using some library in some program of yours, then programmatically parse the output. You would need a system()-type call.
Note: If your program can have other errors, the pattern for dropping the line in the sed command will need to be a little more specific.
You could use something around the idea that every identifier-like non-keyword outside a comment in a C file must be declared somewhere. (I think! Is that correct?)
The basic idea is to generate a list of such identifiers and search the program and then the included headers for a declaration of each. While this can be done by hand and ad-hoc it probably makes sense to index all potential header files and to use something like ctags for indexing as well as finding (there is a libctags, as I just learned).
I assume that the solution doesn't have to be perfect — missed cases will simply fail compilation — but that you want to reduce such cases. In that case the parsing of the source code for identifiers does not have to be perfect (it can ignore nested comments etc.) and can probably be done "manually" with acceptable effort.

C/C++ Compiler listing what's defined

This question : Is there a way to tell whether code is now being compiled as part of a PCH? lead me to thinking about this.
Is there a way, in perhaps only certain compilers, of getting a C/C++ compiler to dump out the defines that it's currently using?
Edit: I know this is technically a pre-processor issue but let's add that within the term compiler.
Yes. In GCC
g++ -E -dM <file>
I would bet it is possible in nearly all compilers.
Boost Wave (a preprocessor library that happens to include a command line driver) includes a tracing capability to trace macro expansions. It's probably a bit more than you're asking for though -- it doesn't just display the final result, but essentially every step of expanding a macro (even a very complex one).
The clang preprocessor is somewhat similar. It's also basically a library that happens to include a command line driver. The preprocessor defines a macro_iterator type and macro_begin/macro_end of that type, that will let you walk the preprocessor symbol table and do pretty much whatever you want with it (including printing out the symbols, of course).

How to use the __attribute__ keyword in GCC C?

I am not clear with use of __attribute__ keyword in C.I had read the relevant docs of gcc but still I am not able to understand this.Can some one help to understand.
__attribute__ is not part of C, but is an extension in GCC that is used to convey special information to the compiler. The syntax of __attribute__ was chosen to be something that the C preprocessor would accept and not alter (by default, anyway), so it looks a lot like a function call. It is not a function call, though.
Like much of the information that a compiler can learn about C code (by reading it), the compiler can make use of the information it learns through __attribute__ data in many different ways -- even using the same piece of data in multiple ways, sometimes.
The pure attribute tells the compiler that a function is actually a mathematical function -- using only its arguments and the rules of the language to arrive at its answer with no other side effects. Knowing this the compiler may be able to optimize better when calling a pure function, but it may also be used when compiling the pure function to warn you if the function does do something that makes it impure.
If you can keep in mind that (even though a few other compilers support them) attributes are a GCC extension and not part of C and their syntax does not fit into C in an elegant way (only enough to fool the preprocessor) then you should be able to understand them better.
You should try playing around with them. Take the ones that are more easily understood for functions and try them out. Do the same thing with data (it may help to look at the assembly output of GCC for this, but sizeof and checking the alignment will often help).
Think of it as a way to inject syntax into the source code, which is not standard C, but rather meant for consumption of the GCC compiler only. But, of course, you inject this syntax not for the fun of it, but rather to give the compiler additional information about the elements to which it is attached.
You may want to instruct the compiler to align a certain variable in memory at a certain alignment. Or you may want to declare a function deprecated so that the compiler will automatically generate a deprecated warning when others try to use it in their programs (useful in libraries). Or you may want to declare a symbol as a weak symbol, so that it will be linked in only as a last resort, if any other definitions are not found (useful in providing default definitions).
All of this (and more) can be achieved by attaching the right attributes to elements in your program. You can attach them to variables and functions.
Take a look at this whole bunch of other GCC extensions to C. The attribute mechanism is a part of these extensions.
There are too many attributes for there to be a single answer, but examples help.
For example __attribute__((aligned(16))) makes the compiler align that struct/function on a 16-bit stack boundary.
__attribute__((noreturn)) tells the compiler this function never reaches the end (e.g. standard functions like exit(int) )
__attribute__((always_inline)) makes the compiler inline that function even if it wouldn't normally choose to (using the inline keyword suggests to the compiler that you'd like it inlining, but it's free to ignore you - this attribute forces it).
Essentially they're mostly about telling the compiler you know better than it does, or for overriding default compiler behaviour on a function by function basis.
One of the best (but little known) features of GNU C is the attribute mechanism, which allows a developer to attach characteristics to function declarations to allow the compiler to perform more error checking. It was designed in a way to be compatible with non-GNU implementations, and we've been using this for years in highly portable code with very good results.
Note that attribute spelled with two underscores before and two after, and there are always two sets of parentheses surrounding the contents. There is a good reason for this - see below. Gnu CC needs to use the -Wall compiler directive to enable this (yes, there is a finer degree of warnings control available, but we are very big fans of max warnings anyway).
For more information please go to
Lokesh Venkateshiah

How does a macro-enabled language keep track of the source code for debugging?

