Data Grid View Scoll bar issues - winforms

I have One Winform.There is one TabContainer inside it in Fill Mode I am adding one another form with group box and DataGridView with dock mode fill as control of tab inside that tab control with dock mode fill.I have set Scroll bar property to both for DataGridView but not able to Show Horizontal.
if (activeForm != null &&
hasReviseAvgDiscountPermission == true)
//Add for in tab page.
FrmRePricing reviseAvgDiscount = new FrmRePricing(activeForm, secondaryUser);
if (reviseAvgDiscount.WidgetDataLoaded == true)
reviseAvgDiscount.CloseOnEscape = false;
reviseAvgDiscount.FormBorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.None;
reviseAvgDiscount.TopLevel = false;
reviseAvgDiscount.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
//Remove tab page if no data found.
this is code to load form as control.and I have data in grid there are show many columns but show intial some columns.


How to get the current swipe tabs selected index value in codename one?

I am using codename one swipe tabs dynamically to prepare some radio button but on swiping of tabs getSelectedIndex () method is giving the previous tabs value(previous in the sense suppose I move my tabs from 0 to 1 so it's giving me 0) so how to get the current tab value at which my tab is because on basis of this selectedIndexTab value I want my radio button to get selected.
Here is my code
TableLayout t1=new TableLayout(1, 5);
radioTypeContainer=new Container(t1);
t.addTab("Tab2"+i, new SpanLabel("Some text directly in the tab"));
firstTab = new RadioButton[i];
plain = new RadioButton("");
rbt =new RadioButton();
t.addSelectionListener((i1, i) -> {
Thanks in Advance
newSelected in selectionchanged method gives the current position of tab as shown in below code.
t.addSelectionListener(new SelectionListener() {
public void selectionChanged(int oldSelected, int newSelected) {

Devexpress - How to open a form as a tabbed view

I have a Ribbon Form with a treelist on the left so i put a XtraUserControl to insert a DocumentManager in which i would like to add all my tabbed forms (like in Visual Studio).
How can i do this?
I suggedt you start from the How to: Display Documents Using a Tabbed UI example. The main idea of this example is that you can add the DocumentManager onto the form and then handle a treelist item's Click to add all needed child forms as MDI-children - the DocumentManager will track all the changes automatically:
Form childForm = new Form();
childForm.MdiParent = this;
To read more about the another Document Manager concepts and features please refer to the corresponding documentation articles.
public void Viewchild(Form _form)
//Check Before Open
if (!IsFormActive(_form))
_form.MdiParent = this;
//Check If a Form Is Opened Already
private bool IsFormActive(Form form)
bool IsOpened = false;
//If There Is More Than One Form Opened
if (MdiChildren.Count() > 0)
foreach (var item in MdiChildren)
if (form.Name == item.Name)
// Active This Form
IsOpened = true;
return IsOpened;
open form in
Master.frmBranch fb = new Master.frmBranch();
fb.Name = "frmBranch";

Update menu item in Glassware timeline

I need to update menu item display name after taping that.I get Timeline item notification and change menu item then change its Display name property and then update time line.but same Menu item there.
var menuItem = item.MenuItems.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Payload.Equals("ONSITE"));
if (menuItem != null)
var menuValue = menuItem.Values.FirstOrDefault(v => v.State.Equals("DEFAULT"));
if (menuValue != null)
menuValue.DisplayName = "Confirmed";
is this possible? or any method to update menu item data.

Loading LayoutPanel content dynamically in Wpf

I'm working on a desktop application. It has a dropdown menu. When a menu item is clicked on the dropdown a new tab is opened if it's not opened before. There is a single tab for a single dropdown menu item. What i want to do is to open a window, page or user control(i'm not sure which i should use) in seperate tabs considering the work they will do.
My partial XAML:
<dxd:DockLayoutManager DockItemClosing="DockLayoutManager_DockItemClosing_1">
<dxd:TabbedGroup Name="tabbedGroup">
and partial CS:
private void addPanel(string caption)
var contains = false;
var layoutPanel = new LayoutPanel() { Caption = caption };
BaseLayoutItem[] baseLayoutItem = tabbedGroup.GetItems();
foreach (var layoutItem in baseLayoutItem)
if (layoutItem.Caption.Equals(layoutPanel.Caption))
contains = true;
if (!contains)
As i mentioned i want to append a window, page or user control(i'm not sure which i should use) into every LayouPanel opened seperately.
Ok it's as easy as:
layoutPanel.Content = new UserControl1();
And i got one more trick for dynamically creating the desired tab:
layoutPanel.Content = Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType(Constants.s_tabs[caption]));
I hope it won't cause any performance problems.

How do I get a context menu to work on a Telerik RadGridView column?

I have the following method which adds a new column to a Telerik RadGridView:
private void CreateNewColumn(FieldDescriptor fd, uint fieldno) {
fieldGrid.Columns.Add(new GridViewDataColumn() {
UniqueName = fd.fieldName,
Header = fd.displayName,
DataMemberBinding = new Binding("Fields[" + fieldno + "]"),
ContextMenu = new ContextMenu() {
Tag = fieldno,
Items = {
new MenuItem() {
Header = "Field Properties",
Command = Commands.FieldProperties,
CommandBindings = { new CommandBinding(Commands.FieldProperties, FieldProperties_Execute) }
new MenuItem() {
Header = "Delete Field",
Command = Commands.DeleteField,
CommandBindings = { new CommandBinding(Commands.DeleteField, DeleteField_Execute) }
The problem I'm having is that the context menu never appears when I right click anywhere on the grid. If I bind the context menu directly to the grid, i.e.
fieldGrid.ContextMenu = new ContextMenu() { ...
then the context menu shows up, but I have no way of determining which column the user right-clicked on. Has anyone gotten context menus to work on individual columns or column headers?
I cannot speak for Telerik's grid, but with the Infragistics grid you would attach the context menu to the grid, and then use the mouse location to determine what the user right clicked on in the grid. The Infragistics grid has some decent helper methods to facilitate the hit testing.
You can check my answer on your forum post:
