C programming floating numbers? - c

So, I am reading a C prog. book and I read this exercise:
Write a program which asks the user to enter a dollars-and-cents amount, then displays the amount with 5% added?
Solution :
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
float original_amount;
printf("Enter an amount: ");
scanf("%f", &original_amount);
printf("With tax added: $%.2f\n", original_amount * 1.05f);
return 0;
I know what .3f means (there should be 3 digits after...), but what does 1.05f mean?

The 1.05f does denote a floating point number with value approximately 1.05 (which is 105% = 100% + 5%). The %.2f is a format specifier and is something very different.
The multiplication with this number actually adds 5% to the value (value * 1.05 = value * (100% + 5%) = value + value * 5%).
Format specifiers occur in the first parameter of printf-like functions and tell the function how to output the argument corresponding to its position.

1.05f is a float type that has value 1.05

The program is apparently using multiplication by 1.05f as a way to add 5% to a number. But, because of representation error 1.05f is not exactly 1.05; it's a single-precsion floating point number close† to 1.05.
The float value closest to 1.05 is 1.0499999523162841796875 (assuming the usual 32-bit float format). Since you round the results you would have to use some fairly big numbers to see the effects of the error; try entering 100000000 when the program asks for amount:
Enter an amount: 100000000
With tax added: $104999992.00
If you used double precision instead of single precision, that is, double instead of float and 1.05 instead of 1.05f, the representation error would be smaller but it would still not be exactly 1.05, since this number cannot be represented exactly as the binary floating point numbers that our computers use.
You would get a correct result for 100000000, but still "incorrect" results for astronomically big numbers.
†) How close? From the standard:
For decimal floating constants, and also for
hexadecimal floating constants when
is not a power of 2, the result is either
the nearest representable value, or the larger or smaller representable value immediately
adjacent to the nearest representable value, chosen in an implementation-defined manner.

It's the 5% part of your exercice. It's equal to: original_amout + (original_amout * 5.0 / 100.0).

it means 1.05 as float float you can take the f away it should work

printf has the prototype as int printf(const char *restrict format, ...);, it uses the const char *restrict format string to format the data printed.
You are confused between the format specifier %.2f which is passed as the 1st parameter to printf and the 1.05f passed as part of argument list. As you point out, first one is used for formatting. The argument list 1.05f is used for calculation purposes.The f indicates to the compiler you want to use a float or else by default it will be considered double datatype and the result of original_amount * 1.05f will be stored in a double.
It is sufficient to use a float when you know the number would fit in the float range.And to indicate this, you append a f to numbers in the argument list


Is there any way to not lose the precision and still get the value?

First off, I'm a total beginner at C, with prior experience of programming in Java and Python. The goal of the program was to add 2 numbers. While I was playing with the code, I encountered an issue with precision. The issue was caused when I added 2 numbers- 1 of float data type and the other of double data type.
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
double b=20.12345678;
float c=30.1234f;
printf("The Sum of %.8f and %.4f is= %.8f\n", b, c, b+c);
return 0;
The Sum of 20.12345678 and 30.1234 is= 50.24685651
However, the correct output should be: 50.24685678
float values are accurate up-to 6 decimal places, and so is the output.
I tried casting the values explicitly to double type, but its still of no use.
PS: When I convert the variable type from float to double, the output is precise; but is there any other way to add float and double integers without messing with their data type?
Thank You.
float only guarantees 6 decimal digits of precision, so any computation with a float (even if the other operands are double, even if you're storing the result to a double) will only be precise to 6 digits.
If you need greater precision, then limit yourself to double or long double. If you need more than 10 decimal digits of precision, then you'll need to use something other than the native floating point types and library functions. You'll either need to roll your own, or use an arbitrary precision math library like GNU MP.
The value assigned to c can't be expressed exactly so it gets assigned the next closest value. You don't see that when printing to 4 decimal places but you do see it if you print 8:
printf("The Sum of %.8f and %.8f is= %.8f\n", b, c, b+c);
The Sum of 20.12345678 and 30.12339973 is= 50.24685651
So the constant 30.1234f is already imprecise enough for the calculation you're trying to do.

