How can I store the result of Serial.readBytesUntil(character, buffer, length) in a buffer while I don't know the length of the incoming message ?
Here is a little code that makes use of realloc() to keep growing your buffer. You will have to free() when you're done with buf.
int length = 8;
char * buf = malloc(length);
int total_read = 0;
total_read = Serial.readBytesUntil(character, buf, length);
while(length == total_read) {
length *= 2;
buf = realloc(buf, length);
// Bug in this line:
// total_read += Serial.readBytesUntil(character, buf+total_read, length);
// Should be
total_read += Serial.readBytesUntil(character, buf+total_read, length-total_read);
*Edit: fixed a bug where readBytesUntil would have read off the end of buf by reading length bytes instead of length-total_read bytes.
make the buffer big enough for the message. Don't know the maximum length of the message? Use length to control the characters read, then continue reading until character encountered.
int bytesRead = Serial.readBytesUntil(character, buffer, length);
You could create a buffer that is just smaller than the remaining RAM and use that. The call to find the remaining ram (as I've posted elsewhere) is:
int freeRam () {
extern int __heap_start, *__brkval;
int v;
int fr = (int) &v - (__brkval == 0 ? (int) &__heap_start : (int) __brkval);
Serial.print("Free ram: ");
Regardless, you should make sure you only read into as much RAM as you actually have.
One answer is that when a program reads serial bytes it typically does NOT store them verbatim. Rather, the program examines each byte and determines what action to take next. This logic is typically implemented as Finite State Machine.
So, what does your specific serial stream represent? Can it be analyzed in sequential chunks? For example: "0008ABCDEFGH" says that 8 chars follow the 4 character length field. In this silly example your code would read 4 chars, then know how much space to allocate for the rest of the serial stream!
I'm coding two programs that communicates via sockets sendinc char * strings.
Sometimes, read() reads less bytes than it should, so I gotta loop that read() till all the bytes are read. But, for example, if I want to read a string of 100 bytes, and read() only receives 60 (40 are missing in the socket buffer), means the string has only data in it's 60 first positions. Now I'd want to loop the read() to read those extra 40 bytes but, how can I tell the read() function to store those bytes from the position 60 of the previously filled string in order not to overwrite the information before read?
char string[100];
ssize_t total_bytes = 100;
ssize_t bytes_read = 0;
do {
//How can I read and store the array of chars in the variable string being string[bytes_read] the starting point in each iteration?
bytes_read = read(socket, string/*?*/, total_bytes);
total_bytes -= bytes_read;
} while(total_bytes > 0);
You can add an integer to the pointer (converted from the array, pointing at the first element of the array) to advance the position to start writing what is read.
bytes_read = read(socket, string + (100 - total_bytes), total_bytes);
If you definitely want the start point to be string[bytes_read] (it will make it overwrite some data if 3 or more reads are done):
bytes_read = read(socket, string + bytes_read, total_bytes);
or this may be easier (straight-forward):
bytes_read = read(socket, &string[bytes_read], total_bytes);
I'm new here, so please take it easy on me.
I'm trying to read a file with function read() and then write() to a file or a file descriptor. My function successfully reads a file, but a problem occurs when I try to read a larger file(in my example size of 40,000 bytes).
I think that I must write a while loop, which will be reading until the end of a file, but I am stuck on the idea of how to..
(I open a file or file descriptor in main of the program)
My function( also convert binary input char data and writes to the ASCII) :
void function(int readFrom,int writeOn){
char buffer[100];
int x = read(readFrom, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
int size= x/8;
int i;
for(i=0; i<size; i++){
char temp[sizeof(int)-1];
write(writeOn, temp, sizeof(temp));
You need to check return value of functions read and write. They return the number of bytes read/written that may be less than the number that you passed as third argument. Both read and write must be done in a loop like:
int bytesRead = 0;
while (bytesRead < sizeof(buffer)) {
int ret = read(readFrom, buffer + bytesRead, sizeof(buffer) - bytesRead);
if (ret == 0)
break; / * EOF */
if (ret == -1) {
/* Handle error */
bytesRead += ret;
You use sprintf() to convert characters from buffer into a very small buffer temp. On most current systems, int is 4 bytes, so your printf causes buffer overflows for char values greater than 99 (ASCII letter 'c'). Note that char can be signed by default, so negative values less than -99 will require 5 bytes for the string conversion: 3 digits, a minus sign and a null terminator.
You should make this buffer larger.
Furthermore, I don't understand why you only handle x/8 bytes from the buffer read by the read() function. The purpose of your function is obscure.
I'm trying to use the getdelim function to read an entire text file's contents into a string.
Here is the code I am using:
ssize_t bytesRead = getdelim(&buffer, 0, '\0', fp);
This is failing however, with strerror(errno) saying "Error: Invalid Argument"
I've looked at all the documentation I could and just can't get it working, I've tried getline which does work but I'd like to get this function working preferably.
buffer is NULL initialised as well so it doesn't seem to be that
fp is also not reporting any errors and the file opens perfectly
EDIT: My implementation is based on an answer from this stackoverflow question Easiest way to get file's contents in C
Kervate, please enable compiler warnings (-Wall for gcc), and heed them. They are helpful; why not accept all the help you can get?
As pointed out by WhozCraig and n.m. in comments to your original question, the getdelim() man page shows the correct usage.
If you wanted to read records delimited by the NUL character, you could use
FILE *input; /* Or, say, stdin */
char *buffer = NULL;
size_t size = 0;
ssize_t length;
while (1) {
length = getdelim(&buffer, &size, '\0', input);
if (length == (ssize_t)-1)
/* buffer has length chars, including the trailing '\0' */
buffer = NULL;
size = 0;
if (ferror(input) || !feof(input)) {
/* Error reading input, or some other reason
* that caused an early break out of the loop. */
If you want to read the contents of a file into a single character array, then getdelim() is the wrong function.
Instead, use realloc() to dynamically allocate and grow the buffer, appending to it using fread(). To get you started -- this is not complete! -- consider the following code:
FILE *input; /* Handle to the file to read, assumed already open */
char *buffer = NULL;
size_t size = 0;
size_t used = 0;
size_t more;
while (1) {
/* Grow buffer when less than 500 bytes of space. */
if (used + 500 >= size) {
size_t new_size = used + 30000; /* Allocate 30000 bytes more. */
char *new_buffer;
new_buffer = realloc(buffer, new_size);
if (!new_buffer) {
free(buffer); /* Old buffer still exists; release it. */
buffer = NULL;
size = 0;
used = 0;
fprintf(stderr, "Not enough memory to read file.\n");
buffer = new_buffer;
size = new_size;
/* Try reading more data, as much as fits in buffer. */
more = fread(buffer + used, 1, size - used, input);
if (more == 0)
break; /* Could be end of file, could be error */
used += more;
Note that the buffer in this latter snippet is not a string. There is no terminating NUL character, so it's just an array of chars. In fact, if the file contains binary data, the array may contain lots of NULs (\0, zero bytes). Assuming there was no error and all of the file was read (you need to check for that, see the former example), buffer contains used chars read from the file, with enough space allocated for size. If used > 0, then size > used. If used == 0, then size may or may not be zero.
If you want to turn buffer into a string, you need to decide what to do with the possibly embedded \0 bytes -- I recommend either convert to e.g. spaces or tabs, or move the data to skip them altogether --, and add the string-terminating \0 at end to make it a valid string.
Using the standard C library, is there a way to scan a string (containing no whitespace) from standard input only if it fits in a buffer? In the following example I would like scanCount to be 0 if the input string is larger than 32:
char str[32];
int scanCount;
scanCount = scanf("%32s", str);
Edit: I also need file pointer rollback when the input string is too large.
You specified a requirement to only read if the whole data fits your buffer. This requirement makes no sense at all as it doesn't provide any functionality to your program. You can easily achieve the same sort of tasks without it. It also is not how operating systems present files to the user applications.
You can simply create a buffer of any size you see fit and then you can keep the data in the buffer until you can handle it, or you can do magic like actually resizing the buffer to accomodate more incoming data.
You can read any number of characters from a file using the ANSI fread() function:
size_t count;
char buffer[50];
count = fread(buffer, 1, sizeof buffer, stdin);
You can then see how many characters have actually been read by looking at the count variable, you can fill in the final NUL character if it's less than the buffer size or you can decide what to do next, if the whole buffer has been read and more data may be availabe. You could of course read sizeof buffer - 1 instead, to be able to always finalize the string. When the count is smaller than your specified value, feof() and ferror() can be used to see what happened. You can also look at the actual and check for a LF character to see how many lines you have read.
When using an enlarging buffer, you will need malloc() or just create a NULL pointer that will later be allocated using realloc():
/* Set initial size and offset. */
size_t offset = 0;
size_t size = 0;
char *buffer = NULL;
When you need to change the size of the buffer, you can use realloc():
/* Change the size. */
size = 100;
buffer = realloc(buffer, size);
(The first time it's equivalent to buffer = malloc(size).)
You can then read data into the buffer:
size_t count = fread(buffer + offset, 1, size - offset, stdin);
count += offset;
(The first time it's equivalent to fread(buffer, 1, size, stdin).)
When finished, you should free the buffer:
At any time, you still have all the already read data somewhere in a buffer, so you can get back to it at any time, you just decouple the reading and processing, where the above examples are all about reading.
The processing then depends on what you need. You generally need to identify the start and end of the data that you want to extract.
Example start and end, where end means one character after the last one you want, so the arithmetics work better:
size_t start = 0;
size_t end = 10;
Extract the data (using bits of C99):
char data[end - start + 1];
memcpy(data, buffer + start, end - start);
data[end] = '\0';
Now you have a NUL-terminated string containing the data you wanted to extract. Sometimes you just assume start = 0 and then want to consume the data from the buffer to make place for new data:
char data[end + 1];
/* copy out the data */
memcpy(data, buffer, end);
/* move data between end end offset to the beginning */
memmove(buffer, buffer + end, offset - end);
/* adjust the offset accordingly */
offset -= end;
Now you have your data extracted but you still have the buffer ready with the rest of the data you haven't processed, yet. This effectively achieves what you wanted, as by keeping the data in an intermediate buffer, you're effectively peeking into an arbitrary part of the data received on input and taking out the data only if it fits your expectations, doing whatever else if they don't.Of course you should carefully test all return values to check for exceptional conditions and such stuff.
