What are the good implementation practices to minimize RAM consumption - c

I run a C code on an arm based Linux device that has a very small RAM space (16MB). My code is often killed (SIGKILL) by the kernel with 'out of memory' message. I run the program with Valgrind, and it does not look like there is a memory leak. I run the code with gdb as well but could not identify any mistake on the code. I will try to optimize my code going it through some many times.
In general, what would be the good implementation practices on a code to minimize the memory usage?
one might be to use functions as much as possible(?), but I guess gcc already optimizes the code to decrease the source usage.
to avoid dynamic memory allocations
what else?

Be careful about scope of objects. Make sure you are handling the memory deallocation after an object is no longer needed. I'm not sure I understand your use functions as much as possible(?). Functions require overhead, every call causes a little bit of extra memory to be taken up because it has to store a few pointers and a little bit of information about the method on the call stack. So, while that may help keep your source code clean - it won't lower your memory usage (it'll probably increase it). One way to get the best of both worlds in C is to use inline functions - which suggests to the compiler that it should not create an actual function, but rather just insert that block of code wherever it is used. Keep in mind that efficient code usually has a more machine level look to it (meaning repetition, pointers, and often developer-managed array indices) rather than taking advantage of broad purpose, function abundant objects. But, thank goodness for smart compilers so you don't have to know every optimization. However, in a lower level language like c, since it gives you so much ability to manipulate everything, you need to be careful that you don't make costly mistakes.

If you have this kind of problem on Linux you can disable overcommit memory. It will make sure that all the memory allocated has physical memory. The kernel will be less likely to kill your program. Then be sure to test the result of all mallocs because they will fail at some point when you don't have memory anymore. You can find more information here : http://www.etalabs.net/overcommit.html
You can also disable some programs on your embedded system to free memory. May be you don't use cron or don't need six TTY at startup.


Is using canaries for bss or data-sections to detect overflows/smashing useful?

In our GCC-based C embedded system we are using the -ffunction-sections and -fdata-sections options to allow the linker, when linking the final executable, to remove unused (unreferenced) sections. This works well since years.
In the same system most of the data-structures and buffers are allocated statically (often as static-variables at file-scope).
Of course we have bugs, sometimes nasty ones, where we would like to quickly exclude the possibility of buffer-overflows.
One idea we have is to place canaries in between each bss-section and data-section - each one presenting exactly one symbol (because of -fdata-sections). Like the compiler is doing for functions-stacks when Stack-Smashing and StackProtection is activated. Checking these canaries could be done from the host by reading the canary-addresses "from time to time".
It seems that modifying the linker-script (placing manually the section and adding a canary-word in between) seems feasible, but does it make sense?
Is there a project or an article in the wild? Using my keywords I couldn't find anything.
Canaries are mostly useful for the stack, since it expands and collapses beyond the programmer's direct control. The things you have on data/bss do not behave like that. Either they are static variables, or in case they are buffers, they should keep within their fixed size, which should be checked with defensive programming in-place with the algorithm, rather than unorthodox tricks.
Also, stack canaries are used specifically in RAM-based, PC-like systems that don't know any better way. In embedded systems, they aren't very meaningful. Some useful things you can do instead:
Memory map the stack so that it grows into a memory area where writes will yield a hardware exception. Like for example, if your MCU has the ability to separate executable memory from data memory and yield exceptions if you try to execute code in the data area, or write to the executable area.
Ensure that everything in your program dealing with buffers perform their error checks and not write out-of-bounds. Static analysis tools are usually decent at spotting out-of-bounds bugs. Even some compilers can do this.
Add lots of defensive programming with static asserts. Check sizes of structs, buffers etc at compile-time, it's free.
Run-time defensive programming. For example if(x==good) {...} else if(x == bad) {... } is missing an else. And switch(x) case A: { ... } is missing a default. "But it can't go there in theory!" No but in practice, when you get runaway code caused by bugs (very likely), data retention of flash (100% likely) or EMI influence on RAM (quite unlikely).
And so on.