How can I fix my floats being rounded down to doubles?

I know that by default in C when you declare a float it gets automatically saved as a double and that if you want it to be saved as a float you have to declare it like this
float x = 0.11f
but what if my x value comes from a scanf? How can I do so that when I print it it doesn't get rounded down or up?
Here's my code btw, thanks for the help.
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
float number = 0;
float comparison;
printf("\nEnter a number: ");
scanf("%f", &comparison);
if(comparison > number) {
number = comparison;
}while(comparison > 0);
printf("The largest number enteres was: %f\n\n", number);
what if my x value comes from a scanf? How can I do so that when I print it it doesn't get rounded down or up?
scanf with an %f directive will read the input and convert it to a float (not a double). If the matched text does not correspond to a number exactly representable as a float then there will be rounding at this stage. There is no alternative.
When you pass an argument of type float to printf() for printing, it will be promoted to type double. This is required by the signature of that function. But type double can exactly represent all values of type float, so this promotion does not involve any rounding. printf's handling of the %f directives is aligned with this automatic promotion: the corresponding (promoted) argument is expected to be of type double.
There are multiple avenues to reproducing the input exactly, depending on what constraints you are willing to put on that input. The most general is to read, store, and print the data as a string, though even this has its complications.
If you are willing to place a limit on the maximum decimal range and precision for which verbatim reproduction is supported, then you may be able to get output rounded to the same representation as the input by specifying a precision in your printf field directives:
float f;
scanf("%f", &f);
printf("%f %.2f %5.2f\n", f, f, f);
If you want to use a built-in floating-point format and also avoid trailing zeroes being appended then either an explicit precision like that or a %g directive is probably needed:
printf("%f %g\n", f, f);
Other alternatives are more involved, such as creating a fixed-point or arbitrary-precision decimal data type, along with appropriate functions for reading and writing it. I presume that goes beyond what you're presently interested in doing.
Note: "double" is short for "double precision", as opposed to notionally single-precision "float". The former is the larger type in terms of storage and representational capability. In real-world implementations, there is never any "rounding down" from float to double.

