I'm new to linux programming and not entirely familiar with all the synchronization facilities so I'd like to ask more knowledgeable people how they might go about solving this problem.
I have a single thread that I would like to run through a loop. The stopping point in the loop will be a read operation on a socket. I want the read operation to block for some period of time and then timeout. However, I need a way unblock the thread from the read, if some event needs attention. The "event" could be any one of a number of different things so I need some way to tell the thread what cause the read to unblock.
I know that you can unblock a blocked read with a signal but I'm not sure how that's done.
See the select() system call.
This is especially useful for waiting for multiple file channels.
You can set timeout of socket operation. Example:
struct timeval timeout;
timeout.tv_sec = TIMEOUT_SEC;
timeout.tv_usec = TIMEOUT_MSEC;
setsockopt(sock_fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, &timeout, sizeof(timeout));
/* now receive msg */
recvmsg(sock_fd, &msg, 0);
When you want to make your socket blocking, do:
timeout.tv_sec = 0;
timeout.tv_usec = 0;
setsockopt(sock_fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, &timeout, sizeof(timeout));
epoll seems to be the way to go:
The epoll API performs a similar task to poll(2): monitoring multiple
file descriptors to see if I/O is possible on any of them. The epoll
API can be used either as an edge-triggered or a level-triggered inter‐
face and scales well to large numbers of watched file descriptors. The
following system calls are provided to create and manage an epoll
man epoll for more info. You might want to see "Example for Suggested Usage" section on manual.
See also epoll vs select
Sounds like you want to use select() as others have mentioned, but you also want a way to interrupt it when a "message" of some sort is available. A typical way of interrupting a select() is to use the self pipe trick. Basically you create a pipe() and also select() on the read file descriptor of the pipe. When a message arrives in the queue maintained by your program, write a byte to the pipe. This will cause your select call to return and you'll be able to check to see if your pipe is ready for reading. If it is then you know you have a message to process (whatever that is in your context), so you process it and then go back to select(). Better yet, you could have your pipe actually be your message queue. If you just use the pipe as a way to signal that messages are on your queue, make sure you actually read() the bytes out of your pipe each time through, or it will fill up eventually and block you from writing more notifications to it.
Although, as others have mentioned, why not just have one thread service your queue and do your writes to the socket, while another thread does the reads? Probably a lot simpler.
Perhaps these two libraries may be of use to you:
They both use the event-driven paradigm on one or more threads (if so desired). Of course, you can implement your own event-driven framework using already mentioned APIs and conditional variables, but that might be more work than necessary.
I'm programing a small c linux local server. I've read a lot of documentation about threads, select function, nonblocking options, etc.
But I can't find any documentation about how to deal with client-side failures.
More specifically, working with threads and blocking sockets (not the best idea, I know, but I'm just running some tests), what happens when the client connection goes too slow? or what happens when the client doesn't close the connection properly (or not closing it at all)? Will my socket remain blocked? or the thread will never finish?
How to deal with this situations?
When using blocking sockets you have a couple of options.
One is to have one thread per client such that when you wait for information it doesn't matter how long you block. Note that when a connection is closed, the blocked operation will terminate. You can read a much more detailed description of this here.
An alternative to multiple threads is to use select. This allows you to wait on multiple file descriptors until some subset of the file descriptors are ready in the sense that they will not block. So basically instead of blocking on a single file descriptor during a read or write, you instead block on select and then you know you won't later block on the read/write.
Finally, you can use the asynchronous I/O functions, aio_read and aio_write which will perform the read/write asynchronously from the calling thread of execution.
Typically, sockets have some timeout value which can be controlled by the client. If a connection runs too slowly, or the connection dies for some reason (e.g. poor internet connectivity), the socket operation might continue to block until the timeout expires. With Linux sockets, when the timeout expires, you'll get an ETIMEDOUT errno that you can then handle later.
