Stored Procedure - loop through results without cursor - sql-server

Everywhere I look I see that in order to loop through results you have to use a cursor and in the same post someone saying cursors are bad don't use them (which has always been my philosophy) but now I am stuck. I need to loop through a result set!
Here's the situation. I need to come up with a list of ProductIDs that have 2 different statuses set to a specific value. I start the stored procedure, run the query that finds my products that meet the criteria.
So, now I have a list of ProductIDs that I need to run through my validation process:
Now I need for each of those products (there may be 1 there may be 1000, i don't know) to check a whole list of conditions:
Is a specific field = 'SIMPLE'? if so, perform a bunch of other queries and make sure everything is good
If it is not 'SIMPLE' then run a whole other set of queries and make sure that information is all good.
Is another field = 'YES'? if so, perform a bunch of other queries, if it is not, then do other queries.
Is a cursor what I need to use? Is there some other way to do what I need that I just am not seeing?

I ended up using a WHILE loop that I can pass each ProductID into a series of checks!!
declare #counter int
declare #productKey varchar(20)
SET #counter = (select COUNT(*) from ##Magento)
while (1=1)
SET #productKey = (select top 1 ProductKey from ##Magento)
print #productKey;
delete from ##Magento Where ProductKey = #productKey
SET #counter-=1;
IF (#counter=0) BREAK;

It's hard to say without knowing the specifics of your process, but one approach is to create a function that performs your logic and call that.
delete from yourtable
where productid in (select ProductID from FilteredProducts)
and dbo.ShouldBeDeletedFunction(ProductID) = 1
In general, cursors are bad, but there are always exceptions. Try to avoid them by thinking in terms of sets, rather than the attributes of an individual record.


Creating a new row in SSRS dataset SQL query to use in a report parameter

I am going round in circles with a bit of SQL and would appreciate some help.
I've looked up creating temp tables, nested Select statements (where advice seems to be to avoid these like the plague) and various uses of Case statements but I can't seem to find a solution that works. I'd say I'm beginner level for SQL.
I have a table with 10 relevant records. The query that works to return all the relevant entries in the table is:
FROM TblServAct
WHERE TblServAct.ServActExclude IS NULL
ORDER BY TblServAct.ServActName
Here is where I run into problems:
When the parameter (#YESNOActivity) = Yes, I want all the rows in the table to be returned. I have managed to do this with a CASE statement
...however when the parameter (#YESNOActivity) = No, I want ONLY ONE row to be returned which doesn't actually exist in the table (and should not be inserted into the actual table). The values that I need to insert are: ServActId = 101 and ServActName = 'Select YES in Parameter2 to filter by Service Activity'
For background, the reason I am doing this is because I have found SSRS report parameters to be especially difficult to conditionally format. I want to use the dataset above to return a message in a parameter (lets call it parameter2) that the user needs to select yes in (#YESNOActivity) in order to see the full selection list in parameter2.
If I can get this to work I can see lots of potential for re-use so all advice appreciated
I believe this should do the job, just include your parameter in the WHERE clause and UNION it with your own row of data.
FROM TblServAct
WHERE TblServAct.ServActExclude IS NULL
AND #YESNOActivity = 'Yes'
ServActId = 101
,ServActName = 'Select YES in Parameter2 to filter by Service Activity'
WHERE #YESNOActivity = 'No'
ORDER BY TblServAct.ServActName
One way is to use this query:
FROM TblServAct
WHERE TblServAct.ServActExclude IS NULL
AND 'Yes' = #YESNOActivity
101 AS ServActId
,'Select YES in Parameter2 to filter by Service Activity' AS ServActName
WHERE 'No' = #YESNOActivity
ORDER BY TblServAct.ServActName
Another way would be to create two data flows and use your variable in a constraint to send the processing to one or the other.
A third way would be to put an expression on the SQL command and use your variable to switch between two SQL statements.

query return records or count of records

In an application we are building, in some cases, we want to display a set of indicators on a dashboard that include only counts of records. When the user clicks on those indicators, we want to display those records.
Most of the time, counts will suffice so we don't want to query the database and return the actual records just to get counts. Is there some what to write a single stored procedure which can leverage the same select, but in one case only calculate the count, and in others return the actual records?
You may achieve this by wither setting a parameter and process it with if/case statements in your sproc.
Create procedure sptest_return (#CountOnly bit = 0)
As Begin
If #CountOnly = 0
Select * from test_table
Select count(*) as [Count] from test_table
If you call it like sptest_return it will return all rows and if you call it with 1 value as the argument like sptest_return 1 then it will only show the row count.
Hope this helps.
It's not a good idea to select data via stored procedure. Better use UDF, best use a single-statement-UDF.
In this case you could select your data by calling
SELECT * FROM dbo.YourFunction(Prm1, Prm2, ...)
The great fortune with this is, that you can use it this way too:
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT * FROM dbo.YourFunction(Prm1, Prm2, ...)) AS tbl
The Query-Plan will not execute more of your function than it is needed to find the correct count. With a stored procedure this is not possible...
If you must stick to the SP-approach do it as suggested before. Use a Parameter stating "GetCountOnly" or something like this.
I think a SP return different results / multiple results is one of the code smell. As you will need to handle the same SP differently for the results at the run time, which is error prone.
As we all know the SP can return a int value, we can make use of this:
CREATE sp_GetProjectData(#ReturnEmpty bit = 0)
DECLARE #Count int = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Project)
-- Always return the table columns, but can be empty
SELECT * FROM Project WHERE #ReturnEmpty = 0
-- Return the count, always positive

