Concat 4 integers into one integer - c

Hi i am trying to concatinate 4 integers one integer. I used the concatinate function found here :
My code:
unsigned concatenate(unsigned x, unsigned y) {
unsigned pow = 10;
while(y >= pow)
pow *= 10;
return x * pow + y;
void stringtoint(){
struct router *ptr;
int a;
int b;
int c;
int d;
sscanf(ptr->ip, "%d.%d.%d.%d", &a, &b, &c, &d);
int num1 = concatenate(a,b);
int num2 = concatenate(c,d);
int num3 = concatenate(num1,num2);
The problem:
I am dealing with IP address numbers e.g. i am breaking them down to 4 integers and concatenate them to form 19832141140, however my concatenate function is doing maths on the larger number like (becomes) - >-1642695340
but it is concatenating the IP which are small numbers e.g. becomes 164781041 (which is correct)
How should i solve the problem, basically i am trying to make a string of IP e.g. into an integer number 19832141140

Your proposed approach is likely a very big mistake. How do you distinguish from
It's much better to treat IP addresses as exactly what they are. Namely, a.b.c.d represents
a * 256^3 + b * 256^2 + c * 256^1 + d * 256^0
and done in this way you can not possibly run into the issue I just described. Moreover, the implementation is trivial:
unsigned int number;
number = (a << 24) + (b << 16) + (c << 8) + d

You may read a line, and then use inet_aton(). Otherwise, you can do as Jason says, but you'd need to check each integers value to be within 0 ... 255 (those 4 x 8 bits represent the 32bit integer containing an IPv4 address). inet_aton() would support hex, dec and octal notation of IPv4 addresses.

** You DO NOT want to do this usually...
#include <stdint.h>
concatIPv4Addr(uint_fast16_t parts[])
uint_fast64_t n = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
n += parts[i];
n *= 1000;
return (n += parts[3]);
I used the "fast" integer types for speed purposes, but if you have a storage requirement, use the corresponding "least" types instead. Of course this assumes you have a C99 compiler or a C89 compiler with extensions. Otherwise you're stuck with the primitive types where a char could even be 32-bit according to the C standard. Since I don't know your target environment, I made no assumptions. Feel free to change to the appropriate primitive types as you see fit.
I used a 16-bit value (minimum) because an 8-bit number can only represent 0-255, meaning if 358 was entered accidentally, it would be interpreted as 102, which is still valid. If you have a type able to store more than 8 bits and less than 16 bits, you can obviously use that, but the type must be able to store more than 8 bits.
That aside, you will need at least a 38-bit type:
4294967295 (32-bit unsigned max)
255255255255 ( converted to the integer you want)
274877906944 (38-bit unsigned max)
The function above will convert and to 127000001001 and 127000000011 respectively: -> ->
127000001001 -> ->
Why so many zeros? Because otherwise you can't tell the difference between them! As others have said, you could confuse and Using the function above or something more appropriate that actually converts an IPv4 address to its real decimal representation, you won't have such a problem.
Lastly, I did no validation on the IPv4 address passed to the function. I assume you already ensure the address is valid before calling any functions that save or use the IPv4 address. BTW, if you wanted to do this same thing for IPv6, you can't so easily because that would require a string or conversion to decimal of each of the 8 parts, each of which is at most 16-bit, yielding 5 decimal digits per part, or 40 digits. To store that, you'd need a minimum of 133 bits, rather than the 128 bits required for the IPv6 address, just as you'd need 38 bits to store an IPv4 address instead of the 32 bits required.
Still not too bad, right? How about a theoretical IPv8 where there are 16 parts, each of which are 32-bit in size? The equivalent function to the one above would require 580 bits, instead of the proper mathematical requirement: 512 bits. While not a problem today, I'm simply pointing out the error in doing anything with an IPv4 address represented by concatenating the decimal values of each part. It scales absolutely terribly.


