Index/Statistics on volatile tables - sql-server

One of my application has the following use-case:
user inputs some filters and conditions about orders (delivery date ranges,...) to analyze
the application compute a lot of data and save it on several support tables (potentially thousands of record for each analysis)
the application starts a report engine that use data from these tables
when exiting, the application deletes computed record from support tables
Actually I'm analyzing how to ehnance queries performance adding indexes/stastics to support tables and the SQL Profiler suggests me to create 3-4 indexes and 20-25 statistics.
The record in supports tables are costantly created and removed: it's correct to create all this indexes/statistics or there is the risk that all these data will be easily outdated (with the only result of a costant overhead for maintaining indexes/statistics)?
DB server: SQL Server 2005+
App language: C# .NET
Thanks in advance for any hints/suggestions!

First seems like a good situation for a data cube. Second, yes you should update stats before running your query once the support tables are populated. You should disable your indexes when inserting the data. Then the rebuild command will bring your indexes and stats up to date in one go. Profiler these days is usually quite good at these suggestions, but test the combinations to see what actully gives the best performance gains. To look as os cubes here What are the open source tools and techniques to build a complete data warehouse platform?


Loading data from SQL Server to Elasticsearch

Looking for suggesting on loading data from SQL Server into Elasticsearch or any other data store. The goal is to have transactional data available in real time for Reporting.
We currently use a 3rd party tool, in addition to SSRS, for data analytics. The data transfer is done using daily batch jobs and as a result, there is a 24 hour data latency.
We are looking to build something out that would allow for more real time availability of the data, similar to SSRS, for our Clients to report on. We need to ensure that this does not have an impact on our SQL Server database.
My initial thought was to do a full dump of the data, during the weekend, and writes, in real time, during weekdays.
ElasticSearch's main use cases are for providing search type capabilities on top of unstructured large text based data. For example, if you were ingesting large batches of emails into your data store every day, ElasticSearch is a good tool to parse out pieces of those emails based on rules you setup with it to enable searching (and to some degree querying) capability of those email messages.
If your data is already in SQL Server, it sounds like it's structured already and therefore there's not much gained from ElasticSearch in terms of reportability and availability. Rather you'd likely be introducing extra complexity to your data workflow.
If you have structured data in SQL Server already, and you are experiencing issues with reporting directly off of it, you should look to building a data warehouse instead to handle your reporting. SQL Server comes with a number of features out of the box to help you replicate your data for this very purpose. The three main features to accomplish this that you could look into are AlwaysOn Availability Groups, Replication, or SSIS.
Each option above (in addition to other out-of-the-box features of SQL Server) have different pros and drawbacks. For example, AlwaysOn Availability Groups are very easy to setup and offer the ability to automatically failover if your main server had an outage, but they clone the entire database to a replica. Replication let's you more granularly choose to only copy specific Tables and Views, but then you can't as easily failover if your main server has an outage. So you should read up on all three options and understand their differences.
Additionally, if you're having specific performance problems trying to report off of the main database, you may want to dig into the root cause of those problems first before looking into replicating your data as a solution for reporting (although it's a fairly common solution). You may find that a simple architectural change like using a columnstore index on the correct Table will improve your reporting capabilities immensely.
I've been down both pathways of implementing ElasticSearch and a data warehouse using all three of the main data synchronization features above, for structured data and unstructured large text data, and have experienced the proper use cases for both. One data warehouse I've managed in the past had Tables with billions of rows in it (each Table terabytes big), and it was highly performant for reporting off of on fairly modest hardware in AWS (we weren't even using Redshift).

SQL table Indexes and Spotfire performance

I have a spotfire project that references several large SQL Server based tables (One has 700,000 rows with 200 columns, another is 80,000,000 rows with 10 columns, a few others that are much smaller by comparison). Currently I use information links with prompts to narrow down the data before loading into spotfire. Still have issues sometimes with RAM usage creeping up and random CPU spikes after data has been loaded.
My questions are if I add indexes to the SQL tables:
Will the amount of RAM/CPU usage by spotfire get better (lower)?
Will it help speed up the initial data load time?
Should I even bother?
I'm using SQL Server 2016 and Tibco Spotfire Analyst 7.7.0 (build version
If you add indexes without logical reason, it actually makes your system slower because indexes constantly update themselves after each INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE. You can ignore my statement if your DB has static data and you won't change the content usually.
You need to understand what parts of your queries consume most of resources, then create indexes accordingly.
Following URLs will help you:

Can I use Hadoop to speed up a slow SQL stored procedure?

