I need help to insert different format xml data into a SQL Server database using single procedure>
So I need one procedure to insert the data into database taking xml as input. (i have nearly 20 xml formats), I will pass only one xml as input but not all.
You may try somethings as:
create procedure spInsertData
#data xml
set nocount on
if #data.exist('/Items') = 1
insert into Items (Name)
select T.c.value('text()[1]', 'nvarchar(100)')
from #data.nodes('/Items/Item') T(c)
where not exists (select 1 from Items where Name = T.c.value('text()[1]', 'nvarchar(100)'))
else if #data.exist('/Products') = 1
insert into Products (Name)
select T.c.value('text()[1]', 'nvarchar(100)')
from #data.nodes('/Products/Product') T(c)
where not exists (select 1 from Products where Name = T.c.value('text()[1]', 'nvarchar(100)'))
-- etc.
Technologies: T-SQL, XML, XQuery
I have an XML #variable in a database table which has a schema section and data section. I would only like to extra only the schema section and create a XML Schema Collection for it. It appears XQuery would be the quickest way. How do I specify the starting tag and ending tag in the following file (I only want to extract everything between <xs:schema xmlns and </xs:schema>?
CREATE FUNCTION [etl].[ufn_GetXmlSchema]
#DataLakeBlobId uniqueidentifier
DECLARE #XmlSchema xml
,#XmlData xml
SET #XmlSchema = ( SELECT [XmlData]
FROM [landing].[v_tbForm] WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE [DataLakeBlobId] = #DataLakeBlobId
--RETURN #XmlSchema.query('</xs:schema>')-- missing matching begin tag
--RETURN #XmlSchema.query('<xs:schema xmlns="" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:msdata="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata" id="NewDataSet">')-- Expected end tag 'xs:schema'
RETURN #XmlSchema.query('<xs:schema xmlns="" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:msdata="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata" id="NewDataSet"></xs:schema>')-- nothing in between was returned
SELECT [etl].[ufn_GetXmlSchema]('A257667D-C3AA-471C-9F82-91FA35181833')
Any help is appreciated.
While waiting for a real scenario, here is a good jump start for you. As end result, it creates an XML Schema Collection named dbo.StateAndCities.
USE tempdb;
-- DDL and sample data population, start
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.xml_schema_collections
WHERE name = N'StateAndCities'
AND schema_id = SCHEMA_ID(N'dbo'))
, state CHAR(2)
, city VARCHAR(30)
INSERT INTO #tbl (state, city)
('FL', 'Miami')
, ('CA', 'Los Angeles')
, ('TX', 'Austin');
-- DDL and sample data population, end
-- Generate XML plus embedded XSD schema
FROM #tbl AS [row]
FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE, ROOT('root')
-- just to see, XML plus embedded XSD schema
SELECT #xml;
-- retrive just XSD
;WITH xmlnamespaces ('http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema' AS xsd)
SELECT #xsd = (SELECT #xml.query('/root/xsd:schema'));
-- just to see, XSD schema
SELECT #xsd AS xsd;
-- create schema collection
I am trying to convert data table to xml. It works fine. I want to store this converted xml in another table, So I tried using insert into select statement but it throws an error
The FOR XML clause is not allowed in a INSERT statement.
My query:
insert into table1 (column1)
select * from table2
for xml raw('product'),root('productDetails');
Updated :
This is tougher than i thought . what we have to do is
Save Xml in variable
then save Variable data to Table.(I think this can be simplified )
Code :
xCol XML
) ;
SET #testXML = (
select * from "Product"
FOR XML RAW ('Product'), ROOT ('Products'));
select #testXML ;
INSERT INTO #MyXMLTable ( xCol )
SELECT * from #MyXMLTable
I would like to use something like an .Include function in SQL Server 2008, but I could not find the correct syntax for it. I have a sql query like below:
--#values has to be varchar list and start & end with comma
declare #values varchar(max) = ',7,34,37,74,85,'
select (case when #values like '%,' + m.Id + ',%' then m.Name else null end)
from #myTable m
So the logic is, if ID of a record matches with one of the numbers in #values list, I would like to see its name in the output list. This query is working fine, but I would like to find a more professional way to handle it, maybe like:
case when #values.Include(m.Id) then m.Name else null end
Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.