How to analyze bytes of a variable's value in C

is it possible to divide for example an integer in n bits?
For example, since an int variable has a size of 32 bits (4 bytes) is it possible to divide the number in 4 "pieces" of 8 bits and put them in 4 other variables that have a size of 8 bits?
I solved using unsigned char *pointer pointing to the variable that I want to analyze bytes, something like this:
int x = 10;
unsigned char *p = (unsigned char *) &x;
//Since my cpu is little endian I'll print bytes from the end
for(int i = sizeof(int) - 1; i >= 0; i--)
//print hexadecimal bytes
printf("%.2x ", p[i]);
Yes, of course it is. But generally we just use bit operations directly on the bits (called bitops) using bitwise operators defined for all discrete integer types.
For instance, if you need to test the 5th least significant bit you can use x &= 1 << 4 to have x just to have the 5th bit set, and all others set to zero. Then you can use if (x) to test if it has been set; C doesn't use a boolean type but assumes that zero is false and any other value means true. If you store 1 << 4 into a constant then you have created a "(bit) mask" for that particular bit.
If you need a value 0 or 1 then you can use a shift the other way and use x = (x >> 4) & 1. This is all covered in most C books, so I'd implore you to read about these bit operations there.
There are many Q/A's here how to split integers into bytes, see e.g. here. In principle you can store those in a char, but if you may require integer operations then you can also split the int into multiple values. One problem with that is that an int is just defined to at least store values from -32768 to 32767. That means that the number of bytes in an int can be 2 bytes or more.
In principle it is also possible to use bit fields but I'd be hesitant to use those. With an int you will at least know that the bits will be stored in the least significant bits.

Adding 32 bit signed in C

I have been given this problem and would like to solve it in C:
Assume you have a 32-bit processor and that the C compiler does not support long long (or long int). Write a function add(a,b) which returns c = a+b where a and b are 32-bit integers.
I wrote this code which is able to detect overflow and underflow
#define INT_MIN (-2147483647 - 1) /* minimum (signed) int value */
#define INT_MAX 2147483647 /* maximum (signed) int value */
int add(int a, int b)
if (a > 0 && b > INT_MAX - a)
/* handle overflow */
printf("Handle over flow\n");
else if (a < 0 && b < INT_MIN - a)
/* handle underflow */
printf("Handle under flow\n");
return a + b;
I am not sure how to implement the long using 32 bit registers so that I can print the value properly. Can someone help me with how to use the underflow and overflow information so that I can store the result properly in the c variable with I think should be 2 32 bit locations. I think that is what the problem is saying when it hints that that long is not supported. Would the variable c be 2 32 bit registers put together somehow to hold the correct result so that it can be printed? What action should I preform when the result over or under flows?
Since this is a homework question I'll try not to spoil it completely.
One annoying aspect here is that the result is bigger than anything you're allowed to use (I interpret the ban on long long to also include int64_t, otherwise there's really no point to it). It may be temping to go for "two ints" for the result value, but that's weird to interpret the value of. So I'd go for two uint32_t's and interpret them as two halves of a 64 bit two's complement integer.
Unsigned multiword addition is easy and has been covered many times (just search). The signed variant is really the same if the inputs are sign-extended: (not tested)
uint32_t a_l = a;
uint32_t a_h = -(a_l >> 31); // sign-extend a
uint32_t b_l = b;
uint32_t b_h = -(b_l >> 31); // sign-extend b
// todo: implement the addition
return some struct containing c_l and c_h
It can't overflow the 64 bit result when interpreted signed, obviously. It can (and should, sometimes) wrap.
To print that thing, if that's part of the assignment, first reason about which values c_h can have. There aren't many possibilities. It should be easy to print using existing integer printing functions (that is, you don't have to write a whole multiword-itoa, just handle a couple of cases).
As a hint for the addition: what happens when you add two decimal digits and the result is larger than 9? Why is the low digit of 7+6=13 a 3? Given only 7, 6 and 3, how can you determine the second digit of the result? You should be able to apply all this to base 232 as well.
First, the simplest solution that satisfies the problem as stated:
double add(int a, int b)
// this will not lose precision, as a double-precision float
// will have more than 33 bits in the mantissa
return (double) a + b;
More seriously, the professor probably expected the number to be decomposed into a combination of ints. Holding the sum of two 32-bit integers requires 33 bits, which can be represented with an int and a bit for the carry flag. Assuming unsigned integers for simplicity, adding would be implemented like this:
struct add_result {
unsigned int sum;
unsigned int carry:1;
struct add_result add(unsigned int a, unsigned int b)
struct add_result ret;
ret.sum = a + b;
ret.carry = b > UINT_MAX - a;
return ret;
The harder part is doing something useful with the result, such as printing it. As proposed by harold, a printing function doesn't need to do full division, it can simply cover the possible large 33-bit values and hard-code the first digits for those ranges. Here is an implementation, again limited to unsigned integers:
void print_result(struct add_result n)
if (!n.carry) {
// no carry flag - just print the number
printf("%d\n", n.sum);
if (n.sum < 705032704u)
printf("4%09u\n", n.sum + 294967296u);
else if (n.sum < 1705032704u)
printf("5%09u\n", n.sum - 705032704u);
else if (n.sum < 2705032704u)
printf("6%09u\n", n.sum - 1705032704u);
else if (n.sum < 3705032704u)
printf("7%09u\n", n.sum - 2705032704u);
printf("8%09u\n", n.sum - 3705032704u);
Converting this to signed quantities is left as an exercise.