Typical values for the timeout are on the order of 60-300 seconds, but you can set them lower if you want to know about timeouts sooner. You can also set it to infinite, but this isn't recommended if you're using direct blocking calls since you could hang your thread forever.
On Linux (and any other system using the BSD socket API), you may change the socket timeouts using
struct timeval timeout;
timeout.tv_sec = 60;
timeout.tv_usec = 0;
setsockopt(socket, SOL_SOCK, SO_RCVTIMEO, &timeout, sizeof(struct timeval));
I've seen a few write-ups comparing select() with poll() or epoll(), and I've seen many guides discussing the actual usage of select() with multiple sockets.
However, what I can't seem to find is a comparison to a non-blocking recv() call without select(). In the event of only having 1 socket to read from and 1 socket to write to, is there any justification for using the select() call? The recv() method can be setup to not block and return an error (WSAEWOULDBLOCK) when there is no data available, so why bother to call select() when you have no other sockets to examine? Is the non-blocking recv() call much slower?
You wouldn't want a non-blocking call to recv without some other means for waiting for data on the socket as you poll infinitely eating up cpu time.
If you have no other sockets to examine and nothing else to do in the same thread, a blocking call to read is likely to be the most efficient solution. Although in such a situation, considering the efficiency of this is like to be premature optimisation.
These kinds of considerations only tend to come into play as the socket count increases.
Nonblocking calls are only faster in the context of handling multiple sockets on a single thread.
If there is no data available, and you use non-blocking IO, recv() will return immediately.
Then what should the program do ? You would need to call recv() in a loop until data becomes available - this just uses CPU for pretty much no reason.
Spinning on recv() and burning CPU in that manner is very undesirable; you'd rather want the process to wait until data becomes available and get woken up; that's what select()/poll() and similar does.
And, sleep() in the loop in order to not burn CPU is not a good solution either. You'd introduce high latency in the processing as the program will not be able to process data as soon as the data is available.
select() and friends let you design the workflow in such a way that slowness of one socket does not impede the speed at which you can serve another. Imagine that data arrives fast from the receiving socket and you want to accept it as fast as possible and store in memory buffers. But the sending socket is slow. When you've filled up the sending buffers of the OS and send() gave you EWOULDBLOCK, you can issue select() to wait on both receiving and sending sockets. select() will fall through if either new data on the receiving socket arrived, or some buffers are freed and you can write more data to the sending socket, whichever happens first.
Of course a more realistic use case for select() is when you have multiple sockets to read from and/or to write to, or when you must pass the data between your two sockets in both directions.
In fact, select() tells you when the next read or write operation on a socket is known to succeed, so if you only try to read and write when select allows you, your program will almost work even if you didn't make the sockets non-blocking! It is still unwise to do, because there exist edge cases when the next operation still may block despite select() reported that the socket as "ready".
On the other hand, making the sockets non-blocking and not using select() is almost never advisable because of the reason explained by #Troy.
This is a question similar to Proper way to close a blocking UDP socket. I have a thread in C which is reading from a UDP socket. The read is blocking. I would like to know if it is possible to be able to exit the thread, without relying on the recv() returning? For example can I close the socket from another thread and safely expect the socket read thread to exit? Didn't see any high voted answer on that thread, thats why I am asking it again.
This really depends on what system you're running under. For example, if you're running under a POSIX-compliant system and your thread is cancelable, the recv() call will be interrupted when you cancel the thread since it's a cancel point.
If you're using an older socket implementation, you could set a signal handler for your thread for something like SIGUSR1 and hope nobody else wanted it and signal, since recv() will interrupt on a signal. Your best option is not to block, if at all possible.
I don't think closing a socket involved in a blocking operation is a safe guaranteed way of terminating the operation. For instance, kernel.org warns darkly:
It is probably unwise to close file descriptors while they may be in
use by system calls in other threads in the same process. Since a
file descriptor may be reused, there are some obscure race conditions
that may cause unintended side effects.
