Opening, reading, and writing to a serial port in the Windows kernel - c

I'm writing a Windows kernel driver in C and I need to send and receive data over a serial device, specifically COM3. I am stuck on the CreateFile, ReadFile, and WriteFile functions, as these seem to be user space functions that will not work in the kernel. Am I mistaken? Or if not, what is the best way to open and use a serial port from within the Windows kernel?
Many thanks.

You need ZwCreateFile, ZwReadFile and ZwWriteFile functions for working in kernel mode.

You are writing a driver then You must have to write kernel module for windows .
check this
One more thing once you have finished the driver you need a application to test it.
so you need a user space application to test it.


Linux device driver for a RS232 device in embedded system

I have recently started learning to write Linux device drivers for a specific project that I am working on. Previously most of the work I have done has been with devices running no OS so Linux drivers and development is somewhat new to me.
For the project I am working on I have an embedded system running a Linux based operating system. I have an external device with is controlled via RS232 that I need to write a driver for.
1) Is there a way to access serial ports from withing kernel space (and possibly use serial.h, serial_core.h, etc.), how is this usually done, any good examples?
2) From what I found it seems like it would be much easier to access the serial ports in user space by just opening dev/ttyS* and writing to it. When writing a driver for a device like this (RS232 device) is it preferred to do it in user space or is there a way to write a kernel module? How does one decide to write a driver as a kernel module over user space or vise versa?
Are drivers only for generic devices such as UART/serial and then above that is userspace or should this driver be written as a kernel module? I appreciate the help, I have been unable to find much information to answer my questions.
There are a few times when a module that communicates over a serial port may be in the kernel. The pppd (point to point protocol daemon) is one example as Linux has some kernel code devoted to that since it is a high traffic use of serial and it also needs to turn around and put the IP packets into kernel space.
Most other uses would work better from user space since you have a good API that already takes care of a lot of the errors that can happen. This also lessens the chance that your errors will result in massive system failure.
Doing things like this from user space does result in some latency. Reads and writes are buffered, and it's often difficult to tell where in the write operations the hardware actually is, and canceling an already succeeded write call isn't really doable from user space, even if the hardware hasn't yet received the bytes.
I would suggest attempting to do it from user space first and then move to OS driver if necessary. Even if it is necessary to move this into an OS level driver, you'll likely be able to get some progress made from user space.

Block Device driver read/write from user application

I am trying to implement "simple file-system" for my personal experience. For this, I have created a block device driver with which I will perform read/write operations in unit of blocks. Now my question is how should I perform open, read, write and close operation on the block device from the user application.
What I am actually looking for is a function with which I can open the block device /dev/sbd and it returns the struct block_device, if successful. And for the read/write functions, I can issue request to block device struct request with parameters as "buffer, sectore_number, numbe_of_sectors".
Till now I only got block_read() and block_write() functions. But it seems that they are BSD specific. And I am using Debain.
Anyone having idea about it?
I've been doing something similar writing a application level file system that works with files or devices. What you are writing is not really a device driver as device drivers are directly handled/used by the kernel. A user application has no way to access one directly. Regardless, I want to point you to the function calls open(2), read(2), write(2), close(2) (manual page section 2 for all of them). You will need the unistd.h header file to use these. You can set your read/write size as a multiple of your block size when calling read and write. But in the end, you are still going through the kernel.
EDIT: Upon further examination and comments, the device driver really is in the kernel. Normally, there is no direct connection between a driver and an application as there are several layers of code within the kernel to abstract the device so it looks the same like everything else to the application.
There are two ways around this. One is to establish one or more system calls in the system call tree to expose the read/write routines of the device driver to the application. Another idea that I had was to use the ioctl (I/O Control) system call to perform this, but this call is meant to control the actual device. For example, the hard disk uses read and write commands to transfer data, but to talk to the hard drive to get information about it, such as what the last LBA is or get its identity, you would use IOCTL to do that.
Hope this helps.

Implementing a file descriptor

How would I go about implementing my own file descriptor?
Say if I have a kernel module controlling some hardware and I want to expose the ability to communicate with this hardware to the userspace via read() and write(). Don't want to use IOCTL or netlink or other userspace-kernelspace methods. Would I need to recompile the kernel or can I do it just by writing a kernel module.
I understand that creating the file descriptor will require a mechanism for userspace to tell the kernelspace to create an entry in the task's files struct (ie a function equivalent to open(), eventfd() timerfd(), socket()). That I can implement via IOCTL (so that I wont have to recompile the kernel), but how do I hack into read() and write() - I have patched them using LD_PRELOAD before, is that the only way? Don't want to recompile the kernel!
I am not sure I understand all of your questions. Nonetheless:
you can definitely have this as a kernel module;
you probably want to create a character device (second part of your question);
for the char device you can implement the system calls you need; if you only want to have read and write - no problem;
Look at the chapter three (and others) of this book.
konrad.kruczynski is right!
use a character device as the userspace mechanism to communicate with your hardware, and create a device in /dev filesystem such as /dev/hardware_type_A.
then compile && load your module in the kernel, then if all your code is good, then the kernel will create a character device in /dev/ with name /dev/hardware_type_A.
then you can use read, write, open, close calls just like you use with the other devices or the files to control your hardware.
IF you really say that you dont want to control it over ioctl, then you must need a new protocol that sends data using write and your driver unpacks that data and controls the hardware on behalf of your program in user.

Hooking network functions using a driver, a high-level overview?

I have just managed to write my first windows driver (havent registered it yet- but i managed to get the things created!).
I wondered if someone can give me a high overview of how I could achieve the following:
I would like to write a driver which will implement some behaviour when a network packet is received by the computer, before windows does what it does with the packet, i'd like to take this data and output it to the console of a C or C++ program.
Lets assume I have a C/C++ program written, which has a console. How does the C/C++ program interact with the driver I wrote which is hooking the network activity? Is it simply some C code which calls my drivers, the function returns the data as an object and then I can use that object to display in the console?
Thank you in advance for any possible replies
You don't need a driver for this task. Use packet sniffer library like PCap (actually you'll need WinPCap). It's really simple to capture packets and print them to console.
Alternative way is raw socket. But desktop Windows (as opposite to Windows Server) limits raw socket functionality.
If you really want a driver, or have a requirement to manipulate or filter packets before they hit the windows network stack you need to look into filter drivers.
This filter driver can then expose a device file on which your user space application can then read/write. The windows DDK contains examples.

Simulate serial port

I am writing a C program in Linux which will read/write to/from a serial port. I know the data that needs to be read and written on the port but I don't have a serial port to currently test this with.
Is there any way to simulate a serial port? Would reading/writing to a file be sufficient? I can have one process write to the file while another process reads that data and writes back other data to the file. Or are there others tools that can be used to simulate a port?
Serial ports on Linux are terminal devices. A close simulation is to create a pseudo-terminal pair; the program that normally talks to the serial port is instead told to open the slave side of the pseudo-terminal, and the simulator writes and reads from the master side.
The pty(7) man page has more information.
Despite being an old topic, and my answer is not exactly something the OP was looking for, I decided to share my experience, as someone else might come across it like I did. Instead of straightforward simulation, I used the software called Serial to Ethernet Connector to gain access to the specific device I needed to test the app with. Worked nicely for me.
A character device, even something as simple as normal stdin and stdout should work if you don't care about attributes specific to port devices.
