visual studio 2012 .net 4 created application requires .net 45 - wpf

I have created a WPF application, using Visual Studio 2012 running on Windows 8 that targets .NET 4. But, when I try to run the app on another machine, that runs Windows 7, the app cannot starts. The target machine has installed .NET 4, but the app cannot run on it. But when I install the .NET 4.5 on target machine, it works. I check the entire solution, and there is not any dependency to .NET 4.5. How is it possible? Any idea?
UPDATE: I'm using these packages:
While all of them are targeting to .NET 4 in package.config file, is it any chance that one of them are using some .NET 4.5 features?

Please ensure that no reference assembly is targeted to or code contains references to 4.5 framework. Then it should works

Finally, I found the problem. I was compiling the project by (Any CPU) configuration. When I changed it to x86, the problem resolved.


How can I add the .NET framework 5.0 to Visual Studio Professional 2019?

I have downloaded and installed the new .NET framework 5.0 from this website.
But I would like to know how to add this framework to a project created on Visual Studio 2019 16.8.0.
I have launched VS installer and I have searched for the new framework, but I can't find it.
I have already opened: Project -> Properties -> Target Framework.
But the most recent framework that I got is .NET framework 4.8
How can I add the new framework to the target frameworks in Visual Studio 2019?
I have a conflict now and I would like to know what's the difference between .NET framework SDK and .NET framework Developer pack, I'm wrong in this point.
As mentioned in the link above, there is no .NET framework 5.0 in the developer pack list.
Can anyone explain this to me?
Download and install the Visual Studio 2019 SDK from the .NET Core releases site.
.NET 5.0 is continued development of .NET Core and it no longer follows the old (.NET 4 and older) targeting pack. Instead, .NET 5 is installed as an SDK into the .NET Core framework & sdk directory structure. For folks who have been doing .NET Core for some time, this feels natural, but coming from .NET 4, it's new.
Create a new .NET Core project type and set the .NET version to .NET 5.0:
There are specific .NET (not .NET Framework) project templates for Winforms and a few other project types. These will also target .NET 5 or .NET Core where appropriate:
Unfortunately, there is no magic wizard to upgrade a .NET 4 project over to .NET 5. The step-by-step guidance can be found here:
Winforms Migration from .NET 4 to .NET 5
WPF Migration from .NET 4 to .NET 5
Many ASP.NET folks have gone through these steps to move from .NET 4 to .NET Core in the past. There are many blog posts on the issues they bumped into and how they solved that. The process is very similar and there are some tools now to help you along the way.
The main steps are the same for every .NET 4 project:
Change your packages.config to <packageReference> format.
Change your project file to the new SDK project format.
Run the API Compatibility analyzers. This will tell you where to expect breaking changes.
Switch the target framework to .NET 5 in the project file
Update/change/add required nuget packages to the versions that support .NET Core/.NET 5.
Fix any build issues.
Create a new .NET 5 project of the desired target type.
Add the required project configurations etc.
Add the NuGet Packages you're going to need.
Copy the sources over from your .NET 4 project. Or copy the project file into the folder where your existing project resides. It should automatically import all source files.
Fix build issues
It may be possible there won't be a NuGet package of 3rd party components you use that are compatible with .NET 5. In that case you'll need to either wait for one to be released or find an alternative. Of course, in case of open source projects, you could help them out by porting the package for them and sending a pull request.
The Migration guidance linked above gives you multiple approaches to achieve each step.

WPF one executable file from project

I have a WPF project with one external library. Is it possible to make one executable file "*.exe" from this project to run on windows systems even without .net? and how to insert that library into .exe file?
You will need to have the .net framework installed on the clients pc. What this says is that since .Net has been preinstalled on Windows since XP SP1, you should target your application to the runtime that is available on the system you wish to install it on. And since you are targeting WPF you will need to make sure that you have available .net 3.5 or greater. You may want to look into the Client installation of the framework since it is smaller. And you may want to look at this Stackoverflow question
i.e. from above link
Windows .Net Framework
Win 7 SP1 4
win 7 3.5.1 ( can be updated to .Net Framework 4 through windows updates )
windows vista 3.0 ( can be updated to .Net Framework 4 through windows updates )
windows XP Sp 1 2.0
You must have .net installed to use a wpf application. You can use clickonce to make the install experience more friendly to the user, if he doesn't the right version of the .net framework installed.
As for the external third party library, see my answer here for the same issue.