how can split integers into bytes without using arithmetic in c?

I am implementing four basic arithmetic functions(add, sub, division, multiplication) in C.
the basic structure of these functions I imagined is
the program gets two operands by user using scanf,
and the program split these values into bytes and compute!
I've completed addition and subtraction,
but I forgot that I shouldn't use arithmetic functions,
so when splitting integer into single bytes,
I wrote codes like
but since there is arithmetic functions that i shouldn't use..
so i have to rewrite that splitting parts,
but i really have no idea how can i split integer into single byte without using
% or /.
To access the bytes of a variable type punning can be used.
According to the Standard C (C99 and C11), only unsigned char brings certainty to perform this operation in a safe way.
This could be done in the following way:
typedef unsigned int myint_t;
myint_t x = 1234;
union {
myint_t val;
unsigned char byte[sizeof(myint_t)];
} u;
Now, you can of course access to the bytes of x in this way:
u.val = x;
for (int j = 0; j < sizeof(myint_t); j++)
printf("%d ",u.byte[j]);
However, as WhozCrag has pointed out, there are issues with endianness.
It cannot be assumed that the bytes are in determined order.
So, before doing any computation with bytes, your program needs to check how the endianness works.
#include <limits.h> /* To use UCHAR_MAX */
unsigned long int ByteFactor = 1u + UCHAR_MAX; /* 256 almost everywhere */
u.val = 0;
for (int j = sizeof(myint_t) - 1; j >= 0 ; j--)
u.val = u.val * ByteFactor + j;
Now, when you print the values of u.byte[], you will see the order in that bytes are arranged for the type myint_t.
The less significant byte will have value 0.
I assume 32 bit integers (if not the case then just change the sizes) there are more approaches:
BYTE pointer
int x; // your integer or whatever else data type
BYTE *p=(BYTE*)&x;
just get the address of your data as BYTE pointer
and access the bytes directly via 1D array
int x; // your integer or whatever else data type
BYTE p[4];
} a;
and access the bytes directly via 1D array
if you do not have BYTE defined then change it for unsigned char
with ALU you can use not only %,/ but also >>,& which is way faster but still use arithmetics
now depending on the platform endianness the output can be 11,22,33,44 of 44,33,22,11 so you need to take that in mind (especially for code used in multiple platforms)
you need to handle sign of number, for unsigned integers there is no problem
but for signed the C uses 2'os complement so it is better to separate the sign before spliting like:
int s;
if (x<0) { s=-1; x=-x; } else s=+1;
// now split ...
[edit2] logical/bit operations
x<<n,x>>n - is bit shift left and right of x by n bits
x&y - is bitwise logical and (perform logical AND on each bit separately)
so when you have for example 32 bit unsigned int (called DWORD) yu can split it to BYTES like this:
DWORD x; // input 32 bit unsigned int
BYTE a0,a1,a2,a3; // output BYTES a0 is the least significant a3 is the most significant
a0=DWORD((x )&255); // should be 0x44
a1=DWORD((x>> 8)&255); // should be 0x33
a2=DWORD((x>>16)&255); // should be 0x22
a3=DWORD((x>>24)&255); // should be 0x11
this approach is not affected by endianness
but it uses ALU
the point is shift the bits you want to position of 0..7 bit and mask out the rest
the &255 and DWORD() overtyping is not needed on all compilers but some do weird stuff without them especially on signed variables like char or int
x>>n is the same as x/(pow(2,n))=x/(1<<n)
x&((1<<n)-1) is the same as x%(pow(2,n))=x%(1<<n)
so (x>>8)=x/256 and (x&255)=x%256

