Add value into database plus 1 - database

In my database I have:
Row ID - Driver ID - Log ID.
Row ID is unique and auto-increments. What I want is for the Log ID to be unique for each row that has that Driver ID.
For example say a row is inserted with Driver ID 1 I want that row to have a Log ID of 1 but the next time a row is inserted with Driver ID 1 I want it to have a Log ID of 2.
How can I achieve this?
By way for database i am using PHPMyAdmin.
This is what i have in my PHP now, but it says:
On the webpage: Incorrect integer value: '' for column 'FinesCost' at row 1
And i dump the variables and get this: string(2) "16" string(2) "16" string(2) "16" so i dont understand why it is saying incorrect integer value and why it is saying they are undefines because they are very clearly defined.
In the PHP error log: [19-Jul-2013 10:44:18 Europe/Minsk] PHP Notice: Undefined variable: FinesCostP‌ost2 in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\hosting\Dan\JWT\drivers-log-send.php on line 336
[19-Jul-2013 10:44:18 Europe/Minsk] PHP Notice: Undefined variable: TravelExpensesPo‌​st2 in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\hosting\Dan\JWT\drivers-log-send.php on line 336
$host=""; // Host name
$username=""; // Mysql username
$password=""; // Mysql password
$db_name=""; // Database name
$tbl_name="jwtdriversbank"; // Table name
$un = "";
$usrname = "";
$usrpass = "";
$userID = "";
mysql_connect("$host", "$username", "$password")or die("cannot connect");
mysql_select_db("$db_name")or die("cannot select DB");
if(isset ($_SESSION['usrName']))
$usrname = $_SESSION['usrName'];
echo "4";
//var_dump ($usrname);
if(isset ($_SESSION['usrPass']))
$usrpass = $_SESSION['usrPass'];
echo "5";
$sql="SELECT * FROM jwtdrivers WHERE username='$usrname' and password='$usrpass'";
$userID = $rows['id'];
//var_dump ($userID);
if($userID == "")
echo "3";
$TotalProfitPost = $TotalProfit;
$LateFeePost = $LateFee;
$FinesCostPost2 = $FinesCost;
$TravelExpensesPost2 = $TravelExpenses;
$FuelCostPost = $FuelCost;
$CargoDamagePost = $CargoDamage;
$TruckDamagePost = $TruckDamage;
var_dump ($TotalProfitPost);
$sql="INSERT INTO jwtdriversbank2 (DriverID, LogID, TotalProfit, LateFee, FinesCost, TravelExpenses, FuelCost, CargoDamage, TruckDamage) VALUES ('$userID', COALESCE((Select MAX(LogID) from jwtdriversbank2 tab2 where tab2.DriverID = '$userID'),0)+1,'$TotalProfitPost','$LateFeePost', '$FinesCostP‌ost2' , '$TravelExpensesPo‌​st2' ,'$FuelCostPost','$CargoDamagePost','$TruckDamagePost')";
$result = mysql_query($sql);

Add a primary key for the two columns.
It should do the trick.
Look at this link for help
ALTER TABLE table_name
Do not forget to drop the first primary key because you will not need it no more.
Here is the code to insert your data.
Insert into <table_name>
values p_RowID, p_DriverID, COALESCE((Select MAX(Log_id) from <table_name> tab2 where tab2.Driver_id = p_DriverID),0)+1;
That should close the question.
You did not defined variable because PHP can't read them.
I opened your program inside VIM editor and I found "<200c>" char inside $FineCostPost2 in the SQL query. You have to change it to make it work.

