Handling 404 for image content - http-status-code-404

We've recently launched a large website for a client, and have put in place the 301 redirects for all the links on the site.
Looking at the logs, there are a lot of 404 for images. How is best to handle image 404 errors? Are we best redirecting requests for images in the old link structure to the home page?
Thanks in advance for advice on this.

One possible solution, would be to make a small-ish image that simply says "404" or "Image not available". Since the browser is expecting some sort of image to display, this would be a better solution than returning some "404" text, which is just going to display as a broken image in the rendered page.


Netlify Page Not Found/White Page

I have been trying to figure out Netlify redirects. My Netlify app is at this link (however this is a blockchain application and requires that you have metamask, so I will try to explain my problem so that you don't have to install it to actually answer my question): rekt.netlify.app
I have two main problems:
I have already tried the whole _redirects file with /* /index.html 200 in it. This works when I go to rekt.netlify.app/games and refresh, it will actually come back to that page. That's good. The issue is when I then go to rekt.netlify.app/games/Valorant for example, it will be a white page on refresh, and I cannot figure out why. In my react application, I have react router set up so the path is path="/games/:game"
I went to the Networks tab in the google inspect and I found that this was the request URL when I refresh the page on /games/Valorant: https://rekt.netlify.app/games/static/css/2.80dce9aa.chunk.css
As you can see, the issue is probably something to do with that /games/ comes before /static/ in the URL. I'm a beginner so I don't know what that actually means.
The second issue I am having is that, the img tags of the games load on the /games page, however, when you click on a specific game and attempt to go to a /games/Valorant for example the image will not load. I believe this is due to a similar problem. I have gone into Network tab of google inspect and when I look at the image being loaded in the /games page, it attempts to GET https://rekt.netlify.app/static/media/league_wallpaper.f5e6bf5f.jpg which works. However, when being loaded in the /games/Valorant page, it attempts to GET https://rekt.netlify.app/games/static/media/league_wallpaper.f5e6bf5f.jpg and this does not work, it's a blank page.
You can notice that the second link there has /games/ in it which I believe is preventing it from getting the image. Potentially the problem here is that anything more than one / in the URL is messing things up? I'm not sure. This is the link to my github project: https://github.com/jacob-tucker/ReKt
Edit: Here are some screenshots that will hopefully help. This first one shows that the request URL is trying to get the image from /games/static (which I don't think makes sense). This is happening on the /games/Valorant page.
And then here is a screenshot of /games/Valorant trying to load as well after I refresh the page and get a blank white screen (it returns a status code of 200 because I have /* /index.html 200 in my _redirects file.
I had a the same issue a while ago, I've just added
"homepage": "https://my-app.netlify.app",
in package.json and it worked perfectly.

How to display my AngularJS correctly for GoogleBot and Optimizely?

I've a website called VoteCircle (www.votecircle.com), but i noted that it doesn't display well for Google Bot/Optimizely (used for A/B tests). It shows only the content that AREN'T in ng-view. All content in ng-view isn't displayed.
it was made in AngularJS and the content in ng-view isn't displayed for those bots/previews that i mentioned.
What's the best way to fix that?
Please, see attached screenshot.
There is a pretty easy fix for this. In your URL bar, click on the small key and enable mixed content. The browser blocks loading mixed content in the editor by default (HTTPS and HTTP resources combined). By enabling it you can load the rest of the page in the editor.

Getting pages indexed in Kik browser

I'm having trouble getting pages to show up in the NEW tab and in the Optimized for Kik search results.
All my pages have the required title, meta description, canonical and script tag served if the user-agent contains the string "kik".
Here is an example of a page that isn't being indexed.
The pages have been correctly set up for around a week and still aren't showing up. Any ideas why?
Currently, the Kik browser shows a loading screen on top of your website until the window.onload event has fired. If the website takes too long to load the user is presented with an error screen.
Testing locally, http://playcanv.as/p/MW862amA downloaded roughly 5MB before window.onload and took roughly 30 seconds to get there. I'm betting the search index isn't let it in because of this.
So the fix is simply deferring expensive network requests until after window.onload. The easiest solution is to wrap your network calls in kik.ready(function(){})

requesting a route on google maps returns 404 page

does anyone know whats is going on with google maps lately? when i do a request to maps.google.com sometimes it returns a 404 page but right after when i request the same url it will load correctly. This does not happen always but sometimes the 404 page shows. My application is WPF based with vb and im using a webbrowser to display a route from point A to point B. Like i said sometimes when i press the button to display the google maps i get the 404 page but the same route will work right after when i try again.
If anyone has any info about this i will be very appreciated, since i can't find anything on the internet.

setting up Google Webpage Optimizer where text and conversion pages are the same

I have a site where both landing and thank you page are index.php page with different content loaded dynamically. As I'm generating the javascript and trying to validate it, it gives me an error saying that JS is not installed on the thank you page, which makes sense, because its content is not loaded yet. I was wondering how I can circumvent this issue? Any suggestions?
You will need to do the offline validation of the conversion page, follow these instructions.