memory allocation/deallocation for embedded devices

Currently we use malloc/free Linux commands for memory allocation/de-allocation in our C based embedded application. I heard that this would cause memory fragmentation as the heap size increases/decreases because of memory allocation/de-allocation which would result in performance degradation. Other programming languages with efficient Garbage Collection solves this issue by freeing the memory when not in use.
Are there any alternate approaches which would solve this issue in C based embedded programs ?
You may take a look at a solution called memory pool allocation.
See: Memory pools implementation in C
Yes, there's an easy solution: don't use dynamic memory allocation outside of initialization.
It is common (in my experience) in embedded systems to only allow calls to malloc when a program starts (this is usually done by convention, there's nothing in C to enforce this. Although you can create your own wrapper for malloc to do this). This requires more work to analyze what memory your program could possibly use since you have to allocate it all at once. The benefit you get, however, is a complete understanding of what memory your program uses.
In some cases this is fairly straightforward, in particular if your system has enough memory to allocate everything it could possibly need all at once. In severely memory-limited systems, however, you're left with the managing the memory yourself. I've seen this done by writing "custom allocators" which you allocate and free memory from. I'll provide an example.
Let's say you're implementing some mathematical program that needs lots of big matrices (not terribly huge, but for example 1000x1000 floats). Your system may not have the memory to allocate many of these matrices, but if you can allocate at least one of them, you could create a pool of memory used for matrix objects, and every time you need a matrix you grab memory from that pool, and when you're done with it you return it to the pool. This is easy if you can return them in the same order you got them in, meaning the memory pool works just like a stack. If this isn't the case, perhaps you could just clear the entire pool at the end of each "iteration" (assuming this math system is periodic).
With more detail about what exactly you're trying to implement I could provide more relevant/specific examples.
Edit: See sg7's answer as well: that user provides a link to well-established frameworks which implement what I describe here.

Why is malloc really non-deterministic? (Linux/Unix)

