WPF shortcut in whole window - wpf

I'm developing MVVM application and I'd like to create global shortcuts for my application. It's necessary to navigatate application between modules. I have main window with code:
<KeyBinding Command="{Binding ChangeModuleComand}"
It works when I have focus on my window,
But there is a problem when i have focus on TextBox in that UserControl (Command is not fired).
Is that possible to catch that key pressure without lots of modifications in whole application?

It sounds like your event is being handled before it bubbles up that far. Next I am wondering if you could move your input binding up to your window rather than a user control. My final option would be to remove your input bindings and create a global check in code.
Since you're already working with input bindings, I have added the code option below:
//In App.xaml.cs
protected override void OnStartup(StartupEventArgs e)
EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(typeof(UIElement), UIElement.KeyDownEvent, new RoutedEventHandler(GlobalClick));
private void GlobalClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
var args = (KeyEventArgs) e;
if (args.KeyboardDevice.IsKeyDown(Key.M) &&
args.KeyboardDevice.IsKeyDown(Key.LeftCtrl) || args.KeyboardDevice.IsKeyDown(Key.RightCtrl))

Documenting this answer for others, as there is a much simpler way to do this that is rarely referenced, and doesn't require touching the XAML at all.
To link a keyboard shortcut at the Window level, in the Window constructor simply add a new KeyBinding to the InputBindings collection. As the command, pass in your arbitrary command class that implements ICommand. For the execute method, simply implement whatever logic you need. In my example below, my WindowCommand class takes a delegate that it will execute whenever invoked. When I construct the new WindowCommand to pass in with my binding, I simply indicate in my initializer, the method that I want the WindowCommand to execute.
You can use this pattern to come up with your own quick keyboard shortcuts.
public YourWindow() //inside any WPF Window constructor
//add this one statement to bind a new keyboard command shortcut
InputBindings.Add(new KeyBinding( //add a new key-binding, and pass in your command object instance which contains the Execute method which WPF will execute
new WindowCommand(this)
ExecuteDelegate = TogglePause //REPLACE TogglePause with your method delegate
}, new KeyGesture(Key.P, ModifierKeys.Control)));
Create a simple WindowCommand class which takes an execution delegate to fire off any method set on it.
public class WindowCommand : ICommand
private MainWindow _window;
//Set this delegate when you initialize a new object. This is the method the command will execute. You can also change this delegate type if you need to.
public Action ExecuteDelegate { get; set; }
//You don't have to add a parameter that takes a constructor. I've just added one in case I need access to the window directly.
public WindowCommand(MainWindow window)
_window = window;
//always called before executing the command, mine just always returns true
public bool CanExecute(object parameter)
return true; //mine always returns true, yours can use a new CanExecute delegate, or add custom logic to this method instead.
public event EventHandler CanExecuteChanged; //i'm not using this, but it's required by the interface
//the important method that executes the actual command logic
public void Execute(object parameter)
if (ExecuteDelegate != null) //let's make sure the delegate was set
throw new InvalidOperationException("ExecuteDelegate has not been set. There is no method to execute for this command.");
I'm sure this can be used for other controls as well, but haven't tried it.


Update WPF Window Asynchronously

I am creating a simple WPF app that when you click on a button it runs through a few steps like copy the file to a new location, convert the file then it copies the new file back to the original location.
The steps are working fine but I would like to have the WPF window update to which step it is on and hide the button while it is running.
The window only updates once it has finished running my code. I think I used to be able to do this on classic forms with me.refresh but this doesn't work on WPF.
Is something I can do to update the window after each step is complete?