This is a more theoretical question about macros (I think). I know macros take source code and produce object code without evaluating it, enabling programmers to create more versatile syntactic structures. If I had to classify these two macro systems, I'd say there was the "C style" macro and the "Lisp style" macro.
It seems that debugging macros can be a bit tricky because at runtime, the code that is actually running differs from the source.
How does the debugger keep track of the execution of the program in terms of the preprocessed source code? Is there a special "debug mode" that must be set to capture extra data about the macro?
In C, I can understand that you'd set a compile time switch for debugging, but how would an interpreted language, such as some forms of Lisp, do it?
Apologize for not trying this out, but the lisp toolchain requires more time than I have to spend to figure out.
I don't think there's a fundamental difference in "C style" and "Lisp style" macros in how they're compiled. Both transform the source before the compiler-proper sees it. The big difference is that C's macros use the C preprocessor (a weaker secondary language that's mostly for simple string substitution), while Lisp's macros are written in Lisp itself (and hence can do anything at all).
(As an aside: I haven't seen a non-compiled Lisp in a while ... certainly not since the turn of the century. But if anything, being interpreted would seem to make the macro debugging problem easier, not harder, since you have more information around.)
I agree with Michael: I haven't seen a debugger for C that handles macros at all. Code that uses macros gets transformed before anything happens. The "debug" mode for compiling C code generally just means it stores functions, types, variables, filenames, and such -- I don't think any of them store information about macros.
For debugging programs that use
macros, Lisp is pretty much the same
as C here: your debugger sees the
compiled code, not the macro
application. Typically macros are
kept simple, and debugged
independently before use, to avoid
the need for this, just like C.
For debugging the macros
themselves, before you go and use it somewhere, Lisp does have features
that make this easier than in C,
e.g., the repl and
macroexpand-1 (though in C
there is obviously a way to
macroexpand an entire file, fully, at
once). You can see the
before-and-after of a macroexpansion,
right in your editor, when you write
I can't remember any time I ran across a situation where debugging into a macro definition itself would have been useful. Either it's a bug in the macro definition, in which case macroexpand-1 isolates the problem immediately, or it's a bug below that, in which case the normal debugging facilities work fine and I don't care that a macroexpansion occurred between two frames of my call stack.
In LispWorks developers can use the Stepper tool.
LispWorks provides a stepper, where one can step through the full macro expansion process.
You should really look into the kind of support that Racket has for debugging code with macros. This support has two aspects, as Ken mentions. On one hand there is the issue of debugging macros: in Common Lisp the best way to do that is to just expand macro forms manually. With CPP the situation is similar but more primitive -- you'd run the code through only the CPP expansion and inspect the result. However, both of these are insufficient for more involved macros, and this was the motivation for having a macro debugger in Racket -- it shows you the syntax expansion steps one by one, with additional gui-based indications for things like bound identifiers etc.
On the side of using macros, Racket has always been more advanced than other Scheme and Lisp implementations. The idea is that each expression (as a syntactic object) is the code plus additional data that contains its source location. This way when a form is a macro, the expanded code that has parts coming from the macro will have the correct source location -- from the definition of the macro rather than from its use (where the forms are not really present). Some Scheme and Lisp implementations will implement a limited for of this using the identity of subforms, as dmitry-vk mentioned.
I don't know about lisp macros (which I suspect are probably quite different than C macros) or debugging, but many - probably most - C/C++ debuggers do not handle source-level debugging of C preprocessor macros particularly well.
Generally, C/C++ debuggers they don't 'step' into the macro definition. If a macro expands into multiple statements, then the debugger will usually just stay on the same source line (where the macro is invoked) for each debugger 'step' operation.
This can make debugging macros a little more painful than they might otherwise be - yet another reason to avoid them in C/C++. If a macro is misbehaving in a truly mysterious way, I'll drop into assembly mode to debug it or expand the macro (either manually or using the compiler's switch). It's pretty rare that you have to go to that extreme; if you're writing macros that are that complicated, you're probably taking the wrong approach.
Usually in C source-level debugging has line granularity ("next" command) or instruction-level granularity ("step into"). Macro processors insert special directives into processed source that allow compiler to map compiled sequences of CPU instructions to source code lines.
In Lisp there exists no convention between macros and compiler to track source code to compiled code mapping, so it is not always possible to do single-stepping in source code.
Obvious option is to do single stepping in macroexpanded code. Compiler already sees final, expanded, version of code and can track source code to machine code mapping.
Other option is to use the fact that lisp expressions during manipulation have identity. If the macro is simple and just does destructuring and pasting code into template then some expressions of expanded code will be identical (with respect to EQ comparison) to expressions that were read from source code. In this case compiler can map some expressions from expanded code to source code.
The simple answer is that it is complicated ;-) There are several different things that contribute to being able to debug a program, and even more for tracking macros.
In C and C++, the preprocessor is used to expand macros and includes into actual source code. The originating filenames and line numbers are tracked in this expanded source file using #line directives.
When a C or C++ program is compiled with debugging enabled, the assembler generates additional information in the object file that tracks source lines, symbol names, type descriptors, etc.
The operating system has features that make it possible for a debugger to attach to a process and control the process execution; pausing, single stepping, etc.
When a debugger is attached to the program, it translates the process stack and program counter back into symbolic form by looking up the meaning of program addresses in the debugging information.
Dynamic languages typically execute in a virtual machine, whether it is an interpreter or a bytecode VM. It is the VM that provides hooks to allow a debugger to control program flow and inspect program state.