Convert from binary to floating point

I'm doing some exercises for Computer Science university and one of them is about converting an int array of 64 bit into it's double-precision floating point value.
Understanding the first bit, the sign +/-, is quite easy. Same for the exponent, as well as we know that the bias is 1023.
We are having problems with the significand. How can I calculate it?
In the end, I would like to obtain the real numbers that the bits meant.
computing the significand of the given 64 bit is quite easy.
according to the wiki article using the IEEE 754, the significand is made up the first 53 bits (from bit 0 to bit 52).
Now if you want to convert number having like 67 bits to your 64 bits value, it would be rounded by setting the trailing 64th bits of your value to 1, even if it was one before... because of the other 3 bits:
11110000 11110010 11111 becomes 11110000 11110011 after the rounding of the last byte;
therefore the there is no need to store the 53th bits because it has always a value a one.
that's why you only store in 52 bits in the significand instead of 53.
now to compute it, you just need to target the bit range of the significand [bit(1) - bit(52)] -bit(0) is always 1- and use it .
int index_signf = 1; // starting at 1, not 0
int significand_length = 52;
int byteArray[53]; // array containing the bits of the significand
double significand_endValue = 0;
for( ; index_signf <= significand_length ; index_signf ++)
significand_endValue += byteArray[index_signf] * (pow(2,-(index_signf)));
significand_endValue += 1;
Now you just have to fill byteArray accordlingly before computing it, using function like that:
int* getSignificandBits(int* array64bits){
//returned array
int significandBitsArray[53];
// indexes++
int i_array64bits = 0;
int i_significandBitsArray=1;
//set the first bit = 1
significandBitsArray[0] = 1;
// fill it
for(i_significandBitsArray=1, i_array64bits = (63 - 1); i_array64bits >= (64 - 52); i_array64bits--, i_significandBitsArray ++)
significandBitsArray[i_significandBitsArray] = array64bits[i_array64bits];
return significandBitsArray;
You could just load the bits into an unsigned integer of the same size as a double, take the address of that and cast it to a void* which you then cast to a double* and dereference.
Of course, this might be "cheating" if you really are supposed to parse the floating point standard, but this is how I would have solved the problem given the parameters you've stated so far.
If you have a byte representation of an object you can copy the bytes into the storage of a variable of the right type to convert it.
double convert_to_double(uint64_t x) {
double result;
mempcy(&result, &x, sizeof(x));
return result;
You will often see code like *(double *)&x to do the conversion, but whereas in practice this will always work it's undefined behavior in C.

How to treat a struct with two unsigned shorts as if it were an unsigned int? (in C)

