FuelUX programmatically change wizard steps - fuelux

Is there a way to programmatically switch between fuelux wizard steps using jquery?
Something like:
var $wizard = $('#MyWizard').wizard();
Is this possible?

Very close! Please try this:


NetSuite / Suitescript - Focus on field on Page Load

Is there a way through workflow or suitescript to focus to a specific field when the page loads? I don't want a hack.
Unfortunately there is no way to access to the NetSuite UI using SuiteScript because it doesn't support direct access through the DOM. You need to use javascript.
You can use a client script to define the cursor location. In my example I use the field change but you should be able to apply the same logic to the pageinit.
function clientFieldChanged(type, name, linenum){
var nextElement = document.getElementsByName('inpt_custrecord_bathroom1_typeofbathroom');

RichCommandMenuItem with parameter

I added up a RichCommandMenuItem on my jspx, but I have no idea about passing URL parameter.
Here is my source code for the Menu.
RichCommandMenuItem menuPage1 = new RichCommandMenuItem();
menuPage1.setText("Page 1");
I would like to send a parameter with my RichCommandMenuItem.
if you have any ideas or suggestions, let me know.
Thank you.
Command controls are for navigation within ADF applications in 11g. Go controls are for navigation to external URLs. As such you're using the wrong type of component, use RichGoMenuItem instead, and it's setDestination method.

Interactive html from server

somewhere in my application I get a formatted html from server to be displayed to user:
Now, I want to put in this html some links (like "add comment") in every record. I get this in the server!
But how to capture this links in extjs to act like a button or so ?
I would use a delegate for this.
me.myPanel.el.on('click', me._click, me.myPanel, {
delegate: 'a.linkclass'
In the code above you would have a couple of < a > tags in the body of your panel. delegate will make sure that the click only applies to your a tags with only linkclass on them.
Here's a fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/N9MSC/
I recommend to use the answer of Johan Haest
One other way would be to give unique ID's to the buttons. You can the use Ext.get('id') to fetch a Ext.dom.Element to which you can bind event like so
domElementRef.on('click', function() { alert('hit') })
You need to do this after the update is done.
Here's a JSFiddle

Episerver nested master page from EPiServerUI.master

I want to have my custom master page for all GuiPlugIn reports. As we know, by default GuiPlugIn referes to EPiServerUI.master page which is part of installation. I want to create a nested master page for my GuiPlugIn instead of default.
Please share your thoughts.
I think the reason that you cannot change master page for a plugin is for visual consistency. You could try to change the master page through code like this (assuming your plug in is a user control:
protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)
this.Page.MasterPageFile = "~/NewMaster.master";
Maybe there is a better way to do what you want, if you provide more detail?
You can always access the Page object if you want to inject custom css or scripts to use with your plugin like this:
HtmlGenericControl js = new HtmlGenericControl("script");
js.Attributes["type"] = "text/javascript";
js.Attributes["src"] = "mylibrary.js";

ExtJS Dynamically setting tab index

How can I dynamically set a tab index in ExtJS? I can't see anything in the docs for it, only a config option for it. If I try to do an .apply, it still doesn't work. I know I can probably extend the framework to support this since it is just a DOM element, but I'm sure I'm missing something simpler. Help?
It seems that in the extjs code for field they do this:
this.el.dom.setAttribute('tabIndex', this.tabIndex);
you can use the set method of the Element class which you can retrieve using the get method, so something like this: Ext.get('YOURELEMENTID').set({tabIndex:5});
If you want to include buttons in the tabindex, i'm afraid they have to be addressed seperatley:
this.btnEl.dom.setAttribute('tabIndex', this.tabIndex);
See the setActiveTab method of a tabPanel, which accepts either a string (id of the tab element) or an integer.
