GAE transaction failure and idempotency - google-app-engine

The Google App Engine documentation contains this paragraph:
Note: If your application receives an exception when committing a
transaction, it does not always mean that the transaction failed. You
can receive DatastoreTimeoutException,
ConcurrentModificationException, or DatastoreFailureException
exceptions in cases where transactions have been committed and
eventually will be applied successfully. Whenever possible, make your
Datastore transactions idempotent so that if you repeat a transaction,
the end result will be the same.
Wait, what? It seems like there's a very important class of transactions that just simply cannot be made idempotent because they depend on current datastore state. For example, a simple counter, as in a like button. The transaction needs to read the current count, increment it, and write out the count again. If the transaction appears to "fail" but doesn't REALLY fail, and there's no way for me to tell that on the client side, then I need to try again, which will result in one click generating two "likes." Surely there is some way to prevent this with GAE?
it seems that this is problem inherent in distributed systems, as per non other than Guido van Rossum -- see this link:
app engine datastore transaction exception
So it looks like designing idempotent transactions is pretty much a must if you want a high degree of reliability.
I was wondering if it was possible to implement a global system across a whole app for ensuring idempotency. The key would be to maintain a transaction log in the datastore. The client would generated a GUID, and then include that GUID with the request (the same GUID would be re-sent on retries for the same request). On the server, at the start of each transaction, it would look in the datastore for a record in the Transactions entity group with that ID. If it found it, then this is a repeated transaction, so it would return without doing anything.
Of course this would require enabling cross-group transactions, or having a separate transaction log as a child of each entity group. Also there would be a performance hit if failed entity key lookups are slow, because almost every transaction would include a failed lookup, because most GUIDs would be new.
In terms of the additional $ cost in terms of additional datastore interactions, this would probably still be less than if I had to make every transaction idempotent, since that would require a lot of checking what's in the datastore in each level.

dan wilkerson, simon goldsmith, et al. designed a thorough global transaction system on top of app engine's local (per entity group) transactions. at a high level, it uses techniques similar to the GUID one you describe. dan dealt with "submarine writes," ie the transactions you describe that report failure but later surface as succeeded, as well as many other theoretical and practical details of the datastore. erick armbrust implemented dan's design in tapioca-orm.
i don't necessarily recommend that you implement his design or use tapioca-orm, but you'd definitely be interested in the research.
in response to your questions: plenty of people implement GAE apps that use the datastore without idempotency. it's only important when you need transactions with certain kinds of guarantees like the ones you describe. it's definitely important to understand when you do need them, but you often don't.
the datastore is implemented on top of megastore, which is described in depth in this paper. in short, it uses multi-version concurrency control within each entity group and Paxos for replication across datacenters, both of which can contribute to submarine writes. i don't know if there are public numbers on submarine write frequency in the datastore, but if there are, searches with these terms and on the datastore mailing lists should find them.
amazon's S3 isn't really a comparable system; it's more of a CDN than a distributed database. amazon's SimpleDB is comparable. it originally only provided eventual consistency, and eventually added a very limited kind of transactions they call conditional writes, but it doesn't have true transactions. other NoSQL databases (redis, mongo, couchdb, etc.) have different variations on transactions and consistency.
basically, there's always a tradeoff in distributed databases between scale, transaction breadth, and strength of consistency guarantees. this is best known by eric brewer's CAP theorem, which says the three axes of the tradeoff are consistency, availability, and partition tolerance.

The best way I came up with making counters idempotent is using a set instead of an integer in order to count. Thus, when a person "likes" something, instead of incrementing a counter I add the like to the thing like this:
class Thing {
Set<User> likes = ....
public void like (User u) {
public Integer getLikeCount() {
return likes.size();
this is in java, but i hope you get my point even if you are using python.
This method is idempotent and you can add a single user for how many times you like, it will only be counted once. Of course, it has the penalty of storing a huge set instead of a simple counter. But hey, don't you need to keep track of likes anyway? If you don't want to bloat the Thing object, create another object ThingLikes, and cache the like count on the Thing object.

another option worth looking into is app engine's built in cross-group transaction support, which lets you operate on up to five entity groups in a single datastore transaction.
if you prefer reading on stack overflow, this SO question has more details.


How does multi table schema create data consistency issues?

