Visualizing textbox values - shieldui

I am using Shield UI Chart in order to show data entered by the user in some text fields. Some of them are:
var Participants = new Array();
Participants [0]=document.getElementById("ParticipantA").value;
Participants [1]=document.getElementById("ParticipantB").value;
Participants [2]=document.getElementById("ParticipantC").value;
and I put the data on the chart using this code:
dataSeries: [
seriesType: 'line',
collectionAlias: 'chart',
data: [Participants [0], Participants [1], Participants [2]]
I think that I am making it all correct, however there is no data showed at all. I checked that the function is being called, so the problems should be elsewhere.

The one error I can see, is that the values of the text fields are not in the correct format. Although you might be entering numerical values, you need to convert them explicitly, in order to be used with your Shield UI Chart:
var Participants = new Array();
Participants [0]=parseFloat(document.getElementById("ParticipantA").value);
Participants [1]=parseFloat(document.getElementById("ParticipantB").value);
Participants [2]=parseFloat(document.getElementById("ParticipantC").value);


AmCharts Multipledatasets

I am stuck with, the creators of the graphic just put a random numbers to fill it, but I would like to load a CSV file which they have a plugin
However, the second graphic is only for
"Stock" and financial purposses I would like to have the first one populated with a cvs file so I can compare more than 2 datasets.
Can someone help me? I will really appreciate it.
I need to read a little bit more, but I figured it out and Amcharts provides a lot of guide they are really nice and patience.
Below it's a pastie where you can find the whole solution.
this is a brief explanation:
title: 'Title',
fieldMappings: [ { // here you set the fields your chart will display
fromField: 'col1', // col1 because my csv has only 3 columns the first one contains the data
toField: 'value' // shows the value
}, {
fromField: 'col2', // this is the volume to display under the main graphic and that data is on column2
toField: 'volume' //
} ],
categoryField: "col0", // this is the category which it's display in this case i am using dates so it will display dates and my dates are in column 0 or column "A" in my csv file.
dataLoader: { / this is the plugin
url: "data/data2.csv", // the address
showCurtain: true, // widgets of the pluging
showErrors: true, // if there is an error loading amcharts will tell you
delimeter:"\t", // my csv is not delimited by "," but tabs.
format: "csv",
reverse:true // this is what sort of order you have your data, in my case from Z to A or major to minor.
here it't the code:

Sencha Touch background syncing of store

I have a list that is bound to a store. I have a input text field (think chat like UX), and when the user clicks on a button, I do:
var newMessageData = {
text: textMessage
var message = Ext.create('MyApp.model.Message', newMessageData);
messagesStore.add(message); // At this point, the message shows up in my list; // On a successful save, an identical message shows up again in this same list
How can I implement this, so the message only shows up once at first (immediately after the user types in something) and then the record itself just syncs with the server in the background.
Help is much appreciated! Thanks!
My model definition is pretty simple with simple fields and a few converted fields + a custom idProperty:
idProperty: 'objectId',
name: 'objectId',
persist: false
You should be able to use messagesStore.sync() which:
Synchronizes the Store with its Proxy. This asks the Proxy to batch
together any new, updated and deleted records in the store, updating
the Store's internal representation of the records as each operation
Okay, so what was missing was that I had to add the keys "primaryKey" to my hasMany and belongsTo relationships. In my case, I had idProperty: 'myCustomId', but that alone didn't work for associated models. I had to add primaryKey: 'myCustomId' to my hasMany and belongsTo relationships.

Loading multiple extjs comboboxes in a form

another ComboBox question.
In my table there are about 10 fields that are foreign keys, all presented with comboboxes.
How to fill all this combos in a form, without go 10 times to server to load the store of each one?
Are they stored as separate tables on the back end? If yes, then the correct way would be to load them going to the server 10 separate times. You can optimize this scenario by:
loading them all simultaneously
loading them all before you get to that page in advance
But you still would want to have 10 different stores in your ExtJs application.
If you wish to combine them into single store remember couple things
you would need to add additional field into this combined table so you can distinguish different lists.
you would load them all at once
then you would still need to separate them into different store objects because otherwise different UI components (comboboxes) won't be able to show different sets of data
Well known problem :) Typically when I have structure like this
var data = {
ForeignKeyObjectId: 123,
ForeignKeyObject: {
Id: 123,
SomeValue: 'Some text 1'
SomeOtherObjectId: 456,
SomeOtherObject: {
Id: 456,
SomeValue: 'Some text 2'
//, ... same 8 times more
I have to load each combo manually:
var combo1 = this.down('#foreignKeyObjectCombo');
combo1.setRawValue(data.ForeignKeyObject.SomeValue);[data.ForeignKeyObject], true);
var combo2 = this.down('#someOtherObjectCombo');
combo2.setRawValue(data.SomeOtherObject.SomeValue);[data.SomeOtherObject], true);
// same 8 times more
In one of my previous projects on ExtJs 3 I made some overrides for form and combobox behaviour so that I could use form.getForm().loadData(data) once instead of manually setting value, rawValue like in this example. But that way was implicit, so I like more this way :)
Model 1
Ext.create('', {
model: 'EmployeeType',
data : [
{type: 1, description: 'Administrative'},
{type: 2, description: 'Operative'},
Model 2
Ext.create('', {
model: 'BloodType',
data : [
{type: 1, description: 'A+'},
{type: 2, description: 'B+'},
Even if your stores have Proxy, you can disable AutoLoad so you can load as many as you want in one single request like this:
Create the stores manually:
employeeType = Ext.create('', {model: EmployeeType});
bloodType = Ext.create('', {model: BloddType});
Create an Ajax request where you bring all combos at once:
url: './catalogs/getalldata',
success: function(response) {
var json = Ext.decode(response.responseText);

