How to Clear WPF IDataErrorInfo Validation Errors - wpf

I am using IDataErrorInfo inherited business objects for validation.
public string UserId { get; set; }
public string this[string columnName]
string result = null;
if (columnName == "UserId")
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(UserId))
result = "Please enter User Id";
I want to clear all the validation errors when I click a button on the menu - like - LogOut.
Window is making the Login panel visible but the previous panel's validation error marks are still appearing in the current login panel.
I tried all the options to assign NULL datacontext, fresh entity object...but no luck
I appreciate your help.

Using the IDataErrorInfo interface is an error-first type approach. This means that you will see the error(s) until they are cleared. You can see that there is no setter on the indexer.
The original IDataErrorInfo interface is not overly useful by itself as it only deals with one error at a time. I added the following field into my BaseDataType class:
protected ObservableCollection<string> errors = new ObservableCollection<string>();
In my actual data classes, I have the following property:
public override ObservableCollection<string> Errors
errors = new ObservableCollection<string>();
return errors;
The AddUniqueIfNotEmpty method is an extension method which I believe is self-explanatory. This property calls the indexer any number of times and compiles all of the results into a ObservableCollection<string> collection ready to be displayed in the UI. You'll need to call the INotifyPropertyChanged.PropertyChanged event with the name Errors when Property1, Property2 and PropertyN are updated to make this work.
You could do something like this, but add a setter for you to pass in an empty collection or string when you want to clear the errors.


unable to add row to a winforms datagridview that is bound to a SortableBindngList

I have a datagridview that was bound to a generic List<> of my objects. Everything works fine. I then changed the List to a SortableBindingList so that I can sort the columns. This works fine to except now I get an exception when I try to add a row. The exception is:
"Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object."
This occurs in the WinForms runtime in DatagridView.DataGridviewDataConnection.ProcessListChanged method.
Anyone have any ideas what the problem might be?
So you have separated your data from how it is displayed. Good for you! Too often I see that people try to fiddle with cells and rows instead of using the datasource.
However, if your DataSource is a List<...>, the changes that the operator makes to the DatagridView are not reflected in the DataSource.
If you want that items that are added / removed / changed by the operator are also changed in your DataSource, you should use an object that implements IBindingList, like (surprise!) BindingList
You forgot to tell us what you show in your DataGridView, let's assume you show Products
class Product
public int Id {get; set;}
public string Name {get; set;}
public decimal Price {get; set;}
public int StockCount {get; set;}
public string LocationCode {get; set;}
Using visual studio designer you've added the columns that you want to show. You'll have to tell which column shows which property. For instance in the constructor:
public MainForm()
// define which columns show which properties
columnId.DataPropertyName = nameof(Product.Id);
columnName.DataPropertyName = nameof(Product.Name);
columnPrice.DataPropertyName = nameof(Product.Price);
To make access to the displayed products easy, add a Property:
private BindingList<Product> DisplayedProducts
get => (BindingList<Product>)this.dataGridView1.DataSource,
set => this.dataGridView1.DataSource = value;
private void ShowProducts()
IEnumerable<Product> queryProducts = this.FetchProducts();
this.DisplayedProducts = new BindingList<Product>(queryProducts.ToList());
Now whenever the operator adds / removes a row, or edits the cells in a row, the BindingList is automatically updated, even if the columns are rearranged, or the data sorted.
If the operator indicates that he finished editing the data, for instance by pressing a button, you immediately have all updated information:
private void OnButtonOk_Clicked(object sender, ...)
ICollection<Product> displayedProducts = this.DisplayedProducts;
// find out what is added / removed / changed
If you need to access selected items, consider to add the following properties:
private Product CurrentProduct => (Product)this.dataGridView1.CurrentRow?.DataBoundItem;
private IEnumerable<Product> SelectedProducts => this.dataGridView1.SelectedRows
.Select(row => row.DataBoundItem)
If the operator adds a row, he starts with a row that is constructed using the default constructor. If you don't want this, but for instance initialize the Id, or the LocationCode, consider to subscribe to event BindingList AddingNew
this.DisplayedProducts.AddingNew += OnAddingNewProduct;
void OnAddingNewProduct(object sender, AddingNewEventArgs e)
e.NewObject = new Product
Id = this.GenerateProductId(),
Name = "Please enter product name>",
LocationCode = "Unknown Location",