As per this answer, it is recommended to go for single table in Cassandra.
Cassandra 3.0
We are planning for below schema:
Second table has composite key. PK(domain_id, item_id). So, domain_id is partition key & item_id will be clustering key.
GET request handler will access(read) two tables
POST request handler will access(write) into two tables
PUT request handler will access(write) details table(only)
As per CAP theorem,
What are the consistency issues in having multi-table schema? in Cassandra...
Can we avoid consistency issues in Cassandra? with these terms QUORUM, consistency level etc...
recommended to go for single table in Cassandra.
I would recommend the opposite. If you have to support multiple queries for the same data in Apache Cassandra, you should have one table for each query.
What are the consistency issues in having multi-table schema? in Cassandra...
Consistency issues between query tables can happen when writes are applied to one table but not the other(s). In that case, the application should have a way to gracefully handle it. If it becomes problematic, perhaps running a nightly job to keep them in-sync might be necessary.
You can also have consistency issues within a table. Maybe something happens (node crashes, down longer than 3 hours, hints not replayed) during the write process. In that case, a given data point may have only a subset of its intended replicas.
This scenario can be countered by running regularly-scheduled repairs. Additionally, consistency can be increased on a per-query basis (QUORUM vs. ONE, etc), and consistency levels of QUORUM and higher will occasionally trigger a read-repair (which syncs all replicas in the current operation).
Can we avoid consistency issues in Cassandra? with these terms QUORUM, consistency level etc...
So Apache Cassandra was engineered to be highly-available (HA), thereby embracing the paradigm of eventual consistency. Some might interpret that to mean Cassandra is inconsistent by design, and they would not be incorrect. I can say after several years of supporting hundreds of clusters at web/retail scale, that consistency issues (while they do happen) are rare, and are usually caused by failures to components outside of a Cassandra cluster.
Ultimately though, it comes down to the business requirements of the application. For some applications like product reviews or recommendations, a little inconsistency shouldn't be a problem. On the other hand, things like location-based pricing may need a higher level of query consistency. And if 100% consistency is indeed a hard requirement, I would question whether or not Cassandra is the proper choice for data storage.
I did not get this: "Consistency issues between query tables can happen when writes are applied to one table but not the other(s)." When writes are applied to one table but not the other(s), what happens?
So let's say that a new domain is added. Perhaps a scenario arises where the domain_details_table gets updated, but the id_table does not. Nothing wrong here on the database side. Except that when the application expects to find that domain_id in the id_table, but cannot.
In that case, maybe the application can retry using a secondary index on domain_details_table.domain_id. It won't be fast, but the decision to be made is more around which scenario is more preferable; no answer, or a slow answer? Again, application requirements come into play here.
For your point: "You can also have consistency issues within a table. Maybe something happens (node crashes, down longer than 3 hours, hints not replayed) during the write process." How does RDBMS(like MySQL) deal with this?
So the answer to this used to be simple. RDBMSs only run on a single server, so there's only one replica to keep in-sync. But today, most RDBMSs have HA solutions which can be used, and thus have to be kept in-sync. In that case (from what I understand), most of them will asynchronously update the secondary replica(s), while restricting traffic only to the primary.
It's also good to remember that RDBMSs enforce consistency through locking strategies, as well. So even a single-instance RDBMS will lock a data point during an update, blocking any reads until the lock is released.
In a node-down scenario, a single-instance RDBMS will be completely offline, so instead of inconsistent data you'd have data loss instead. In a HA RDBMS scenario, there would be a short pause (during which you would likely encounter connection/query failures) until it has failed-over to the new primary. Once the replica comes up, there would probably be additional time necessary to sync-up the replicas, until HA can be restored.

When is data consistency not an issue?