Setup project for wpf application

I am trying to build a setup-msi using visual studio for my wpf application.
The issue i am facing is that i force primary output from wpf project to the setup project
and the dependencies are calcaluted automatically.
I run the msi locally (on the machine i built the wpf app) and everything works fine.
The problems start when i try to install it on different machines.
On other machines i run the installation process and it finishes justfine
but when i try to run the application i get exceptions about assemblies that could not be found.(e.g System.Web , Version=4,0,0,0 could not be found etc)
I really suck building setup projects but can anybody give a hand?
P.S.: I also tried installShield... same results.
I would guess that the target machine only had .NET Framework 4.0 Client Profile installed. System.Web is in .NET Framework 4.0 Extended, which is installed with the full 4.0 Framework but not with the Client Profile.
Are you bootstrapping .NET 4 in your setup?
Check for the presence of "Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile" and "Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Extended" in Add/Remove Programs (XP) or Programs and Features (Vista/7) on the machines where the application ran fine and those where it gave that error.
Edit: .NET Framework Deployment Guide for Developers. That should help you figure out how best to deploy it.

How can I inform the user of an XCOPY WPF 4 app that he needs to install .NET 4?

I've made a small tool application with Visual Studio 2010 which to distribute it, I zip these files from the Release folder:
then unzip them on the target machine (no installation).
When I run it on a Windows 7 machine with .NET 4 installed, it runs fine.
When I run it on a Vista machine with .NET 3.5 installed, it gives me this default error message:
In order to run this appication, you
need to install the following version
of .NET: v.4.0.21006 To learn how to
install this version, contact the
distributor of this application.
When I run it on an XP machine with .NET 3.0 installed, it gives me an error that doesn't that the application cannot start but doesn't mention installing .NET.
Is there anyway that I can intercept these messages to e.g. give a nice-looking, custom message with install instructions and a link to the .NET 4 download?
I think that the only solution is to make a small non-.NET application that checks if the .NET Framework is installed, and if so, launches your .NET application. For the framework detection part, see for example here:
Check out the Application.DispatcherUnhandledException Event... maybe you could globally catch the exception and inform your user in there about having to install .NET 4.0. Probably this can help you determine what .NET platform versions are installed, and maybe even avoid using the .NET 4 features if you see that the client machine does not have it.

Error targeting .NET framework 3.0

I have an application, which I develop in VS 2008 and I target .NET 3.
Unfortunately when I install on a clean computer with .NET 3, it crashes. And besides the usual TypeInitilisationError, I have no clue why.
Updating the same machine to .NET 3.5SP1 makes it run fine.
Is there something broken in VS2008 that prevents from telling me a more detailed error?
How can I be sure I don't use any of the newest classes of the framework?
It is true that I found myself using DropShadowEffect which belongs to 3SP1. I removed it.
But does not work.
What am I doing wrong?
Have you tried to determine which version of the framework is installed on each computer. If you're using .Net 3.5 SP1 to compile the program it actually includes .Net 3.0 sp2 which has some extra features (MultiSelector class to name one) which are not available in .Net 3.0 sp1 which is the default install with .Net 3.0 download from Microsoft.
You can try here for some software that will help:
Visual Studio won't tell you about any errors for this because everything seems fine with the version of .Net 3.0 that it's using. I ran into this problem using the WPF toolkit as it requires the MultiSelector class which didn't arrive until .Net 3.0 sp2. So, Jonathan, if you can show us the error output from your program on the 'Fresh' .Net 3.0 computer then we could probably tell you what you're using that is in .Net 3.0 sp2 that isn't supported in lower versions.
Also, I usually use VS2005 with programs that I want to run under a lower runtime than .Net 3.5sp1, but this really only applies to .Net 2.0 apps.
If we knew what components from .Net 3.0 that you're using, it would help as well!
Thanks for the answer.
Because of VS2008, on my dev computer i have the latest 3.5SP1.
But in Visual Studio i selected 3 as a target.
And to check i install on a clean computer with 3.0...
So your proposition do tells me which framework is installed, but does not tell me what in my program uses in the newest framework that is not present in 3.0.
Moreover, something must be broken in VS2008 as it should warm me for that...
I feel like this is a problem with VS 2008, but obviously MS feels differently.
VS 2008 comes with .NET 3.5, some .NET 3.0 service pack, and .NET 2.0 SP1. It can only detect whether you are using things that don't belong to a version that is installed on your machine, not whether you are conforming to some service pack. This means that if you target .NET 2.0, but install your software on a machine that does not have .NET 2.0 SP1, if you use anything specific to SP1 your application will fail when it tries to make the call.
The only way to detect this that I have seen is to inspect the changelist of the service packs or to target .NET 3.5. If .NET 3.5 is installed, so are the service packs that come with it. It's not a good solution, but it's the only one I've found.