Cast Observable Collection from base Class to inherited class

I'm writing a WPF application and I'm currently refactoring some reused code to a base ViewModel Class which my other viewmodels can inherit from.
One Property field on this base class is
public class MessageParentBase
MessageParentBase() {}
public string Name;
internal ObservableCollection<MessageParentBase> _GridData = new ObservableCollection<MessageParentBase>();
I have a subsequent property declaration
public ObservableCollection<MessageParentBase> GridData
get { return _GridData; }
set { _GridData = value; }
This works great and everything my issue is that the inerited classes actually use the follow class
Public class ChatMessage : MessageParentBase
public string Message;
and the view contains a grid of data which is bound to this GridData property but the column which should be bound to the Message field from the ChatMessage class is blank and the fields found in the MessageParentBase class are populated.
So I presume there is an issue with the view not knowing to cast up to the ChatMessage from the MessageParentBase class.
Can I inform the view that the objects will be of the type "ChatMessage".
I did try moving the property declaration up to the inherited viewmodel as
public ObservableCollection<ChatMessage> GridData
get { return _GridData; }
set { _GridData = value; }
but this gives me the following error:-
Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection' to 'System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection'
Do I need to cast at the view level or can I change the viewmodels to implement this better?
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Change the collection to this:
public ObservableCollection<MessageParentBase> GridData { get; set; }
then add into your constructor
this.GridData = new ObservableCollection<MessageParentBase>();
Since WPF uses reflection to retrieve bound data from the data context it should be able to get the values of the derived classes stored in that collection.
Also when you run your application check the output window with Debug selected, the XAML engine will output any binding errors there.
Your ViewModel should contain a list with the type that your grid will show (in this case, the ChatMessage type). You can still use the inheritance to call common methods, but the binded list must be of the ChatMessage type

Validation of a combobox in Silverlight 4

I'm trying to understand how validation works for a combo box when its ItemsSource is bound to a ObserableCollection of complex types. I am using RIA as the serivce to connect the client tier to the middle tier. Also not sure if this makes a difference the combobox control is inside a dataform. I have done alot of reading on this and found this article to be the most useful:
So firstly my entity: I have a field decorated like so:
public virtual long FrequencyId { get; set; }
[Association("TreatmentFrequencyToTreatmentRecordAssociation", "FrequencyId", "Id", IsForeignKey = true)]
public virtual TreatmentFrequency Frequency
return this.frequency;
this.frequency = value;
if (value != null)
this.FrequencyId = value.Id;
Now I belive that I cannot set the [Required] annotation on an association but instead on the foreign key id (what the above article says).
The actual Treatment Frequency class looks like this:
public class TreatmentFrequency
public virtual long Id { get; set; }
public virtual string Code { get; set; }
public virtual string Name { get; set; }
public override bool Equals(object obj)
obj = obj as TreatmentFrequency;
if (obj == null)
return false;
return this.Id == ((TreatmentFrequency)obj).Id;
public override int GetHashCode()
return this.Name.GetHashCode();
I have overriden the Equals and GetHashCode method becuase in another article it said that when in a collection you need to override the equals to match on the key otherwise when you use SelectedItem although all the values would be the same between the item in the collection and the selecteditem they would be two different instances and thus not match with the default implementation of Equals.
Now my xaml looks like this:
<df:DataField Label="Frequency">
<ComboBox SelectedItem="{Binding Path=CurrentItem.Frequency, Mode=TwoWay}" ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Frequencies}" DisplayMemberPath="Name" SelectedValue="{Binding Path=CurrentItem.FrequencyId, Mode=TwoWay}" SelectedValuePath="Id"/>
To be honest the above doesn't make much sense to me, I could remove SelectedValue and SelectedValuePath and the form would still work as expected (without validation) I thought that Selected Value would point to the complex type E.g. CurrentItem.Frequency and then the SelectedValuePath would be the underlying "Name" property. However I also understand what the author is trying to do in that the [Required] tag isn't on the association but the foreign key id E.g. CurrentItem.FrequencyId, so it must have to go somewhere.
Now a final compelexity is that this form is part of a wizard so I am not able to validate the entire object, instead I manually have to validate certain field which are only being populated in this particular wizard step. To do this I created the method:
public void ValidateProperty(object value, string propertyName)
var results = new List<ValidationResult>();
Validator.TryValidateProperty(value, new ValidationContext(this.TreatmentRecord, null, null) { MemberName = propertyName }, results);
foreach (var error in results)
In my view model I have a method IsValid which is called before the wizard is allowed to navigate to the next step and then I call the above method like so:
public bool IsValid
this.treatmentRecordWizardContext.ValidateProperty(this.treatmentRecordWizardContext.TreatmentRecord.Frequency, "Frequency");
this.treatmentRecordWizardContext.ValidateProperty(this.treatmentRecordWizardContext.TreatmentRecord.FrequencyId, "FrequencyId");
this.OnPropertyChanged(() => this.CurrentItem);
if (this.treatmentRecordWizardContext.TreatmentRecord.ValidationErrors.Count == 0)
return true;
return false;
With all of the above code the validation is completly ignored when the combobox is left empty. I have not templated the combobox itself so I am really at a loss as to why its not working and really which part of the solution is at fault, is it the bindings or is it the entitys in the RIA not defined correctly!
Hope someone can help I've spent far too long trying to get this to work, I assume this must be done reqularly by other developers so I'm hoping its a simple fix.
This was actually a simple problem in th end, I assumed that the [Required] annotation would check that the association was present and not null. It seems that all it actually does is check that in this case that FrequencyId is not null. And there was the problem in that I was using a long and not a nullable long (long?). Once I made the change to make them nullable the validation started working as expected even with the bindings which made no sense to me. If anyone could explain them that would be great!

