I'm new to Django, so I may be completely off track here...
I've seen a lot of questions about being able to access the current user when an object is saved, but my problem is slightly different: I'd like to use (a special subclass of) admin to show a user sets of objects, but only those object he or she has access to.
At the moment I am attempting to do this by creating a special "OpAdmin" app, whose sole purpose is to have this specialized admin. An OpAdmin model looks something like this:
class OperatorAircraftManager(models.Manager):
def get_query_set(self, user):
return mainapp.models.Aircraft.objects.filter(owner=user.employer)
class Aircraft(mainapp.models.Aircraft):
class Meta:
proxy = True
objects = OperatorAircraftManager()
But I am having a hard time getting my head around how I would pass the user information to get_query_set, or whether this is the wrong approach entirely (should I be doing something with Groups or Permissions instead?) Again, this is not about saving the user info with a new Aircraft, or restricting who can change one, but about restricting who can see them in admin. Any suggestions would be appreciated --- thanks.
Edit: I should add that I have also seen a number of "get current user" packages for use with Django, but they all seem a bit hacky (looking on the current call stack for example), so I've been reluctant to go that route. If there is an accepted way to cache some shared information about the request context, that would be good to know...
Not sure what you mean by "only those object he or she has access to". But if you want to limit all objects to their respective owners in the admin, this is how you do that:
def queryset(self, request):
"""Limit Pages to those that belong to the request's user."""
qs = super(PageAdmin, self).queryset(request)
return qs.filter(owner=request.user)
I'm creating a design for a Twitter application to practice DDD. My domain model looks like this:
The user and tweet are marked blue to indicate them being a aggregate root. Between the user and the tweet I want a bounded context, each will run in their respective microservice (auth and tweet).
To reference which user has created a tweet, but not run into a self-referencing loop, I have created the UserInfo object. The UserInfo object is created via events when a new user is created. It stores only the information the Tweet microservice will need of the user.
When I create a tweet I only provide the userid and relevant fields to the tweet, with that user id I want to be able to retrieve the UserInfo object, via id reference, to use it in the various child objects, such as Mentions and Poster.
The issue I run into is the persistance, at first glance I thought "Just provide the UserInfo object in the tweet constructor and it's done, all the child aggregates have access to it". But it's a bit harder on the Mention class, since the Mention will contain a dynamic username like so: "#anyuser". To validate if anyuser exists as a UserInfo object I need to query the database. However, I don't know who is mentioned before the tweet's content has been parsed, and that logic resides in the domain model itself and is called as a result of using the tweets constructor. Without this logic, no mentions are extracted so nothing can "yet" be validated.
If I cannot validate it before creating the tweet, because I need the extraction logic, and I cannot use the database repository inside the domain model layer, how can I validate the mentions properly?
Whenever an AR needs to reach out of it's own boundary to gather data there's two main solutions:
You pass in a service to the AR's method which allows it to perform the resolution. The service interface is defined in the domain, but most likely implemented in the infrastructure layer.
e.g. someAr.someMethod(args, someServiceImpl)
Note that if the data is required at construction time you may want to introduce a factory that takes a dependency on the service interface, performs the validation and returns an instance of the AR.
tweetFactory = new TweetFactory(new SqlUserInfoLookupService(...));
tweet = tweetFactory.create(...);
You resolve the dependencies in the application layer first, then pass the required data. Note that the application layer could take a dependency onto a domain service in order to perform some reverse resolutions first.
If the application layer would like to resolve the UserInfo for all mentions, but can't because it doesn't know how to parse mentions within the text it could always rely on a domain service or value object to perform that task first, then resolve the UserInfo dependencies and provide them to the Tweet AR. Be cautious here not to leak too much logic in the application layer though. If the orchestration logic becomes intertwined with business logic you may want to extract such use case processing logic in a domain service.
Finally, note that any data validated outside the boundary of an AR is always considered stale. The #xyz user could currently exist, but not exist anymore (e.g. deactivated) 1ms after the tweet was sent.
For example, if I have a microservice with this API:
service User {
rpc GetUser(GetUserRequest) returns (GetUserResponse) {}
message GetUserRequest {
int32 user_id = 1;
message GetUserResponse {
int32 user_id = 1;
string first_name = 2;
string last_name = 3;
I figured that for other services that require users, I'm going to have to store this user_id in all rows that have data associated with that user ID. For example, if I have a separate Posts service, I would store the user_id information for every post author. And then whenever I want that user information to return data in an endpoint, I would need to make a network call to the User service.
Would I always want to do that? Or are there certain times that I want to just copy over information from the User service into my current service (excluding saving into in-memory databases like Redis)?
Copying complete data generally never required, most of times for purposes of scale or making microservices more independent, people tend to copy some of the information which is more or less static in nature.
For eg: In Post Service, i might copy author basic information like name in post microservices, because when somebody making a request to the post microservice to get list of post based on some filter , i do not want to get name of author for each post.
Also the side effect of copying data is maintaining its consistency. So make sure you business really demands it.
You'll definitely want to avoid sharing database schema/tables. See this blog for an explanation. Use a purpose built interface for dependency between the services.
Any decision to "copy" data into your other service should be made by the service's team, but they better have a real good reason in order for it to make sense. Most designs won't require duplicated data because the service boundary should be domain specific and non-overlapping. In case of user ids they can be often be treated as contextual references without any attached logic about users.
One pattern observed is: If you have auth protected endpoints, you will need to make a call to your auth service anyway - for security - and that same call should allow you to acquire whatever user id information is necessary.
All the regular best practices for API dependencies apply, e.g. regarding stability, versioning, deprecating etc.