Thank you
Button1.Visibility = Windows.Visibility.Hidden
FileCopy("C:\Test.xsf", AppPath & "\Convert\test.xsf")
Image7.Visibility = Windows.Visibility.Hidden
Image3.Visibility = Windows.Visibility.Visible
Program.StartInfo.FileName = xDefs
Program.StartInfo.Arguments = "/q"
Image5.Visibility = Windows.Visibility.Visible
FileCopy("AppPath & "\Convert\test.csv, "C:\Test.csv")
Button1.Visibility = Windows.Visibility.Visible
In order to update the UI while your program is busy, you'll need to use the Dispatcher class to add your update request onto the UI message queue. Take this synchronous example:
public void DoWorkWithFile(string filePath)
We could use the Dispatcher class to break this up and feed messages back to the UI in between tasks:
public void DoWorkWithFile(string filePath)
RunOnUiThread((Action)delegate { SomeUiTextBlock.Text = "Copied" });
RunOnUiThread((Action)delegate { SomeUiTextBlock.Text = "Converted" });
RunOnUiThread((Action)delegate { SomeUiTextBlock.Text = "Copied back" });
private object RunOnUiThread(Action method)
return Dispatcher.Invoke(DispatcherPriority.Normal, method);
I know this is a VB.NET tagged question but I'll just go ahead and share a C# solution. I hope you know enough of it to port it to VB. This is the first time and posting anything to stackoverflow, if it solves your problem please mark it as the answer :-)
You must first know a thing or two (actually a lot more) on data binding. You basically create a view model, define the property that changes with time and bind this to the window. In this case you must define a value to keep track of the current operation and let the button control.
Disclaimer, I wrote this in notepad and haven't tested it on visual studio. Be on the lookout for typos.
using System.ComponentModel;
namespace FileConverter
//define the various states the application will transition to
public enum OperationStatus
//Defines the view model that shall be bound to the window.
//The view model updates the UI using event notifications. Any control that had enabled
//binding will get updated automatically
public class ViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged//This interface defines an event used to raise an event and notify subscribers of a changed in data
private OperationStatus _FileConvertionStatus;
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
public OperationStatus FileConvertionStatus
return _FileConvertionStatus;
//Notify all UIElements / objects that had subscribed to this property that it has changed
public void RaisePropertyChanged(object sender,string propertyName)
//check if there is any object that had subscribed to changes of any of the data properties in the view model
PropertyChanged(sender,new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
public void StartFileConvertion(string filePath)
//Any time we change the property 'FileConvertionStatus', an event is raised which updates the UI
StartCopyingToNewLocation(); //call your copying logic
StartFileConvertion(); //call your conversion logic
CopyFileToOriginalLocation(); //...
//Now for the UI section
In the constructor of the window, you must bind the window to the view model right after this window has been initialized
public partial class MainWindow : Window
public MainWindow()
ViewModel vm=new ViewModel();
//setting the data context property the window implicitly binds the whole window to our view model object
string filePath="c:\file.txt";
//start the file manipulation process
//Next step we need to bind the button to the 'FileConvertionStatus' property located in the view model. We don't bind the button to the whole view model, just the property that it's interested in. Having bound the window to the view model in the previous code, all child elements get access to the public properties of this view model (VM from now on). We do the property binding in XAML
..Button x:Name="btnStartFileProcessing" Enabled="{Binding FileConvertionStatus}"...
We're almost there. One this is missing. You'll notice that the 'Enabled' property is a Boolean value. The 'FileConvertionStatus' property is enum. Same way you can't assign an enum to a Boolean directly, you need to do some convertion. This is where converters come in.
Converters allow you to define how one property can be converted to a different one in XAML. In this case we want the button to be enabled only when file conversion is successful. Please do some reading into this.
Create a class as shown below:
using System.Windows.Data;
namespace FileConverter
public class OperationStatusToBooleanConverter : IValueConverter
public object Convert(object value, Type targetType,object parameter,System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
OperationStatus status=(OperationStatus)value;
case OperationStatus.OperationCompelete:
return true; //enable the button when everything has been done
return false;//disable the button as the file processing is underway
public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType,object parameter,System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
throw new NotImplementedException();
Next step is to define the converter in XAML code. Think of this as initializing it though it can't be further from the true :-). Its more of importing the namespace into the xaml.Put the code below in the App.XAML file. Doing such declaration in the App.XAML file makes the code visible globally.
