How to refresh local data fetched using $resource service in AngularJS - angularjs

I have AngularJS application that use $resource service to retrieve data using query() method and create new data using model.$save() method. This works fine exactly as the docs say it should.
My question is how to update my local data fetched using MyService.query() in the first place after I've changed it?
I took the most simple approach for now and I simply call the query() method again. I know this is the worst way efficiency-wise but it's the simplest one.
In my server-side I return the whole state-representation of the new model. How can I add the newly created model to the array of the local data?
I've end up simply pushing the model return from the server but I'll still be happy to know if that's the way to go. From what I can understand from the source code the return array is plan-old-javascript-array that I can manipulate myself.
This is the code I used
$ = function () {
var newComment = new CommentsDataSource();
newComment.Content = $scope.todoText;
newComment.$save({ id: "1" }, function (savedComment) {

I would simply get the whole list again, to be able to see the modifications brought to the list by other users.
But if the solution you're using suits you, then use it. It's corrrect. Angular uses bare-bones JavaScript objects. Adding a new instance to a list in the scope will refresh the list displayed on the page.


Prevent Firebase $firebaseArray auto update

I am working on a News Feed that is similar to Facebook News Feed. I am implementing it in the following sequence:
When app is started, get everything, but only push two item to show.
The user can scroll down to see more and I will add more to the list.
If there are any new items, the user needs to pull to refresh to add the new ones.
The only problem I have right now is that each time an item is added, $firebaseArray automatically adds the new item to my array that I do not want snyc changes (I want to query once, get a set list). I was wondering if anyone would know how to prevent the auto update?
Look into .once this will allow you to get the data just once:
Instead of binding directly your $firebaseArray to the view, clone it to a scope (or controller) property that will be bound to the view. Factorize this process in a function you can call when the user pull-reloads so the the $firebaseArray is re-created.
A more appropriate approach would be to use Firebase's http api, with the angular $http service.
Edit: to clone the array to a scope var, try the following:
var allEvents = $firebaseArray(queryOfeverything);
$scope.allEvents =, function(event) {
return event; // you may want to replace this line - I am not very familiar with firebase.

Node Webkit / Angular / Change Model

Sorry for a not very specific question by someone new to node webkit, new to Angular, new to about everything in web development:
My app is based on a JSON file that I load at the init of my node webkit app and which is at the center of a bunch of calculations.
In the app, one can open a file dialog to create a new JSON file. Now, of course, I would like the app to recalculate everything based on the new JSON. It works when I press the "refresh" button of node webkit, but I couldn't get it running by using either
I am also wondering if handling this on the node level is the good way to do it. Shouldn't it rather be done by Angular? But I couldn't really connect to the content of my controller from an "outside" javascript.
Grateful for any hint...
Having logic on the page loading is always tricky and as you mentioned - requires page reloading what is not very elegant and modern applications avoid this.
In your case, I suggest that if your JSON file is not very big - store it in variable and modify it as needed. The elegant way will be to create Angular service, which can act as a "model".
angular.service('JsonService', function() {
var json = {
// content
return {
getJson: function () {
return json;
setJson: function (newJson) {
json = newJson;
Then, whenever you need to update JSON invoke setJson(newJson) method and modify your controllers to use the service getJson() method.
You can also add the loading/saving to file functions to this service. The loading function can be invoked in your main controller connected to your dashboard page. Then before the first page will be visible, the JSON file will be already loaded and you preserve desired behavior.

AngularFire: How to update scope without syncing to Firebase (i.e. local states, like "loading" or "selected")