malloc is not guaranteed to return 0'ed memory. The conventional wisdom is not only that, but that the contents of the memory malloc returns are actually non-deterministic, e.g. openssl used them for extra randomness.
However, as far as I know, malloc is built on top of brk/sbrk, which do "return" 0'ed memory. I can see why the contents of what malloc returns may be non-0, e.g. from previously free'd memory, but why would they be non-deterministic in "normal" single-threaded software?
Is the conventional wisdom really true (assuming the same binary and libraries)
If so, Why?
Edit Several people answered explaining why the memory can be non-0, which I already explained in the question above. What I'm asking is why the program using the contents of what malloc returns may be non-deterministic, i.e. why it could have different behavior every time it's run (assuming the same binary and libraries). Non-deterministic behavior is not implied by non-0's. To put it differently: why it could have different contents every time the binary is run.
Malloc does not guarantee unpredictability... it just doesn't guarantee predictability.
E.g. Consider that
return 0;
Is a valid implementation of malloc.
The initial values of memory returned by malloc are unspecified, which means that the specifications of the C and C++ languages put no restrictions on what values can be handed back. This makes the language easier to implement on a variety of platforms. While it might be true that in Linux malloc is implemented with brk and sbrk and the memory should be zeroed (I'm not even sure that this is necessarily true, by the way), on other platforms, perhaps an embedded platform, there's no reason that this would have to be the case. For example, an embedded device might not want to zero the memory, since doing so costs CPU cycles and thus power and time. Also, in the interest of efficiency, for example, the memory allocator could recycle blocks that had previously been freed without zeroing them out first. This means that even if the memory from the OS is initially zeroed out, the memory from malloc needn't be.
The conventional wisdom that the values are nondeterministic is probably a good one because it forces you to realize that any memory you get back might have garbage data in it that could crash your program. That said, you should not assume that the values are truly random. You should, however, realize that the values handed back are not magically going to be what you want. You are responsible for setting them up correctly. Assuming the values are truly random is a Really Bad Idea, since there is nothing at all to suggest that they would be.
If you want memory that is guaranteed to be zeroed out, use calloc instead.
Hope this helps!
malloc is defined on many systems that can be programmed in C/C++, including many non-UNIX systems, and many systems that lack operating system altogether. Requiring malloc to zero out the memory goes against C's philosophy of saving CPU as much as possible.
The standard provides a zeroing cal calloc that can be used if you need to zero out the memory. But in cases when you are planning to initialize the memory yourself as soon as you get it, the CPU cycles spent making sure the block is zeroed out are a waste; C standard aims to avoid this waste as much as possible, often at the expense of predictability.
Memory returned by mallocis not zeroed (or rather, is not guaranteed to be zeroed) because it does not need to. There is no security risk in reusing uninitialized memory pulled from your own process' address space or page pool. You already know it's there, and you already know the contents. There is also no issue with the contents in a practical sense, because you're going to overwrite it anyway.
Incidentially, the memory returned by malloc is zeroed upon first allocation, because an operating system kernel cannot afford the risk of giving one process data that another process owned previously. Therefore, when the OS faults in a new page, it only ever provides one that has been zeroed. However, this is totally unrelated to malloc.
(Slightly off-topic: The Debian security thing you mentioned had a few more implications than using uninitialized memory for randomness. A packager who was not familiar with the inner workings of the code and did not know the precise implications patched out a couple of places that Valgrind had reported, presumably with good intent but to desastrous effect. Among these was the "random from uninitilized memory", but it was by far not the most severe one.)
I think that the assumption that it is non-deterministic is plain wrong, particularly as you ask for a non-threaded context. (In a threaded context due to scheduling alea you could have some non-determinism).
Just try it out. Create a sequential, deterministic application that
does a whole bunch of allocations
fills the memory with some pattern, eg fill it with the value of a counter
free every second of these allocations
newly allocate the same amount
run through these new allocations and register the value of the first byte in a file (as textual numbers one per line)
run this program twice and register the result in two different files. My idea is that these files will be identical.
Even in "normal" single-threaded programs, memory is freed and reallocated many times. Malloc will return to you memory that you had used before.
Even single-threaded code may do malloc then free then malloc and get back previously used, non-zero memory.
There is no guarantee that brk/sbrk return 0ed-out data; this is an implementation detail. It is generally a good idea for an OS to do that to reduce the possibility that sensitive information from one process finds its way into another process, but nothing in the specification says that it will be the case.
Also, the fact that malloc is implemented on top of brk/sbrk is also implementation-dependent, and can even vary based on the size of the allocation; for example, large allocations on Linux have traditionally used mmap on /dev/zero instead.
Basically, you can neither rely on malloc()ed regions containing garbage nor on it being all-0, and no program should assume one way or the other about it.
The simplest way I can think of putting the answer is like this:
If I am looking for wall space to paint a mural, I don't care whether it is white or covered with old graffiti, since I'm going to prime it and paint over it. I only care whether I have enough square footage to accommodate the picture, and I care that I'm not painting over an area that belongs to someone else.
That is how malloc thinks. Zeroing memory every time a process ends would be wasted computational effort. It would be like re-priming the wall every time you finish painting.
There is an whole ecosystem of programs living inside a computer memmory and you cannot control the order in which mallocs and frees are happening.
Imagine that the first time you run your application and malloc() something, it gives you an address with some garbage. Then your program shuts down, your OS marks that area as free. Another program takes it with another malloc(), writes a lot of stuff and then leaves. You run your program again, it might happen that malloc() gives you the same address, but now there's different garbage there, that the previous program might have written.
I don't actually know the implementation of malloc() in any system and I don't know if it implements any kind of security measure (like randomizing the returned address), but I don't think so.
It is very deterministic.

In C, does using static variables in a function make it faster?

My function will be called thousands of times. If i want to make it faster, will changing the local function variables to static be of any use? My logic behind this is that, because static variables are persistent between function calls, they are allocated only the first time, and thus, every subsequent call will not allocate memory for them and will become faster, because the memory allocation step is not done.
Also, if the above is true, then would using global variables instead of parameters be faster to pass information to the function every time it is called? i think space for parameters is also allocated on every function call, to allow for recursion (that's why recursion uses up more memory), but since my function is not recursive, and if my reasoning is correct, then taking off parameters will in theory make it faster.
I know these things I want to do are horrible programming habits, but please, tell me if it is wise. I am going to try it anyway but please give me your opinion.
The overhead of local variables is zero. Each time you call a function, you are already setting up the stack for the parameters, return values, etc. Adding local variables means that you're adding a slightly bigger number to the stack pointer (a number which is computed at compile time).
Also, local variables are probably faster due to cache locality.
If you are only calling your function "thousands" of times (not millions or billions), then you should be looking at your algorithm for optimization opportunities after you have run a profiler.
Re: cache locality (read more here):
Frequently accessed global variables probably have temporal locality. They also may be copied to a register during function execution, but will be written back into memory (cache) after a function returns (otherwise they wouldn't be accessible to anything else; registers don't have addresses).
Local variables will generally have both temporal and spatial locality (they get that by virtue of being created on the stack). Additionally, they may be "allocated" directly to registers and never be written to memory.
The best way to find out is to actually run a profiler. This can be as simple as executing several timed tests using both methods and then averaging out the results and comparing, or you may consider a full-blown profiling tool which attaches itself to a process and graphs out memory use over time and execution speed.
Do not perform random micro code-tuning because you have a gut feeling it will be faster. Compilers all have slightly different implementations of things and what is true on one compiler on one environment may be false on another configuration.
To tackle that comment about fewer parameters: the process of "inlining" functions essentially removes the overhead related to calling a function. Chances are a small function will be automatically in-lined by the compiler, but you can suggest a function be inlined as well.
In a different language, C++, the new standard coming out supports perfect forwarding, and perfect move semantics with rvalue references which removes the need for temporaries in certain cases which can reduce the cost of calling a function.
I suspect you're prematurely optimizing, however, you should not be this concerned with performance until you've discovered your real bottlenecks.
Absolutly not! The only "performance" difference is when variables are initialised
int anint = 42;
static int anint = 42;
In the first case the integer will be set to 42 every time the function is called in the second case ot will be set to 42 when the program is loaded.
However the difference is so trivial as to be barely noticable. Its a common misconception that storage has to be allocated for "automatic" variables on every call. This is not so C uses the already allocated space in the stack for these variables.
Static variables may actually slow you down as its some aggresive optimisations are not possible on static variables. Also as locals are in a contiguous area of the stack they are easier to cache efficiently.
There is no one answer to this. It will vary with the CPU, the compiler, the compiler flags, the number of local variables you have, what the CPU's been doing before you call the function, and quite possibly the phase of the moon.
Consider two extremes; if you have only one or a few local variables, it/they might easily be stored in registers rather than be allocated memory locations at all. If register "pressure" is sufficiently low that this may happen without executing any instructions at all.
At the opposite extreme there are a few machines (e.g., IBM mainframes) that don't have stacks at all. In this case, what we'd normally think of as stack frames are actually allocated as a linked list on the heap. As you'd probably guess, this can be quite slow.
When it comes to accessing the variables, the situation's somewhat similar -- access to a machine register is pretty well guaranteed to be faster than anything allocated in memory can possible hope for. OTOH, it's possible for access to variables on the stack to be pretty slow -- it normally requires something like an indexed indirect access, which (especially with older CPUs) tends to be fairly slow. OTOH, access to a global (which a static is, even though its name isn't globally visible) typically requires forming an absolute address, which some CPUs penalize to some degree as well.
