Entity Framework - Blank data is still added to Database - database

I have made a validation to prevent data into being inserted to the DB when it's empty but it still enters a blank form to the database?
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
ProjectTestEntities User_save = new ProjectTestEntities();
User ins = new User();
ins.name = TextBox1.Text;
ins.email = TextBox2.Text;
ins.phone = TextBox3.Text;
ins.gender = RadioButtonList1.SelectedValue;
ins.password = TextBox4.Text;
if (ins.name == null || ins.email == null || ins.gender == null || ins.password == null)
Label1.Text = "Incomplete input";

Try using string.IsNullOrEmpty()
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ins.name == null) ||
string.IsNullOrEmpty(ins.email == null) ||
string.IsNullOrEmpty(ins.gender == null) ||
string.IsNullOrEmpty(ins.password == null))
Label1.Text = "Incomplete input";


How to use string variable as Table name in SQL query

Making a winforms application and I want the name of the table in my SQL query to be equal to a variable I have called TreeCodeName. This is my code:
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string TreeNodeName = treeView1.SelectedNode.Name.ToString();
if ((TreeNodeName == "BOOKS") || (TreeNodeName == "CARDS") || (TreeNodeName == "COMPUTERS") || (TreeNodeName == "CONSOLES") || (TreeNodeName == "DEVICES") || (TreeNodeName == "DONORS") || (TreeNodeName == "MAGAZINES") || (TreeNodeName == "MOTHERBOARDS") || (TreeNodeName == "OTHERS") || (TreeNodeName == "PARTS") || (TreeNodeName == "PERIPHERALS") || (TreeNodeName == "POWER_SUPPLY") || (TreeNodeName == "PROCESSORS") || (TreeNodeName == "RAMS") || (TreeNodeName == "SOFTWARE") || (TreeNodeName == "STORAGE") || (TreeNodeName == "TERMINALS"))
OleDbCommand command = new OleDbCommand();
command.Connection = connection;
string query = "select * From Table Where Title = #Title";
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Title", TreeNodeName);
command.CommandText = query;
OleDbDataAdapter da = new OleDbDataAdapter(command);
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
dataGridView1.DataSource = ds.Tables[0];
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show("Error " + ex);
Whenever I try to test this, I run into an error that says there was a syntax error on FROM. Any way to salvage this?

DataGridComboboxColumn - Get cell value

The task is the following: there is a DataGrid with ComboboxColumns. If user changes cell[2,3] and selected value!=0 then disable cell[3,2]. I wrote the following Handler:
private void grAssessment_CellEditEnding(object sender, DataGridCellEditEndingEventArgs e)
int x = e.Column.DisplayIndex;
int y = e.Row.GetIndex();
grAssessment.GetCell(x, y).IsEnabled = false;
grAssessment.GetCell(x, y).Background = Brushes.LightGray;
But it disables appropriate cell in anyway. How to add selected value!=0 condition to this code?
Thanks in advance.
Try to check this out:
1. DataGridComboBoxColumn ItemsSource (for current version only, use your own):
private ObservableCollection<ScoreData> _scores = new ObservableCollection<ScoreData>(
new List<ScoreData>
new ScoreData{Score = 1, ScoreVerbal = "the same"},
new ScoreData{Score = 3, ScoreVerbal = "moderate superiority"},
new ScoreData{Score = 5, ScoreVerbal = "strong superiority"},
new ScoreData{Score = 7, ScoreVerbal = "the samvery strong superioritye"},
new ScoreData{Score = 9, ScoreVerbal = "extremely superiority"},
} );
2. Handler code (the handler defined on the data grid):
private void SelectDataGrid_OnCellEditEnding(object sender,
DataGridCellEditEndingEventArgs e)
var editingElement = e.EditingElement as Selector;
if(editingElement == null) return;
var selectedData = editingElement.SelectedItem as ScoreData;
if(selectedData == null || selectedData.Score > 1) return;
var dataGridCell = editingElement.GetVisualParentOfType<DataGridCell>();
if(dataGridCell == null) return;
dataGridCell.IsEnabled = false;
3. GetVisualParentOfType code (as part of extension class):
public static class VisualTreeExtensions
public static T GetVisualParentOfType<T>(this DependencyObject child)
where T : DependencyObject
if (child is T)
return child as T;
var parentObject = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(child);
if (parentObject == null) return null;
var parent = parentObject as T;
return parent ?? GetVisualParentOfType<T>(parentObject);
public static T GetChildOfType<T>(this DependencyObject depObj)
where T : DependencyObject
if (depObj == null) return null;
for (int i = 0; i < VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount(depObj); i++)
var child = VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(depObj, i);
var result = (child as T) ?? GetChildOfType<T>(child);
if (result != null) return result;
return null;
I found the following solution
private void grAssessment_CellEditEnding(object sender, DataGridCellEditEndingEventArgs e)
int x = e.Column.DisplayIndex;
int y = e.Row.GetIndex();
DataGridCell cell = grAssessment.GetCell(y, x);
if (((System.Windows.Controls.ComboBox)(cell.Content)).Text != "")
grAssessment.GetCell(x, y).IsEnabled = false;
grAssessment.GetCell(x, y).Background = Brushes.LightGray;
grAssessment.GetCell(x, y).IsEnabled = true;
grAssessment.GetCell(x, y).Background = Brushes.White;