Trying to speed up a SQL query

I'm still in the process of getting to fully understand SQL Server. I have wrote a stored procedure as shown below:
ALTER PROC [dbo].[Specific_Street_Lookup]
#STR Varchar(50),
#CNT int
street_desc, street_localitydesc, postcode_selected
Postcodes ON Full_Streets.street_postcodeid = postcodes.postcode_id
street_desc LIKE #STR+'%'
AND postcode_selected = 'TRUE'
street_desc, street_localitydesc
but it can take up to 7 seconds to return a result, I'm not sure what I can do to speed up the query.
The full_street table has a row count of 856800
The postcode table has a row count of 856208
Both tables have a primary key (street_id & postcode_id)
The purpose of the query: in my app as the user is typing in a street to look up it return a number of records (#CNT) that match the partial string (LIKE #STR'+%') and only if postcode_selected = 'TRUE'
I'm sure there must be a quicker / better way to do this and any help would be appreciated.
Can you try with this index?
CREATE INDEX NCI_street_desc ON Full_Streets(street_desc) INCLUDE(street_localitydesc)
The LIKE operator is evil in such a big table, and I don't think you can optimize this query with normal indexes.
Consider using Full Text Search functionalities. With full text search you can't search portions of strings (unless you make a special table where you pre-save all the possible portions of your strings) but performance are hugely superior than what you can achieve using the LIKE operator.
I would change postcode_selected column type to bit (TRUE = 1, FALSE = 0) and then modify sp accordingly - it will reduce time complexity of the query.

TSQL Variable With List of Values for IN Clause

I want to use a clause along the lines of "CASE WHEN ... THEN 1 ELSE 0 END" in a select statement. The tricky part is that I need it to work with "value IN #List".
If I hard code the list it works fine - and it performs well:
CASE WHEN t.column_a IN ( 'value a', 'value b' ) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS priority
, t.column_b
, t.column_c
table AS t
priority DESC
What I would like to do is:
-- #AvailableValues would be a list (array) of strings.
#AvailableValues ???
#AvailableValues = ???
CASE WHEN t.column_a IN #AvailableValues THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS priority
, t.column_b
, t.column_c
table AS t
priority DESC
Unfortunately, it seems that SQL Server doesn't do this - you can't use a variable with an IN clause. So this leaves me with some other options:
Make '#AvailableValues' a comma-delimited string and use a LIKE statement. This does not perform well.
Use an inline SELECT statement against 'lookup_table' in place of the variable. Again, doesn't perform well (I think) because it has to lookup the table on each row.
Write a function wrapping around the SELECT statement in place of the variable. I haven't tried this yet (will try it now) but it seems that it will have the same problem as a direct SELECT statement.
Are there any other options? Performance is very important for the query - it has to be really fast as it feeds a real-time search result page (i.e. no caching) for a web site.
Are there any other options here? Is there a way to improve the performance of one of the above options to get good performance?
Thanks in advance for any help given!
UPDATE: I should have mentioned that the 'lookup_table' in the example above is already a table variable. I've also updated the sample queries to better demonstrate how I'm using the clause.
UPDATE II: It occurred to me that the IN clause is operating off an NVARCHAR/NCHAR field (due to historical table design reasons). If I was to make changes that dealt with integer fields (i.e through PK/FK relationship constraints) could this have much impact on performance?
You can use a variable in an IN clause, but not in the way you're trying to do. For instance, you could do this:
declare #i int
declare #j int
select #i = 10, #j = 20
select * from YourTable where SomeColumn IN (#i, #j)
The key is that the variables cannot represent more than one value.
To answer your question, use the inline select. As long as you don't reference an outer value in the query (which could change the results on a per-row basis), the engine will not repeatedly select the same data from the table.
Based on your update and assuming the lookup table is small, I suggest trying something like the following:
DECLARE #MyLookup table
(SomeValue nvarchar(100) not null)
case when ml.SomeValue is not null then 1 else 0 end AS Priority
from MyTable t
left outer join #MyLookup ml
on ml.SomeValue = t.column_a
order by case when ml.SomeValue is not null then 1 else 0 end desc
(You can't reference the column alias "Priority" in the ORDER BY clause. Alternatively, you could use the ordinal position like so:
order by 1 desc
but that's generally not recommended.)
As long as the lookup table is small , this really should run fairly quickly -- but your comment implies that it's a pretty big table, and that could slow down performance.
As for n[Var]char vs. int, yes, integers would be faster, if only because the CPU has fewer bytes to juggle around... which shoud only be a problem when processing a lot of rows, so it might be worth trying.
I solved this problem by using a CHARINDEX function. I wanted to pass the string in as a single parameter. I created a string with leading and trailing commas for each value I wanted to test for. Then I concatenated a leading and trailing commas to the string I wanted to see if was "in" the parameter. At the end I checked for CHARINDEX > 0
DECLARE #CTSPST_Profit_Centers VARCHAR (256)
SELECT #CTSPST_Profit_Centers = ',CS5000U37Y,CS5000U48B,CS5000V68A,CS5000V69A,CS500IV69A,CS5000V70S,CS5000V79B,CS500IV79B,'
You can also do it in the where clause
If you were trying to compare numbers you'd need to convert the number to a text string for the CHARINDEX function to work.
This might be along the lines of what you need.
Note that this assumes that you have permissions and the input data has been sanitized.
From Running Dynamic Stored Procedures
CREATE PROCEDURE MyProc (#WHEREClause varchar(255))
-- Create a variable #SQLStatement
DECLARE #SQLStatement varchar(255)
-- Enter the dynamic SQL statement into the
-- variable #SQLStatement
SELECT #SQLStatement = "SELECT * FROM TableName WHERE " + #WHEREClause
-- Execute the SQL statement