In the Application.Resources XAML tag, declare the converter as shown below
<MyConverters:OperationStatusToBooleanConverter x:Key="OperationStatusToBooleanConverter"/>
Final Step
Redo the binding code in the button to include the converter.
...Button Enabled="{Binding FileConvertionStatus,Converter={StaticResource OperationStatusToBooleanConverter}}" x:Name="btnStartFileProcessing" ...
Please note that I haven't thread-optimized this code, the main problem is that all work is being done on the UI thread which can lead to the window hanging if an operation takes long.
The amount of work needed to properly set the binding up as per MVVM code standards is a lot. It might seem like an over-kill and at times, it actually is. Keep this in mind though, once the UI gets complex MVVM will definitely save the day due to the separation of concerns and binding strategies.

Double Click on a WPF ListView - how to fire a command and not use an event handler

I am a little confused on how to implement an event as a command in my particular situation. I want to honour MVVM, but don't get how in this case.
I have a WPF 'view' - viewCustomerSearch. This has some text boxes on it, and when the user clicks 'Search' the results are populated in ListView. viewCustomerSearch is bound to viewmodelCustomerSearch, and it works great.
viewCustomerSearch is hosted on viewCustomer.
I want to know have viewCustomerSearch expose a custom command - CustomerSelectedCommand - that is 'fired' whenever the ListView in viesCustomerSearch is double clicked, and then handled by the viewmodel behind viewCustomer (which is viewmodelCustomer). This seems the theoretical MVVM pattern implemented correctly.
I have broken down the main problem into three smaller problems, but hopefully you can see they are all components of the same challenge.
FIRST PROBLEM: in order to have viewCustomerSearch expose a custom command I seem to have to put this code in viewCustomerSearch - which seems to 'break' MVVM (no code in the view code behind).
public readonly DependencyProperty CustomerSelectedCommandProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("CustomerSelectedCommand", typeof(ICommand), typeof(viewCustomerSearch));
public ICommand CustomerSelectedCommand
get { return (ICommand)GetValue(CustomerSelectedCommandProperty); }
set { SetValue(CustomerSelectedCommandProperty, value); }
SECOND PROBLEM (and this is the one that is really getting to me): Best explained by showing what I would do which breaks MVVM. I would have an event handler in the view:
private void lstResults_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
if (CustomerSelectedCommand != null) CustomerSelectedCommand.Execute(((ViewModels.viewmodelCustomerSearchResult)this.lstResults.SelectedItem).CustomerId);
Well ... I know that you shouldn't put this event handler here; rather it should have a Command to handle it in the viewmodelCustomerSearch. The two problems here are
because the 'CustomerSelectedCommand' ICommand is implemented in
viewCustomerSearch, viewmodelCustomerSearch can't see it to fire it.
I cannot see how to bind the MouseDoubleClick event to a command, instead of an event handler in the view code behind. I am reading about Attached Properties, but cannot see how they are to be applied here.
(Please note: I am using the common 'RelayCommand' elsewhere in the application; does this come into play here??)
THIRD PROBLEM: When I do use the non-MVVM way of firing the command in the code behind event handler, you can see that I am passing in the Selected Customer Id as an arguement into the command. How do I see that argument in the Command handler in viewCustomer? I create a new RelayCommand to handle it, but it seems the Execute method does not take arguments?
Given all of the above, I have to say that I do NOT personally subscribe to the 'MVVM means NO CODE IN THE VIEW'. That seems crazy to me; code that is entirely to do with the view, and the view only, should not - IMHO - go in the viewmodel. That said, though, this does seem like logic-y stuff (not view stuff).
Many thanks for some insight. Sorry for the long post; trying to balance enough information for you to help me with 'War and Peace'.
In your view you can add a "Command" property in xaml and bind it to your ViewModel's command
Command="{Binding CustomerSelectedCommand}"
Parameters can be passed in multiple ways. Most of the time, I just have other items bound to my ViewModel and I can just use them directly. However there is also a property called CommandParameter, here's an example of specifying it in XAML.