Silverlight4 deep copy visual element

I have a custom visual element and i want to make a deep copy in my silverlight application.
I've tried many things but i didn't find any solution...
Here the best solution that i found but the original DeviceControl and the copy are linked.
If i change a property of one of them, the second also changes. I want them to be independent!
Have you got an idea?
void CloneDevice()
DeviceControl control = this;
DeviceControl copy = CloneObject.DeepClone<DeviceControl>(control);
ExtensionMethods.DeepCopy(control, copy);
//[Obfuscation(Exclude = true)]
internal static class CloneObject
private static bool _firstTry = false;
private static List<FieldInfo> _attachedProperties = null;
// Extension for any class object
internal static TT DeepClone<TT>(this TT source, bool?cloneAttachedProperties = null)
{ // Jim McCurdy's DeepClone
if (cloneAttachedProperties == null)
cloneAttachedProperties = (source is DependencyObject);
// The first time this method is called, compute a list of all
// attached properties that exist in this XAP's assemblies
if (cloneAttachedProperties == true && _attachedProperties == null)
_attachedProperties = new List<FieldInfo>();
List<Assembly> assemblies = GetLoadedAssemblies();
foreach (Assembly assembly in assemblies)
GetAttachedProperties(_attachedProperties, assembly);
TT clone = CloneRecursive(source);
if (clone is FrameworkElement)
FrameworkElement cloneElement = (clone as FrameworkElement);
cloneElement.Arrange(new Rect(0, 0, cloneElement.ActualWidth, cloneElement.ActualHeight));
return clone;
private static TT CloneRecursive<TT>(TT source)
if (source == null || source.GetType().IsValueType)
return source;
// Common types that do not have parameterless constructors
if (source is string || source is Type || source is Uri || source is DependencyProperty)
return source;
TT clone = CloneCreate(source);
if (clone == null)
return source;
if (source is IList)
CloneList(source as IList, clone as IList);
//CloneProperties(source, clone);//ca plante si on prend les propriétées comme ca
return clone;
private static TT CloneCreate<TT>(TT source)
string.Format("Clone create object Type={0}", SimpleType(source.GetType())).Trace();
Array sourceArray = (source as Array);
if (sourceArray == null)
return (TT)Activator.CreateInstance(source.GetType());
if (sourceArray.Rank == 1)
return (TT)(object)Array.CreateInstance(source.GetType().GetElementType(),
if (sourceArray.Rank == 2)
return (TT)(object)Array.CreateInstance(source.GetType().GetElementType(),
sourceArray.GetLength(0), sourceArray.GetLength(1));
catch (Exception ex)
if (ex.Message.Contains("No parameterless constructor"))
return default(TT);
//string.Format("Can't create object Type={0}", SimpleType(source.GetType())).Trace();
return default(TT);
private static void CloneProperties(object source, object clone)
// The binding flags indicate what properties we will clone
// Unfortunately, we cannot clone "internal" or "protected" properties
BindingFlags flags =
BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy | BindingFlags.Public;
if (source is DependencyObject)
DependencyObject sourcedp = source as DependencyObject;
DependencyObject clonedp = clone as DependencyObject;
// Clone attached properties
if (_attachedProperties != null && _attachedProperties.Count > 0)
foreach (FieldInfo field in _attachedProperties)
CloneDependencyProperty(sourcedp, clonedp, field, true);
// Clone dependency properties
FieldInfo[] fields = source.GetType().GetFields(flags | BindingFlags.Static);
foreach (FieldInfo field in fields)
CloneDependencyProperty(sourcedp, clonedp, field, false);
// Clone CLR properties
if (source is DeviceControl && _firstTry == false)
_firstTry = true;
PropertyInfo[] properties = source.GetType().GetProperties(flags);
foreach (PropertyInfo property in properties)
CloneProperty(source, clone, property);
private static void CloneDependencyProperty(DependencyObject sourceObject,
