Can't Run my iOS App from Xcode 4.6 after installing Xcode 5 - xcode4.6

I installed resently Xcode 5 with iOS 7 SDK on my Mac OS 10.8.
the problem is i can't any more run my iOS app from Xcode 4.6, here's the errors:
- when I run the app from Xcode, after build I have this message:
"can't find the existing path [ path]"
and the file exist in the specified path.
- when I generate the ipa and install it by iTune I have this message:
"not supported device".
my app works fine before installing the new Xcode (5 + iOS 7 SDK)
any one have a solution?

Easy solution!
Xcode 5 like any previous change some formats. To my knowledge the most common issues are:
1. changing the Xib/Storyboard file, You can check my answer here for solution: How do I fix a project opened in xcode5 dp3 by accident?
It can change the framework path format (you should get an error when compiling), To solve this check my answer here: sentestingkit/sentestingkit.h' file not found on Xcode 4.6.x
If those both doesn't work for you please add more details and I would love to help.


Codename one version 1.0 is installed even though I install version 6.0 from Eclipse Marketplace

I am using Eclipse 2020-06 (I have made a fresh install of Eclipse instead of upgrading it from an earlier version of Eclipse) and JDK 8 (1.8.0_261). My OS is Windows 10.
JAVA_HOME is set to C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_261
When I download "Codename One" plugin from Eclipse Marketplace it shows the version as 6.0 and it says "Installed" at the end of the installation process.
However, when I go to "Help -> Eclipse IDE -> Installation Details" under Eclipse, CodenameOneFeature version is listed as:
When I select CodenameOneFeature from this list and hit Update, it says "No updates found". So basically I cannot force it to update to 6.0.
I can confirm that I have the earlier version installed also from the setting of the Codename One projects I create: when I go to Properties -> Java Compiler, the compliance level is set to 1.5 (also 1.5 is used in build.xml file).
BTW, I have also tried installing Eclipse 2019-06 (instead of 2020-06) and/or installing JDK 10 (instead of JDK 8) and/or modifying the eclipse.ini (by adding -vm option) so that it uses the version of JDK I want (instead of setting JAVA_HOME). But no combination of those has solved the problem.
Updated answer:
I found the problem. I broke the update site with a commit a couple of weeks ago. This should be fixed in a couple of hours once server caches refresh.
Original answer:
With Eclipse at this time we only support JDK 8. We're experiencing issues in updating the eclipse plugin to the latest version. Once installed I think you can also use JDK 11 but it doesn't matter since we don't support JDK 11 features.
Once a reasonably new version of the plugin is installed you can press update in Codename One Settings and it will update our libraries to the latest version equivalent to the other IDEs.

Xcode 10, LLDB: Couldn't IRGen expression

Using Xcode 10, when I stop my app using a breakpoint and try to print the content of an object in the Console, I obtain:
"Couldn't IRGen expression, no additional error"
However, I can see the value of the object in the Variables View panel.
How can I make it evaluate my expression instead?
In lldb as a workaround you can use:
fr v productVersion
fr v productBuild
since Xcode 10.2
v productVersion
v productBuild
which prints local variable type and address from current call stack frame.
Apple documentation for these kind of lldb capabilities:
Another trick that seems to help is to set
I solved with rebuild carthage framework like
carthage update --platform iOS --no-use-binaries
I had defined as build system: "Legacy Build System", I changed it to "New Build System", then I build the project, and then I put it back as "Legacy Build System" and it worked again.
For to change the build mode: File->Workspace settings...->Build System
For my colleague, carthage update --platform iOS --no-use-binaries was working but it was not for me. When I removed the Carthage folder and reran the command, the po command started working 🎉. I'm not sure if it's related but I'm on macOS Catalina 10.15.3 and he is on Mojave. We both have Carthage version 0.34.0.
My env: Xcode 11.6 and Xcode 12 Beta 6, carthage 0.34.0
In my case, my company wants me to make build of our app out of Xcode 12 beta and see what's broken. I did it and encounter another bug that crippled the carthage. I fixed it by following this answer in the same thread.
Then I switched back to Xcode 11.6, the error started to appear
error: Couldn't IRGen expression, no additional error
The variable inspector works normally but debug console is useless without print or po. It took me some time to search in SO before I realized this might be related to carthage. Then I updated all my dependencies using the following command
carthage bootstrap --platform iOS --no-use-binaries --cache-builds
Then the debug resume normal and I can use print/po again

Can't run app in iOS 11.0 simulator

I can't run the application on the simulator in the new xCode 9 beta 3 (9M174d). Every time I see the error message: (Mach error -308 - (ipc / mig) server died)
Had this issue after installing XCode 9 beta 4. Tried every possible suggestion. The only thing that solved this issue for me was to reinstall Xcode command line tools:
Open terminal and type the command: xcode-select --install
After installation reboot the mac.
The problem is fixed after installing the latest Mac Os Sierra patches.

Running app in IDE stops working

Last week I finished development on a test app and ran it successfully in all simulators.
Today I decided to look at publishing the app and used "Sent Android Build". Build status "Successful".
Then tried running jar from command line and got:
peter#PeteSuse:~> java -jar "/home/peter/NetBeansProjects/mobile-apps/pGame/dist/pGame.jar"
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 0
at com.codename1.impl.javase.Executor$
at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(
So tried to run from GUI and got:
Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javafx/embed/swing/JFXPanel
at com.codename1.impl.ImplementationFactory.createImplementation(
at com.codename1.ui.Display.init(
at com.codename1.impl.javase.Executor$
at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(
Java version:
peter#PeteSuse:~> java -version
openjdk version "1.8.0_121"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea 3.3.0) (suse-23.1-x86_64)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.121-b13, mixed mode)
I am using Netbeans (new to this) on Suse Linux 42.1 64b.
Have I lost a library somewhere? or something else?
Thanks guys. I fixed the problem by adding jfxrt.jar to the Libraries in NetBeans.
JFXPanel is in the JavaFX library.
See: JavaFX and OpenJDK for info on why JavaFX is not available by default in your OpenJDK distribution.
If your linux distribution makes an open JavaFX package available (like ubuntu does: Why is JavaFX is not included in OpenJDK 8 on Ubuntu Wily (15.10)?), then you can use that.
Otherwise you can build from source (for the adventurous yak shaver).
Or, easiest, is just to an Oracle Java distribution.
I don't know codenameone or have any idea how it works. Possibly whatever it is, you could ask the creators to package their thing as a self-contained application, so that it ships with a compatible Java runtime, which would (potentially) avoid issues such as you are encountering. Not knowing codenameone, I don't know if that would make sense or not.
I also don't know the cause of your original ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException as that looks internal to codenameone or your use of it.
With regards to NetBeans, you might need to set the Java platform to one with JavaFX installed (in case you have multiple Java platforms installed on your machine).
You can run a Codename One application in the simulator by pressing the play button in the IDE. It won't work for you from Command Line and shouldn't since the app shouldn't have a main() method.
You can execute the Codename One simulator from Command Line using:
java -jar JavaSE.jar:dist/MyApp.jar
Notice this assumes your project is the working directory.

Issues with Marionette.Upgrade on Windows 7 when upgrading from Marionette 1 to 2

I'm trying to use on Windows 7 to upgrade a Marionette app I built in 1.6.2 to 2.
I've installed Python 2.7 and changed from codemod = "%s/bin/" % path.dirname(file) to codemod = "C:\Python27\python.exe" based on other issues people have had with Upgrade on Windows.
However, I'm getting some errors I can't fix (I haven't used python before) and there are no changes when I ask for the replacement.
The command I use is python C:\web\Marionette.Upgrade\ C:\web\tl-git\app\webroot\js\apps\client\lists and the errors I get look like
')close\' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. C:\Python27\python.exe: No module named --extensions
Anyone have any suggestions?
The following image shows the error and also the python info on my Windows installation:
