Sequentially run batch code - batch-file

Probably a really obvious question, I'm trying to run some sequential batch code to define my own eclipse external run configurations.
One of the calls in the .bat is to run a jetty server, and after this I want to launch a program. At the moment the execution of the .bat means that the call to run jetty hangs on that call, and the call to open the program is only executed once the jetty server has been killed.
Is there any way I can run the call to start jetty, and then immediately run another call to open any program that wont have to wait for the server to be killed.

You can use start to run a program in the background explicitly:
start "" "C:\Program Files\etc.\blah\x.exe"
Execution of the batch file immediately continues after that line. In case of jetty you're probably starting Java anyway. cmd doesn't wait for GUI processes so you can also use
javaw -jar ...\jetty.jar
instead of calling java.
Since the question has changed a bit after the comment:
If there is a reliable way of knowing when jetty has started, e.g. a file that will exist somewhere
timeout /t 1 >nul
if not exists %temp%\somefile goto l
you could use that. Otherwise you can just wait for a while
rem wait two minutes
timeout /t 120 > nul
and hope that everything has started by then.


Scheduled Task won't work properly for any scheduled task involving a JAR file

Is there any fix to this? So far I've resorted to using a software called "System Scheduler", but I really want to know if I can manage to make it work with Windows' built in Scheduled Task.
start /D C:\Jars\Load\ /B LoadInc.jar
I also tried:
"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_19\bin\java.exe" -jar
As for the Task Scheduler, its only function is running the .bat at a specific time. I've tried it of course using "Run now".
I noticed it opens the "javaw" process for like 5 seconds (Meaning it does nothing). But if I go and double click the .bat, it works with no issues and takes like 5 minutes to do the process (Of course, with the process "javaw" open 'til the end").

Windows Batch file to run in background and kill any non responsive program automatically

I am using an application which keeps hanging and makes my computer non responsive, at this point i won't be able to open task manager or do anything else. I have to hard reboot my system.
I came across some batch command which can kill non responsive programs.
taskkill /f /fi "status eq not responding"
I am aware of how to create a batch file.
Can anyone suggest how to always run this batch command in background and hunt those programs which are not responding?
Any help is appreciated.
Batch programs were never designed run in the background in windows. They always simply execute through once.
What I have done for this type of scenario is setup a windows scheduled task to run every X minutes where X is an appropriate interval to check for the process in your environment.
Hope that helps!
You can create a Scheduled Task to run periodically in Windows. Lookup Windows Task Scheduler.
Another way is to launch this batch file and run this command in an infinite loop. Ex
taskkill /f /fi "status eq not responding"
sleep 600
goto start
this will run the command every 10 minutes.

Why GUI application blocks a batch file?

There are many references on Internet claiming that one of differences between a GUI and a console application is that running the GUI application from a batch file does not block its execution, while running the console application does block it.
Few of many references, these are particularly from SO/SE:
How can I get an MFC application to block from the command line?
How to wait for a process to terminate to execute another process in batch file
How do you wait for an exe to complete in batch file?
Run a program in a batch script and wait for it to finish before continuing
Moreover, I myself remember this is/was true.
Yet it does not seem to work this way.
I've tested this on a simple batch file like:
echo Pre
echo Post
The Post is not printed until I close notepad. Why, when a notepad is clearly a GUI application?
I've tested this on Windows 8, 7, and XP just to rule out a possibility that the behavior has changed in recent versions of Windows. I've tried to disable command extensions as one of possible culprits too.
It has to do with how the application that you launch runs and terminates. Some programs launch another process and then terminate, others continue to run. Calc.exe and Notepad.exe simply run until you close them. Write.exe and any program that launches as a result of a file association (e.g., bitmap, wave file, control panel applet, etc.), actually launch another program and then the process that launched them terminates returning control back to the batch file so it can execute the next line.
Here are some examples:
#echo off
echo Starting Calc.exe
echo Calc was closed by the user
echo Starting Notepad.exe
echo Notepad was closed by the user
echo Starting WordPad.exe
echo Write launched WordPad and then terminated allowing the batchfile to continue
echo Starting Services.msc
echo Windows launched MMC, opened services.msc, then returned control to the batchfile
echo Launching WMP via Chord.wav
echo Windows launched WMP, opened Chord.wav, then returned control to the batchfile
The CMD process knows Calc and Notepad are still running because it spawned them itself. The CMD process does not know that the others are still running because the intermediate process terminated.
To observe this, open Process Explorer and view the processes displayed in the hierarchical tree. Calc.exe and Notepad.exe both remain as child processes of the CMD process that ran the batchfile. Write.exe and MMC.exe (services.msc) both become top-level processes, no longer children to the CMD process. WMPlayer.exe remains a child process to svchost.exe, which is how Windows launched it. The CMD process doesn't know they are still running because it didn't launch them, some other Windows process did. So execution continues...
One more example of this is how MSPaint.exe functions. If you run it by using the Windows built-in file association for BMPs, then Windows launches MSPaint.exe and control is immediately returned to the batchfile. However, if you pass the BMP to MSPaint.exe, then the batchfile waits for you to close MSPaint before continuing. (I'm on a dev machine with no BMPs, so create a simple one called C:\MyBitmap.bmp.)
#echo off
mspaint.exe C:\MyBitmap.bmp
Calc.exe will open immediately, Notepad.exe will not open until you close the second instance of MSPaint.exe.
I know you didn't ask about launching Windows processes via their file association, but it just demonstrates how the owning process can change. If the CMD process owns the launched process, it should wait until it terminates to continue execution. If the spawned process hands control off to another process, then the CMD process doesn't know about the grandchild process and it continues on with its execution.
Because it waits for return code.You can use start command to create a separate subprocess:
#echo pre
#start "notepad" notepad
#echo post
I've used Windows since NT 3.1, and I too would have said "cmd.exe does not wait for GUI programs to terminate" when you simply type the name of the program (as opposed to using the START command). Though memory grows dim, I believe it originally worked this way. But today, my statement is true interactively, false for "batch" files. Having been thus reminded, I vaguely think it was intentionally changed as some point, since the naïve batch-writer expects sequential execution, but I can't be sure and I don't know when.
I think the answer lies in this question Difference between Windows and Console application.
I quote from two answers.
Konrad Rudolph answered:
The sole difference is that a console application always spawns a console if it isn't started from one (or the console is actively suppressed on startup). A windows application, on the other hand, does not spawn a console. It can still attach to an existant console or create a new one using AllocConsole.
This makes Windows applications better suited for GUI applications or background applications because you usually don't want to have a terminal window created for those.
oefe answered:
Console and Windows applications behave differently when called interactively from the command prompt:
When you start a console application, the command prompt doesn't return until the console application exits. When you start a windows application, the command returns immediately.
This is not true for batch files; they will always wait until the application exits.
The difference in this bahviour between cmd and batch made you think that it worked before.

Start Play Application and Close Window

I have a play application on a Windows 7 machine which I want to start via double click on a batch file.
This batch file starts a service. Calls the play application to run in production mode, waits for 5 seconds and open a browser with a specified url.
Therefore I used the following script:
call net start service1
CALL "D:\play-1.2.5\play.bat" start --%%%%prod -Dprecompiled=true
call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" localhost:9000
Now when I start the batch file the window opens and all commands are executed. Sadly Play is still writing his output to cmd and the window is not disappearing. If I close the window manually play is stop executing.
If I run play with "play start" from cmd, play is starting in the background and everything is fine. Play still runs even if I close the window.
I want to have exactly this behaviour when I start the application with my batch file.
If you were using a linux-like environment, I' d recommend you to use 'nohup' command and a '&' sign in the end. However, as far as I know there is no direct equivalent of beautiful 'nohup' command on Windows, unfortunately. So, what I can think of is, you can create a tiny win api application that utilizes CreateProcess command and give it the required parameter to hide command line window as soon as the process is created. There are also other process creation functions such as WinExec that you can use to hide command line.
I don't know what Play is so I can only take a guess :) but try using the batch without the call's as I don't think they are necessary, and you never know, might fix the issue.
1) You see Play's output because ot redirect only system.out but write system.err to the same console.
2) I also have this problem and looking for a solution. As a workaround you could try to use some Java Wrapper and install your Play! application as a Windows Service.
3) Play! app could be started via Ant task. I haven't tried this yet.

Capture dump with adplus.vbs - wait for debugger to finish?

I have a web application, that sometimes hangs. I want to investigate the reason, and I need to get a memory dump of the process, when it hangs.
So my idea is to monitor the website, when I am detecting the hang, I want to start a .bat script which captures the memory dump, then runs IISRESET in order to restart so that the site will start responding again.
My problem is, that adplus starts another process (cdb.exe) and returns immediately. I need to wait for cdb.exe to finish, before I can run IISRESET. Is there any way to do that in a batch script ? Or, can I specify on the adplus command line, that it should not return until the memory dump has been collected ?
Regarding the second part of your question, the answer is yes: you can both (1)specify the wait on the commmand line (as long as you can access to and modify it); and (2)wait for a process to finish in a batch file.
In their simplest form, do
(1) use START /WAIT cdb parms instead of just cdb parms
(2) try FOR /F "tokens=1,2" %a in ('TASKLIST ^| FIND /I "cdb.exe"') DO #ECHO %a %b and substitute ECHO for the command you want.
To create the memory dump of your web application, the Microsoft Debug Diagnostic Tools are your best option.
You can create an "IIS Hang" rule, monitoring a specific URL, and creating a memory dump whenever no response is received within a specified number of seconds.
The Debug Diagnostics Tools will not help you with regard to restarting IIS (or your app pool), but in general the built-in Application Pool restart options should be sufficient for that. If you make sure "Enable Pinging" is set for your AppPool (on its Health tab), and you also set the other Health/Recycling parameters appropriately, your app should continue responding no matter what happens.
If not, monitoring the output folder with crash dumps from your "IIS Hang" DebugDiag rule, and restarting IIS whenever new files appear should definitely do the trick...