A quick solution would be to use a subquery to find the maximum log (last log id) then increment it, something like this
Insert into <table_name>
values p_RowID, p_DriverID, COALESCE((Select MAX(Log_id) from <table_name> tab2 where tab2.Driver_id = p_DriverID),0)+1;
Here p_RowID and p_DriverID are the values you pass to insert into your table. The Coalesce function would check the given value and if it is NULL then it would replace it with the second parameter, in this case 0


I am struggling to select a string of data from a database table and print it as a variable

I've been trying to learn how to use sqlite3 for python 3.10 and I can't find any explanation of how I'm supposed to grab saved data From a database and insert it into a variable.
I'm attempting to do that myself in this code but It just prints out
<sqlite3.Cursor object at 0x0000018E3C017AC0>
Anyone know the solution to this?
My code is below
import sqlite3
con = sqlite3.connect('main.db')
cur = con.cursor()
#Create a table called "Datatable" if it does not exist
cur.execute('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS datatable
(Name PRIMARY KEY, age, pronouns) ''')
# The key "PRIMARY KEY" after Name disallow's information to be inserted
# Into the table twice in a row.
name = 'TestName'#input("What is your name? : ")
age = 'TestAge'#input("What is your age? : ")
def data_entry():
cur.execute("INSERT INTO datatable (name, age)")
name = cur.execute('select name from datatable')
Expected result from Print(name) : TestName
Actual result : <sqlite3.Cursor object at 0x00000256A58B7AC0>
The execute statement fills the cur object with data, but then you need to get the data out:
rows = cur.fetchall()
for row in rows:
You can read more here:

Return no row - SQL Server

There is a condition if not satisfied then I just want to return no rows as my application will pick no row and will show no record msg on front end. Is there any other professional way?
For now I am using following query to return no row.
select 0
where 1 = 0
Even when you return no rows, you are still returning a schema. And most applications expect the same schema to be returned regardless of the number of rows. Even when 0 rows are returned.
If you can change the SQL in #SqlStr that you are executing with sp_executesql, I would insert into a temporary table in that query and then return the results of selecting from that temporary table:
Select * from #myTempTable where <conditionRequiredForResults>
You said you want to return no rows on your frontend and return nothing. Neither message nor row.
You just need to use if statement to avoid returning anything to your frontend
require_once 'db_connection.php';
$sql = "SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE <your filtering Condition>";
$result = mysqli_query($db_connection, $sql);
if (mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0) {
// If row to be fetched is more than 0
// Return something Example:
echo "Rows detected";
} else {
// If there is no row to be fetched
// Return nothing
And this should return nothing if no row fetched from database

Reading data from SQLite3 database and using them

To start off, I really don't know if this have been answered before.
I looked all over but still couldn't find an example..
And I'm new to SQLite3 and obviously I would run into these kind of problems.
Basically what I'm doing is creating a SQLite3 database save as : "Data.dll".
And I've created a table and inserted some data in there..
Now, basically what I want to do is like ask the user a question, and the user has to input a number AND a "Key".
When inputted I want to check if it's valid.
For example,
DATA #1 :
NUMBERID : 30138
KEY: KeyUser1
DATA #2 :
KEY : key2
If those were both inputted (Like 30138, and KeyUser1. not like 30138 and key2) then they can keep going, otherwise, It would say that the NUMBER ID and "KEY" Do not match.
So how can I do that?
I'm new to SQLite3 and so I'm still a newbie...
Any help is appreciated.
My Code:
import sqlite3
dbase = sqlite3.connect("Data.dll")
print "DataBase Opened : Success."
dbase.execute(""" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Keys(
print "DataBase Table : Success"
def insert_record(NUMBERID,VAILD):
dbase.execute(""" INSERT INTO Keys (NUMBERID,VAILD)
#insert_record(1144, 'key2') # If needed to insert soemthing...
print "DataBase Insert : Success."
def read_Data():
data = dbase.execute(""" SELECT NUMBERID,VAILD FROM Keys """)
for record in data:
NUMBER_ID = str(record[0])
VAILD_KEY = str (record [1])
print NUMBER_ID # Check
print VAILD_KEY # Check
NUMBER_ENTER = input ("Enter NUMBER ID : ")
VAILD_ENTER = raw_input ("Enter KEY : ")
print "1" # If its at least correct print this
print "2" # wrong
print "a" # if its at least correct , print this.
print "z" # wrong
print "DataBase Closed : Success."
you could try this:
def check(number, key):
data = dbase.execute("select 1 from keys where NUMBERID = ? AND VAILD = ?", (number, key)).fetchone()
return data
NUMBER_ENTER = input("Enter NUMBER ID : ")
VAILD_ENTER = raw_input("Enter KEY : ")
print 1
print 2
where you check if there is a row with the NUMBERID, VAILD

SQLITE check if table exist in C [duplicate]

How do I, reliably, check in SQLite, whether a particular user table exists?
I am not asking for unreliable ways like checking if a "select *" on the table returned an error or not (is this even a good idea?).
The reason is like this:
In my program, I need to create and then populate some tables if they do not exist already.
If they do already exist, I need to update some tables.
Should I take some other path instead to signal that the tables in question have already been created - say for example, by creating/putting/setting a certain flag in my program initialization/settings file on disk or something?
Or does my approach make sense?
I missed that FAQ entry.
Anyway, for future reference, the complete query is:
SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='{table_name}';
Where {table_name} is the name of the table to check.
Documentation section for reference: Database File Format. 2.6. Storage Of The SQL Database Schema
This will return a list of tables with the name specified; that is, the cursor will have a count of 0 (does not exist) or a count of 1 (does exist)
If you're using SQLite version 3.3+ you can easily create a table with:
create table if not exists TableName (col1 typ1, ..., colN typN)
In the same way, you can remove a table only if it exists by using:
drop table if exists TableName
A variation would be to use SELECT COUNT(*) instead of SELECT NAME, i.e.
SELECT count(*) FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='table_name';
This will return 0, if the table doesn't exist, 1 if it does. This is probably useful in your programming since a numerical result is quicker / easier to process. The following illustrates how you would do this in Android using SQLiteDatabase, Cursor, rawQuery with parameters.
boolean tableExists(SQLiteDatabase db, String tableName)
if (tableName == null || db == null || !db.isOpen())
return false;
Cursor cursor = db.rawQuery(
"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = ? AND name = ?",
new String[] {"table", tableName}
if (!cursor.moveToFirst())
return false;
int count = cursor.getInt(0);
return count > 0;
You could try:
SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE name='table_name'
See (7) How do I list all tables/indices contained in an SQLite database in the SQLite FAQ:
SELECT name FROM sqlite_master
WHERE type='table'
ORDER BY name;
PRAGMA table_info(your_table_name)
If the resulting table is empty then your_table_name doesn't exist.
PRAGMA schema.table_info(table-name);
This pragma returns one row for each column in the named table. Columns in the result set include the column name, data type, whether or not the column can be NULL, and the default value for the column. The "pk" column in the result set is zero for columns that are not part of the primary key, and is the index of the column in the primary key for columns that are part of the primary key.
The table named in the table_info pragma can also be a view.
Example output:
SQLite table names are case insensitive, but comparison is case sensitive by default. To make this work properly in all cases you need to add COLLATE NOCASE.
SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='table_name' COLLATE NOCASE
If you are getting a "table already exists" error, make changes in the SQL string as below:
CREATE table IF NOT EXISTS table_name (para1,para2);
This way you can avoid the exceptions.
If you're using fmdb, I think you can just import FMDatabaseAdditions and use the bool function:
[yourfmdbDatabase tableExists:tableName].
The following code returns 1 if the table exists or 0 if the table does not exist.
SELECT CASE WHEN tbl_name = "name" THEN 1 ELSE 0 END FROM sqlite_master WHERE tbl_name = "name" AND type = "table"
Note that to check whether a table exists in the TEMP database, you must use sqlite_temp_master instead of sqlite_master:
SELECT name FROM sqlite_temp_master WHERE type='table' AND name='table_name';
Here's the function that I used:
Given an SQLDatabase Object = db
public boolean exists(String table) {
try {
db.query("SELECT * FROM " + table);
return true;
} catch (SQLException e) {
return false;
Use this code:
SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='yourTableName';
If the returned array count is equal to 1 it means the table exists. Otherwise it does not exist.
class CPhoenixDatabase():
def __init__(self, dbname):
self.dbname = dbname
self.conn = sqlite3.connect(dbname)
def is_table(self, table_name):
""" This method seems to be working now"""
query = "SELECT name from sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='{" + table_name + "}';"
cursor = self.conn.execute(query)
result = cursor.fetchone()
if result == None:
return False
return True
Note: This is working now on my Mac with Python 3.7.1
You can write the following query to check the table existance.
SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE name='table_name'
Here 'table_name' is your table name what you created. For example
and check
SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE name='country'
to prevent all records from being read.
Using a simple SELECT query is - in my opinion - quite reliable. Most of all it can check table existence in many different database types (SQLite / MySQL).
SELECT 1 FROM table;
It makes sense when you can use other reliable mechanism for determining if the query succeeded (for example, you query a database via QSqlQuery in Qt).
The most reliable way I have found in C# right now, using the latest sqlite-net-pcl nuget package (1.5.231) which is using SQLite 3, is as follows:
var result = database.GetTableInfo(tableName);
if ((result == null) || (result.Count == 0))
The function dbExistsTable() from R DBI package simplifies this problem for R programmers. See the example below:
con <- dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), ":memory:")
# let us check if table iris exists in the database
dbExistsTable(con, "iris")
### returns FALSE
# now let us create the table iris below,
dbCreateTable(con, "iris", iris)
# Again let us check if the table iris exists in the database,
dbExistsTable(con, "iris")
### returns TRUE
I thought I'd put my 2 cents to this discussion, even if it's rather old one..
This query returns scalar 1 if the table exists and 0 otherwise.
case when exists
(select 1 from sqlite_master WHERE type='table' and name = 'your_table')
then 1
else 0
end as TableExists
My preferred approach:
SELECT "name" FROM pragma_table_info("table_name") LIMIT 1;
If you get a row result, the table exists. This is better (for me) then checking with sqlite_master, as it will also check attached and temp databases.
This is my code for SQLite Cordova:
get_columnNames('LastUpdate', function (data) {
if (data.length > 0) { // In data you also have columnNames
console.log("Table full");
else {
console.log("Table empty");
And the other one:
function get_columnNames(tableName, callback) {
myDb.transaction(function (transaction) {
var query_exec = "SELECT name, sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name ='" + tableName + "'";
transaction.executeSql(query_exec, [], function (tx, results) {
var columnNames = [];
var len = results.rows.length;
if (len>0){
var columnParts = results.rows.item(0).sql.replace(/^[^\(]+\(([^\)]+)\)/g, '$1').split(','); ///// RegEx
for (i in columnParts) {
if (typeof columnParts[i] === 'string')
columnNames.push(columnParts[i].split(" ")[0]);
else callback(columnNames);
Table exists or not in database in swift
func tableExists(_ tableName:String) -> Bool {
sqlStatement = "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='\(tableName)'"
if sqlite3_prepare_v2(database, sqlStatement,-1, &compiledStatement, nil) == SQLITE_OK {
if sqlite3_step(compiledStatement) == SQLITE_ROW {
return true
else {
return false
else {
return false
c++ function checks db and all attached databases for existance of table and (optionally) column.
bool exists(sqlite3 *db, string tbl, string col="1")
sqlite3_stmt *stmt;
bool b = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, ("select "+col+" from "+tbl).c_str(),
-1, &stmt, 0) == SQLITE_OK;
return b;
Edit: Recently discovered the sqlite3_table_column_metadata function. Hence
bool exists(sqlite3* db,const char *tbl,const char *col=0)
{return sqlite3_table_column_metadata(db,0,tbl,col,0,0,0,0,0)==SQLITE_OK;}
You can also use db metadata to check if the table exists.
DatabaseMetaData md = connection.getMetaData();
ResultSet resultSet = md.getTables(null, null, tableName, null);
if ( {
return true;
If you are running it with the python file and using sqlite3 obviously. Open command prompt or bash whatever you are using use
python3 first in which your sql code is written.
Then Run sqlite3 file_name.db.
.table this command will give tables if they exist.
I wanted to add on Diego Vélez answer regarding the PRAGMA statement.
From we get some useful functions that can can return information about our database.
Here I quote the following:
For example, information about the columns in an index can be read using the index_info pragma as follows:
PRAGMA index_info('idx52');
Or, the same content can be read using:
SELECT * FROM pragma_index_info('idx52');
The advantage of the table-valued function format is that the query can return just a subset of the PRAGMA columns, can include a WHERE clause, can use aggregate functions, and the table-valued function can be just one of several data sources in a join...
Diego's answer gave PRAGMA table_info(table_name) like an option, but this won't be of much use in your other queries.
So, to answer the OPs question and to improve Diegos answer, you can do
SELECT * FROM pragma_table_info('table_name');
or even better,
SELECT name FROM pragma_table_list('table_name');
if you want to mimic PoorLuzers top-voted answer.
If you deal with Big Table, I made a simple hack with Python and Sqlite and you can make the similar idea with any other language
Step 1: Don't use (if not exists) in your create table command
you may know that this if you run this command that will have an exception if you already created the table before, and want to create it again, but this will lead us to the 2nd step.
Step 2: use try and except (or try and catch for other languages) to handle the last exception
here if you didn't create the table before, the try case will continue, but if you already did, you can put do your process at except case and you will know that you already created the table.
Here is the code:
def create_table():
con = sqlite3.connect("lists.db")
cur = con.cursor()
print('the table is created Now')
except sqlite3.OperationalError:
print('you already created the table before')
You can use a simple way, i use this method in C# and Xamarin,
public class LoginService : ILoginService
private SQLiteConnection dbconn;
in login service class, i have many methods for acces to the data in sqlite, i stored the data into a table, and the login page
it only shows when the user is not logged in.
for this purpose I only need to know if the table exists, in this case if it exists it is because it has data
public int ExisteSesion()
var rs = dbconn.GetTableInfo("Sesion");
return rs.Count;
if the table does not exist, it only returns a 0, if the table exists it is because it has data and it returns the total number of rows it has.
In the model I have specified the name that the table must receive to ensure its correct operation.
public class Sesion
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Token { get; set; }
public string Usuario { get; set; }
Look into the "try - throw - catch" construct in C++. Most other programming languages have a similar construct for handling errors.