How to use a factory for DataGrid.CanUserAddRows = true

I would like to use the DataGrid.CanUserAddRows = true feature. Unfortunately, it seems to work only with concrete classes which have a default constructor. My collection of business objects doesn't provide a default constructor.
I'm looking for a way to register a factory that knows how to create the objects for the DataGrid. I had a look at the DataGrid and the ListCollectionView but none of them seems to support my scenario.
The problem:
"I'm looking for a way to register a factory that knows how to create the objects for the DataGrid". (Because my collection of business objects doesn't provide a default constructor.)
The symptoms:
If we set DataGrid.CanUserAddRows = true and then bind a collection of items to the DataGrid where the item doesn't have a default constructor, then the DataGrid doesn't show a 'new item row'.
The causes:
When a collection of items is bound to any WPF ItemControl, WPF wraps the collection in either:
a BindingListCollectionView when the collection being bound is a BindingList<T>. BindingListCollectionView implements IEditableCollectionView but doesn't implement IEditableCollectionViewAddNewItem.
a ListCollectionView when the collection being bound is any other collection. ListCollectionView implements IEditableCollectionViewAddNewItem (and hence IEditableCollectionView).
For option 2) the DataGrid delegates creation of new items to the ListCollectionView. ListCollectionView internally tests for the existence of a default constructor and disables AddNew if one doesn't exist. Here's the relevant code from ListCollectionView using DotPeek.
public bool CanAddNewItem (method from IEditableCollectionView)
if (!this.IsEditingItem)
return !this.SourceList.IsFixedSize;
return false;
bool CanConstructItem
private get
if (!this._isItemConstructorValid)
return this._itemConstructor != (ConstructorInfo) null;
There doesn't seem to be an easy way to override this behaviour.
For option 1) the situation is a lot better. The DataGrid delegates creation of new items to the BindingListView, which in turn delegates to BindingList. BindingList<T> also checks for the existence of a default constructor, but fortunately BindingList<T> also allows the client to set the AllowNew property and attach an event handler for supplying a new item. See the solution later, but here's the relevant code in BindingList<T>
public bool AllowNew
if (this.userSetAllowNew || this.allowNew)
return this.allowNew;
return this.AddingNewHandled;
bool allowNew = this.AllowNew;
this.userSetAllowNew = true;
this.allowNew = value;
if (allowNew == value)
this.FireListChanged(ListChangedType.Reset, -1);
Support by DataGrid (not available)
It would reasonable to expect the DataGrid to allow the client to attach a callback, through which the DataGrid would request a default new item, just like BindingList<T> above. This would give the client the first crack at creating a new item when one is required.
Unfortunately this isn't supported directly from the DataGrid, even in .NET 4.5.
.NET 4.5 does appear to have a new event 'AddingNewItem' that wasn't available previously, but this only lets you know a new item is being added.
Work arounds:
Business object created by a tool in the same assembly: use a partial class
This scenario seems very unlikely, but imagine that Entity Framework created its entity classes with no default constructor (not likely since they wouldn't be serializable), then we could simply create a partial class with a default constructor. Problem solved.
Business object is in another assembly, and isn't sealed: create a super-type of the business object.
Here we can inherit from the business object type and add a default constructor.
This initially seemed like a good idea, but on second thoughts this may require more work than is necessary because we need to copy data generated by the business layer into our super-type version of the business object.
We would need code like
class MyBusinessObject : BusinessObject
public MyBusinessObject(BusinessObject bo){ ... copy properties of bo }
public MyBusinessObject(){}
And then some LINQ to project between lists of these objects.
Business object is in another assembly, and is sealed (or not): encapsulate the business object.
This is much easier
class MyBusinessObject
public BusinessObject{ get; private set; }
public MyBusinessObject(BusinessObject bo){ BusinessObject = bo; }
public MyBusinessObject(){}
Now all we need to do is use some LINQ to project between lists of these objects, and then bind to MyBusinessObject.BusinessObject in the DataGrid. No messy wrapping of properties or copying of values required.
The solution: (hurray found one)
Use BindingList<T>