The problem:
I have 2 SQL Server databases from 2 different applications. They describe different aspects of industrial machines: one is about "how many consumables were spent per order", the other is about "how many good/bad production items were produced per operator". Sometimes many operators are working on 1 order one after another, sometimes one operator is working on multiple small orders, and there is no connection Order-Operator in the database.
I want to have united fact table, where for every timestamp I know MachineID, OrderID and OperatorID. If a timestamp exists in DB1, then the record will have numeric measures from it (Consumables); if it exists in DB2, then it will have numeric measures from DB2 (good/bad production items). If it exists in both databases, then it have all numeric measures. A simple UNION ALL is not enough, because I want to have MachineID, OrderID and OperatorID for every record.
I created a T-SQL stored procedure to make FULL JOIN by timestamp and MachineID. But on large data sets (multiple machines, multiple customers) it becomes very slow. Both applications support editing history, so I need to merge full history from both databases at every nightly load.
To speed up the process, I would like to put calculations into multiple parallel threads, separated by Customer, MachineID, and Year.
I tried to do it by using SQL Server stored procedures, running in parallel by SQL Agent with different parameters, but I found that it didn't help the performance. Instead it created multiple deadlocks when updating staging and final tables.
I am looking for an alternative way to resolve this problem, but I don't know what is the right tool. Can Hadoop or similar parallel processing tool help with this task?
I am looking for solution with minimal cost, because it is needed for just one specific task. For everything else, SQL Server and PowerBI reporting are working just fine for me.
Hadoop seems hard to justify in this use case, given limited scope. The thing about Hadoop is that it scales well not only due to parallel processing but thanks to parallel IO, when data is distributed across multiple servers/storage media. Unless you happy to copy all data to HDFS distributed among multiple nodes, it likely will not help much. If you want to spin up a Hadoop cluster and run multiple jobs querying single SQL server, it'll likely end up badly for the later.
Have you considered optimizations which will allow you to limit the amount of data you processing nightly?
E.g. what is 'timestamp' field? Does it reflect last update time? Can you use it to filter rows which haven't been updated since the previous run?
Even if the 'timestamp' is not the time of last updates, can you add an "updateTime" field and triggers on updates which will populate the field, so you don't need to import rows which have not changed since the previous run? If you build an index on the field, then, if the number of updates during the day is not high relative to total table size, a query with a filter on such field will hit the index, and fetching of incremental changes should be fast.
Another thing to consider - are those DBs running on the same node/SQL server? Access to remote DBs is slow, so if that's the case, think about how to fix this first.

Architecture for MVC Application for running web reports on data across 2 database servers

I have an ASP.NET MVC 4 application that uses a database in US or Canada, depending on which website you are on.
This program lets you filter job data on various filters and the criteria gets translated to a SQL query with a good number of table joins. The data is filtered then grouped/aggregated.
However, now I have a new requirement: query and do some grouping and aggregation (avg salary) on data in both the Canada Server and US server.
Right now, the lookup tables are duplicated on both database servers.
Here's the approach I was thinking:
Run the query on the US server, run the query again on the Canada server and then merge the data in memory.
Here is one use case: rank the companies by average salary.
In terms of the logic, I am just filtering and querying a job table and grouping the results by company and average salary.
Would are some other ways to do this? I was thinking of populating a reporting view table with a nightly job and running the queries against that reporting table.
To be honest, the queries themselves are not that fast to begin with; running, the query again against the Canada database seems like it would make the site much slower.
Any ideas?
Quite a number of variables here. If you don't have too much data then doing the queries on each DB and merging is fine so long as you get the database to do as much of the work as it is able to (i.e. the grouping, averaging etc.).
Other options include linking your databases and doing a single query but there are a few downsides to this including
Having to link databases
Security associated with a linked database
A single query will require both databases to be online, whereas you can most likely work around that with two queries
Scheduled, prebuilt tables have some advantages & disadvantages but probably not really relevant to the root problem of you having 2 databases where perhaps you should have one (maybe, maybe not).
If the query is quite slow and called many times, the a single snapshot once could save you some resources provided the data "as at" the time of the snapshot is relevant and useful to your business need.
A hybrid is to create an "Indexed View" which can let the DB create a running average for you. That should be fast to query and relatively unobtrusive to keep up to date.
Hope some of that helps.

Help figuring out approaches to (near) real time multi dimensional data querying

I have a system that involves numerous related tables. Think of a standard category/product/order/customer/orderitem scenario. Some tables are self referencing (like Categories). None of the tables are particularly large (around 100k rows with an estimated scale to around 1 million rows). There are a lot of dimensions to this data I need to consider, but must be queried in a near real time way. I also don't know which dimensions a particular user is interested in- it can be one or many criteria across numerous tables. Things can range from
Give me everything with a category of Jackets
Give me everything with a category of Jackets->Parkas having a red color purchased in the last month in New York
Give me everything which wasn't purchased in New York which costs over $100.
Currently we have a very long SP which uses a "cascading data" approach- we go table by table, filtering everything into a temp table using whatever criteria was specified for that table. For the next table, we join the current temp table to whatever table we're using and apply a new filter set into a new temp table. It works, but manageability and performance is slow. I need something better.
I need a new approach to this problem. It's clearly a need for OLAP, possibly using a star schema. Does this work in real time? Can it be configured to work in real time? Should I use indexed views to create a set of denormalized tables? Should I offload this outside of the database completely?
FYI We're using Sql Server.
As you say, this is perfect for OLAP.
With Sql Server 2005 and 2008 you can set up an almost real time solution. You should:
Create a denormalized star schema
Build an OLAP cube using that schema
Enable proactive caching to update the cube when the underlying data source changes.
It's not a trivial job, and you need the Enterprise version of Sql Server to use proactive caching. You also need some front-end tool (maybe excel would do) to consume the cube.
It would probably be better to build a dynamic query in your code with all the joins you need, customized to each individual request. (properly parameterized for security of course).
You would use much of the same cascading logic you have now but you move it to to the code instead of the database. Then you only submit the exact query you need.
The performance would beat using all of the temp tables and you might get some caching benefit after a few queries were run.
Your dilemma sounds to me like "Is it better to achieve the same result by performing complex processing every time I need it, or should I do it once only for each new piece of data?".
