Versioning policy of homebrew formula? - versioning

I provide formula for install font,, and I added version '3.2.1' same as font version.
But I want to update formula, for additional feature, so I'm confused should I bump version to version '' ? I want to detect formula update and version up, but actual font version still 3.2.1!.

Homebrew doesn't support this (yet), what other packaging systems might call a revision. Either you create a fake version number, as you propose, but that isn't recommended for public packages. Or you manually uninstall and reinstall the package.


How do I copy my Selenium project from one laptop to another?

I have developed a hybrid framework using a maven project, POM, TestNG, etc. It's running fine now I wanted to copy the entire project from one laptop to another laptop so on first laptop I can continue with my work and second laptop I can use it just to execute the scripts which will same my lot of time.
On daily basis I take backup on OneDrive. I have some questions:
Can anybody guide me how to copy the entire project? Do I need to have the same version of Java and Eclipse on second laptop? Anything else need to be installed?
On a daily basis how do I get the backup data from 'OneDrive' to a second laptop?
This sounds like you want a repository. Use Github, Gitlab, Bitbucket, just.. git in general. That's exactly what this is for.
As for your Java and Eclipse versions, you need to look at your running version of selenium, what packages you are using, etc, and determine for yourself what Java version you should be running. The latest version of the jdk is going to have everything the earlier ones had, so it's usually a safe bet to use the latest stable version. Your Eclipse version should always be the latest as well as it is just an IDE and shouldn't have any impact on how your program runs.
Another option is to use a virtual environment (a virtual-env) and upload that to your git repository, this is a localized version of java present inside the project, that can be carried along with it, although this bloats your repository massively.
Try using git and github and you don't have to take backup and need to work on a specific laptop

Enable saml in Webshere Liberty

Is this command required to enable saml in Liberty server?
bin/installUtility install samlWeb-2.0
I have configured <feature>samlWeb-2.0</feature> in my server.xml and able to get metadata file using the url https://ip:port/ibm/saml20/defaultSP/samlmetadata
It's <feature>samlWeb-2.0</feature> that enables the feature, but you can't enable what you don't have, which is where bin/installUtility would come in (if necessary).
Liberty is available in several packages which dictate which set/sub-set of features are available immediately after installation (custom packages of Liberty can also be created to further customize the available set of features available to the runtime). Features that are not included in the package can be installed afterwards using bin/installUtility (bin/featureManager has been deprecated).
The command bin/installUtility install samlWeb-2.0 retrieves (from a repo) and installs the samlWeb-2.0 feature if it wasn't already installed in your Liberty runtime. For example, if the Liberty package was that of just the Liberty Kernel, than bin/installUtility install samlWeb-2.0 would download the samlWeb-2.0 feature along with all other pre-req features. However, if your Liberty package was that of the entire Base edition (wlp-base-all) than it would already include the samlWeb-2.0 feature and you would not need to run bin/installUtility prior to enabling it.

Why is it advised to NOT use the RPM Packager tag?

There is a note in, which states:
Do NOT use these tags
With no explanation given. Packager is quite commonly seen, so, when I am creating a new spec file to distribute software, why should I not include that tag (or any of the named tags)?
Copyright has been deprecated in 2000. Rpmbuild refuse to accept it since 2005. It was poorly named initially and should have been named License from the very start. Nowadays everyone uses License tag.
Vendor is usually set by build system (Koji, Copr, OBS) so you should not override it. I.e. every package in Fedora has Vendor set to "Fedora Project".
The same for Packager. But this one is a little bit relaxed. E.g., Koji set it, but Copr not.

Is there an offline MinGW installer?

I am learning C and I want to install MinGW on my laptop. The MinGW installer is a web-installer, it requires the computer to have access to the internet when installing. But the problem is that my computer's not connected to the internet. So it can't be installed.
So I am thinking of downloading the complete offline installer on my smart-phone and transfering it to my PC through blue-tooth.
I have already tried TDM-GCC, but even that requires me to download somthing.
So is there an offline installer to MinGW? If yes where can I get it?
I did not find an offline installer for MinGW,but instead I found a better Windows port; which is MinGW-W64
Mingw-w64 is an advancement of the original project, created to support the GCC compiler on Windows systems. It has forked it in 2007 in order to provide support for 64 bits and new APIs. It has since then gained widespread use and distribution.
Now to answer this question: it has to be mannually installed by downloading the zip file. It won't require additional download.
You can download it from link :
You need to extract the MinGW folder in C:\ eg: c:\MinGW . Then what you need to follow the steps given in the link above. In CodeBlock IDE go to settings>compiler>Tochain Executables. There you need to click on auto detect or specify the folder manually.
The most direct answer to the question "Is there an offline MinGW installer?" is "maybe, but it would be a snapshot from the past, and it's almost certainly not up-to-date with the latest available released versions." The individual packages are made available (almost) as soon as they're released, so capturing everything in a self-contained installer is a moving target.
But, you can use the standard installer offline with a bit of prep work if you use MSYS2's pacman, which manages dependencies and grabs all the right versions for you.
The details are given in an answer to another question (

Is there any difference between packages Rx-WPF and Rx-Xaml?

If I add the RX-main package to a WPF application I get the following dependent packages installed:
After adding Rx-main there are two additional packages related to WPF that can be installed
Rx-Xaml is dependent on Rx-Main, and Rx-WPF is dependent on Rx-Xaml. However both of these packages add a reference to System.Reactive.Windows.Threading. What if anything is the difference between them, and why are there two separate packages that add a reference to the same assembly?
Also, do I need to add either or both to be able to use RX in WPF?
I actually know the answer to this, as the former owner of the Rx-Xaml package. It used to be that there were only Rx-Silverlight and Rx-WPF. This made it difficult to create packages like ReactiveUI, since they had a dependency on one or the other depending on which platform you're using.
So, I created Rx-Xaml, which was literally just a merging of Rx-Silverlight and Rx-WPF. However, the Rx team realized that having separate packages was silly, and asked me if they could take over the name for themselves. I gladly obliged, and now Rx-Xaml is the package you should be using. Rx-Xaml since 2.0 is owned by Microsoft.
tl;dr: Use Rx-Xaml, ignore Rx-WPF and Rx-Silverlight, they're old and busted.
From what I see using NuGet Package Explorer, neither Rx-WPF not Rx-Silverlight include any DLL of their own (or any other file, as a matter of fact) in their respective nupkg files. Therefore they seem to function only as a container for Rx-Xaml. My guess is that you should still point to Rx-WPF since the Rx team might start adding specific logic to it which would not be contained in the base Rx-Xaml package.