Showing a limited subset of (or individual record from) a store in an Ext.DataView

In Sencha Touch, I often need to have an Ext.DataView panel that contains a small sub-set records or even a single record from the collection in the store.
For example I might have a Model for Car which has thousands of car records in it's store but I want to show a smaller subset of these items (say; just sports cars) in my listOfSportsCars DataView while also showing the larger complete set of cars in my listOfCars DataView.
My first thought was to use multiple stores. So I'd have one main store for the big list of all cars, and a second store with a filter for my subset of sportscars. However, now updating a model from one store does not automatically update the record in the other store, so this defeats the purpose of using a DataView as the changes are not updated everywhere in the page when updating records.
My second attempt was to overwrite the collectData method on the DataView, which sounded exactly like what I was after:
var card = new Ext.DataView({
collectData: function(records, startIndex){
// map over the records and collect just the ones we want
var r = [];
for( var i=0; i<records.length; i++ )
if( records[i].data.is_sports_car )
r.push( this.prepareData(records[i].data, 0, records[i]) );
return r;
tpl: new Ext.XTemplate([
'<tpl for=".">',
'<div class="car">{name}</div>',
itemSelector: ''
A full example can be found here.
But, although it's documented that I can/should override this method, Sencha Touch really doesn't like it when you mess around with the length of the array returned by collectData so this was a dead-end.
How do others deal with displaying/updating multiple collections of the same records?
UPDATE There was a bug preventing collectData from working as expected. The bug has since been fixed in Sencha Touch 1.1.0.
As written in the comment:
I've used your democode with the last Sencha Touch release and opened all with Google Chrome. In the current version the error is fixed. (Version 1.1)
you could use Filters in order to get a subset of the data asociated to that store.
yourstore.filter('name', 'Joseph');
Also you should define 'root' as a function so it will always return an array. Readers in sencha touch asume you're always going to get an array as response, but it's not true if you are having a JSON with a single entry, try something like this:
root: function(data) {
if (data) {
if (data instanceof Array) {
return data;
} else {
return [data];
The full code for the store could be like this:
YourApp.ViewName = new{
model: 'YourApp.models.something',
proxy: {
type: 'scripttag',
url: 'http://somerandomurl/service/json',
extraParams: {
param1: 'hello'
reader: {
type: 'json',
root: function(data) {
if (data) {
if (data instanceof Array) {
return data;
} else {
return [data];
Hope it helps.
I use the "filter" features in the Store. Not modifying the DataView (I use a List).
Here's a snippet where I will fiter out Programs with a catagory that fit's a regex. (I have Programs with a catagory field)
MyApp.stores.Programs.filter(function(object) {
var regex = new RegExp(filterValue, 'i');
return >= 0; // found match
You can clear the filter like this:
This will update the DataView (I use a List) immediately (it's amazing).
So within your filter you could just filter out sports cars, or cars of a certain price, or whatever.
Hope that helps...
For my understanding of Sencha Touch this is not the best approach.
If it can be still good for performance you shoud use a second "slave" store, with inline data (!/api/ that you can populate automatically from main store with subset of information you want to show when an event occours on the master store, i.e. load event.
If you want to deal with just one store a solution I can imagine is to use an xtemplate with "tpl if" tag in the dataview where you want to show just some information!/api/Ext. to write empty records. Maybe, also better solution, could be to use a custom filter function inside xtemplate, in order to put a css with visibility hidden on the items you don't want to see.

ExtJS: #realize was called with invalid remote-data

I'm receiving a " #realize was called with invalid remote-data" error when I create a new record via a POST request. Although similar to the discussion at this SO conversation, my situation is slightly different:
My server returns the pk of the new record and additional information that is to be associated with the new record in the grid. My server returns the following:
{'success':true,'message':'Created Quote','data': [{'id':'610'}, {'quoteNumber':'1'}]}
Where id is the PK for the record in the mysql database. quoteNumber is a db generated value that needs to be added to the created record.
Other relevant bits:
var quoteRecord =[{name:'id', type:'int'},{name:'quoteNumber', type:'int'},{name:'slideID'}, {name:'speaker'},{name:'quote'}, {name:'metadataID'}, {name:'priorityID'}]);
var quoteWriter = new{ writeAllFields:false, encode:true });
var quoteReader = new{id:'id', root:'data',totalProperty: 'totalitems', successProperty: 'success',messageProperty: 'message',idProperty:'id'}, quoteRecord);
I'm stumped. Anyone??
[Responding with an answer instead of a comment for code formatting...]
Some indented formatting will make the difference clear. This (correct) form returns a single object with two properties:
'message':'Created Quote',
'data': [{
Your original format returned two separate objects with mismatched properties that cannot be resolved into columns:
'message':'Created Quote',
'data': [{
Turns out that the response from the server should look like this:
{'success':true,'message':'Created Quote','data': [{'id':'610','quoteNumber':'1'}]}
A subtle difference, not one that I'm certain I understand.
