Multiple Biztalk host instances writing to single file - file

We have four Biztalk servers on production envionment. The sendport is configured to write incoming message in one textfile. This port receives thousands of messages in a day. So multiple host instances tries to write to file at single time, before one instance finishes writing complete record another instances starts writing new record causing data scattered all over the file.
What can we do resolve this issue?

...before one instance finishes writing complete record another instances starts writing new record causing data scattered all over the file.
What can we do resolve this issue?
The easy way is to only use a single Host Instance to write data to the file, however you may then start to experience throttling issues. Alternatively, you could explore using the 'Allow Cache on write' option on the File Adapter which may offer some improvements.
However, I think your approach is wrong. You cannot expect four separate and totally disconnected processes (across 4 servers no-less) to reliably append to a single file - IN ORDER.
I therefore think you should look re-architecting this solution:
As each message is received, write the contents of the message to a database table (a simple INSERT) with an 'unprocessed' flag. You can reliably have four Host Instances banging data into SQL without fear of them tripping over each other.
At a scheduled time, have BizTalk extract all of the records that are marked as unprocessed in that SQL Table (the WCF-SQL Adapter can help you here). Once you have polled the records, mark them as 'in-process'.
You should now have a single message containing all of the currently unprocessed records (as retrieved from SQL). Using a single (or multiple) Host Instance/s, write the message to disk, appending each of the records to the file in a single write. The key here is that you are only writing a single message to the one file, not lots and lots and lots :-)
If the write is successful, update each of the records in the SQL table with a 'processed' flag so they are not picked-up again on the next poll.
You might want to consider a singleton orchestration for this piece to ensure that there is only ever one poll-write-update process taking place at the same time.

If FIFO is important, BizTalk has ordered delivery mechanism (FILE adapter supported) but it comes at performance cost.
The better solution would be let instances writing to individual files and then have another scheduled process (or orchestration) to combine them in one file. You can enforce FIFO using timestamps. This would provide better performance and resource utilization vs. mentioned earlier singleton orchestration. Other option may be using any suitable implementation of a queue.

You can move to a database system instead of a file. That would be very simply solution and also very efficient.
If you don't want to go that way, you must implement file locking or a semaphore inside of your application so the new threads will wait for other threads to finish writing.