If we wrap our collection of business objects in a BindingList<BusinessObject> and then bind the DataGrid to this, with a few lines of code our problem is solved and the DataGrid will appropriately show a new item row.
public void BindData()
var list = new BindingList<BusinessObject>( GetBusinessObjects() );
list.AllowNew = true;
list.AddingNew += (sender, e) =>
{e.NewObject = new BusinessObject(... some default params ...);};
Other solutions
implement IEditableCollectionViewAddNewItem on top of an existing collection type. Probably a lot of work.
inherit from ListCollectionView and override functionality. I was partially successful trying this, probably can be done with more effort.
I've found another solution to this problem. In my case, my objects need to be initialized using a factory, and there isn't really any way to get around that.
I couldn't use BindingList<T> because my collection must support grouping, sorting, and filtering, which BindingList<T> does not support.
I solved the problem by using DataGrid's AddingNewItem event. This almost entirely undocumented event not only tells you a new item is being added, but also allows lets you choose which item is being added. AddingNewItem fires before anything else; the NewItem property of the EventArgs is simply null.
Even if you provide a handler for the event, DataGrid will refuse to allow the user to add rows if the class doesn't have a default constructor. However, bizarrely (but thankfully) if you do have one, and set the NewItem property of the AddingNewItemEventArgs, it will never be called.
If you choose to do this, you can make use of attributes such as [Obsolete("Error", true)] and [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] in order to make sure no one ever invokes the constructor. You can also have the constructor body throw an exception
Decompiling the control lets us see what's happening in there.
private object AddNewItem()
object newItem1 = (object) null;
IEditableCollectionViewAddNewItem collectionViewAddNewItem = (IEditableCollectionViewAddNewItem) this.Items;
if (collectionViewAddNewItem.CanAddNewItem)
AddingNewItemEventArgs e = new AddingNewItemEventArgs();
newItem1 = e.NewItem;
object newItem2 = newItem1 != null ? collectionViewAddNewItem.AddNewItem(newItem1) : this.EditableItems.AddNew();
if (newItem2 != null)
this.OnInitializingNewItem(new InitializingNewItemEventArgs(newItem2));
return newItem2;
As we can see, in version 4.5, the DataGrid does indeed make use of AddNewItem. The contents of CollectionListView.CanAddNewItem are simply:
public bool CanAddNewItem
if (!this.IsEditingItem)
return !this.SourceList.IsFixedSize;
return false;
So this doesn't explain why we we still need to have a constructor (even if it is a dummy) in order for the add row option to appear. I believe the answer lies in some code that determines the visibility of the NewItemPlaceholder row using CanAddNew rather than CanAddNewItem. This might be considered some sort of bug.
I had a look at IEditableCollectionViewAddNewItem and it seems to be adding this functionality.
The IEditableCollectionViewAddNewItem
interface enables application
developers to specify what type of
object to add to a collection. This
interface extends
IEditableCollectionView, so you can
add, edit, and remove items in a
IEditableCollectionViewAddNewItem adds
the AddNewItem method, which takes an
object that is added to the
collection. This method is useful when
the collection and objects that you
want to add have one or more of the
following characteristics:
The objects in the CollectionView are different types.
The objects do not have a default constructor.
The object already exists.
You want to add a null object to the collection.
Although at Bea Stollnitz blog, you can read the following
The limitation of not being able to add a new item when the source has no
default constructor is very well
understood by the team. WPF 4.0 Beta 2
has a new feature that brings us a
step closer to having a solution: the
introduction of
containing the AddNewItem method. You
can read the MSDN documentation about
this feature. The sample in MSDN shows
how to use it when creating your own
custom UI to add a new item (using a
ListBox to display the data and a
dialog box to enter the new item).
From what I can tell, DataGrid doesn’t
yet use this method though (although
it’s a bit hard to be 100% sure
because Reflector doesn’t decompile
4.0 Beta 2 bits).
That answer is from 2009 so maybe it's usable for the DataGrid now
The simplest way I could suggest to provide wrapper for your class without default constructor, in which constructor for source class will be called.
For example you have this class without default constructor:
/// <summary>