I'm knocking together a demo app based upon Nancy.Demo.Authentication.Forms.
I'm implementing Claims and UserName in my UserIdentity:IUserIdentity class and, as per the demo, I've got a UserModel with UserName.
In the SecureModule class, I can see that the Context.CurrentUser can be used to see who it is that's logged on, but as per the interface, this only supplies the username and the claims. If I then need to get more data (say messages for the logged on user) for a view model, all I can see to use as a filter for a db query is the username, which feels, well, weird. I'd much rather be using the uniqueIdentifier of the user.
I think what I'm trying to get to the bottom of, if it is better to add the extra fields to my IUserIdentity implementation, or to the UserModel? And where to populate these?
Not sure my question is that clear (It's not clear in my head!), but some general basic architecture advice would go down a treat.
Sorry for the delayed reply.. bit hectic at the moment :)
The IUserIdentity is the minimum interface required to use Nancy's built in authentication helpers, you can implement that and add as much additional information as you like to your class; it's similar to the standard .net IPrincipal. If you do add your own info you'll obviously have to cast to your implementation type to access the additional fields. We could add a CurrentUser method to stop you having to do that, but it seems a little redundant.
You can stop reading here if you like, or you can read on if you're interested in how forms auth works..
FormsAuth uses an implementation of IUsernameMapper (which is probably named wrong now) to convert between the Guid user identifier that's stored in the client cookie and the actual user (the IUserIdentity). It's worth noting that this GUID needs to be mapped to the user/id somewhere, but it's not intended to be your database primary key, it is merely a layer of indirection between your (probably predictable) user id/names and the "token" stored on the client. Although the cookies are encrypted and HMACd (depending on your configuration), if someone does manage to crack open and reconstruct the auth cookie they would have to guess someone else's GUID in order to impersonate them, rather than changing a username (to "admin" or something smilar), or an id (to 1 for the first user).
Hope that makes sense :)
I have a custom object with a master-detail to opportunity. Is there a way to determine if the user has read or read/write access when querying this custom object?
To clarify my needs, I'm looking for a way to render my page (non-visualforce) with a clear distinction between records they have only read access to and records in which they may edit.
The user will have the same access to that as they have to the opportunity. The Profile object exposes permissions but it doesn't appear to allow you to find out about CRUD settings for objects.
Are you creating an integration piece or working with Visualforce? If you're using Visualforce the interface will respect security controls automatically, hiding data they're not allowed to see and making fields read only when using <apex:inputField> if they do not have permission to write to the field.
** Edit **
Maybe somebody will have a better solution, but how about trying to update the records you query, storing whether each was a success or failure, and then using that to control the interface? Bit of a hack, if I find anything else I'll be sure to update.
** Edit 25/01/2012 **
Have just come across this: http://www.salesforce.com/us/developer/docs/api/index_Left.htm#StartTopic=Content/sforce_api_objects_userrecordaccess.htm?SearchType=Stem
Pretty sure that'll give you exactly what you need!
This might contain answer to your question http://salesforceblogger.blogspot.com/2012/04/query-user-access-level-in-apex.html
There is an UserRecordAccess table which is exposed with API 24.0 with which u can easily check for access instead of banging ur head with share object.
I don't know of a way to query to find out the level of access however if your apex class uses the With Sharing keyword it will respect sharing on the object thus when you attempt to update the data you'll get a DML exception which you could catch.
If you're not using With Sharing then apex doesn't respect the Sharing model and technically the user will be able to update the data even if they don't have access.
As pointed out by LaceySnr if you're using visualforce the <apex:inputfield> element will display read-only automatically to the user if they only have ReadOnly Access.
I have a User object that, upon successful authentication, is tucked into the session (sans security info) for easy recall and for determining whether we have an authenticated user or anonymous session. There are several paths by which the user can alter some or all of his or her information and I'd like to keep that session value up to date. The obvious answer is to update the value in the afterSave() callback, but that, of course, violates MVC.
Is there another way of capturing every change in one place so that I don't have to drop session writes all over the place? I can't think of anything, nor have I been able to find any other ideas. Am I the only person trying to do something like this?
Final Solution: I marked neilcrookes' response as the answer, frankly, because there doesn't seem to be the better way. Since this way violates my OCD senses, though, I took a slightly different path. I decided to have my User::authenticate() method return the authenticated user object to the caller so it can do whatever it wants with it. One of the things that the callers "want" to do is to drop that value in the session. It's redundancy, but it's very, very limited. In my mind, that felt better than accessing the session from the model (though it's certainly a damned if you do, damned if you don't scenario).
//in users controller
if ($this->User->save()) {
$this->Session->setFlash[.. etc]
And for the record, I do not agree with the answer of neilcrooks, but I will refrain from feeding the troll.
Some might disagree but I'd screw MVC, do it in Model::afterSave() and use $_SESSION - test for the session before writing to it, in case it's not started for example you are saving against the model in a shell or something.
MVC is a general pattern - a guideline, you can bang your head against it trying to figure out how to achieve something that doesn't quite fit, or just do it another way and move onto to something more important.
Bring on the flames.
after save
Use Like this
$this->Session->write('Auth.User.mmid', $kinde['Kindle']['id']);
You should be able to just use AppController to create the necessary callback(s) that keep your session data up to date. So, for instance, you could have your User model afterSave() set a property called changed to true. Then in your AppController->afterFilter() you check that property and update the session data as necessary.
Alternatively, you could write a component through which to update your user info and also your session data. Then any controller that needs to change user info just needs to include that component.
There's no need to write redundant code or break MVC.