Processing a million records as a batch in BizTalk

I am looking at suggestions on how to tackle this and whether I am using the right tool for the job. I work primarily on BizTalk and we are currently using BizTalk 2013 R2 with SQL 2014.
We would be receiving positional flat files every day(around 50) from various partners and the theoretical total number of records received would be over a million records. Each record has some identifying information that will need to be sent to a web service which would come back essentially with a YES or NO based on which the incoming file is split into two files.
Originally, the scope for daily expected records was 10k which later ballooned to 100k and now is at a million records.
Attempt 1: Scatter-Gather pattern
I am debatching the records in a custom pipeline using the file disassembler, adding a couple of port configurable properties for the scatter part(following Richard Seroter's suggestion of implementing a round-robin assignment) where I control the number of scatter/worker orchestrations I spin up to call the web service and mark the records to be sent to 'Agency A' or 'Agency B' and finally push a control message that spins up the Gather/Aggregator orchestration that collects all the messages that are processed from the workers into the messagebox via correlation and creates two files to be routed to Agency A and Agency B.
So, every file that gets dropped will have it's own set of workers and a aggregator that would process the file.
This works well for files with fewer number of records but if a file has over 100k records, I see throttling happen and the file takes a long time to process and generate the two files.
I have put the receive location/worker & aggregator/send port on separate hosts.
It appears to be that the gatherer seems to be dehydrated and not really aggregating the records processed by the workers until all of them are processed and i think since the ratio of msgs published vs processed is very large, it is throttling.
Approach 2:
Assuming that the Aggregator orchestration is the bottleneck, instead of accumulating them in an orchestration, i pushed the processed records to a SQL db and 'split' the records into two XML files(basically a concatenate of msgs going to Agency A/B and wrapping it in XML declaration and using the correct msg type based on writing some of the context properties to the SQL table along with the record).
These aggregated XML records are polled and routed to the right agencies.
This seems to work okay with 100k records and completes in an acceptable amount of time. Now that the goal post/requirement has again changed with regard to expected volume, i am trying to see if BizTalk is even a feasible choice anymore.
I have indicated that BT is not the right tool for the job to perform such a task but the client is suggesting we add more servers to make it work. I am looking at SSIS.
Meanwhile, while doing some testing, some observations:
Increasing the number of workers improved processing(duh):
It looks like if each worker processed a fewer number of records in it's queue/subscription, they finished their queue quickly. When testing this 100k record file, using 100 workers completed in under 3 hrs. This is with minimal activity on the server from other applications.
I am trying to get the web service hosting team to give me a theoretical maximum no of concurrent connection they can handle. I am leaning towards asking them to see if they can handle 1000 calls and maybe the existing solution would scale with my observations.
I have adjusted a few settings for the host with regard to message count and physical memory threshold so it won't balk with the volume but I am still unsure. I didn't have to mess with these settings before and can use advice to monitor any particular counters.
The post is a bit long but I am hoping this gives an idea on what I did so far. Any help/insight appreciated in tackling this problem. If you are suggesting alternatives, i am restricted to .NET or MS based tools/frameworks but would love to hear on other options as well.
I will try to answer or give more detail if you want to clarify or understand something I didn't make clear.
First, 1 million records/messages is not the issue, but you can make it a problem by handling it poorly.
Here's the pattern I would lay out first.
Load the records into SQL Server with SSIS. This will be very fast.
Process/drain the records into you BizTalk app for...well, whatever needs to be done. Calling the service etc.
Update the SQL Record with the result.
When that process is complete, query out the Yes and No batches as one (large) message each, transform and send.
My guess is the Web Service will be the bottleneck unless it's specifically designed for such a load. You will probably have to tune BizTalk to throttle only when necessary but don't worry about that just yet. A good app pattern is more important.
In such scenarios, you should consider following approach:
De-batch the file and store individual records to MSMQ. You can easily achieve this without any extra coding effort, all you need is to create a send port using MSMQ adapter or WCF custom with netmsmq binding. If required, you can also create separate queues depending on different criteria you may have in your messages.
Receive the messages from MSMQ using receive location on a separate host.
Send them to web service on a different BizTalk host.
Try using messaging only scenarios, you can handle service response using a pipeline component if required. You can use Map on send port itself. In worst case if you need orchestration, it should only be to handle one message processing without any complex pattern.
You can again push messages back to two MSMQ for two different agencies based of web service response.
You can then receive those messages again and write them to file, you can simply use a send port with FileAppend option or use a custom pipeline component to write the received messages to file without aggregating them in orchestration. You can gather them in orchestration, if per file you don't have more than few thousand messages.
With this approach you won't have any bottleneck within BizTalk and you don't need to use complex orchestration pattern which usually end up having many persistent points.
If web service becomes a bottleneck, then you can control the rate of received message from MSMQ using 1) Ordered Delivery on MSMQ receive location and if required 2) using BizTalk host throttling by changing two properties Message Count in Db to a very low number e.g. 1000 from 50K default and increasing Spool and Tracking Data Multiplier accordingly e.g. 500 from 10 default to make sure the multiply of both number is enough for not to cause throttling due to messages within BizTalk. You can also reduce the number of worker threads on BizTalk host to make it little slow.
Please note MSMQ is part of Windows OS and does not require any additional setup. Usually installed by default, if not you can add using add-remove features. You can also use IBM MQ if your organization has the infrastructure. But for one million messages, MSMQ will be just fine.
Apologies on the late update*
We've decided to use SSIS to bulk import the file to a table and since the lookup web service is part of the same organization and network although using a different stack, they have agreed to allow us to call their lookup table upon which their web service is based on and we are using a 'merge' between those tables to identify 'Y' or 'N' and export them out via SSIS as well.
In short, we've skipped using BT. The time it now takes is within a couple of mins for a 1.5 million record file to be processed and send the split files.
Appreciate all the advice provided here.