The fastest method to split a delimited string is using xquery in my experience.
SET #values = ',7,34,37,74,85,'
SET #XML = cast(('<X>'+replace(#values,',' ,'</X><X>')+'</X>') as xml)
SELECT N.value('.', 'VARCHAR(255)') as value FROM #XML.nodes('X') as T(N)
declare #table table (id varchar(5))
insert into #table(id)
values ('7')
select *
from #table y
where exists (SELECT 1 FROM #XML.nodes('X') as T(N) where N.value('.', 'VARCHAR(255)') = y.id)
If you are calling this code from an application, you might want to consider using Table-Valued Parameters and a stored procedure to do this.
First, you would need to create a table type to use with the procedure:
create type dbo.Ids_udt as table (Id int not null);
Then, create the procedure:
create procedure dbo.get_names_from_list (
#Ids as dbo.Ids_udt readonly
) as
set nocount, xact_abort on;
select t.Name
from t
inner join #Ids i
on t.Id = i.Id
Then, assemble and pass the list of Ids to the stored procedure using a DataTable added as a SqlParameter using SqlDbType.Structured.
Table Valued Parameter Reference:
SQL Server 2008 Table-Valued Parameters and C# Custom Iterators: A Match Made In Heaven! - Leonard Lobel
Table Value Parameter Use With C# - Jignesh Trivedi
Using Table-Valued Parameters in SQL Server and .NET - Erland Sommarskog
Maximizing Performance with Table-Valued Parameters - Dan Guzman
Maximizing throughput with tvp - sqlcat
How to use TVPs with Entity Framework 4.1 and CodeFirst
Assuming that the data/list is not required to be structered as a comma separated list you could either use IN, EXISTS or SOME / ANY
If it is unavoidable you could use JiggsJedi way but since you asked for a fast way you should try to store the data in a way that in can be processed faster and does not require additional work to be queried.
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Temp') IS NOT NULL
Drop table #Temp
Create table #Temp (ID INt ,Name varchar(5))
INSERT into #Temp
SELECT 7,'AA' Union all
SELECT 34,'BA' Union all
SELECT 37,'CA' Union all
SELECT 74,'DA' Union all
DECLARE #values varchar(max) = ',,,,,,7,,34,,,74,85,,,,' --If extra commas are added in starting or end or in between of string it could handle
SET #values=','+#values+','
SELECT #values= LEFT(STUFF(#values,1,1,''),LEN(#values)-2)
DECLARE #SelectValuesIn TABLE(Value INT)
INSERT INTO #SelectValuesIn
SELECT Split.a.value('.', 'VARCHAR(100)') AS Data
CAST ('<M>' + REPLACE(#values, ',', '</M><M>') + '</M>' AS XML) AS Data
) AS A CROSS APPLY Data.nodes ('/M') AS Split(a);
SELECT * FROM #Temp WHERE ID IN(SELECT Value from #SelectValuesIn)
I am using SQL Server (2008/2012) and I know there are similar answers from lots of searching, however I can't seem to find the appropriate example/pointers for my case.
I have an XML column in a SQL Server table holding this data:
<Value>My First Name</Value>
<Value>My Last Name</Value>
<Value>My First Name 2</Value>
<Value>My Last Name 2</Value>
So even though the structure of <FormItem> is going to be the same, I can have multiple (most commonly no more than 20-30) sets of form items..
I am essentially trying to return a query from SQL in the format below, i.e. dynamic columns based on /FormItem/Text:
FirstName LastName Age ---> More columns as new `<FormItem>` are returned
My First Name My Last Name 39 Whatever value etc..