CommandParameter="{Binding ElementName=txtPassword}"
then in my ViewModel the definition of my Command looks like this
private void UserLogonCommandExecute(object parameter)
var password_box = parameter as PasswordBox;
It sounds like you already know how to set up a RelayCommand in your ViewModel so I won't go into that. I found How Do I: Build Data-driven WPF Application using the MVVM pattern helpful when I was getting started.
Per Comment Request Command Property Example
I'm just going to grab some working code, here's how you add a Command property to a button in XAML.
<Button Command="{Binding ConnectCommand}">
//Your button content and closing </Button> here
This assume you have set your DataContext to a ViewModel that has a Command called ConnectCommand. Here's an example for ConnectCommand. You'll need to replace the contents of ConnectCommandCanExecute and ConnectCommandExecute with whatever work you want done.
public ICommand ConnectCommand
if (_connectCommand == null)
_connectCommand = new RelayCommand(param => ConnectCommandExecute(),
param => ConnectCommandCanExecute);
return _connectCommand;
private bool ConnectCommandCanExecute
get { return !_instrumentModel.IsConnected; }
private void ConnectCommandExecute()
if (TcpSettingsChanged()) SaveTcpSettings();
One part of making this simple is the RelayClass I have in one of my core library .dlls. I probably got this from one of the videos I watched. This can be cut and pasted in it's entirety, there is nothing here you need to customize, except you'll probably want to change the namespace this is in.
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Windows.Input;
namespace Syncor.MvvmLib
public class RelayCommand : ICommand
private readonly Action<object> _execute;
private readonly Predicate<object> _canExecute;
public event EventHandler CanExecuteChanged
CommandManager.RequerySuggested += value;
CommandManager.RequerySuggested -= value;
public RelayCommand(Action<object> execute)
: this(execute, (Predicate<object>) null)
this._execute = execute;
public RelayCommand(Action<object> execute, Predicate<object> canExecute)
if (execute == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("execute");
this._execute = execute;
this._canExecute = canExecute;
public bool CanExecute(object parameter)
if (this._canExecute != null)
return this._canExecute(parameter);
return true;
public void Execute(object parameter)
Why don't you name it "DoubleClickCommand" that way you don't put business logic in your control. And then bind this command to your viewmodel, Like Tod explained.
Regarding your code behind, there is a pure xaml solution, to be more precise it involves attached behaviors, but does not need to override a WPF class(which i like to avoid), search for "fire command on event" for example this.
One final thing: Code Behind does NOT break MVVM in any way, i wonder where this myth came from. Code behind is perfectly fine! MVVM is to separate view and logic, not telling you where to put your code. Design principles should help, not hinder you.

Custom Mark-up Extensions return RoutedEvents

I'm trying to create a generalized event for my Close buttons, where they have to close the window but before that set focus to the owner window. I don't want to have an event for every file for that, because that'd be pretty unpractical since I have 30+ windows in my application. (So if I wanted to change that behavior, i'd have to change on 30 files everytime)
I'm not sure if that's the correct approach, but I tried making a MarkUp Extension which returns a delegate(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) Here is the code:
delegate void RoutedDelegate(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e);
public class CloseWindowExtension : MarkupExtension
Window win = null;
public Window Win
get { return this.win; }
set { this.win = value; }
public CloseWindowExtension(Window win)
: base()
this.win = win;
public override object ProvideValue(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
if (win == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("The window must be specified!");
return new RoutedDelegate(delegate(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
The FocusClose method gets a window, closes it, but sets focus to its owner before. But I can't make it work. When i set my button in the xaml,
Button Click="{e:CloseWindow {Binding win}}"
(win is my Window name), I get the error message:
Click="{e:CloseWindow {Binding win}}" is not valid. '{e:CloseWindow {Binding win}}' is not a valid event handler method name. Only instance methods on the generated or code-behind class are valid. Line 28 Position 17.