MPI how to send and receive SQLite database

I have a big SQLite database to process, so I would like to use MPI for parallelization to accelerate the speed. What I want to do is sending a database from root to every slave, and sending the modified databases to root after slave add some table into it. I want to use MPI_Type_create_struct to create a datatype to store database, but the database is too complicated. IS there any other way to handle this situation? Thank you in advance!
I recently dealt with a similar problem - I have a large MPI application that uses SQLite as a configuration store. Handling multi-process writes is a challenge with an embedded SQL database. My experience with this involves a massively parallel application (running up to 65,535 ranks) with a shared filesystem.
Based on the FAQ from SQLite and some experience with database engines, there are a few ways to approach this problem. I am making the assumption that you are operating with a shared distributed file system, and multiple separate computers (a standard HPC cluster setup).
Since SQLite will block when multiple processes write to the database (but not read), reads will most likely not be an issue. Each process can run multiple SELECT commands at the same time without issue.
The challenge will be in the writing. Disk I/O is several orders of magnitude slower than computation, so generally this will be the bottleneck. Having said that, network communication may also be a significant slowdown, so how you approach the problem really depends on where the weakest link of your running environment will be.
If you have a fast network and slow disk speed, or if you want to implement this in the most straightforward way possible, your best bet is to have a single MPI rank in charge of writing to the database. Your compute processes would independently run SELECT commands until computation was complete, then send the new data to the MPI database process. The database control process would then write the new data to disk. I would not try to send the structure of the database across the network, rather I would send the data that should be written, along with (possibly) a flag that would identify what table/insert query the data should be written with. This technique is sort of similar to how a RDBMS works - while RDBMS servers do support concurrent writes, there is a "central" process in control of the ordering of write operations.
One thing to note is that if a process writes to the SQLite database, the file is locked for all processes that are trying to read or write to it. You will need to either handle the SQLITE_BUSY return code in your worker processes, register a callback to handle this, change the busy behavior, or use an alternate technique. In my application, I found that loading the database as an in-memory database, ( for the readers provided a good workaround. Readers access the in-memory database, but sent results to the controlling process for writes. The downside is that you will have multiple copies of the database in memory.
Another option that might be less network intensive is to do the reads concurrently and have each worker process write out to their own file. You could write out to separate SQLite database files, or even export something like CSV (depending on the complexity of the data). When writes are complete, you would then have a single process merge the individual files into a single result database file - see How can I merge many SQLite databases?. This method has its own issues, but depending on where your bottlenecks are and how the system as a whole is laid out, this technique may work.
Finally, you might consider reading from the SQLite database and saving the data to a proper distributed file format, such as HDF5 (or using MPI IO). Once the computation is done, it would be pretty straightforward to write a script that would create a new SQLite database from this foreign file format.

Spark: run InputFormat as singleton

I'm trying to integrate a key-value database to Spark and have some questions.
I'm a Spark beginner, have read a lot and run some samples but nothing too
I'm using a small hdfs cluster to store incoming messages in a database.
The cluster has 5 nodes, and the data is split into 5 partitions. Each
partition is stored in a separate database file. Each node can therefore process
its own partition of the data.
The Problem:
The interface to the database software is based on JNI, the database itself is
implemented in C. For technical reasons, the database software can maintain
only one active connection at a time. There can be only one JVM process which
is connected to the Database.
Because of this limitation, reading from and writing to the database must go
through the same JVM process.
(Background info: the database is embedded into the process. It's file based,
and only one process can open it at a time. I could let it run in a separate
process, but that would be slower because of the IPC overhead. My application
will perform many full table scans. Additional writes will be batched and are
not time-critical.)
The Solution:
I have a few ideas in my mind how to solve this, but i don't know if they work
well with Spark.
Maybe it's possible to magically configure Spark to only have one instance of my
proprietary InputFormat per node.
If my InputFormat is used for the first time, it starts a separate thread
which will create the database connection. This thread will then continue
as a daemon and will live as long as the JVM lives. This will only work
if there's just one JVM per node. If Spark starts multiple JVMs on the
same node then each would start its own database thread, which would not
Move my database connection to a separate JVM process per node, and my
InputFormat then uses IPC to connect to this process. As i said, i'd like to avoid this.
Or maybe you have another, better idea?
My favourite solution would be #1, followed closely by #2.
Thanks for any comment and answer!
I believe the best option here is to connect to your DB from driver, not from executors. This part of the system anyway would be a bottleneck.
Have you thought of queueing (buffer) then using spark streaming to dequeue and use your output format to write.
If data from your DB fits into RAM memory of your spark-driver you can load it there as a collection and then parallelize it to an RDD

What are good algorithms to keep consistency across multiple files in a network?