I personally would also turn all indexes in the examples into pointers directly to the memory and adjust the arithmetics accordingly, but not everyone enjoys pointer arithmetics as I do ;). I also tend to prefer low-level POSIX API over the intermetiate layer in form of the ANSI API. Ready to fix bugs or improve explanations, please comment.
Your comment that you need the file pointer reset on scan failure makes this impossible to do with scanf().
scanf() is basically specified as "fscanf( stdin, ... )", and fscanf() is defined to "[push] back at most one input character onto the input stream" (C99, footnote 242). (I assume this is for the same reason that ungetc() is only required to support one byte of push-back: So that it can be conveniently buffered in memory.)
*scanf() is a poor choice to read uncertain inputs, for the reason described above and several other shortcomings when it comes to recovery-from-error. Generally speaking, if there is any chance that the input might not conform to the expected format, read input into an internal memory buffer first and then parse it from there.
Just read and store one character too many, and test for that.
char str[34]; // 33 characters + NUL terminator
int scanCount = scanf("%33s", str);
if (scanCount > 0 && strlen(str) > 32)
scanCount = 0;
On scanning a stream such as stdin is only allowed to "put back" up to 1 char. So scanning 32 or 33 char and then undoing is not possible.
If your input could use ftell() and fseek() (Available when stdin is redirected), code could
long pos = ftell(input);
char str[32+1];
int scanCount;
scanCount = fscanf(input, "%32s", str);
if (scanCount != 1 || strlen(str) >= 32) {
fseek(input, pos, SEEK_SET);
scanCount = fscanf(input, some_new_format, ....);
Otherwise use fgets() to read a maximal line and use sscanf()
char buf[1024];
if (fget(buf, sizeof buf, stdin) == NULL) Handle_IOError_or_EOF();
char str[32+1];
int scanCount;
scanCount = sscanf(buf, "%32s", str);
if (scanCount != 1 || strlen(str) >= 32) {
scanCount = sscanf(buf, some_new_format, ....);
EDIT: It has been proven in the comments that defining the length instead should produce the same results and would not use any significant extra data. If you are looking for a way to send data between machines running your program(s), sending the length is better than reading until a terminating character. BonzaiThePenguin has some very good points you should look at.
But for educational purposes: I never found good example code that does this for standard C sockets that handles situations where the data is not all received in one packet, or multiple separate messages are contained within one packet. Simply calling recv repeatedly will not work in all cases.
This is one of those questions where I've answered it myself below, but I'm not 100% confident in my response.
It isn't 'dangerous to allow the client to specify the size of the message it is sending'. Most of the protocols in the word do that, including HTTP and SSL. It's only dangerous when implementations don't bounds-check messages properly.
The fatal flaw with your suggestion is that it doesn't work for binary data: you have to introduce an escape character so that the terminating character can appear within a message, and then of course you also need to escape the escape. All this adds processing and data copying at both ends.
Here is what I came up with. I cannot guarantee that this is perfect because I am not a professional, so if there are any mistakes, I (and anyone else looking for help) would greatly appreciate it if someone would point them out.
Context: socket is the socket, buffer is the array that stores all network input, line is the array that stores just one message extracted from buffer (which is what the rest of your program uses), length is the length of both inputted arrays, and recvLength is a pointer to an integer stored outside of the function that is meant to be 0 initially and should not be freed or modified by anything else. That is, it should persist across multiple calls to this function on the same socket. This function returns the length of the data outputted in the line array.
size_t recv_line(int socket, char* buffer, char* line, size_t length, size_t* recvLength){ //receives until '\4' (EOT character) or '\0' (null character)
size_t readHead = 0;
size_t lineIndex = 0;
char currentChar = 0;
while (1){
for (; readHead < *recvLength; readHead = readHead + 1){
currentChar = buffer[readHead];
if (currentChar=='\4' || currentChar=='\0'){ //replace with the end character(s) of your choice
if (DEBUG) printf("Received message===\n%s\n===of length %ld\n", line, lineIndex+1);
memcpy(buffer, buffer + readHead + 1, length-(readHead)); //shift the buffer down
*recvLength -= (readHead + 1); //without the +1, I had an "off by 1" error before!
return lineIndex+1; //success
if (readHead >= length){
if (DEBUG) printf("Client tried to overflow the input buffer. Disconnecting client.\n");
*recvLength = 0;
return 0;
line[lineIndex] = currentChar;
*recvLength = recv(socket, buffer + readHead, length, 0);
printf("Unknown error in recv_line!\n");
return 0;
Simple example usage:
int function_listening_to_network_input(int socket){
char netBuffer[2048];
char lineBuffer[2048];
size_t recvLength = 0;
while (1==1){
size_t length = recv_line(socket, netBuffer, lineBuffer, 2048, &recvLength);
// handle it…
return 0;
Note that this does not always leave line as a null-terminated string. If you want it to, it's easy to modify.