I'm new to Firebase and AngularJS (and AngularFire), but am managing to work most things out... however this one's stumping me.
I've got a server and a separate frontend. The frontend has NO WRITE PERMISSIONS for Firebase - it can only read it's own data (using a token provided by the server). The server has an API which the frontend utilises to make updates.
For the frontend to request an update to a particular item in a list, it needs to provide that item's Firebase ID to the server (along with whatever other information the API needs). The server will first verify that ID and then use it to update the correct Firebase data.
I've got AngularFire doing a three-way data binding for these actions, which is awesome!
Lets say my Firebase structure is as follows:
actions: {
-JFeuuEIFDh: { // Firebase IDs for arrays
label: "One",
-JfuDu2JC81: {
"label": "Two",
I have the following HTML:
<div ng-controller"SuperController">
<!-- key is the Firebase ID for the action, which is
required for my server to know which object to update -->
<li ng-repeat="(key, action) in actions">
<a ng-click="doAction(key, action)">action.label</a>
<!-- **Loading IS NOT and SHOULD NOT be stored in Firebase,**
it's simply a local state which AngularJS should manage -->
<p ng-hide="!action.loading">Loading...</p>
doAction looks something like this:
$scope.doAction = function(key, item) {
$scope.actions[key].loading = true;
var onComplete = function () {
$scope.actions[key].loading = false;
// Calls to the server, etc...
I'm using $scope.actions[key].loading to provide a local state so the "Loading..." paragraph will appear when the user initiates doAction, and disappear when the doAction logic completes.
However, because AngularFire has set up a three-way data binding, it tries to save that change to the database, which fails because the client does not have permission to write!
I don't want it to save loading to the database! It's there simply to update that paragraph's ng-hide - it shouldn't be persistent and there's no way this would justify providing write permission to the client.
So what am I supposed to do? I can't think of any way to update the scope without firing off the three-way binding... Am I thinking of this the wrong way?
Nested deep in the AngularJS documentation, under $FirebaseObject.$bindTo, was this:
use a variable prefixed with _, which will not be saved to the server, but will trigger $watch().
However when I used $scope.actions[key]._loading instead, the same problem still occurred. There was no apparent difference.
I couldn't find a clean solution to the problem.
use a variable prefixed with _, which will not be saved to the server, but will trigger $watch().
This wasn't actually implemented in code. I was considering submitting an implementation myself but it wasn't as simple as I hoped. Even after toJSON stopped returning _'d variables, it still tried to save the (unchanged) JSON to Firebase, so you'd have to fix it earlier somehow... I didn't go there.
To solve the problem I used AngularFire's $asArray instead of $asObject. The array is READ ONLY. Firebase won't try to sync any changes unless you call special functions. In my case, this works, however in other cases it might not be sufficient.
I had to change a bit my templating to work with an array instead of an object since a numerical key was now being provided instead of the actual key being used in Firebase. I converted the numerical key to the proper one with: actions.$keyAt(parseInt(key)).
It was a mess.. but it'll get me through for now.
I am having same issue. but this seems to fix it.
If $destroy() is emitted by scope (this happens when a controller is > destroyed), then this object is automatically unbound from scope. It can > also be manually unbound using the unbind() method, which is passed into ? > the promise callback.
//Setup synced array as usual
$scope.syncedArray = $firebaseArray(ref);
//call unbind on the variable
//reorder, filter and maniuplate arrays as usual and when done call .bind() on it.

Angular CRUD, update view when backend/database changes ($resource and REST)

I am currently making an application in angular which does this:
(On page load) Make an api call in angular controller (to symfony2 end point) to get: items.
$scope.items = ItemsService.query(function(data){
$scope.loading = false;
}, function(err){
$scope.loading = false;
items is an array containing many item objects.
Each item contains parameters e.g. item.param1 item.param2.
I have built it in a similar way to this tutorial:
i.e. The angular controller calls a service which calls the (symfony2) backend api endpoint.
The endpoint passes back items which is gets from a database. Items are then put into the view using ng-repeat (item in items).
This all works fine.
Now, I have a button (in the ng-repeat) which effectively causes a PUT request to be made to (another symfony2 endpoint), thus updating item.param1in the database. This also happens in the tutorial I linked to.
The problem is that (in my application and in the tutorial) I have to again make an api call which updates ALL the items, in order to see the change.
I want to just update the data in the view (immediately) for one object without having to fetch them all again.
i.e. something like:
$scope.items[4] = Items.get({id:}, function(){});
Except the application array key isn't known so I cant do that.
(so something like: $scope.items.findTheOriginalItem(item) = Items.get({id:}, function(){});.
Another possible solution (which seems like it may be the best?). I have looked here:
And tried doing the equality $watch: $scope.$watch(…, …, true);. Thus using watch to see when the item sub-array is updated. This doesn't seem to update the data in the view though (even though it is updating in the database).
Any advice on the best way of doing this (and how to do it) would be great! Thanks!
Essentially the button click should use ng-click to execute a function and pass the item to that function. Example:"item in items"...
<button type="button" ng-click="updateItem(item)">Update</button
Then in the function you have the exact item that you want to update. If you are using $resources, it would be something like:
$scope.updateItem = function(item) { item.$update(...); };
Unless I didn't understand you

Update Angular View after resource post

Here is my problem! I use $resource API to post data from the client side to the server side. After the server side successfully updates the database, I kinda hope my data in view will be updated.
I chose to achieve this with:
$scope.magazines = Magazines.query();
$scope.addMagazine = function() {
var magazine = new Magazines({...payload data});, function() {
$scope.magazines = Magazines.query();
Magazines is a defined ngResrouce factory.
This code works fine. My only problem is, whenever I activate this function (through mouseclick), the view flashes (refreshes) once. It is a really really bad user experience.
I wonder if there is any other way to add the new "magazine" to the scope without refreshing the entire $scope.magazines ?
By the way, the api at the backend will add a few properties (like created time, or id to it). Even if I write code to get the last added item (a different factory method I suppose), I'll still have to add it to the $scope.magazines and I don't know how to do that.
Any thought?
Just push the new Magazine onto the existing $scope.magazines (assuming it's an Array)
var magazine = new Magazines({...payload data});