Am I doing something wrong? Is this the best approach or do I have another options?
Thanks in advance!
You can't use a markup extension to set an event handler. Instead, you can use an attached behavior, which allows you to bind a command to an event.
See this article by Marlon Grech for details
.NET 4.5+ supports markup extensions for events, so you can implement what you wanted now :)

Adding programatically a command to a listbox in WPF

In my WPF application there is a listbox with items. The listbox is populated via a xmldataprovider from XAML and then binding it to Itemssource property of the listbox.
Well, from XAML, I bind a comand to the listbox by doing:
Command="{x:Static local:mainApp.MyCmd}"
Executed ="Executed" />
but I don't know how to programatically bind a command to each listboxitem. How to do it?
Thanks in advance.
First sorry by not posting it as a comment. I can't put all this in a comment.
Ok, yes I am not using the Executed and CanExecute properties of the ICommandSource despite I have registered and implemented them in custom class (in xaml they are commented too). I have specified them in routedCommand but not in custom class, I have done it in the constructor of the window by doing this:
WinMain code behind:
public WinMain()
// Command binding. If I don't do this Executed and CanExecute are not executed
CommandBindings.Add(new CommandBinding(rcmd,
CommandBinding_Executed, CommandBinding_CanExecute));
and then I implement these methods in WinMain code behind too as it:
// ExecutedRoutedEventHandler
private void CommandBinding_Executed(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e)
// Do stuff
// CanExecuteRoutedEventHandler
private void CommandBinding_CanExecute(object sender, CanExecuteRoutedEventArgs e)
// cBgWorkers is a class that check if a background worker is running
e.CanExecute = !cBgWorkers.isRunning;
//if (LayoutListBox != null) LayoutListBox.IsEnabled = !cBgWorkers.isRunning;
and In WinMain XAML I invoke the command like this:
<Classes:CommandListBox x:Name="LayoutListBox"
Command="{x:Static local:WinMain.rcmd}"
... >
And in my custom class CommandListBox I have a CanExecuteChanged in which you can see I enabled or disabled the control depending on whether the background worker is finished or not:
private void CanExecuteChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
this.Enabled = !cBgWorkers.isRunning;
but in custom class I haven't implement the event handler you say, OnSelected.
WIthout implementing it all goes ok, the custom control invoke command, and CanExecute method is reached, and CanExecute gets correct value, true or false depending on background worker is finished or not, and the CanExecuteChanged in custom control is raised when CanExecute changes its value. When background worker starts it gets disabled but when it finished it doesn't get enabled. I have debugged, and when background worker finishes I can see CanExecuteChanged is executed and this.Enabled is getting correct value (true) but for some reason in the UI the control continues disabled despite it gets its correct value and despite in RunWOrkerCompleted (in background worker) I force to update UI with CommandManager.InvalidateRequerySuggested().
I solve this by uncomment line:
if (LayoutListBox != null) LayoutListBox.IsEnabled = !cBgWorkers.isRunning;
in CanExecute method. I don't understand what happens.
Then If I do what you say It is not necessary to do it:
CommandBindings.Add(new CommandBinding(rcmd,
CommandBinding_Executed, CommandBinding_CanExecute));
and CommandBinding_Executed & CommandBinding_CanExecute implementations. Am I right?
but if I remove these methods where can I set this.enabled = !cBgWorkers.isRunning ?
I would like WPF to set automatically isEnabled property for my custom control. How to do this?
Thanks in advance.
I am applying the article you say about attached behaviors with a few changes to adapt it to my ListBox. It doesn't work well or perhaps I am doing something wrong. What I want is avoid that ListBox members (listBoxItems) can be select when a long task (background worker) is running. So one of the method of the article that I have modified is:
static void OnListBoxItemSelected(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
// Only react to the Selected event raised by the ListBoxItem
// whose IsSelected property was modified. Ignore all ancestors
// who are merely reporting that a descendant's Selected fired.
if (!Object.ReferenceEquals(sender, e.OriginalSource))
ListBoxItem item = e.OriginalSource as ListBoxItem;
if (item != null)
// (*) See comment under
item.IsEnabled = !cBgWorkers.isRunning;
if (!cBgWorkers.isRunning)
(*) cBgWorkers is a public static Class that has some methods and properties.
One of the properties is isRunning that indicates no background workers is currently running. Then If no background workers is running, listbox members have to be enabled otherwise they have to be disabled so when user clicks over one listbox item the current page don't change to another one because I disabled it before (each listBox items has attached one page in my main application).
When one of the background workers (bw) or all are running and I select listbox item all is ok: listbox item is disabled because there are bw running and it avoid tho change the current page to another one. Of course, If I disabled the listbox item (or listbox items) I can't select it again because it is disabled and that is my problem, because I want that when bw finish the listbox items that have been disabled while bw were running, they get enabled again. Unfortunately with attached behavior as I see it isn't done by WPF automatically and commands have this advantage (controls update automatically by WPF). so, how to disabled/re-enabled listbox items when bw is running or not respectively?
As far as I know and see, one advantage of attached behaviors is that I think it is more efficient because they are not invoking actions constantly (only when the action, for example, selection, is produced). Commands are constantly (not often) checking if actions binded to controls can be executed (so If they can be executed, WPF automatically enables controls otherwise they appear disabled), right?
you could try creating a custom control that derives from ListBoxItem and implementing the ICommandSource interface. I can't think of a more simple solution as of now.
I have done your solution. I have done a custom user control deriving from listbox and implementing ISourceCommand as you said and it works now!!!! ;)
My custom class:
using System;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Media.Imaging;
using System.Windows.Input;
namespace GParts.Classes
public class CommandListBox : ListBox, ICommandSource
public CommandListBox() : base()
// ICommand Interface Members
// Make Command a dependency property so it can use databinding.
public static readonly DependencyProperty CommandProperty =
new PropertyMetadata((ICommand)null,
new PropertyChangedCallback(CommandChanged)));
public ICommand Command
return (ICommand)GetValue(CommandProperty);
SetValue(CommandProperty, value);
// Make Command a dependency property so it can use databinding.
public static readonly DependencyProperty ExecutedProperty =
new PropertyMetadata((object)null));
public object Executed
return (object)GetValue(ExecutedProperty);
SetValue(ExecutedProperty, value);
// Make Command a dependency property so it can use databinding.
public static readonly DependencyProperty CanExecuteProperty =
new PropertyMetadata((object)null));
public object CanExecute
return (object)GetValue(CanExecuteProperty);
SetValue(CanExecuteProperty, value);
// Make CommandTarget a dependency property so it can use databinding.
public static readonly DependencyProperty CommandTargetProperty =
new PropertyMetadata((IInputElement)null));
public IInputElement CommandTarget
return (IInputElement)GetValue(CommandTargetProperty);
SetValue(CommandTargetProperty, value);
// Make CommandParameter a dependency property so it can use databinding.
public static readonly DependencyProperty CommandParameterProperty =
new PropertyMetadata((object)null));
public object CommandParameter
return (object)GetValue(CommandParameterProperty);
SetValue(CommandParameterProperty, value);
// Command dependency property change callback.
private static void CommandChanged(DependencyObject d,
DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
CommandListBox clb = (CommandListBox)d;
// Add a new command to the Command Property.
private void HookUpCommand(ICommand oldCommand, ICommand newCommand)
// If oldCommand is not null, then we need to remove the handlers.
if (oldCommand != null)
RemoveCommand(oldCommand, newCommand);
AddCommand(oldCommand, newCommand);
// Remove an old command from the Command Property.
private void RemoveCommand(ICommand oldCommand, ICommand newCommand)
EventHandler handler = CanExecuteChanged;
oldCommand.CanExecuteChanged -= handler;
// Add the command.