/// Complicate class without default constructor.
/// </summary>
public class ComplicateClass
public ComplicateClass(string name, string surname)
Name = name;
Surname = surname;
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Surname { get; set; }
Write a wrapper for it:
/// <summary>
/// Wrapper for complicated class.
/// </summary>
public class ComplicateClassWraper
public ComplicateClassWraper()
_item = new ComplicateClass("def_name", "def_surname");
public ComplicateClassWraper(ComplicateClass item)
_item = item;
public ComplicateClass GetItem() { return _item; }
public string Name
get { return _item.Name; }
set { _item.Name = value; }
public string Surname
get { return _item.Surname; }
set { _item.Surname = value; }
ComplicateClass _item;
In your ViewModel you need to create wrapper collection for your source collection, which will handle item adding/removing in datagrid.
public MainWindow()
// Prepare collection with complicated objects.
_sourceCollection = new List<ComplicateClass>();
_sourceCollection.Add(new ComplicateClass("a1", "b1"));
_sourceCollection.Add(new ComplicateClass("a2", "b2"));
// Do wrapper collection.
WrappedSourceCollection = new ObservableCollection<ComplicateClassWraper>();
foreach (var item in _sourceCollection)
WrappedSourceCollection.Add(new ComplicateClassWraper(item));
// Each time new item was added to grid need add it to source collection.
// Same on delete.
WrappedSourceCollection.CollectionChanged += new NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler(Items_CollectionChanged);
DataContext = this;
void Items_CollectionChanged(object sender, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e)
if (e.Action == NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add)
foreach (ComplicateClassWraper wrapper in e.NewItems)
else if (e.Action == NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Remove)
foreach (ComplicateClassWraper wrapper in e.OldItems)
private List<ComplicateClass> _sourceCollection;
public ObservableCollection<ComplicateClassWraper> WrappedSourceCollection { get; set; }
And finally, XAML code:
<DataGrid CanUserAddRows="True" AutoGenerateColumns="False"
ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Items}">
<DataGridTextColumn Header="Name" Binding="{Binding Path=Name}"/>
<DataGridTextColumn Header="SecondName" Binding="{Binding Path=Surname}"/>
I just wanted to provide an alternate solution to using a BindingList. In my situtation, the Business objects was held in an IEntitySet in a portable project (Silverlight), which did not support IBindingList.
The solution, first and foremost, is to subclass the grid, and overwrite the coerce callback for CanUserAddRows to use IEditableCollectionViewAddNewItem:
public class DataGridEx : DataGrid
static DataGridEx()
CanUserAddRowsProperty.OverrideMetadata(typeof(DataGridEx), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(true, null, CoerceCanUserAddRows));
private static object CoerceCanUserAddRows(DependencyObject sender, object newValue)
var dataGrid = (DataGrid)sender;
var canAddValue= (bool)newValue;
if (canAddValue)
if (dataGrid.IsReadOnly || !dataGrid.IsEnabled)
return false;
if (dataGrid.Items is IEditableCollectionViewAddNewItem v && v.CanAddNewItem == false)
// The view does not support inserting new items
return false;
return canAddValue;
And then use the AddingNewItem event to create the item:
dataGrid.AddingNewItem += (sender, args) => args.NewItem = new BusinessObject(args);
And if you care for the details, here is the reason why it is a problem in the first place. The coerce callback in the framework looks like this:
private static bool OnCoerceCanUserAddOrDeleteRows(DataGrid dataGrid, bool baseValue, bool canUserAddRowsProperty)
// Only when the base value is true do we need to validate that the user
// can actually add or delete rows.
if (baseValue)
if (dataGrid.IsReadOnly || !dataGrid.IsEnabled)
// Read-only/disabled DataGrids cannot be modified.
return false;
if ((canUserAddRowsProperty && !dataGrid.EditableItems.CanAddNew) ||
(!canUserAddRowsProperty && !dataGrid.EditableItems.CanRemove))
// The collection view does not allow the add or delete action
return false;
return baseValue;
You see how it gets the IEditableCollectionView.CanAddNew? That means that it only enables adding when the view can insert and construct an item. The funny thing is that when we want to add a new item, it checks the IEditableCollectionViewAddNewItem.CanAddNewItem instead, which only asks if the view supports inserting new items (not creating):
object newItem = null;
IEditableCollectionViewAddNewItem ani = (IEditableCollectionViewAddNewItem)Items;
if (ani.CanAddNewItem)
AddingNewItemEventArgs e = new AddingNewItemEventArgs();
newItem = e.NewItem;

