X11: Start desktop manager inside daemon - selenium-webdriver

What I'm trying to do:
Make screenshots of desktop and running program (Firefox Webdriver with Selenium, if it's important) in daemon (celeryd) in auto mode.
And I need desktop manager to be running, this is mandatory requirement. Currently I'm trying to use Fluxbox but I can switch to any other manager.
Current progress:
I can start X-server (Xvfb) in daemon and start Selenium Webdriver. Fluxbox start succeeds when I try to make it from terminal, but fails in daemon with following errors in log:
Can't create directory
Failed to load database:
Failed to load database:/init
Retrying with: /etc/X11/fluxbox/init
I tried to specify init-file directly, but Can't create directory error still exists and Fluxbox fails to start.
This might be daemon-mode restriction.
Is it possible to run any desktop manager inside daemon?
If yes, then how can I do this?


apache flink windows installation

I am trying to install flink on windows running into all sorts of problems . Please help.
Downloading the tar file from net, does not give me windows bat file options. Used the download links at https://flink.apache.org/downloads.html#apache-flink-1111. So i cannot run start-local.bat. Infact i dont even have start-local.sh . I ended up installing cygwin just so i can run start cluster bat
However running the start cluster bat is giving weird issues and exiting immediately.
$ ./start-cluster.sh
Starting cluster.
Starting standalonesession daemon on host DESKTOP**.
Starting taskexecutor daemon on host DESKTOP**.
Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.
Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit.
Improperly specified VM option 'MaxMetaspaceSize=268435456
This is an open bug for sometime and is deferred to Flink 1.14 version.

Deploying Haskell yesod docker container on google app engine

I am trying to upload a yesod Docker container on Google App Engine. The source code is here and the Docker image is here.
I followed the documentation in the Custom runtime quickstart, and when invoking gcloud app deploy the app builds fine after increasing the build timeout, but the container either the readiness check when trying to start or shows the following timeout message:
ERROR: (gcloud.app.deploy) Operation [apps/meeshkan-github-webhook-router/operations/xxxx-xxxx-xxxx] timed out. This operation may still be underway.
I have tried experimenting with several things, including a manual readiness check, creating an /_ah/health endpoint, and increasing the timeout of the readiness check all the way to 1799 seconds, but none of these actions seem to work.
One issue may be the size of the container (it is 3.2gb), and I could try to prune it down, but I'd only do that if someone could confirm that container size is a contributing factor to deployment problems. Other than that, I'm not sure what could be causing this failure. The docker image starts fine on our local machines.
Thanks in advance for your help and suggestions!
The issue turned out to be that, because I was building on Windows, images built using Docker Desktop on Windows gave all shell scripts executable permission automatically, whereas Docker on Linux needs shell scripts to be given the executable permission. By adding this line to my Dockerfile:
RUN chmod +x /usr/src/app/run.sh
Everything worked fine!

Multiple terminal window in Jenkins?

Recenlty I have started with some Jenkins tutorials to learn about this tool.
As an excersise I would like to start my Angular project and run some protractor e2e tests on it.
Normally I would open terminal window, type : npm install, npm start and run protractor tests. I have one issue though to execute this on Jenkins.
Command 'npm start' will run my angular application on localhost:4200. That require some time and after that this terminal window is "frozen" there is information that my application is running on localhost but if I want to run tests I need to open another terminal window and type command there.
I don't know how to do this in Jenkins because when I run my project and observe logs, I can see that my project is running and everything is OK, but I cannot type any command to run test because this terminal window is busy with info:
webpack: compiled successfully.
Can I somehow open another terminal window during Jenkins build and run command there?
Use & at the end of the command that will run it in background and didn't freeze the terminal.
But As per me I don't think if you are running cmd through Jenkins will froze the terminal.
Each build step is a separate process that Jenkins spawns off. They don't share anything, neither current directory, nor environment variables set/changed within the build step in-spite you hard coded the location. Each new build step starts by spawning a new process off the parent process (the one running Jenkins)
Please share some screenshot if & didn't work for you.

Tosca and Jenkins

Does anybody work with Tosca and Jenkins?
I have problems to run my batch script from Jenkins. It does not open browser, but job is finished successfully. Batch script runs normally when I try to run in on Windows, without Jenkins.
Anybody has an experience using these two tools together?
In order to use Tosca CI with Jenkins you need to:
Configure your Jenkins build project
Add an additional build step (Execute Windows batch command)
Call ToscaCIClient.exe/ToscaCIClient.jar with parameters
e.g. "PathToTosca\ToscaCI\Client\ToscaCIClient.exe" -t junit -r PathToResults\result.xml
Further information can be found here: https://support.tricentis.com/community/article.do?number=KB0012411
The issue your facing is because your running Jenkins as windows service, in this case headless execution happens technically your script is executed for other user account.
Instead of installing Jenkins host it on Apache Tomcat server
Download Jenkins war file
Copy it inside webapps folder of Tomcat
Run startup.bat
I had faced the same issue.
I am guessing your slave machine running the test has jenkins services installed as services.
Uninstall the service. (.jenkins/jenkins-slave.exe uninstall)
Use the .jnlp or slave.jar to connect the machine as a slave.
Your test should run fine after that.
If it does just create a batch file to connect the machine as slave whenever it is logged in.
I tried that. But in any case, Jenkins does not open the browser, so Tests from Execution List and I do not know why.
We use Tosca 10.

Error in Selenium tests triggered from batch script in TFS Build step

Step 1. I have written selenium tests and bundled it into executable jar.
Step 2. When I execute this jar tests runs normally. Invokes New browser and execute all steps.
Step 3. I created bat file to execute this jar. In this case also test execution happens normally.
Step 4. TFS Build integration. (TFS 2015)
- I created new build definition in TFS
- Added build step "Batch Script"
- Entered path of bat file created in step 3 in build step
- When I Queue this build. bat file gets called and test execution starts. But It does not open new browser..console says Started IE driver...it starts driver internal to build agent. and execution fails on setting value in textbox.
Click to see TFS Build Cosole
I can't use Visual studio tests. Requirement is to selenium tests should be triggered from jar created on Step 1.
Make sure the build agent is running in interactive mode.
First you could try to RDP to the remote build server(the build agent located) and manually run the batch file to see if it works.
If it's also not work then the issue may related the IE browser on the server.
If it works then maybe the TFS build service account don't have enough permission to run the IE driver. Please make sure the build service account has local Admin permission on the build server.