private void AddCommand(ICommand oldCommand, ICommand newCommand)
EventHandler handler = new EventHandler(CanExecuteChanged);
canExecuteChangedHandler = handler;
if (newCommand != null)
newCommand.CanExecuteChanged += canExecuteChangedHandler;
private void CanExecuteChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (this.Command != null)
RoutedCommand command = this.Command as RoutedCommand;
// If a RoutedCommand.
if (command != null)
if (command.CanExecute(CommandParameter, CommandTarget))
this.IsEnabled = true;
this.IsEnabled = false;
// If a not RoutedCommand.
if (Command.CanExecute(CommandParameter))
this.IsEnabled = true;
this.IsEnabled = false;
// Keep a copy of the handler so it doesn't get garbage collected.
private static EventHandler canExecuteChangedHandler;
and in my WinMain.xaml:
<Classes:CommandListBox x:Name="LayoutListBox"
Command="{x:Static local:WinMain.rcmd}"
<!-- These lines doesn't work I explain it following
... >
and window code behind:
public WinMain()
// Command binding. If I don't do this Executed and CanExecute are not executed
CommandBindings.Add(new CommandBinding(rcmd,
CommandBinding_Executed, CommandBinding_CanExecute));
public static RoutedCommand rcmd = new RoutedCommand();
// ExecutedRoutedEventHandler
private void CommandBinding_Executed(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e)
// Do stuff
// CanExecuteRoutedEventHandler
private void CommandBinding_CanExecute(object sender, CanExecuteRoutedEventArgs e)
e.CanExecute = !cBgWorkers.isRunning;
//if (LayoutListBox != null) LayoutListBox.IsEnabled = !cBgWorkers.isRunning;
but I have the same problem as the another solution. If I don't place the last line (here appears commented in CommandBinding_CanExecute) the listbox doesn't enable automatically by wpf when background worker finishes. If I put this line it works. What's happens?
Another thing, as you can see in my code snippet I would like to do the same as I do with a button where you can indicate command, executed and canexecute. I have registered them in the class, and in listbox I checked to pass the methods but it didn't work. How can I do this?
Thanks very much.
Take a look at attached behaviors.
According to the first question I posted, using CommandBindings in listbox it doesn't work. The implementation of CanExecute was:
private void CommandBinding_CanExecute(object sender, CanExecuteRoutedEventArgs e)
e.CanExecute = !cBgWorkers.isRunning;
By doing WPF doesn't enable/disabled the listbox control automatically depending on the background worker state (Running or not) and I don't understand why because I have other controls like buttons with commands binded and WPF automatically enable/disable them.
So I have done the following modification:
private void CommandBinding_CanExecute(object sender, CanExecuteRoutedEventArgs e)
e.CanExecute = !cBgWorkers.isRunning;
if (LayoutListBox != null) LayoutListBox.IsEnabled = !cBgWorkers.isRunning;
Now, it works. Listbox is enable when no background worker is running and disabled otherwise bu what I don't like is the last line placed into the method in where I enable/disable manually the property isEnabled of the listbox. It is inefficient so I would like to change isEnabled property of the listbox only when CanExecute changes its value. As far as I know there is a event to do this, it is CanExecuteChanged but I don't know how to implement it. Any ideas?
Now, after trying several solutions, I am implementing the Mike's solution because I think it is easier and clearer and it can be re-used for other controls with only a few changes.
I haven't been able the whole thread. It's quite long. Anyway, I thought you want to put a command on a ListBoxItem? From what I see, you inherited from ListBox. You do not need to specify the Executed and CanExecute properties of the ICommandSource. This should be specified in your RoutedCommand, not in your custom control. To get your command executed, you need to provide an event handler in your custom control. As an example, if an item gets selected, then you execute the command. Here's an example.
protected override void OnSelected(RoutedEventArgs e)
if (this.Command != null)
RoutedCommand command = Command as RoutedCommand;
if (command != null)
command.Execute(CommandParameter, CommandTarget);

Update UI from ViewModel class (MVVM pattern) in WPF

I'm using the MVVM pattern in my first WPF app and have a problem with something quite basic I assume.