I created a structure to represent a fixed-point positive number. I want the numbers in both sides of the decimal point to consist 2 bytes.
typedef struct Fixed_t {
unsigned short floor; //left side of the decimal point
unsigned short fraction; //right side of the decimal point
} Fixed;
Now I want to add two fixed point numbers, Fixed x and Fixed y. To do so I treat them like integers and add.
(Fixed) ( (int)x + (int)y );
But as my visual studio 2010 compiler says, I cannot convert between Fixed and int.
What's the right way to do this?
EDIT: I'm not committed to the {short floor, short fraction} implementation of Fixed.
You could attempt a nasty hack, but there's a problem here with endian-ness. Whatever you do to convert, how is the compiler supposed to know that you want floor to be the most significant part of the result, and fraction the less significant part? Any solution that relies on re-interpreting memory is going to work for one endian-ness but not another.
You should either:
(1) define the conversion explicitly. Assuming short is 16 bits:
unsigned int val = (x.floor << 16) + x.fraction;
(2) change Fixed so that it has an int member instead of two shorts, and then decompose when required, rather than composing when required.
If you want addition to be fast, then (2) is the thing to do. If you have a 64 bit type, then you can also do multiplication without decomposing: unsigned int result = (((uint64_t)x) * y) >> 16.
The nasty hack, by the way, would be this:
unsigned int val;
assert(sizeof(Fixed) == sizeof(unsigned int)) // could be a static test
assert(2 * sizeof(unsigned short) == sizeof(unsigned int)) // could be a static test
memcpy(&val, &x, sizeof(unsigned int));
That would work on a big-endian system, where Fixed has no padding (and the integer types have no padding bits). On a little-endian system you'd need the members of Fixed to be in the other order, which is why it's nasty. Sometimes casting through memcpy is the right thing to do (in which case it's a "trick" rather than a "nasty hack"). This just isn't one of those times.
If you have to you can use a union but beware of endian issues. You might find the arithmetic doesn't work and certainly is not portable.
typedef struct Fixed_t {
union {
struct { unsigned short floor; unsigned short fraction };
unsigned int whole;
} Fixed;
which is more likely (I think) to work big-endian (which Windows/Intel isn't).
Some magic:
typedef union Fixed {
uint16_t w[2];
uint32_t d;
} Fixed;
#define Floor w[((Fixed){1}).d==1]
#define Fraction w[((Fixed){1}).d!=1]
Key points:
I use fixed-size integer types so you're not depending on short being 16-bit and int being 32-bit.
The macros for Floor and Fraction (capitalized to avoid clashing with floor() function) access the two parts in an endian-independent way, as foo.Floor and foo.Fraction.
Edit: At OP's request, an explanation of the macros:
Unions are a way of declaring an object consisting of several different overlapping types. Here we have uint16_t w[2]; overlapping uint32_t d;, making it possible to access the value as 2 16-bit units or 1 32-bit unit.
(Fixed){1} is a compound literal, and could be written more verbosely as (Fixed){{1,0}}. Its first element (uint16_t w[2];) gets initialized with {1,0}. The expression ((Fixed){1}).d then evaluates to the 32-bit integer whose first 16-bit half is 1 and whose second 16-bit half is 0. On a little-endian system, this value is 1, so ((Fixed){1}).d==1 evaluates to 1 (true) and ((Fixed){1}).d!=1 evaluates to 0 (false). On a big-endian system, it'll be the other way around.
Thus, on a little-endian system, Floor is w[1] and Fraction is w[0]. On a big-endian system, Floor is w[0] and Fraction is w[1]. Either way, you end up storing/accessing the correct half of the 32-bit value for the endian-ness of your platform.
In theory, a hypothetical system could use a completely different representation for 16-bit and 32-bit values (for instance interleaving the bits of the two halves), breaking these macros. In practice, that's not going to happen. :-)
This is not possible portably, as the compiler does not guarantee a Fixed will use the same amount of space as an int. The right way is to define a function Fixed add(Fixed a, Fixed b).
Just add the pieces separately. You need to know the value of the fraction that means "1" - here I'm calling that FRAC_MAX:
// c = a + b
void fixed_add( Fixed* a, Fixed* b, Fixed* c){
unsigned short carry = 0;
if((int)(a->floor) + (int)(b->floor) > FRAC_MAX){
carry = 1;
c->fraction = a->floor + b->floor - FRAC_MAX;
c->floor = a->floor + b->floor + carry;
Alternatively, if you're just setting the fixed point as being at the 2 byte boundary you can do something like:
void fixed_add( Fixed* a, Fixed *b, Fixed *c){
int ia = a->floor << 16 + a->fraction;
int ib = b->floor << 16 + b->fraction;
int ic = ia + ib;
c->floor = ic >> 16;
c->fraction = ic - c->floor;
Try this:
typedef union {
struct Fixed_t {
unsigned short floor; //left side of the decimal point
unsigned short fraction; //right side of the decimal point
} Fixed;
int Fixed_int;
If your compiler puts the two short on 4 bytes, then you can use memcpy to copy your int in your struct, but as said in another answer, this is not portable... and quite ugly.
Do you really care adding separately each field in a separate method?
Do you want to keep the integer for performance reason?
// add two Fixed
Fixed operator+( Fixed a, Fixed b )
//add Fixed and int
Fixed operator+( Fixed a, int b )
You may cast any addressable type to another one by using:
*(newtype *)&var