DependencyObject cloneObject, FieldInfo field, bool isAttached)
// Blacklisted properties that can't (or shouldn't) be set
if (field.Name == "NameProperty" && sourceObject is FrameworkElement) return;
DependencyProperty dp = field.GetValue(sourceObject) as DependencyProperty;
if (dp == null) // Event DependencyProperties will be null
object sourceValue = null;
sourceValue = sourceObject.GetValue(dp);
catch (Exception)
if (sourceValue == null)
// Don't set attached properties if we don't have to
if (isAttached)
Type sourceType = sourceValue.GetType();
if (sourceType.IsValueType && sourceValue.Equals(Activator.CreateInstance(sourceType)))
string.Format("Clone dependency property Name={0}, Value={2} for source Type={1}",
field.Name, SimpleType(sourceObject.GetType()), sourceValue).Trace();
// Blacklisted properties that can't (or don't need to be) cloned
bool doClone = true;
if (field.Name == "DataContextProperty") doClone = false;
//if (field.Name == "TargetPropertyProperty") doClone = false;
object cloneValue = (doClone ? CloneRecursive(sourceValue) : sourceValue);
cloneObject.SetValue(dp, cloneValue);
catch (Exception ex)
if (ex.Message.Contains("read-only"))
if (ex.Message.Contains("read only"))
if (ex.Message.Contains("does not fall within the expected range"))
//string.Format("Can't clone dependency property Name={0}, for source Type={1}",
// field.Name, SimpleType(sourceObject.GetType())).Trace();
private static void CloneProperty(object source, object clone, PropertyInfo property)
if (!property.CanRead || !property.CanWrite || property.GetIndexParameters().Length != 0)
// Blacklisted properties that can't (or shouldn't) be set
if (property.Name == "Name" && source is FrameworkElement) return;
if (property.Name == "InputScope" && source is TextBox) return; // Can't get
if (property.Name == "Watermark" && source is TextBox) return; // Can't get
if (property.Name == "Source" && source is ResourceDictionary) return; // Can't set
if (property.Name == "TargetType" && source is ControlTemplate) return; // Can't set
bool publicSetter = (source.GetType().GetMethod("set_" + property.Name) != null);
bool isList = (property.PropertyType.GetInterface("IList", true) != null);
if (!publicSetter && !isList)
object sourceValue = property.GetValue(source, null);
if (sourceValue == null)
if (!publicSetter && isList)
IList cloneList = property.GetValue(clone, null) as IList;
if (cloneList != null)
CloneList(sourceValue as IList, cloneList);
string.Format("Clone property Type={0}, Name={1}, Value={3} for source Type={2}",
SimpleType(property.PropertyType), property.Name, SimpleType(source.GetType()),
// Blacklisted properties that can't (or don't need to be) cloned
bool doClone = true;
if (source is FrameworkElement && property.Name == "DataContext") doClone = false;
//if (property.Name == "TargetProperty") doClone = false;
object cloneValue = (doClone ? CloneRecursive(sourceValue) : sourceValue);
property.SetValue(clone, cloneValue, null); // possible MethodAccessException
catch (Exception ex)
//string.Format("Can't clone property Type={0}, Name={1}, for source Type={2}",
// SimpleType(property.PropertyType), property.Name, SimpleType(source.GetType())).Trace();
private static void CloneList(IList sourceList, IList cloneList)
IEnumerator sourceEnumerator = sourceList.GetEnumerator();
Array sourceArray = sourceList as Array;
Array cloneArray = cloneList as Array;
int dim0 = (sourceArray != null && sourceArray.Rank > 0 ? sourceArray.GetLowerBound(0) : 0);
int dim1 = (sourceArray != null && sourceArray.Rank > 1 ? sourceArray.GetLowerBound(1) : 0);
while (sourceEnumerator.MoveNext())
object sourceValue = sourceEnumerator.Current;
string.Format("Clone IList item {0}", sourceValue).Trace();
object cloneValue = CloneRecursive(sourceValue);
if (sourceArray == null)
if (sourceArray.Rank == 1)
cloneArray.SetValue(cloneValue, dim0++);
if (sourceArray.Rank == 2)
cloneArray.SetValue(cloneValue, dim0, dim1);
