sonata admin : Add button for comments - sonata-admin

I am working with Symfony 2 and sonata admin bundle.
I have an entity "affaire", all users (admin, employee, ect) can add "comments"
What I want to be able to do is to have a button in the list of affaire (in every row) that says 'comment' for example and when you click on it it direct you to the list of comments related to this affaire with possibility to add a comment for example.
How can I do that? any idea or tips?

If you go to Sonata Sandbox project, you will find News Bundle that has this functionality on Posts. You even get a vertical tab to list all comments related to Post while editing it.


Salesforce Knowledge Article Field - Not Visible to Guest User

I am very new to Salesforce, so apologies if my use of terms is not correct.
I am using Lightning Knowledge
I have enable and setup Knowledge Base and added FAQ articles and have added Question and Answerr fields to those articles.
I have setup the field visibilty so they are visible to all user including "Read Only" users (I could not find anything specific for Guests, should there be?)
So as far as I can tell the field permissions on the Question and Answer fields is correct.
I create articles and enter my values for my "Question and Answer fields" but when I go to my public site to view the FAQ, I only see the content of the Title and URL Name fields. I do not see my Question and Answer Fields.
If I login and view the articles via the public site, I do see the Question and Answer values.
I would very much appricaite it if anyone could point me in the right direction for trying to figure this out. I have googled but cannot seem to find anything that talks about guest users and field visibilty that has helped me.
Many Thanks
Yes, guest user is still an user. There's hidden user account (which acts as "created by" when you make new Case for example) and Profile which you might have to edit. It doesn't show up on normal list of profiles (but for example the Id can be queried and once you know Id you could construct the url yourself).
If you're using an Experience Cloud (aka Community) go to your site's Builder and the links will be at the bottom.
If you're using Sites - it should be in Site's config.
I had the exact same issue, but did see the solution documented in the previous comments.
In your community navigate to Settings
Select General
Click link under Guest User Profile
Scroll down to Field-Level Security
Click View for Knowledge
Click Edit
Check the Read Access box for the fields which are not displaying
Click Save

How do I modify Drupal's Admin Screens?

I'm looking to edit Drupal's admin pages.
Some of the things I'm trying to achieve:
Remove is the the filter setting on the Content page/node/view. In other words, if I go to to the Content page and I filter by a certain type of node, then I leave that page, then come back, the filter setting is saved, I'd like it to reset each time I visit the Content page.
I would like to modify some of links associated with these pages, as an example on that Same Content page, the titles of the pages are linked to their 'front-end' views, I'd rather have them link to their 'edit' screens.
While I have been successful in modifying the front-end theme of Drupal, by editing the actual php files. I can't find the the same php files for the Admin theme. In our case we are using Seven (7.21). I've read something about views, and thought maybe the entire Admin theme is built as views, aka there no php files involved like the front-end theme has, but under the Views section I did not find any either. I'm still pretty new at this and coming from the Wordpress world, this is a Drupal is a lot different.
The logic for that section of the admin area is at (from the public root):
Specifically ""
That being said, I don't recommend editing core scripts, as they will be overwritten when you update the core.
You could explore making your own module to supplement that page, or your own view or explore some pre-made modules, such as "Admin Views"
Find de view displayed and go to its configuration :
1 - Edit configuration view like suggested here :
2 - Rewrite output views to rewrite link : field
Another option is to create and use your own dashboard/views to achive like you want
also you can see contrib module :
You don't have to use that default content overview page at all. Make your own instead:
Make a page view (you have to install views module if you already did not: and use table layout. Make sure that page paths starts with "admin" so it will use admin theme. Also pay attention about permissions, so only specific set of users (admins) can use it.
For that view you can freely select what columns you what to show. You can also allow ordering by any column and action if you click on some field.
Use exposed filters to add filtering form, again add any filters you need. You can even set the form to use AJAX, to do auto-submit when some filter field is changed, include reset button and more. Also for every exposed filed you can select (at fields settings) should it remember it's value or not.
At end, edit admin menu and add your new page to it so it will look and act as default one but will offer much more functionality. You can even totally remove default one from the admin menu.
Views module is very powerful, not only for front-end but also for back-end content handling.

Additional fields in Drupal Commerce Kickstart2

I Would like to have a register form like that one
so I thought I go with this tutorial
but he doesn't show how to add fields or how to change some. So is some able to help me?
You can add customer specific fields by adding fields to the Billing or Shipping Customer profiles.
Via the Admin menu:
Store -> Customer profiles -> Profile Types -> Billing/Shipping Information -> Manage Fields.
If you need to customise the checkout form further, there are a number of ways, including the following:
1) Use an existing Commerce module that provides extra fields or checkout "panes".
Commerce Agree Terms - Adds a Terms and Conditions checkbox
Commerce Extra Panes - Lets you load nodes within the checkout form
2) Create a custom module and add your own checkout pane. In this pane you can add any required fields. This tutorial provides further details on how this is implemented.
3) Use the standard Drupal hook_form_alter() to modify the existing checkout form. There is an example here

Symfony2 Sonata admin bundle: Non CRUD page

I have setup a symfony2 project with sonata admin bundle.
it works fine. I can generate listviews and detail form for each entity.
But i want to create a new menu entry in left admin menu.
This new entry is not linked to an entity.
I just want to show a textarea and store result in a file (for testing first).
Do you know I what should I do ?
In the sonata_admin section of your config, under the dashboard section you can see your groups, which are displayed in the left site navigation. There you can add a item, which links to your own, custom service.
Visit to see how you can create your own admin service.

Drupal 7 - Blog Module - Adding title to single blog post

I have been asked to add a blog for a website built in Drupal 7. I activated the blog module and made a couple entries.
The postings show up fine on the blog page, but when I click through to a single entry it is just the text of the post. I would like to add the title to the page.
How is this possible?
Either you have the title removed in page.tpl.php or you have a page--blog.tpl.php that has the title removed.
Copy your page.tpl.php and rename it to page--blog.tpl.php (note there are two dashes between page and blog it will not work with just one) and add in this snippet of PHP:
<h1 id="page-title"><?php print $title ?></h1>
Then clear Drupal's cache. If this does not work out for you try adding it to node--blog.tpl.php.