When the user hits the "save" button on my view, a command gets executed that calls the private void Save() in my ViewModel.
The problem is that the code in "Save()" takes some time to execute, so I'd like to hide the "Save" button in the UI view before executing the large chunk of code.
The problem is that the view doesn't update untill all code is executed in the viewmodel.
How can I force the view to redraw and process the PropertyChanged events before executing the Save() code?
Additionally, I would like a reuseable way, so that I can easily do the same thing in other pages as well.. Anyone else made something like this already? A "Loading..." message?
If it takes a long time, consider using a separate thread, for example by using a BackgroundWorker, so that the UI thread can stay responsive (i.e. update the UI) while the operation is performed.
In your Save method, you would
change the UI (i.e. modify some INotifyPropertyChanged or DependencyProperty IsBusySaving boolean which is bound to your UI, hides the Save button and maybe shows some progress bar with IsIndeterminate = True) and
start a BackgroundWorker.
In the DoWork event handler of your BackgroundWorker, you do the lengthy saving operation.
In the RunWorkerCompleted event handler, which is executed in the UI thread, you set IsBusySaving to false and maybe change other stuff in the UI to show that you are finished.
Code example (untested):
BackgroundWorker bwSave;
DependencyProperty IsBusySavingProperty = ...;
private MyViewModel() {
bwSave = new BackgroundWorker();
bwSave.DoWork += (sender, args) => {
// do your lengthy save stuff here -- this happens in a separate thread
bwSave.RunWorkerCompleted += (sender, args) => {
IsBusySaving = false;
if (args.Error != null) // if an exception occurred during DoWork,
MessageBox.Show(args.Error.ToString()); // do your error handling here
private void Save() {
if (IsBusySaving) {
throw new Exception("Save in progress -- this should be prevented by the UI");
IsBusySaving = true;
You're using MVVM pattern, so your Save Button's Command is set to an instance of the RoutedCommand object which is added to the Window's CommandBindings collection either declaratively or imperatively.
Assuming that you do it declaratively. Something like
Command="{x:Static namespace:ClassName.StaticRoutedCommandObj}"
For the handler of Executed routed event, your Save() method, on entry, you set a variable to false, on return you set it back to true. Something like.
void Save(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e)
_canExecute = false;
// do work
_canExecute = true;
For the handler of the CanExecute routed event, the Save_CanExecute() method, you use the variable as one of the condition.
void ShowSelectedXray_CanExecute(object sender, CanExecuteRoutedEventArgs e)
e.CanExecute = _canExecute && _others;
I hope I am clear. :)
You could always do something like this:
public class SaveDemo : INotifyPropertyChanged
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
private bool _canSave;
public bool CanSave
get { return _canSave; }
if (_canSave != value)
_canSave = value;
public void Save()
_canSave = false;
// Do the lengthy operation
_canSave = true;
private void OnChange(string p)
PropertyChangedEventHandler handler = PropertyChanged;
if (handler != null)
handler(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(p));
Then you could bind the IsEnabled property of the button to the CanSave property, and it will automatically be enabled/disabled. An alternative method, and one I would go with would be to use the Command CanExecute to sort this, but the idea is similar enough for you to work with.
You can accomplish this by the following code..
Thread workerThread = null;
void Save(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e)
workerThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(doWork));
SaveButton.isEnable = false;
do all your lengthy process in dowork() method
in some other method...
SaveButtton.isEnable = true;
This will cause to run save lengthy process in another thread and will not block your UI, if you want to show an animation while user click on save button then show some progress bar like iPhone etc... give me feedback i'll try to help you even more.
Late answer, but I figured it'd be good to input a bit as well.
Instead of creating your own new thread, it would probably be better to leave it up to the threadpool to run the save. It doesn't force it to run instantly like creating your own thread, but it does allow you to save threading resources.
The way to do that is:
The problem with using this approach, as well, is that you're required to have your "Save()" method take in an object that will act as a state. I was having a similar problem to yours and decided to go this route because the place that I'm working is very Resource-Needy.