How to round a float by casting as an int in C

So I am a second semester freshman in college. My teacher wants us to write a function that round a floating point number to the nearest hundredth. He said that we need to convert the floating point into an integer data type and then covert it back to a floating point. That's all he said. I have spent at least 5 hours trying different ways to do this.
This is my code so far:
#include <stdio.h>
int rounding(int roundedNum);
int main()
float userNum,
printf("\nThis program will round a number to the nearest hundredths\n");
printf("\nPlease enter the number you want rounded\n>");
scanf("%f", &userNum);
rounded = rounding (userNum);
printf("%f rounded is %f\n", userNum, rounded);
return 0;
int rounding(int roundedNum)
return roundedNum;
Your instructor may be thinking:
float RoundHundredth(float x)
// Scale the hundredths place to the integer place.
float y = x * 100;
// Add .5 to cause rounding when converting to an integer.
y += .5f;
// Convert to an integer, which truncates.
int n = y;
// Convert back to float, undo scaling, and return.
return n / 100.f;
This is a flawed solution because:
Most C implementations use binary floating point. In binary floating-point, it is impossible to store any fractions that are not multiples of a negative power of two (½, ¼, ⅛, 1/16, 1/32, 1/64,…). So 1/100 cannot be exactly represented. Therefore, no matter what calculations you do, it is impossible to return exactly .01 or .79. The best you can do is get close.
When you perform arithmetic on floating-point numbers, the results are rounded to the nearest representable value. This means that, in x * 100, the result is, in generally, not exactly 100 times x. There is a small error due to rounding. This error cause push the value across the point where rounding changes from one direction to another, so it can make the answer wrong. There are techniques for avoiding this sort of error, but they are too complicated for introductory classes.
There is no need to convert to an integer to get truncation; C has a truncation function for floating-point built-in: trunc for double and truncf for float.
Additionally, the use of truncation in converting to integer compelled us to add ½ to get rounding instead. But, once we are no longer using a conversion to an integer type to get an integer value, we can use the built-in function for rounding floating-point values to integer values: round for double and roundf for float.
If your C implementation has good formatted input/output routines, then an easy way to find the value of a floating-point number rounded to the nearest hundred is to format it (as with snprintf) using the conversion specifier %.2f. A proper C implementation will convert the number to decimal, with two digits after the decimal point, using correct rounding that avoids the arithmetic rounding errors mentioned above. However, then you will have the number in string form.
Here are some hints:
Multiply float with "some power of 10" to ensure the needed precision numbers are shifted left
Cast the new value to a new int variable so the unwanted float bits are discarded
Divide the int by the same power of 10 but add use a float form of that (e.g 10.0) so integer gets converted to float and the new value is the correct value
To test, use printf with the precision (.2f)
The two most common methods of rounding are "Away From Zero" and "Banker's Rounding (To Even)".
Pseudo-code for Rounding Away From Zero
EDIT Even though this is pseudo-code, I should have included the accounting for precision, since we are dealing with floating-point values here.
// this code is fixed for 2 decimal places (n = 2) and
// an expected precision limit of 0.001 (m = 3)
// for any values of n and m, the first multiplicand is 10^(n+1)
// the first divisor is 10^(m + 1), and
// the final divisor is 10^(n)
double roundAwayFromZero(double value) {
boolean check to see if value is a negative number
add precision bumper of (1.0 / 10000) to "value" // 10000.0 is 10^4
multiply "value" by 1000.0 and cast to (int) // 1000.0 is 10^3
if boolean check is true, negate the integer to positive
add 5 to integer result, and divide by 10
if boolean check is true, negate the integer again
divide the integer by 100.0 and return as double // 100.0 is 10^2
ex: -123.456
-123.456 + (1.0 / 10000.0) => -123.4561
-123.4561 * 1000.0 => -123456.1 => -123456 as integer
true, so => -(-123456) => 123456
(123456 + 5) / 10 => 123461 / 10 => 12346
true, so => -(12346) => -12346
-12346 / 100.0 => -123.46 ===> return value
In your initial question, you expressed a desire for direction only, not the explicit answer in code. This is as vague as I can manage to make it while still making any sense. I'll leave the "Banker's Rounding" version for you to implement as an exercise.
Ok so I figured it out! thank yall for your answers.
float rounding(float roundedNumber)
roundedNumber = roundedNumber * 100.0f + 0.5f;
roundedNumber = (int) roundedNumber * 0.01f;
return roundedNumber;
So pretty much if I entered 56.12567 as roundedNumber, it would multiply by 100 yielding 5612.567. From there it would add .5 which would determine if it rounds up. In this case, it does. The number would change to 5613.067.
Then you truncate it by converting it into a int and multiply by .01 to get the decimal back over. From there it returns the value to main and prints out the rounded number. Pretty odd way of rounding but I guess thats how you do it in C without using the rounding function.
Well, let's think about it. One thing that's helpful to know is that we can turn a float into an integer by casting:
float x = 5.4;
int y = (int) x;
//y is now equal to 5
When we cast, the float is truncated, meaning that whatever comes after the decimal point is dropped, regardless of its value (i.e. It always rounds towards 0).
So if you think about that and the fact that you care about the hundredths place, you could maybe imagine an approach that consists of manipulating your floating point number in someway such that when you cast it to an int you only truncate information you don't care about (i.e. digits past the hundredths place). Multiplying might be useful here.