SQL Server Stored Procedure - 'IF statement' vs 'Where criteria'

The question from quite a long time boiling in my head, that out of the following two stored procedures which one would perform better.
Proc 1
CREATE PROCEDURE GetEmployeeDetails #EmployeeId uniqueidentifier,
#IncludeDepartmentInfo bit
SELECT * FROM Employees
WHERE Employees.EmployeeId = #EmployeeId
IF (#IncludeDepartmentInfo = 1)
SELECT Departments.* FROM Departments, Employees
WHERE Departments.DepartmentId = Employees.DepartmentId
AND Employees.EmployeeId = #EmployeeId
Proc 2
CREATE PROCEDURE GetEmployeeDetails #EmployeeId uniqueidentifier,
#IncludeDepartmentInfo bit
SELECT * FROM Employees
WHERE Employees.EmployeeId = #EmployeeId
SELECT Departments.* FROM Departments, Employees
WHERE Departments.DepartmentId = Employees.DepartmentId
AND Employees.EmployeeId = #EmployeeId
AND #IncludeDepartmentInfo = 1
the only difference between the two is use of 'if statment'.
if proc 1/proc 2 are called with alternating values of #IncludeDepartmentInfo then from my understanding proc 2 would perform better, because it will retain the same query plan irrespective of the value of #IncludeDepartmentInfo, whereas proc1 will change query plan in each call
answers are really appericated
PS: this is just a scenario, please don't go to the explicit query results but the essence of example. I am really particular about the query optimizer result (in both cases of 'if and where' and their difference), there are many aspects which I know could affect the performance which I want to avoid in this question.
SELECT Departments.* FROM Departments, Employees
WHERE Departments.DepartmentId = Employees.DepartmentId
AND Employees.EmployeeId = #EmployeeId
AND #IncludeDepartmentInfo = 1
When SQL compiles a query like this it must be compiled for any value of #IncludeDepartmentInfo. The resulted plan can well be one that scans the tables and performs the join and after that checks the variable, resulting in unnecessary I/O. The optimizer may be smart and move the check for the variable ahead of the actual I/O operations in the execution plan, but this is never guaranteed. This is why I always recommend to use explicit IFs in the T-SQL for queries that need to perform very differently based on a variable value (the typical example being OR conditions).
gbn's observation is also an important one: from an API design point of view is better to have a consistent return type (ie. always return the same shaped and number of result sets).
From a consistency perspective, number 2 will always return 2 datasets. Overloading aside, you wouldn't have a client code method that may be returns a result, maybe not.
If you reuse this code, the other calling client will have to know this flag too.
If the code does 2 different things, then why not 2 different stored procs?
Finally, it's far better practice to use modern JOIN syntax and separate joining from filtering. In this case, personally I'd use EXISTS too.
Departments D
Employees E ON D.DepartmentId = E.DepartmentId
E.EmployeeId = #EmployeeId
#IncludeDepartmentInfo = 1
When you use the 'if' statement, you may run only one query instead of two. I would think that one query would almost always be faster than two. Your point about query plans may be valid if the first query were complex and took a long time to run, and the second was trivial. However, the first query looks like it retrieves a single row based on a primary key - probably pretty fast every time. So, I would keep the 'if' - but I would test to verify.
The performance difference would be too small for anyone to notice.
Premature optimization is the root of all evil. Stop worrying about performance and start implementing features that make your customers smile.