Instead you could use a signal and make recv fail with EINTR
(make sure SA_RESTART is not enabled). You can send a signal to a
specific thread with pthread_kill
You could enable SO_RCVTIMEO on the socket before starting the recv
Personally I usually try to stay clear of all the signal nastiness but it's a viable option.
You've got a couple of options for that. A signal will interrupt the read operation, so all you need to do is make sure a signal goes off. The recv operation should fail with error number EINTR.
The simplest option is to set up a timer to interrupt your own process after some timeout e.g. 30 seconds:
itimerval timer
timeval time;
time.tv_sec = 30;
time.tv_usec = 0;
timer.it_value = time;
if( setitimer( ITIMER_REAL, &timer, NULL ) != 0 )
printf( "failed to start timer\n" );
You'll get a SIGALRM after the specified time, which will interrupt your blocking operation, and give you the chance to repeat the operation or quit.
You cannot deallocate a shared resource while another thread is or might be using it. In practice, you will find that you cannot even write code to do what you suggest.
Think about it. When you go to call close, how can you possibly know that the other thread is actually blocked in recv? What if it's about to call recv, but then another thread calls socket and gets the descriptor you just closed? Now, not only will that thread not detect any error, but it will be calling recv on the wrong socket!
There is probably a good way to solve your outer problem, the reason you need to exit from a blocking UDP socket read. There are also several ugly hacks available. The basic approach is to make the socket non-blocking and instead of making a blocking UDP socket read, fake a blocking read with select or poll. You can then abort this loop several ways:
One way is to have select time out and check an 'abort' flag when select returns.
Another way is to also select on the read end of a pipe. Send a single byte to the pipe to abort the select.
If posix complient system, you can try to monitor your thread:
pthread_create with a function that makes your recv and pthread_cond_signal just after, then returns.
The calling thread makes a pthread_cond_timedwait with the desired timeout and terminates the called thread if timed_out.
I have this thread in my application that monitors a set of client sockets. I use select() to block until a client makes a request, so that I can handle it efficiently without multiplying threads.
Now, problem is, when I add a new client to the list of clients, I have to wait for the timeout of select() (set to 10 seconds) to actually add the new socket to the listened sockets.
So I'd like to make select() crack before the timeout so that a client can be listened to immediately.
I already have a solution to that: create a dummy socketpair that I always include in my listened sockets list, and in which I write to make select() crack, but I'm hoping there's a better solution out there.
I have no access to eventfd() because the GLibc I use is too old (and I have no mean to update it). So I might have to use a fifo or a socket.
Do you know any?
The usual way of waking up a select loop is to add the read end of a pipe() fd pair to the select's watching set. When you need to wake up the select loop, write some dummy data to the write end of the file descriptor.
Note that on linux you might also want to consider using an eventfd() instead of a pipe() - it may be somewhat more efficient (although less portable).
You could also handle the listen socket in the select loop instead of handing it off to another thread - this would wake up the select loop implicitly when a new client comes.
You can use the same select() call to wait for the incoming connection by including the listener socket in the FD set; this way, when it indicates that a connection is waiting, you can accept the connection without blocking and add the new file descriptor to the set.
You can raise signal to force EINTR from select(), but signal processing in multithreaded programs is black magic and socketpair() is simpler and more reliable.
You can use WSAEventSelect to link a windows socket with HEVENT and wait then linked to socket HEVENT with another descriptors using WaitForMultipleObjects.
I have a worker thread that is listening to a TCP socket for incoming traffic, and buffering the received data for the main thread to access (let's call this socket A). However, the worker thread also has to do some regular operations (say, once per second), even if there is no data coming in. Therefore, I use select() with a timeout, so that I don't need to keep polling. (Note that calling receive() on a non-blocking socket and then sleeping for a second is not good: the incoming data should be immediately available for the main thread, even though the main thread might not always be able to process it right away, hence the need for buffering.)
Now, I also need to be able to signal the worker thread to do some other stuff immediately; from the main thread, I need to make the worker thread's select() return right away. For now, I have solved this as follows (approach basically adopted from here and here):
At program startup, the worker thread creates for this purpose an additional socket of the datagram (UDP) type, and binds it to some random port (let's call this socket B). Likewise, the main thread creates a datagram socket for sending. In its call to select(), the worker thread now lists both A and B in the fd_set. When the main thread needs to signal, it sendto()'s a couple of bytes to the corresponding port on localhost. Back in the worker thread, if B remains in the fd_set after select() returns, then recvfrom() is called and the bytes received are simply ignored.
This seems to work very well, but I can't say I like the solution, mainly as it requires binding an extra port for B, and also because it adds several additional socket API calls which may fail I guess – and I don't really feel like figuring out the appropriate action for each of the cases.
I think ideally, I would like to call some function which takes A as input, and does nothing except makes select() return right away. However, I don't know such a function. (I guess I could for example shutdown() the socket, but the side effects are not really acceptable :)
If this is not possible, the second best option would be creating a B which is much dummier than a real UDP socket, and doesn't really require allocating any limited resources (beyond a reasonable amount of memory). I guess Unix domain sockets would do exactly this, but: the solution should not be much less cross-platform than what I currently have, though some moderate amount of #ifdef stuff is fine. (I am targeting mainly for Windows and Linux – and writing C++ by the way.)
Please don't suggest refactoring to get rid of the two separate threads. This design is necessary because the main thread may be blocked for extended periods (e.g., doing some intensive computation – and I can't start periodically calling receive() from the innermost loop of calculation), and in the meanwhile, someone needs to buffer the incoming data (and due to reasons beyond what I can control, it cannot be the sender).
Now that I was writing this, I realized that someone is definitely going to reply simply "Boost.Asio", so I just had my first look at it... Couldn't find an obvious solution, though. Do note that I also cannot (easily) affect how socket A is created, but I should be able to let other objects wrap it, if necessary.
You are almost there. Use a "self-pipe" trick. Open a pipe, add it to your select() read and write fd_set, write to it from main thread to unblock a worker thread. It is portable across POSIX systems.
I have seen a variant of similar technique for Windows in one system (in fact used together with the method above, separated by #ifdef WIN32). Unblocking can be achieved by adding a dummy (unbound) datagram socket to fd_set and then closing it. The downside is that, of course, you have to re-open it every time.
However, in the aforementioned system, both of these methods are used rather sparingly, and for unexpected events (e.g., signals, termination requests). Preferred method is still a variable timeout to select(), depending on how soon something is scheduled for a worker thread.
Using a pipe rather than socket is a bit cleaner, as there is no possibility for another process to get hold of it and mess things up.
Using a UDP socket definitely creates the potential for stray packets to come in and interfere.
An anonymous pipe will never be available to any other process (unless you give it to it).
You could also use signals, but in a multithreaded program you'll want to make sure that all threads except for the one you want have that signal masked.
On unix it will be straightforward with using a pipe. If you are on windows and want to keep using the select statement to keep your code compatible with unix, the trick to create an unbound UDP socket and close it, works well and easy. But you have to make it multi-threadsafe.
The only way I found to make this multi-threadsafe is to close and recreate the socket in the same thread as the select statement is running. Of course this is difficult if the thread is blocking on the select. And then comes in the windows call QueueUserAPC. When windows is blocking in the select statement, the thread can handle Asynchronous Procedure Calls. You can schedule this from a different thread using QueueUserAPC. Windows interrupts the select, executes your function in the same thread, and continues with the select statement. You can now in your APC method close the socket and recreate it. Guaranteed thread safe and you will never loose a signal.
To be simple:
a global var saves the socket handle, then close the global socket, the select() will return immediately: closesocket(g_socket);