Why do I get "Header file missing" (make error)? - c

I'm trying to install a geocoder for a website I'm building. I'm using Geocoder because the query limit for the Google Maps API falls short of my needs. I installed all the gems required and have SQLite3. When I'm actually trying to install the geocoder gem (Geocoder::US) I get an error while running the make file.
I'm getting an error I cannot figure out. It mentions the error (in the title) then talks of an non-existent file (sqlite3ext.h). Here is the error:
I know this is vague but I've been working for 10+ hours trying to install this and have found little help online. Any advice on which direction to go would be appreciated.

This is from the project's Readme:
To build Geocoder::US, you will need gcc/g++, make, bash or equivalent,
the standard *NIX ‘unzip’ utility, and the SQLite 3 executable and
development files installed on your system.
It seems that you lack the SQLite3 development headers.
This is relevant:
NOTE: If you do not have /usr/include/sqlite3ext.h installed, then
your sqlite3 binaries are probably not configured to support dynamic
extension loading. If not, you must compile and install SQLite from
source, or rebuild your system packages. This is not believed to be a
problem on Debian/Ubuntu, but is known to be a problem with Red
Also they do not mention Windows. You should:
Ask them if someone uses it on Windows and if there are instructions for that.
Evaluate the thing on Linux, Debian/Ubuntu especially.

-fPiC is not your problem. As the log states, the compiled code is already position independent. The problem is, that the sqllite3ext.h is not in the compiler include path.


Conan cannot find a certain package for the specified settings, options and dependencies

I am working on a small C executable project using Jetbrains CLion 2019.3, MinGW 8.1, and also the Conan C/C++ Package Manager 1.21.1. I am refreshing my knowledge about C and want to learn about new tools like Conan. My main development environment is Windows, but this project is intended to be cross-platform; I would like to be able to build and run the application on Linux/Unix as well.
Since my application needs to compute signatures using HMACSHA1, I want to use the OpenSSL library, so I added the OpenSSL/1.1.1a#conan/stable package to the requires section of my conanfile.txt file, and I also created a Conan profile for MinGW that has the following options:
# We are cross-building to Windows
# Adjust to the gcc version of your MinGW package
The MINGW64_PATH points to my MinGW installation folder.
When running conan install it complains about a missing package (obviously a dependency package of OpenSSL) that does not exist:
zlib/1.2.11#conan/stable: WARN: Can't find a 'zlib/1.2.11#conan/stable' package for the specified settings, options and dependencies:
- Settings: arch=x86_64, build_type=Release, compiler=gcc, compiler.version=8.1, os=Windows
- Options: minizip=False, shared=False
- Dependencies:
- Package ID: eb34f13b437ddfd63abb1f884c4b8886c48b74cd
ERROR: Missing prebuilt package for 'zlib/1.2.11#conan/stable'
Try to build it from sources with "--build zlib"
Or read "http://docs.conan.io/en/latest/faq/troubleshooting.html#error-missing-prebuilt-package"
Since I am a noob using Conan, I have no clue how I can fix this problem. What needs to be done to fix this issue, and also can I fix this on my own, or do I need help from the package author?
I found a description of the Missing prebuilt package error at https://docs.conan.io/en/latest/faq/troubleshooting.html#error-missing-prebuilt-package, but it does not help much.
so I added the OpenSSL/1.1.1a#conan/stable package to the requires
That package is obsolete, you can check it on Conan Community repository. You should try openssl/1.1.1a# instead, which is maintained by the new Conan Center Index.
conan install openssl/1.1.1d#
Where is the namespace? It has been removed, take a look on more information about recipes.
Since I am a noob using Conan, I have no clue how I can fix this problem. What needs to be done to fix this issue, and also can I fix this on my own, or do I need help from the package author?
As the FAQ recommends, you should build by yourself, running the command proposed by the error message:
conan install openssl/1.1.1a# --build zlib
But I'm sure it won't be enough, you will need to build OpenSSL too. So, the best approach in your situation is:
conan install openssl/1.1.1a# --build missing
Now, Conan will build from sources anything which is not pre-built on server side.
To summarize, this is not an error, like something is broken.
When you asked for OpenSSL 1.1.1a, Conan found the recipe on Conan Center, which explain how to build OpenSSL, however it didn't find your pre-built package, following your settings and options.
Well, MingW is not used in Conan Center Index, because there is no enough demand, all supported platforms and configurations are listed in the Wiki. But this specific recipe should support MingW, since when it was part of Conan Community, MingW was present in package lists for building.
I would say, you can use 1.1.1d instead, which newer and safer than 1.1.1a.