if (++dim1 > sourceArray.GetUpperBound(1))
dim1 = sourceArray.GetLowerBound(1);
if (++dim0 > sourceArray.GetUpperBound(0))
dim0 = sourceArray.GetLowerBound(0);
catch (Exception ex)
//string.Format("Can't clone IList item Type={0}", SimpleType(sourceList.GetType())).Trace();
private static string SimpleType(Type type)
string typeName = type.ToString();
int index = typeName.LastIndexOf('[');
if (index < 0)
return typeName.Substring(typeName.LastIndexOf('.') + 1);
string collectionName = typeName.Substring(index);
collectionName = collectionName.Substring(collectionName.LastIndexOf('.') + 1);
typeName = typeName.Substring(0, index);
typeName = typeName.Substring(typeName.LastIndexOf('.') + 1);
return typeName + '[' + collectionName;
private static List<Assembly> GetLoadedAssemblies()
List<Assembly> assemblies = new List<Assembly>();
foreach (AssemblyPart part in Deployment.Current.Parts)
StreamResourceInfo sri =
Application.GetResourceStream(new Uri(part.Source, UriKind.Relative));
if (sri == null)
Assembly assembly = new AssemblyPart().Load(sri.Stream);
if (assembly != null && !assemblies.Contains(assembly))
// Additional assemblies that are not found when examining of Deployment.Current.Parts above
Type[] types =
typeof(System.Windows.Application), // System.Windows.dll,
typeof(System.Action), // mscorlib.dll,
typeof(System.Uri), // System.dll,
typeof(System.Lazy<int>), // System.Core.dll,
typeof(System.Net.Cookie), // System.Net.dll,
typeof(System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext), // System.Runtime.Serialization.dll,
typeof(System.ServiceModel.XmlSerializerFormatAttribute), // System.ServiceModel.dll,
typeof(System.Windows.Browser.BrowserInformation), // System.Windows.Browser.dll,
typeof(System.Xml.ConformanceLevel), // System.Xml.dll,
foreach (Type type in types)
Assembly assembly = type.Assembly;
if (assembly != null && !assemblies.Contains(assembly))
return assemblies;
private static bool GetAttachedProperties(List<FieldInfo> attachedProperties, Assembly assembly)
BindingFlags flags = BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static;
foreach (Type type in assembly.GetTypes())
FieldInfo[] fields = type.GetFields(flags);
MethodInfo[] methods = null;
foreach (FieldInfo field in fields)
if (field.FieldType==(typeof(DependencyProperty)))
if (!field.Name.EndsWith("Property"))
string fieldName = field.Name.Replace("Property", "");
string getName = "Get" + fieldName;
string setName = "Set" + fieldName;
bool foundGet = false;
bool foundSet = false;
if (methods == null)
methods = type.GetMethods(flags);
foreach (MethodInfo method in methods)
if (method.Name == getName && method.GetParameters().Length == 1 &&
method.GetParameters()[0].ParameterType== (typeof(DependencyObject)))
foundGet = true;
if (method.Name == setName && method.GetParameters().Length == 2 &&
foundSet = true;
if (foundGet && foundSet)
if (!(foundGet && foundSet))
DependencyProperty dp = field.GetValue(null) as DependencyProperty;
catch (Exception)
// Found an attached Dependency Property
return true;
public static void DeepCopy(object source, object destination)
// Get properties
var propertyInfos = source.GetType().GetProperties();
// Evaluate
if (propertyInfos.Length > 0)
foreach (var propInfo in propertyInfos)
// Process only public properties
if (propInfo.CanWrite)
if (propInfo.Name == "IsSelected")
object value = propInfo.GetValue(source, null);
propInfo.SetValue(destination, value, null);
// Evaluate
if (value != null)
var newPropInfo = value.GetType().GetProperties();
if (newPropInfo.Length > 0)
// Copy properties for each child where necessary
I solved my issue. I finally used JSon.net library
void CloneDevice()
DeviceControl control = this;
string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(control, Formatting.Indented);
DeviceControl copy = (DeviceControl)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(json, this.GetType());
Thanks to Olivier Dahan!