Update or insert from csv into sql server

I have a CSV file containing user info, say
column separator is ;, row terminator is \n.
What I need to do is to insert or update into users table. Unique key is user_id: if record with this user_id already exists, I need to update, if it doesn't I need to insert.
However, there are some problems that prevent me from using management studio data-import or bulk insert.
First, there are more fields in the users table (not just 4) and the order of columns in csv file does not correspond to the order of columns in the table. So I need to be able to specify which column from the file goes to which column in the table.
Secondly, some additional fields need to be filled. For example, = users.user_id. Here is another obstacle - though for a newly inserted row = users.user_id it is possible that will change in the future, so I cannot just insert user_id and then run update [users] set [email] = [user_id].
Use fgetcsv
Example with two colonne :
$row = 0;
$update = "";
//separator of column
$separator = ";";
//creates two variables containing the index columns to read / modify
$idx_nom = 0;
$idx_rubrique = 1;
//Open file writing
if (($handle = fopen("test.csv", "r")) !== FALSE)
//we travel the file line by line, storing the data in a table
while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, ";")) !== FALSE)
//can not control that the second line if the first contains the column headers
if ($row != 0)
//conditions of one column
if (stristr($data[$idx_nom], 'chemise'))
$data[$idx_rubrique] = 1;
else if (stristr($data[$idx_nom], 'costume'))
$data[$idx_rubrique] = 2;
else if (stristr($data[$idx_nom], 'cravate'))
$data[$idx_rubrique] = 3;
$update .= implode($separator,$data)."\r\n";
//update from csv