Binding a custom serializable object to controls so user and load/save preferences

Ok, so having given up on getting the built in .NET configuration system to save/load data about a custom object per user, I have moved to using a serializable object. And, to go a step further, I'd like to bind it to my controls in the options window of my application.
Please forgive the length of this question as it has some chunks of code in it...
First, the parent object:
public class ConnectionSettings
public List<Connection> Connections { get; set; }
public ConnectionSettings()
Connections = new List<Connection>();
Because there will be multiple connections that will be saved, I figured this would be the easiest way to store them.
A chunk of the Connection object:
public class Connection : NotifyBase
private string hostName;
[DisplayName( "Host Name" )]
public string HostName
get { return hostName; }
set { SetField( ref hostName, value, "HostName" ); }
/* Other field snipped for your sanity,*/
/* same format as host name */
public List<string> Channels { get; set; }
public Connection()
Channels = new List<string>();
For a general idea of how the form looks like:
I have a ComboBox that will display the Host Name of all the saved connections, when the user selects a Host Name, it will populate the other fields on the form with their respective values. I realize this shouldn't be so hard, but for some reason, I can't get the combo box portion working, and the more I think about it, I'm not sure If I know how to know which particular connection to populate the other controls with...
more info
The problem is, I'm not sure how to bind everything that needs binding. I was going off of this example. What I'd like to be able to do is for every Connection object in the deserialized ConnectionSettings (from a file) display the host name in the combo box, and when you select a host name, it fill in the rest of the related data to the other controls on the form.
Any help ill be greatly appreciated.
Ok, I think I've figured it out. I changed the ConnectionSettings to inherit List and it seems to be working correctly.