C library problems installing

I am a beginner C programmer, and recently I have run into a problem that I was unable to solve.
I am struggling to install and use a C library. The message error is:
My OS is Mac OS X and im try install the file with ".command" format.
Can someone help me install this library?
Thanks in advance.
More than help installing the library, you need help in understanding what's going on.
Someone gave you a command to run and you ran it, but they were assuming that you were using a different OS, like Ubuntu.
The first message "apt-get not found" is because you're running MacOS, which doesn't have an "apt-get" command.
The second error is because you also don't have wget.
The rest of the messages indicate a poorly written script file, since it blew up twice and still went on to truncate files and do other things.
While you're not going to be able to install apt-get, you might be able to find a compatible version of wget. If not, you can download whatever it was trying to get using your browser, since wget is typically used to automate web HTTP/HTTPS requests.
Without seeing the file, I don't know what the rest if the script was trying to do, but if you read it you should be able to figure out what it was doing, and do it manually.
An easier way to do all this is to install Virtualbox on your mac and run a copy of Ubuntu inside a virtual machine. Then you can run your class assignments without needing to rewrite them all.

Quicklisp Libraries

I am currently running SBCL with quicklisp. I found an old project that I was trying to load with
(ql:quickload "project")
when I get the dependency error SYSTEM FILE-IO NOT FOUND. The dependencies in my project.asd file are
:depends-on (#:file-io #:cl-ppcre #:logv #:cl-mustache #:local-time
#:rutils #:alexandria)
None of the other dependencies give me any trouble, logv seems to be a discontinued log viewer, but I can't find anything concerning "file-io" in https://www.quicklisp.org/beta/releases.html. Is it just another discontinued library? Any ideas/advice would be appreciated.
The code provided by file-io only deals with slurping and spitting files. You can safely download the system from github and install it in Quicklisp's "local-projects" directory. Alternatively, you can use UIOP equivalent functions, which are well supported and available in most distributions.

After software installation: symbol lookup error

I've been installing "hamlib" (sourceforge) on my RaspberryPi under Raspbian and everything
worked great for a while.
When I noticed an unimplemented feature, I downloaded the newest developer version here:
here (something like this, but this link may change every day: http://n0nb.users.sourceforge.net/hamlib-3.0~git-6e44327-20140321.tar.gz)
So I downloaded it and did the usual: untar to a folder, ./configure, make, make install.
After all was done, I launched rotctl and there comes this message: rotctl: symbol lookup error: /usr/local/lib/libhamlib.so.2: undefined symbol: g313_caps
I thought the package wasn't flawless and I tried to install the old version again. But it's still like that. Also I tried ldconfig every now and then.
To be honest: I'm a beginner when it comes to linux, so I don't know what I have done there. Maybe I was doing a major mistake, a normal linux user wouldn't do. Maybe it was wrong to install that package without uninstalling the older version. Also I don't even know how to do that.
Basically there is only one file in the source code, I need to change to the newer version. So, if there is anyone who could tell me, how to make a clean uninstall, I could replace only this file in the source and install again. I think that would do the thing.
Or shall I rather ask the people from the hamlib developer team?
Thank you in advance.

How to compile memcached on Windows?

I am trying to get memcached running on Windows. I have downloaded memcached stable latest and compiled it using Mingw under Windows 7. Configure failed with error,
checking for libevent directory... configure: error: libevent is
required. You can get it from http://www.monkey.org/~provos/libevent/
If it's already installed, specify its path using --with-libevent=/dir/
Then I downloaded libevent and compiled it. This produced 3 DLLs, libeventcore, libevent-extra and libevent-2.0.5.
I ran configure on memcached again with the option --with-libevent. But for some reason, it fails again with the same error. I have no clue on why it is failing. Can anyone help me to resolve this issue? Or is there a better way to get memcached running on Windows? I have seen lot of pre-built binaries for Windows. But all of them uses old versions of memcached. And AFAIK, Windows is officially supported by memcached in the newer versions.
I am using Windows7 64bit version with MinGW.
After you run make in libevent dir you get the files ready, but to make full use of it, they must be installed. So make install step is needed. If you configured it with a prefix, it will land in the directory of your choice. Otherwise it is /usr/local.
So maybe it's enough to run make install in libevent dir and run configure from memcache without parameters.
If you still have problems passing the configure stage, look at config.log. It shows the source file and the gcc command on which it failed.
Unfortunately successful configure is not everything. Later it fails on inclusion of sys/socket.h, netinet/in.h and netdb.h and perhaps also -pthread gcc parameter. I'm afraid it won't compile on mingw. At least not without a serious porting effort.
As I know, Never had an official Memcached port for Windows (Yes, there were few individual efforts. Last knowing porting effort can find on version 1.2.6 here) Best known Implementation for Memcached for windows on Couchbase with Memcached Bucket.
Late to the party I realize but the answer is to use:
$ export LIBS=-lws2_32
which will place $LIBS at the end of compile calls so that it is linked to libws2_32.a or winsocks2, but this probably means that your did not configure your build correctly and you will subsequent errors such as #include <sys/socket.h> header not found, etc.
see mingw-linker-error-winsock