What are good algorithms to keep consistency in multiple files?
This is a school project. I have to implement in C, some replication across a network.
I have 2 servers,
Server A1
Server A2
Both servers have their own file called "data.txt"
If I write something to one of them, I need the other to be updated.
I also have another scenario, with 3 Servers.
Server B1
Server B2
Server B3
I need these do do pretty much the same.
While this would be fairly simple to implement. If one, or two of the servers were to be down, When comming back up, they would have to update themselves.
I'm sure there are algorithms that solve this efficiently. I know what I want, I just don't know exactly what I'm looking for!
Can someone point me to the right direction please?
Thank you!
The fundamental issue here is known as the 'CAP theorem', which defines three properties that a distributed system can have:
Consistency: Reading data from the system always returns the most up-to-date data.
Availability: Every response either succeeds or fails (doesn't just keep waiting until things recover)
Partition tolerance: The system can operate when its servers are unable to communicate with each other (a server being down is one special case of this)
The CAP theorem states that you can only have two of these. If your system is consistent and partition tolerant, then it loses the availability condition - you might have to wait for a partition to heal before you get a response. If you have consistency and availability, you'll have downtime when there's a partition, or enough servers are down. If you have availability and partition tolerance, you might read stale data, or have to deal with conflicting writes.
Note that this applies separately between reads and writes - you can have an Available and Partition-Tolerant system for reads, but Consistent and Available system for writes. This is basically a master-slave system; in a partition, writes might fail (if they're on the wrong side of a partition), but reads will work (although they might return stale data).
So if you want to be Available and Partition Tolerant for reads, one easy option is to just designate one host as the only one that can do writes, and sync from it (eg, using rsync from a cron script or something - in your C project, you'd just copy the file over using some simple network code periodically, and do an extra copy just after modifying it).
If you need partition tolerance for writes, though, it's more complex. You can have two servers that can't talk to each other both doing writes, and later have to figure out what data wins. This basically means you'll need to compare the two versions when syncing and decide what wins. This can just be as simple as 'let the highest timestamp win', or you can use vector clocks as in Dynamo to implement a more complex policy - which is appropriate here depends on your application.
Check out rsync and how Dropbox works.
With every write on to server A, fork a process to write the same content to server B.
So that all the writes on to server A are replicated on to server B. If you have multiple servers, make the forked process to write across all the backup servers.

What is the best way to do simultaneous file access on AS400?

I am trying to write a program which will be run in batch on AS400. This program is going to write a record into a file to reflect its processing status, say, when it is just submitted it adds a record saying it is currently running, and when it is done it updates the same record saying it has finished. If I want to submit this program into batch for multiple times, what is the best way to cope with this type of simultaneous file access to increase the efficiency? I don't want a job to lock the whole file and stops others from updating it in the same time. It can lock the record it needs and leave the rest to others. How to achieve this? RPGLE or QMQRY? Or any other methods?
RPG will not lock the entire file, only the record.
Personally, I'd recommend SQL for (pretty much) all file access, even through RPG. IBM hasn't been updating their Native I/O for a while, just concentrating on the SQL side of things.
Because, during normal use, record locks in RPG are released once the write or update has been performed, you should probably just have your SQL run WITH NC (no commit). You need a way to tie a processing job with the data it's processing anyways (assuming stuff is long-running enough that things are in files outside of QTEMP) - you want to be able to pick up where you left off, if your job dies (so, you can't rely on holding the lock as a control mechanism). So don't forget that you're going to need some sort of monitor job (that can at least report the status, if not resubmit things - look at the QUSRJOBI API).
If you're doing this because you're using all Native I/O, and processing huge sets of data (not huge, processor intensive calculations), consider re-writing everything to SQL. Seriously. You can get way better performance - we've taken a process that used to run for 25+ hours, to something that runs in 2.5ish.