Bottom line: even the advice to profile your code may be misplaced -- the difference may easily be so tiny that even a profiler won't detect it dependably, and the only way to be sure is to examine the assembly language that's produced (and spend a few years learning assembly language well enough to know say anything when you do look at it). The other side of this is that when you're dealing with a difference you can't even measure dependably, the chances that it'll have a material effect on the speed of real code is so remote that it's probably not worth the trouble.
It looks like the static vs non-static has been completely covered but on the topic of global variables. Often these will slow down a programs execution rather than speed it up.
The reason is that tightly scoped variables make it easy for the compiler to heavily optimise, if the compiler has to look all over your application for instances of where a global might be used then its optimising won't be as good.
This is compounded when you introduce pointers, say you have the following code:
int myFunction()
SomeStruct *A, *B;
memcpy(A, B, sizeof(A);
return A.result;
the compiler knows that the pointer A and B can never overlap and so it can optimise the copy. If A and B are global then they could possibly point to overlapping or identical memory, this means the compiler must 'play it safe' which is slower. The problem is generally called 'pointer aliasing' and can occur in lots of situations not just memory copies.
Using static variables may make a function a tiny bit faster. However, this will cause problems if you ever want to make your program multi-threaded. Since static variables are shared between function invocations, invoking the function simultaneously in different threads will result in undefined behaviour. Multi-threading is the type of thing you may want to do in the future to really speed up your code.
Most of the things you mentioned are referred to as micro-optimizations. Generally, worrying about these kind of things is a bad idea. It makes your code harder to read, and harder to maintain. It's also highly likely to introduce bugs. You'll likely get more bang for your buck doing optimizations at a higher level.
As M2tM suggests, running a profiler is also a good idea. Check out gprof for one which is quite easy to use.
You can always time your application to truly determine what is fastest. Here is what I understand: (all of this depends on the architecture of your processor, btw)
C functions create a stack frame, which is where passed parameters are put, and local variables are put, as well as the return pointer back to where the caller called the function. There is no memory management allocation here. It usually a simple pointer movement and thats it. Accessing data off the stack is also pretty quick. Penalties usually come into play when you're dealing with pointers.
As for global or static variables, they're the same...from the standpoint that they're going to be allocated in the same region of memory. Accessing these may use a different method of access than local variables, depends on the compiler.
The major difference between your scenarios is memory footprint, not so much speed.
Using static variables can actually make your code significantly slower. Static variables must exist in a 'data' region of memory. In order to use that variable, the function must execute a load instruction to read from main memory, or a store instruction to write to it. If that region is not in the cache, you lose many cycles. A local variable that lives on the stack will most surely have an address that is in the cache, and might even be in a cpu register, never appearing in memory at all.
I agree with the others comments about profiling to find out stuff like that, but generally speaking, function static variables should be slower. If you want them, what you are really after is a global. Function statics insert code/data to check if the thing has been initialized already that gets run every time your function is called.
Profiling may not see the difference, disassembling and knowing what to look for might.
I suspect you are only going to get a variation as much as a few clock cycles per loop (on average depending on the compiler, etc). Sometimes the change will be dramatic improvement or dramatically slower, and that wont necessarily be because the variables home has moved to/from the stack. Lets say you save four clock cycles per function call for 10000 calls on a 2ghz processor. Very rough calculation: 20 microseconds saved. Is 20 microseconds a lot or a little compared to your current execution time?
You will likely get more a performance improvement by making all of your char and short variables into ints, among other things. Micro-optimization is a good thing to know but takes lots of time experimenting, disassembling, timing the execution of your code, understanding that fewer instructions does not necessarily mean faster for example.
Take your specific program, disassemble both the function in question and the code that calls it. With and without the static. If you gain only one or two instructions and this is the only optimization you are going to do, it is probably not worth it. You may not be able to see the difference while profiling. Changes in where the cache lines hit could show up in profiling before changes in the code for example.