Context Menu on a Group Row in RadGridView

I found one old solution Here.
But GridViewExpander is obsolete in 2009. Proof Here.
How can i implement it (Context Menu on a Group Row in RadGridView) in another way?
No answers... =(
But i found solution.
The are two ways to solve it:
1) If you need custom style for your GridViewGroupRow - read about Templates Structure
2) If not, then just use somthing like this:
<TelerikNavigation:RadContextMenu Opened="RadContextMenuOpened" ItemClick="ContextMenuItemClick" x:Name="contextMenu">
private void RadContextMenuOpened(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
var menu = (RadContextMenu)sender;
if (menu == null)
var cell = menu.GetClickedElement<GridViewCell>();
var row = menu.GetClickedElement<GridViewRow>();
var groupRow = menu.GetClickedElement<GridViewGroupRow>();
if (cell != null && row != null)
if (!cell.DataColumn.IsFrozen)
//Code for current cell
if (groupRow != null)
//Code for groupRow
private void ContextMenuItemClick(object sender, RadRoutedEventArgs e)
if (_currentCell != null)
//Code for current cell
if (_currentGroupRow != null)
var menu = (RadContextMenu)sender;
var clickedItem = e.OriginalSource as RadMenuItem;
if (clickedItem != null)
foreach (var gridViewRow in _currentGroupRow.ChildrenOfType<GridViewRow>())
foreach (var gridViewCellBase in gridViewRow.Cells)
if (gridViewCellBase.Column.UniqueName == "PlanObject")
var val = gridViewCellBase.DataContext as YourObjectName;
if (val != null)

wpf richtextbox check if caret is in the last line or count how many lines it has

I am trying to find out in a richtext box whether the caret is position in the last line. Is this possible?
NOTE: At the end I also added: or count how many lines it has, this is because in the miscrosoft forum there is an example for detecting in which line the caret is.
Please verify the msdn link
If you really wanted to know the line number of the caret, you could do something like the following (probably needs some tweaking):
TextPointer caretLineStart = rtb.CaretPosition.GetLineStartPosition(0);
TextPointer p = rtb.Document.ContentStart.GetLineStartPosition(0);
int caretLineNumber = 1;
while (true)
if (caretLineStart.CompareTo(p) < 0)
int result;
p = p.GetLineStartPosition(1, out result);
if (result == 0)
The code to get the number of lines:
Int32 CountDisplayedLines(RichTextBox rtb)
Int32 result = -1;
rtb.CaretPosition = rtb.Document.ContentStart;
while (rtb.CaretPosition.GetLineStartPosition(++result) != null)
return result;
I have found a solution. Maybe there is a simpler way, if so please let me know
private void OnHasRtbReachedEnd(System.Windows.Controls.RichTextBox rtb)
TextPointer pointer1 = rtb.CaretPosition;
int iCurrentLine = GetLineNumber(rtb);
rtb.CaretPosition = rtb.Document.ContentEnd;
int iLastLine = GetLineNumber(rtb);
if (iCurrentLine == iLastLine)
if (!_bIsRtbMovingUpDown)
_bIsRtbMovingUpDown= false;
_bIsRtbMovingUpDown= true;
rtb.CaretPosition = pointer1;
//This code comes from
private int GetLineNumber(System.Windows.Controls.RichTextBox rtb)
TextPointer caretLineStart = rtb.CaretPosition.GetLineStartPosition(0);
TextPointer p = rtb.Document.ContentStart.GetLineStartPosition(0);
int caretLineNumber = 1;
while (true)
if (caretLineStart.CompareTo(p) < 0)
int result;
p = p.GetLineStartPosition(1, out result);
if (result == 0)
return caretLineNumber;
I tried the code and is not giving correct results always.
One smart way to do it is this
int previousCursorPosition;
private void RichTarget_KeyDown_1(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
if (e.Key == Key.Up || e.Key == Key.Down)
Xceed.Wpf.Toolkit.RichTextBox rich = (Xceed.Wpf.Toolkit.RichTextBox)sender;
previousCursorPosition = rich.CaretPosition.GetOffsetToPosition(rich.CaretPosition.DocumentStart);
private void RichTextBox_KeyUp_1(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
if (e.Key == Key.Up)
Xceed.Wpf.Toolkit.RichTextBox rich = (Xceed.Wpf.Toolkit.RichTextBox)sender;
if (previousCursorPosition == rich.CaretPosition.GetOffsetToPosition(rich.CaretPosition.DocumentStart))
//do your staff
else if (e.Key == Key.Down)
Xceed.Wpf.Toolkit.RichTextBox rich = (Xceed.Wpf.Toolkit.RichTextBox)sender;
if (previousCursorPosition == rich.CaretPosition.GetOffsetToPosition(rich.CaretPosition.DocumentStart))
//do your staff
