How to compile CHOLMOD library (SuiteSparse) from IDE - c

For some time I am trying to create a static CHOLMOD lib from SuiteSparse Each other library (f.ex. Umfpack) can be easiy compiled from IDE (I used Code::Blocks on Linux and Visual Studio on Windows). However when trying to compile CHOLMOD I get bunch of syntax errors like:
t_cholmod_triplet.c(21): error C2061: syntax error : identifier 'TEMPLATE'
I investigated that there are some #defines missing (like PATTERN, REAL defines) and therefore those definitions of TEMPLATE are invisible. I searched for them in files and in makefiles but found nothing. However when typing make (on Linux) library compiles just fine. What am I missing?

You can use SuiteSparse METIS for Windows package:
Credit: Jose Luis Blanco (Universidad de Almeria); Jerome Esnault (INRIA).

Actually the problem exists because of "templates" created in C. It requires to recompile the same code multiple times with different flags. I have written the VS NMakefile based on the original makegile and it compiled it seamlessly.


Eclipse CDT indexer complains about C build-ins as unresolved symbols

I have a GCC C based project in Eclipse CDT (Oxygen). In the Problems window, when I go I open C file in the main editor window, it lists bunch of unresolved symbols errors, many for the C and C library built-ins, like __func__.
If I understand it right this is Eclipse' indexer error, as the code compiles & builds fine.
So this is just more of annoyance issue with my Eclipse setup I want to remove. I cannot figure out what is the issue with it however. I've re-indexed N times, double checked includes, compiler / toolchain paths, still doesn't work.
The error(s) would be like:
Symbol '"__func__' could not be resolved
Symbol '__asm__ could not be resolved
__func__ is C standard, __asm__ is GCC/GNU keyword..
I tried something from here :
no luck.
Anyone knows how to fix the indexer here? Sometimes it also fails to resolve include paths of standard C headers, even though again, the code builds just fine.

Using D2XX of FTDI with C

I'm trying to use ftd2xx.lib with lcc-win32 compiler but the linker fails. I used CDM v2.12.14 but also previous FTDI driverd give the same errors. I tried to compile on Windows XP and Windows7; same results.
If I link the static library I will get these kind of errors:
File ftd2xx.lib contains unknown section .text$mn.
.text section assumed
File ftd2xx.lib contains unknown section .data$r.
.data section assumed
.data$r: undefined reference to '??_7type_info##6B#'
.text$mn: undefined reference to '__imp__SetupDiGetClassDevsA#16'
.text$mn: undefined reference to '__imp__SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces#20'
If I link the dynamic ftd2xx.lib (with ftd2xx.dll placed in the same dir of .exe file) I will get this:
Error e:\c\ftdi_cnt\main.c 11 undefined reference to __imp__FT_Open
(Note that main.c used for this test contains just a single FT_Open() call).
Is there anyone that was able to run ftd2xx.lib with lcc-win32 compiler or that is currently using lcc-win32 and can make a quick test? Here is the latest FTDI driver. Thank you.
Finally it works!
Here is what I did:
1) Ian suggested I should use "Utils --> Import foreign library"; as a matter of fact this is the same of running from the command line:
pedump /EXP ftd2xx.lib >ftd2xx.exp
buildlib ftd2xx.exp ftd2xxy.lib
I've already tried that using for ftd2xx.lib the dynamic .lib but without success.
2) I ran pedump again, this time using the static .lib and I got a warning message about unknown dll name, so I edited the first line of ftd2xx.exp adding that name (ftd2xx.dll).
3) I defined FTD2XX_STATIC before including ftd2xx.h
4) I linked the new library ftd2xxy.lib
Note that you can't use "Utils --> Import foreign library" because you need to modify ftd2xx.exp before re-building the library.
I hope this could be helpful for others.

What is the correct linking order of SFML external libs in static mode?