My First Name 2 My Last Name 2 40
So, at the moment I had the following:
Tab.Col.value('Text[1]','nvarchar(100)') as Question,
Tab.Col.value('Value[1]','nvarchar(100)') as Answer
#Questions.nodes('/Items/Item/FormItem') Tab(Col)
Of course that hasn't transposed my XML rows into columns, and obviously is fixed with fields anyway.. I have been trying various "Dynamic SQL" approaches where the SQL performs a distinct selection of (in my case) the <Text> node, and then uses some sort of Pivot? but I couldn't seem to find the magic combination to return the results I need as a dynamic set of columns for each row (<Item> within the collection of <Items>).
I'm sure it can be done having seen so many very similar examples, however again the solution eludes me!
Any help gratefully received!!
Parsing the XML is fairly expensive so instead of parsing once to build a dynamic query and once to get the data you can create a temporary table with a Name-Value list and then use that as the source for a dynamic pivot query.
dense_rank is there to create the ID to pivot around.
To build the column list in the dynamic query it uses the for xml path('') trick.
This solution requires that your table has a primary key (ID). If you have the XML in a variable it can be somewhat simplified.
select dense_rank() over(order by ID, I.N) as ID,
F.N.value('(Text/text())[1]', 'varchar(max)') as Name,
F.N.value('(Value/text())[1]', 'varchar(max)') as Value
into #T
from YourTable as T
cross apply T.XMLCol.nodes('/Items/Item') as I(N)
cross apply I.N.nodes('FormItem') as F(N)
declare #SQL nvarchar(max)
declare #Col nvarchar(max)
select #Col =
select distinct ','+quotename(Name)
from #T
for xml path(''), type
).value('substring(text()[1], 2)', 'nvarchar(max)')
set #SQL = 'select '+#Col+'
from #T
pivot (max(Value) for Name in ('+#Col+')) as P'
exec (#SQL)
drop table #T
SQL Fiddle
select Tab.Col.value('(FormItem[Text = "FirstName"]/Value)[1]', 'varchar(32)') as FirstName,
Tab.Col.value('(FormItem[Text = "LastName"]/Value)[1]', 'varchar(32)') as LastName,
Tab.Col.value('(FormItem[Text = "Age"]/Value)[1]', 'int') as Age
from #Questions.nodes('/Items/Item') Tab(Col)
I wanted to add my "own answer" really just for completeness to possibly help others.. however it is most definitely based on the great help from #Mikael above!! so again, this is really for completeness only - all kudos to #Mikael.
Basically I ended up with the following proc. I needed to select some data/filter, and get some joined data too and allow some boolean filtering on some of the input params. Then drop into the next section which was create a temp table of my relational data and the required xml nodes via the cross apply. The final step was to then pivot the results/dynamically create the columns from the selected XML node..
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_RPT_ExtractFlattenentries]
#CompanyID int,
#MainSelector nvarchar(50) = null,
#SecondarySelector nvarchar(255) = null,
#DateFrom datetime = '01-jan-2012',
#DateTo datetime = '31-dec-2100',
#SysReference nvarchar(20) = null
-- Create the table var to hold the XML form data from the entries
declare #FeedbackXml table (
ID int identity primary key,
XMLCol xml,
CompanyName nvarchar(20),
SysReference nvarchar(20),
RecordDate datetime,
EntryName nvarchar(255),
MainSelector nvarchar(50)
-- STEP 1: Get the raw submission data based on the params passed in
-- *Note: The double casting is necessary as the "form" field is nvarchar (not varchar) and we need xml in UTF-8 format
insert into #FeedbackXml
(XMLCol, CompanyName, SysReference, RecordDate, EntryName, MainSelector)
select cast(cast(e.form as nvarchar(max)) as xml), c.name, e.SysReference, e.RecordDate, e.name, e.wizard
entries s
left join
companies o on e.companies = c.ID
(#CompanyID = -1 or #CompanyID = e.companies)
(#MainSelector is null or #MainSelector = e.wizard)
(#SecondarySelector is null or #SecondarySelector = e.name)
(#SysReference is null or #SysReference = e.SysReference)