I am new in learning distributed systems and I read about the CAP theorem, I am interested in an AP system such as Cassandra.
My question is in what cases can you actually sacrifice consistency? Effectively what I am saying is sacrificing consistency means serving inaccurate data. In what cases would then you actually use an AP datastore like Cassandra? I can't think of any case where I wouldn't want my reads to be consistent.
By AP system, I assume you will at least target to ensure eventual consistency.
Imagine you're developing a social network where users have friends and their own news feeds. It doesn't matter if a particular user's feed has occasional five minutes lag (his feed list has eventual consistency). Missing 2/3 very recent updates in the news feed is okay in this scenario as long as those feeds will eventually appear. And in fact, Facebook built it's news feed using Cassandra.
Imagine a distributed key-value store cache system where update is very rare. If there is almost no update operations, ensuring strong consistency is un-necessary, so you can focus on availability. Occasional cache miss (the key-value entry is not populated yet) and request to database due to eventual consistency should be okay.
My question is in what cases can you actually sacrifice consistency?
One case would be when building a recommendation engine data set and serving it with Cassandra. These data sets are essentially the aggregation of many, many users to determine purchasing/viewing patterns.
For example: If I add a Rey Star Wars action figure to my shopping cart, the underlying recommendation engine runs a query for similar resulting purchasing patterns based on others who have also purchased an action figure of Rey. The query returns the top 5 product results, and puts them at the bottom of the page.
Those 5 products returned are the result of analysis and aggregation of several thousand prior purchases. Let's assume that some of that data isn't consistent, causing a variance in the 5 products returned. Is that really a big deal?
tl;dr; The real question to ask; is whether or not getting a somewhat-accurate list of 5 product recommendations in less than 10ms, is better than getting a 100% accurate list of 5 product recommendations in 100ms?
Both result sets will help drive sales. But the one which is returned fast enough that it doesn't hinder the user experience is much more preferred.
'C' in CAP refers to linearizability which is a very strong form of consistancy that you don't need most of the time.
Linearizability is a recency guarantee which makes it appear that there is a single copy of data. As soon as you make a change in the data, all subsequent reads will return the changed data. Such a level of consistency is expensive and doesn't scale well. Yet in certain scenarios we need linearizability, viz.
Leader election
Allowing end users to create their unique user id
Distributed locking etc.
When you have these usecases, you'd use something like ZooKeeper, etcd etc. Cassandra also has Light Weight Transaction (LWT) which uses an extension of the classic Paxos algorithm to implement linearizability. This feature can be used to address those rare use cases where you must have linearizability and serializability, but it is expensive. And in vast majority of cases you are just fine with a little weaker consistency to get better scalability and performance. You trade a little bit of consistency with scalability and performance.
Some eCommerce websites send apology letter to customers for not being able to fulfill their orders. That is because the last copy of the product has been sold to more than one customers due to lack and linearizability. They prefer to deal with that over not being able to scale with the customer base and not being able to respond to their requests within stringent SLAs.
Cassandra is said to have a tuneable consistency. You may want to record user clicks or activities for analysis. You are okay if some data are lost, but you cannot compromise with the performance. You'd probably use a write consistency level of ANY with hints enabled (sloppy quorum).
If you want a little more consistency, you'd use a QUORUM consistency level to read and write along with hints and read repair. In vast majority of case all nodes are updated instantaneously. Even if one or two nodes go down, a majority of nodes will have the data and failed nodes would be repaired when they come back using hints, read repair, anti entropy repair.
Cassandra is particularly useful for cases where you'd not have many concurrent updates on same data. The reason is, unlike the dynamo architecture, it does not use vector clocks for conflict resolution between replicas. Instead it uses Last Write Wins (LWW) based on timestamp. If timestamps are same, it uses lexicographical order. Since the time on nodes cannot be accurate even in the presence of NTPD, there is a possibility of data loss, although Cassandra has taken some steps to avoid that - for e.g. client side timestamp instead of server side timestamp.
The CAP theorem says that given partition tolerence, you can either choose availability or consistency in a distributed database (no one would want to give up partition tolerence in any case). So if you want to have maximum availability, you'll have to give up on the consistency. This depends of course, on how critical the business is.
You answered something on SO but the answer doesn't show up when you visit the page? Can be tolerated. SO being down? Can't be. Critical financial systems would rather have strong consistency than availability. Every once-in-a-while, my bank's servers would go offline when I try to make a payment.
Normally, you choose availability and eventual consistency. The answer you wrote into SO would eventually show up.
Apart from the above mentioned cases where inconsistent data is tolerable, there are also scenarios where we can defer to the user to solve the inconsistency.
For example, if we found two different versions of someone's address in the database, we can prompt the user to identity the correct address.

What exactly is the throughput restriction on an entity group in Google App Engine's datastore?

The documentation describes a limitation on the throughput to an entity group in the datastore, but is vague on what exactly the limitation is. My confusion is in two parts:
1. What is being restricted?
Specifically, is it:
The number of writes?
Number of transactions that write to the datastore?
Number of transactions regardless of whether it reads or writes to the datastore?
2. What is the type of the restriction?
Specifically, is it:
An artificially enforced one-per-second hard rule?
An empirically observed max throughput, that may in practice be better based on factors like network load, etc.?
There's no throughput restriction per se, but to guarantee atomicity in transactions, updates must be serialized and applied sequentially and in order, so if you make enough of them things will start to fail/timeout. This is called datastore contention:
Datastore contention occurs when a single entity or entity group is updated too rapidly. The datastore will queue concurrent requests to wait their turn. Requests waiting in the queue past the timeout period will throw a concurrency exception. If you're expecting to update a single entity or write to an entity group more than several times per second, it's best to re-work your design early-on to avoid possible contention once your application is deployed.
To directly answer your question in simple terms, it's specifically the number of writes per entity group (5/ish per second), and it's just a rule of thumb, your milage may vary (greatly).
Some people have reported no contention at all, while others have problems to get more than 1 update per second. As you can imagine this depends on the complexity of the operation and the load of all the machines involved in execution.
writes per second to an entity group
entity groups per cross-entity-group transaction (XG transaction)
There is a limit of 1 write per second per entity group. This is a documented limit that in practice appears to be a 'soft' limit, as in it is possible to exceed it, but not guaranteed to be allowed. Transactions 'block' if the entity had been written to in the last second, however the API allows for transient exceptions to occur as well. Obviously you would be susceptible to timeouts as well.
This does not affect the overall number of transactions for your app, just specifically related to that entity group. If you need to, you can design portions of your data model to get around this limitation.
There is a limit of 25 entity groups per XG transaction, meaning a transaction can not incorporate more than 25 entity groups in its context (reads, writes etc). This used to be a limit of 5 but was recently increased.
So to answer your direct questions:
Writes for the entire entity group (as defined by the root key) within a second window (which is not strict)
artificially enforced one-per-second soft rule
If you ask that question, then the Google DataStore is probably not for you.
The Google DataStore is an experimental database, where the API can be changed any time - it is also ment for retail apps, non-critical applications.
A clear indication you meet when you signup for the DataStore, something like no responsibility to backwards compatibility etc. Another indication is the lack of clear examples, the lack of wrappers providing a simple API to implement an access to the DataStore - and the examples on the net being a soup of complicated installations and procedures to make a simple query.
My own conclusion so far after days of research, is Google DataStore is not ready for commercial use, but looks promising once it is finished and in a stable release version.
When you search the net, and look at the few Google examples, if there at all are any - it is about to notice whats not mentioned rather than what is mentioned - which is about nothing is mentioned by Google ..... ;-) If you look at the vendors "supporting" Google DataStore, they simply link to the Google DataStore site for further information, which mention nothing, so you are in a ring where nothing concrete is mentioned ....

writing then reading entity does not fetch entity from datastore

I am having the following problem. I am now using the low-level
google datastore API rather than JDO, that way I should be in a
better position to see exactly what is happening in my code. I am
writing an entity to the datastore and shortly thereafter reading it
from the datastore using Jetty and eclipse. Sometimes the written
entity is not being read. This would be a real problem if it were to
happen in production code. I am using the 2.0 RC2 API.
I have tried this several times, sometimes the entity is retrieved
from the datastore and sometimes it is not. I am doing a simple
query on the datastore just after committing a write transaction.
(If I run the code through the debugger things run slow enough
that the entity has a chance of being read back on the second pass).
Any help with this issue would be greatly appreciated,
The development server has the same consistency guarantees as the High Replication datastore on the live server. A "global" query uses an index that is only guaranteed to be eventually consistent with writes. To perform a query with strongly consistent guarantees, the query must be limited to an entity group, using an "ancestor" key.
A typical technique is to group data specific to a single user in a group, so the user can see changes to queries limited to the user's group with strong consistency guarantees. Another technique is to use fancier client logic to update the client's local view as soon as the change is submitted, so the user sees the change in the UI immediately while the update to the global index is in progress.
See the docs on queries and transactions.

GAE datastore contention avoidance?

Making my way through the GAE documents.
I have a question I can't find an obvious answer to. Given that transaction to an entity group is limited to 1/sec, how can you scale a request where say, 10,000 users all want to access a particular user's page, at the same time?
Wouldn't this give you 10,000 reads on the particular user's entity group in 1/sec, thereby causing catastrophic system failure and unhappy users?
Or am I confused, and only writes get contentious.
AppEngine uses for transactions a optimistic concurrency control, meaning that they do not lock the data, but throw an exception when they detect that data is "dirty". So, first transaction to change data is ok, the second gets the exception and must retry.
Given this, I assume that reads do not block if they are not part of transaction, even if some other transaction is in progress.
Also, to make transactions less of a bottleneck, one should carefully organize entity groups and make them as small as possible and also have them organized in such a way that there is as few contention (parallel requests) as possible. Meaning:
Have small entity graphs - do not put a lot of entities under common parent.
Try having user entity as a root parent. Users usually do not create parallel transactions (e.g. make multiple money transfers at the same time, etc..)
Right. I wasn't thinking. The answer is memcache. At least partially. That, and an efficient data model/ schema.