Find header file that defines a C function

Shouldn't be hard, right? Right?
I am currently trawling the OpenAFS codebase to find the header definition of pioctl. I've thrown everything I've got at it: checked ctags, grepped the source code for pioctl, etc. The closest I've got to a lead is the fact that there's a file pioctl_nt.h that contains the definition, except it's not actually what I want because none of the userspace code directly includes it, and it's Windows specific.
Now, I'm not expecting you to go and download the OpenAFS codebase and find the header file for me. I am curious, though: what are your techniques for finding the header file you need when everything else fails? What are the worst case scenarios that could cause a grep for pioctl in the codebase to not actually come up with anything that looks like a function definition?
I should also note that I have access to two independent userspace programs that have done it properly, so in theory I could do an O(n) search for the function. But none of the header files pop out to me, and n is large...
Edit: The immediate issue has been resolved: pioctl() is defined implicitly, as shown by this:
AFS.xs:2796: error: implicit declaration of function ‘pioctl’
If grep -r and ctags are failing, then it's probably being defined as the result of some nasty macro(s). You can try making the simplest possible file that calls pioctl() and compiles successfully, and then preprocessing it to see what happens:
gcc -E test.c -o test.i
grep pioctl -C10 test.i
There are compiler options to show the preprocessor output. Try those? In a horrible pinch where my head was completely empty of any possible definition the -E option (in most c compilers) does nothing but spew out the the preprocessed code.
Per requested information: Normally I just capture a compile of the file in question as it is output on the screen do a quick copy and paste and put the -E right after the compiler invocation. The result will spew preprocessor output to the screen so redirect it to a file. Look through that file as all of the macros and silly things are already taken care of.
Worst case scenarios:
K&R style prototypes
Macros are hiding the definition
Implicit Declaration (per your answer)
Have you considered using cscope (available from SourceForge)?
I use it on some fairly significant code sets (25,000+ files, ranging up to about 20,000 lines in a file) with good success. It takes a while to derive the file list (5-10 minutes) and longer (20-30 minutes) to build the cross-reference on an ancient Sun E450, but I find the results useful.
On an almost equally ancient Mac (dual 1GHz PPC 32-bit processors), cscope run on the OpenAFS (1.5.59) source code comes up with quite a lot of places where the function is declared, sometimes inline in code, sometimes in headers. It took a few minutes to scan the 4949 files, generating a 58 MB cscope.out file.
openafs-1.5.59/src/aklog/aklog_main.c (along with comment "Why doesn't AFS provide these prototypes?")
openafs-1.5.59/src/auth/ktc.c includes a define for PIOCTL
openafs-1.5.59/src/sys/pioctl_nt.c provides an implementation of it
openafs-1.5.59/src/sys/rmtsysc.c provides an implementation of it (and sometimes afs_pioctl() instead)
The rest of the 184 instances found seem to be uses of the function, or documentation references, or release notes, change logs, and the like.
The current working theory that we've decided on, after poking at the preprocessor and not finding anything either, is that OpenAFS is letting the compiler infer the prototype of the function, since it returns an integer and takes pointer, integer, pointer, integer as its parameters. I'll be dealing with this by merely defining it myself.
Edit: Excellent! I've found the smoking gun:
AFS.xs:2796: error: implicit declaration of function ‘pioctl’
While the original general question has been answered, if anyone arrives at this page wondering where to find a header file that defines pioctl:
In current releases of OpenAFS (1.6.7), a protoype for pioctl is defined in sys_prototypes.h. But that the time that this question was originally asked, that file did not exist, and there was no prototype for pioctl visible from outside the OpenAFS code tree.
However, most users of pioctl probably want, or are at least okay with using, lpioctl ("local" pioctl), which always issues a syscall on the local machine. There is a prototype for this in afssyscalls.h (and these days, also sys_prototypes.h).
The easiest option these days, though, is just to use libkopenafs. For that, include kopenafs.h, use the function k_pioctl, and link against -lkopenafs. That tends to be a much more convenient interface than trying to link with OpenAFS libsys and other stuff.
Doesn't it usually say in the man page synopsis?