Time = distance over speed in C

I'm trying to find the time taken to travel over an inputted distance going at a constant speed in C. The code I have functions but the output is printed as 0? Any idea what is going wrong?
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main() {
int distance, speed = 80;
float time;
// This is how to read an int value
printf("Please enter a distance in kilometers to be covered at 80KPH. \n");
scanf("%d", & distance);
printf("You typed: %d\n", distance);
time = distance / speed;
printf("It will take you %.2f to cover ", time);
Because the two operands are integers, the compiler generates code for integer division. But you want real division. So cast one or more of the operands to a floating point type and the compiler will emit code for real division.
time = (float) distance / time;
Integer division is what you learnt in elementary school. So, 11/3 is 3 remainder 2, for example. In C the expression 11/3 evaluates to 3. This is integer division. In your case it seems that the numerator (distance) is less than the denominator (time) and so the expression
distance / time
evaluates to 0.
This is a common confusion caused by the overloading of the division operator. This operator means integer division if both operands are integers, otherwise it is real division.
The key point to learn is that it is the types of the operands that determine whether integer or real division is used. The type of the variable in which the result is stored has no influence on this choice.
time = distance / speed;
time = (float) distance / speed;
You were doing an integer division instead of a floating point division.
Once you changed the code according to what the others said (cast to float or double first), you will also need to change the format specifier from "%d" to "%f" for displaying floating point numbers (be it float or double), or else you will see garbage in your output.
EDIT: Sorry for mixing this up. I was thinking of a fix where you define speed and distance as float instead of int. In that case, you can simply convert "int" to "float" and "%d" to "%f" (possibly with accuracy and/or rounding flags). However, this will change the way the program works (because the user can now enter non-integral values), so it might not be what you want.

How to set precision of a float

Can someone explain me how to choose the precision of a float with a C function?
theFatFunction(0.666666666, 3) returns 0.667
theFatFunction(0.111111111, 3) returns 0.111
You can't do that, since precision is determined by the data type (i.e. float or double or long double). If you want to round it for printing purposes, you can use the proper format specifiers in printf(), i.e. printf("%0.3f\n", 0.666666666).
You can't. Precision depends entirely on the data type. You've got float and double and that's it.
Floats have a static, fixed precision. You can't change it. What you can sometimes do, is round the number.
See this page, and consider to scale yourself by powers of 10. Note that not all numbers are exactly representable as floats, either.
Most systems follow IEEE-754 floating point standard which defines several floating point types.
On these systems, usually float is the IEEE-754 binary32 single precision type: it has 24-bit of precision. double is the binary64 double precision type; it has 53-bit of precision. The precision in bit numbers is defined by the IEEE-754 standard and cannot be changed.
When you print values of floating point types using functions of the fprintf family (e.g., printf), the precision is defined as the maximum number of significant digits and is by default set to 6 digits. You can change the default precision with a . followed by a decimal number in the conversion specification. For example:
printf("%.10f\n", 4.0 * atan(1.0)); // prints 3.1415926536
printf("%f\n", 4.0 * atan(1.0)); // prints 3.141593
It might be roughly the following steps:
Add 0.666666666 with 0.0005 (we get 0.667166666)
Multiply by 1000 (we get 667.166666)
Shift the number to an int (we get 667)
Shift it back to float (we get 667.0)
Divide by 1000 (we get 0.667)
Thank you.
Precision is determined by the data type (i.e. float or double or long double).
If you want to round it for printing purposes, you can use the proper format specifiers in printf(), i.e.
printf("%0.3f\n", 0.666666666) //will print 0.667 in c
Now if you want to round it for calculating purposes you have to first multiply the float by 10^number of digits then typecast to int , do the calculation and then again typecast to float and divide by same power of 10
float f=0.66666;
f *= 1000; // 666.660
int i = (int)f; // 666
i = 2*i; // 1332
f = i; // 1332
f /= 1000; // 1.332
printf("%f",f); //1.332000