I'm trying to compile a simple SFML program test in static mode, i defined SFML_STATIC before any sfml header inclusion, i use "-s-d" prefixed libs for it.
I added the extlibs using this order:
I finally got a lot of undefined reference to glfunctions and GLEW_ARB_texture... to FT_Fond_Face, etc.
(Note: When i use dynamic linking which needs Dll files, no reference problem occurs, i use Windows 7, sfml-gcc-4.7.1-tdm-32bit, and codeBlocks 13.12)
The correct linking order of sfml extlibs are given here for each of sfml module :)

Trying to use the GNU Scientific Library, but weird linker errors occur

so i compiled the GSL from source with Cygwin. Everything went fine, i didnt get any errors. But when i try to compile some simple code, i get the following errors:
..\..\..\Programme\CodeBlocks\MinGW\lib\libgsl.a(error.o) In function `gsl_error':
\usr\include\gsl\err\error.c|43|undefined reference to `__getreent'
\usr\include\gsl\err\error.c|44|undefined reference to `__getreent'
\usr\include\gsl\err\error.c|45|undefined reference to `__getreent'
..\..\..\Programme\CodeBlocks\MinGW\lib\libgsl.a(stream.o) In function `gsl_stream_printf':
\usr\include\gsl\err\stream.c|37|undefined reference to `__getreent'
..\..\..\Programme\CodeBlocks\MinGW\lib\libgsl.a(stream.o) In function `gsl_set_stream':
\usr\include\gsl\err\stream.c|61|undefined reference to `__getreent'
I linked the libgsl.a and libgscblas.a libraries, and there are no complains about any other functions.
For future reference: Dont press cancel instead of Ok when you want to set up a toolchain in code::blocks
The error you're seeing is due to the fact that MinGW doesn't link the Cygwin DLL by default.
MinGW- and Cygwin-compiled libraries don't play that well with each other - while it's possible to get it to work, it's not really a good idea.
Choose one toolchain for your project, which, in this case, means either setting up Code::Blocks so it uses the Cygwin toolchain instead of the bundled MinGW distribution or compiling GSL with MinGW as well.
You may use the following option in Cygwin:
./configure CC=i686-w64-mingw32-gcc
Then you may use GSL in CodeBlocks.

How to use C static libraries in D?

I'm completely stumped on how to get FreeType 2.4.8 compiled as a static lib and usable from within my D application in Windows. I've tried running it over with objconv, coff2omf, and trying extern(C)/extern(System), etc. but nothing seems to work. I'm getting symbol not found errors, access violations and just a bunch of unhelpful errors.
How can I work around this? Am I correct in using pragma lib to link to my static libraries, and how do I reliably convert COFF static libs to OMF which DMD/Optlink can use?
EDIT: Some examples of what I've tried doing:
Compiling the FreeType source with VS 2010 as a static lib, linking in my D code with pragma lib. (Returned a "library format unknown" type error)
Same as above, but converting to OMF format using objconv and then trying to link with pragma lib. (Linked successfully, but still not able to call functions.)
Compiled a DLL of the FreeType source, ran it through implib to create an import library, tried linking with pragma lib. (Linked successfully, but unable to to call any functions due to "attempt to privileged function" or "access violation" errors)
I've tried defining function prototypes as all of: extern(System), extern(C), and extern(Windows). The first and third mangle the functions names of the extern-ed functions such that they don't match the static libraries, and the second compiles, but I get access violations during runtime when I actually try and call the functions.
I'm able to get it working via dynamic libraries and symbol loading, but I'd much prefer to not require a bunch of external dependencies when deploying my project.
I'm pretty sure Derelict2 has FreeType bindings: (See DerelictFT).
Yes, you will need extern(System) in your .d files with FT function declarations.
Static library a collection of object files. So no need for any kind of conversion (omf2coff, etc). DMD accepts a static libraries as arguments, so simple dmd file1.d file2.d C:/path/to/freetype.lib should work.
I was wrong. Apparently I needed to read some documentation about the COFF2OMF.
Quote: The Microsoft COFF format apparently changed with Visual C++ 6.0. To use coff2omf on a .lib file with the newer format, use Microsoft's linker to convert the file to the earlier COFF format:
link /lib /convert freetype.lib
So, judging by the statement above you need to perform 2 steps.
First use the Microsoft's linker to convert static library you made with the VisualStudio (in COFF format) to the old COFF format as described above.
Now execute coff2omf freetype.lib to convert the static library into the OMF format.
It should now be ready to be used with the DMD the way described originally in my post.