(e.RecordDate >= #DateFrom and e.RecordDate <= #DateTo)
-- STEP 2: Flatten the required XML structure to provide a base for the pivot, and include other fields we wish to output
select dense_rank() over(order by ID) as ID,
T.RecordDate, T.CompanyName, T.SysReference, T.EntryName, T.MainSelector,
F.N.value('(FieldNameNode/text())[1]', 'nvarchar(max)') as FieldName,
F.N.value('(FieldNameValue/text())[1]', 'nvarchar(max)') as FieldValue
into #TempData
from #FeedbackXml as T
cross apply T.XMLCol.nodes('/root/companies/') as I(N) -- Xpath to the desired node start point
cross apply I.N.nodes('company') as F(N) -- The actual node collection that forms the "field name" and "field value" data
-- STEP 3: Pivot the #TempData table creating a dynamic column structure based on the selected XML nodes in step 2
declare #SQL nvarchar(max)
declare #Col nvarchar(max)
select #Col =
select distinct ','+quotename(FieldName)
from #TempData
for xml path(''), type
).value('substring(text()[1], 2)', 'nvarchar(max)')
set #SQL = 'select CompanyName, SysReference, EntryName, MainSelector, RecordDate, '+#Col+'
from #TempData
pivot (max(FieldValue) for FieldName in ('+#Col+')) as P'
exec (#SQL)
drop table #TempData
Again, really only added this answer to provide a complete picture from my perspective, and may help others.
I am using a table with an XML data field to store the audit trails of all other tables in the database.
That means the same XML field has various XML information. For example my table has two records with XML data like this:
1st record:
2nd record:
These are the two sample formats and just two records. The table actually has many more XML formats in the same field and many records in each format.
Now my problem is that upon query I need these XML formats to be converted into tabular result sets.
What are the options for me? It would be a regular task to query this table and generate reports from it. I want to create a stored procedure to which I can pass that I need to query "<emp>" or "<client>", then my stored procedure should return tabular data.
does this help?
SELECT #el = 'client'
x.value('local-name(.)', 'VARCHAR(20)') AS ColumnName,
x.value('.','VARCHAR(20)') AS ColumnValue
CROSS APPLY data.nodes('/*[local-name(.)=sql:variable("#el")]') a (x)
ColumnName ColumnValue
-------------------- --------------------
client xyz432-54-4231
SELECT #el = 'emp'
x.value('local-name(.)', 'VARCHAR(20)') AS ColumnName,
x.value('.','VARCHAR(20)') AS ColumnValue
CROSS APPLY data.nodes('/*[local-name(.)=sql:variable("#el")]') a (x)
ColumnName ColumnValue
-------------------- --------------------
emp abc5000
Neither xyz432-54-4231 nor abc5000 is valid XML.
You can try to select only one particular format with a like statement, f.e.:
select *
from YourTable
where YourColumn like '[a-z][a-z][a-z][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]'
This would match 3 letters followed by 4 numbers.
A better option is probably to add an extra column to the table, where you save the type of the logging. Then you can use that column to select all "emp" or "client" rows.
An option would be to create a series of views that present the aduit table, per type in the relations that you're execpting
for example
c.value('name','nvarchar(50)') as name,
c.value('ssn', 'nvarchar(20)') as ssn
from yourtable
cross apply yourxmlcolumn.nodes('/client') as t(c)
you could then follow the same pattern for the emp
you could also create a view (or computed column) to identify each xml type like this:
select yourxmlcolumn.value('local-name(/*[1])', 'varchar(100)') as objectType
from yourtable
Use open xml method
DECLARE #idoc int
EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument #idoc OUTPUT, #xmldoc
SELECT * into #test
FROM OPENXML (#idoc, 'xmlfilepath',2)
WITH (Name varchar(50),ssn varchar(20)
EXEC sp_xml_removedocument #idoc
after you get the data in the #test
and you can manipulate this.
you may be put the diff data in diff xml file.