Is there a way to bring XAML enhancements of VS2013 into VS2012? - wpf

There are new features in visual studio 2013 (currently preview edition) for XAML including:
IntelliSense support for data binding and resources
Go To Definition for navigating styles
Code snippets
Is there a way to use these features in visual studio 2012 as a feature pack?
Is there any other 3rd party extension pack with similar capabilities?

I've been using Resharper Plugin for years now
Give it a try. Navigation to styles is possible by pressing Ctrl + Left Mouse button
Code snippets are supported and it improves IntelliSense anyway.


MVVM Light templates not showing in "Add Item" menu (VS 2017)?

I've installed MVVM Light Toolkit through NuGet in VS 2017. The problem is that when I click "Add New Item" on any project, I don't see any MVVM templates that appear in MVVM Light tutorials.
They must look like this (but I don't see them in my project):
I found similar questions about VS 2012. The answers advise to search for C:\Program Files (x86)\Laurent Bugnion (GalaSoft)\Mvvm Light Toolkit\Vsix
But I have no such folder not in Program Files (x86), neither in Program Files.
Help me please, what should I do for the templates to appear?
MVVM Light NuGet can only add related resources (assemblies/.cs files) into the project. It wont add Templates into Visual Studio. To get templates in Visual Studio, you have to install MVVM Light Visual Studio Extension by following the below steps.
Open Visual Studio and go to Tools->Extensions and Updates.
In the Extensions and Updates window lick Online in the left pane.
In the search bar, type MVVM Light.
In the search results find MVVM Light for VS2017. Click Download and accept license.
Extension will be installed once Visual Studio gets restarted. Then you can get the templates.
They have stopped support of Item Templates for MVVM Light in Visual Studio 2017. Its been there up to VS 2015. So you can only get Project Templates (File->New Project) in VS 2017 extension. You can see similar queries here.

Unable to add WPF controls to the toolbox in Visual Studio 2013

First of all, I am completely new to Visual Studio, so please don't be too judgmental. I have a project I need to do in C# for my studies and my team uses a GitHub repository. I am in charge of creating the GUI and I am stuck at the very beggining.
I want to create the main application window using WPF, but when I use toolbox > choose items, I can not see the WPF tab. Also, when I am trying to enable the designer view, nothing happens.
Is it perhaps the software version being Visual Studio Community 2013 causing the issue? Do I need to have the Visual Studio Professional version in order to use WPF toolbox?
I'm attaching a link to the screen of the situation below.
As I presumed, all I needed was the professional version of Visual Studio. After obtaining and installing it everything works fine.

How do I force Visual Studio design view to render with Classic theme?

My problem is as follows:
I design my WPF application in Visual Studio 2010 on Windows 8.
I know that the application is only going to be used in Windows XP classic mode.
What I'm seeing in the design view of Visual Studio doesn't match my eventual results on Windows XP. The font is a tad different and therefore some textboxes end up too small or too big.
Is there any way to force Visual Studio's design view to use Windows XP's classic theme instead of the one from my current OS or the most modern one it is able to use?
I've tried the following:
<ResourceDictionary Source="/PresentationFramework.Classic;component/themes/classic.xaml" />
No luck however.
I think you need to use Expression Blend to get the design time view rendered with the Classic theme. It is more advanced than the designer available in VS 2010. The xaml designer in VS 2012 is updated to have more of the advanced features from Blend and also to support rendering with a specified theme at design time inside Visual Studio.
So if you need WYSIWYG designer with Classic theme you can do it by using Blend and a resource like:
<ResourceDictionary Source="/PresentationFramework.Classic;component/themes/classic.xaml" />
The designer result in Blend then looks like this (Blend for Visual Studio 2012):
To make it a bit clearer regarding the differences between VS 2010 and VS 2012:
VS 2010 WPF designer is limited, if continuing with 2010 you will
need to use Expression Blend to get the real theme in design mode
VS 2012 has a new better WPF designer that is based on Blend
Blend for VS 2012 is delivered with VS 2012 but is limited to ModernUI
projects in the RTM version
Blend for VS 2012 needs Update 2 (currently CTP 4 is avaliable) to handle WPF projects for desktop applications as lordcheeto says in his comment

How do you edit styles in WPF 4.5 under Windows 7?

I just realised that Blend for Visual Studio 2012 does not support WPF apps under W7.
Once I opened a window I can only see raw XAML.
I need to edit a style for a chart dataseries System.Windows.Controls.DataVisualization.Charting. I normally use Blend for these kind of tasks - because it pulls default styles from somewhere and gives it to you in a blink of an eye.
now I am stuck.. what would you guys do?
P.S. here is nice summary for future references:
(scroll down to see the table what version supports what)
You need to use the Blend Preview that supports WPF apps.
How can I design an animation with a WPF project in Visual Studio 2012?
Visual Studio 2012 Update 2 will have a released version of Blend which supports the meantime use the preview one.

Why does Silverlight 4 Tools only give partial intellisense?

I finally got Silverlight 4 Toolkit installed , referenced and working after the difficulty of finding the right namespace described in this question.
But intellisense doesn't work fully: after I type "tk:", it doesn't pop up the various controls I have available, but if I type a control name out, e.g. DockPanel, then it works, as shown below. It will even give me intellisense after I type tk:DropPanel, which is odd.
How can I get intellisense to work in all cases for the Silverlight 4 Toolkit?
I can imagine I need another namespace, but this site says that this reference:
is now all you need (and will be
automatically used by both Visual
Studio and Blend)
alt text
Here is a screenshot from Silverlight 3 Toolkit intellisense which has always worked well in both vs2008 and web dev express 2008:
alt text
This appears to be an issue with the Silverlight Toolkit assemblies, as this does work for the SDK assemblies.
Print Screen
If I were you I'd file a bug up on connect # Microsoft Connect
In the meanwhile, I'd recommend considering using Resharper to supply your Visual Studio intellisense as using the Ctrl+Space key combination in resharper does provide intellisense at this point.
