Is there a weather regions map of United States? - weather

In order to give a better targeting in the product we need to know the wether condition in the user location. I dont want to query for each user location. I want to query by regions, so for Manhattan for example i will do one weather query and not for each user in Manhattan. Is there a map that divide United Stated to weather regions or a site that return weather conditions and the polygon for this weather, so i will not need to query again for this polygon if i already query for it for another user that exist in the same region?

Is this what you were looking for?


can we use the same filters to create cascade parameters and individual parameters in SSRS?

I am creating a report which contains 3 parameters COUNTRY, STATE, and CITY. I have already created a cascade parameterized report which means the CITY result is based on the STATE result and the STATE result is based on the COUNTRY result. But what I want now is, in the same report and parameters if I just choose only COUNTRY or only STATE or only CITY, I want results as well. It should not give me any errors. That means if I only choose country and run the report it should show the result and the same with STATE and CITY. On the other hand, cascade parameters should also be active. Is it possible? If yes what will be the process and if not what would be the best option? The page will be used by multiple users throughout the website. Do I need to work on the code or the SSRS report or both?
You should be able to do this easily (I think)...
You already have Country -> State -> City setup and I'm assuming the query for the available values will be something like...
SELECT State from myTable WHERE Country IN(#Country)
... and so on.
I'm also assuming that your final dataset query, the one that actually gets the report data have a WHERE clause that filters on City. e.g.
SELECT * FROM myMainTable WHERE City in (#City)
So, all you should need to do is to set the default parameters to the same dataset query as the available values.
When the report runs, all Countries will be selected, which means all states will be available/selected and therefore all cities will be available/selected.
There is also another, more complicated method which means the user chooses what to filter on first and then makes selections which in turn populate the next drop down but I think it's probably overkill. If this sounds of interest though, let me know and I'll dig out the answer I wrote a while back for somebody else.

Country Specific weather data

So, I am in need to get a daily average of different weather parameters per country.
I'm able to find weather data for different stations within a country, but I would need an average for the complete country. Is there a way to combine the different stations for a country wide average or something like that? Or is there maybe a database available with historical weather data per country?
I need this because i have a dataset which I want to compare to different weather parameters, and my dataset only includes the country as location, not the specific city etc.
I would require data between the year 2012 and 2020, for multiple countries globally.
Kind regards,

Queue city location in database language independent

I'm currently facing the following issue:
My database has a table of restaurants with locations (composed of Country, City, Street).
Now, any user can add a restaurant.
Now, let's say that a user clicks on Add and enters the following:
'Restaurant de Mar' in Gustastreet 7, Nueva York, Estados Unidos.
The next user clicks on the filter and selects "New York".
It should, of course, display the entry from the Spanish user as well.
I've thought about the following solutions to allow filtering on a city level:
Store everything in English. If a user submits or requests a location, use e.g. google's geocoder to get the English name.
No way to show the user in his own language in which country there are entries at all.
Store Lat/Long for every address (also needs API call for that). If a user requests entries of a city, also use an API to get the bounds of that city and search the Lat/Long points in the database for this specific boundary.
No need for any localization.
Is there any documented approach for this?

Cakephp - Choose your preferred country for ecommerce

I'm developing an ecommerce website. Now, at the homepage, i want to put the preferred country. When the customer choose their preferred country, the list of product shown to them was from that prefered country only.
My database (products table has id, name, description, color, SKU and country_id)
Anyone has idea about this. I already check for global variable. But its like declaring in core.php or bootstrap.php. I want it to declare at my homepage when customer choose the country.
Please somebody help me. Thanks in advance ;p
I think "Magic Find Types" is a good place to start. You get this functionality automatically from your product Model class.
Inside your controller, all you probably need to do is type something like this. It also has optional arguments for sorting and result set limiting. Of course, how you retrieve the preferred country is dependent on your application (browser cookie, logged in user profile etc).
If your user selects a country, store it in a session or cookie. If you want to be really efficient, you could have users select their preferred country on sign-up and store that in their profile record in the database, and set a configuration variable when they log in.

Database of Complete list of major cities in usa

I have to create a database with three tables
one for country then State and cities
My Country table is ok.
But i want to include all states of america to my state table and all major cities of each state in america to my city table.
i want any such database so that i can import my database
i need only major cities.
is there a site i can download or copy any such things , exactly as per my requirement
Please help me i'm not finding it in the exact way..
This one is Free but you may end up writing a converter code or something to transfer the whole list into Database.
I'm sure you could find something with a web search; e.g. "database major cities USA". For example, I found this in the first page of search results ... if you can afford to invest $20.
Wikipedia has a list of US Cities with a population greater than 100,000 people. Does that meet your definition of "major"? If so, check it out.