Resources for memory management in embedded application

How should I manage memory in my mission critical embedded application?
I found some articles with google, but couldn't pinpoint a really useful practical guide.
The DO-178b forbids dynamic memory allocations, but how will you manage the memory then? Preallocate everything in advance and send a pointer to each function that needs allocation? Allocate it on the stack? Use a global static allocator (but then it's very similar to dynamic allocation)?
Answers can be of the form of regular answer, reference to a resource, or reference to good opensource embedded system for example.
clarification: The issue here is not whether or not memory management is availible for the embedded system. But what is a good design for an embedded system, to maximize reliability.
I don't understand why statically preallocating a buffer pool, and dynamically getting and dropping it, is different from dynamically allocating memory.
As someone who has dealt with embedded systems, though not to such rigor so far (I have read DO-178B, though):
If you look at the u-boot bootloader, a lot is done with a globally placed structure. Depending on your exact application, you may be able to get away with a global structure and stack. Of course, there are re-entrancy and related issues there that don't really apply to a bootloader but might for you.
Preallocate, preallocate, preallocate. If you can at design-time bind the size of an array/list structure/etc, declare it as a global (or static global -- look Ma, encapsulation).
The stack is very useful, use it where needed -- but be careful, as it can be easy to keep allocating off of it until you have no stack space left. Some code I once found myself debugging would allocate 1k buffers for string management in multiple functions...occasionally, the usage of the buffers would hit another program's stack space, as the default stack size was 4k.
The buffer pool case may depend on exactly how it's implemented. If you know you need to pass around fixed-size buffers of a size known at compile time, dealing with a buffer pool is likely more easy to demonstrate correctness than a complete dynamic allocator. You just need to verify buffers cannot be lost, and validate your handling won't fail. There seem to be some good tips here: http://www.cotsjournalonline.com/articles/view/101217
Really, though, I think your answers might be found in joining http://www.do178site.com/
I've worked in a DO-178B environment (systems for airplanes). What I have understood, is that the main reason for not allowing dynamic allocation is mainly certification. Certification is done through tests (unitary, coverage, integration, ...). With those tests you have to prove that you the behavior of your program is 100% predictable, nearly to the point that the memory footprint of your process is the same from one execution to the next. As dynamic allocation is done on the heap (and can fail) you can not easily prove that (I imagine it should be possible if you master all the tools from the hardware to any piece of code written, but ...). You have not this problem with static allocation. That also why C++ was not used at this time in such environments. (it was about 15 years ago, that might have changed ...)
Practically, you have to write a lot of struct pools and allocation functions that guarantee that you have something deterministic. You can imagine a lot of solutions. The key is that you have to prove (with TONS of tests) a high level of deterministic behavior. It's easier to prove that your hand crafted developpement work deterministically that to prove that linux + gcc is deterministic in allocating memory.
Just my 2 cents. It was a long time ago, things might have changed, but concerning certification like DO-178B, the point is to prove your app will work the same any time in any context.
Disclaimer: I've not worked specifically with DO-178b, but I have written software for certified systems.
On the certified systems for which I have been a developer, ...
Dynamic memory allocation was
acceptable ONLY during the
initialization phase.
Dynamic memory de-allocation was NEVER acceptable.
This left us with the following options ...
Use statically allocated structures.
Create a pool of structures and then get/release them from/back to the pool.
For flexibility, we could dynamically allocate the size of the pools or number of structures during the initialization phase. However, once past that init phase, we were stuck with what we had.
Our company found that pools of structures and then get/releasing from/back into the pool was most useful. We were able to keep to the model, and keep things deterministic with minimal problems.
Hope that helps.
Real-time, long running, mission critical systems should not dynamically allocate and free memory from heap. If you need and cannot design around it to then write your own allocated and fixed pool management scheme. Yes, allocated fixed ahead of time whenever possible. Anything else is asking for eventual trouble.
Allocating everything from stack is commonly done in embedded systems or elsewhere where the possibility of an allocation failing is unacceptable. I don't know what DO-178b is, but if the problem is that malloc is not available on your platform, you can also implement it yourself (implementing your own heap), but this still may lead to an allocation failing when you run out of space, of course.
There's no way to be 100% sure.
You may look at FreeRTOS' memory allocators examples. Those use static pool, if i'm not mistaken.
You might find this question interesting as well, dynamic allocation is often prohibited in space hardened settings (actually, core memory is still useful there).
Typically, when malloc() is not available, I just use the stack. As Tronic said, the whole reason behind not using malloc() is that it can fail. If you are using a global static pool, it is conceivable that your internal malloc() implementation could be made fail proof.
It really, really, really depends on the task at hand and what the board is going to be exposed to.
