Using Offline Indexing in SQL Server - sql-server

I've written a .Net application which has an SQL Server 2008 R2 database with relatively small number of tables, but in some tables there might be some 100,000,000 records! For improving performance of SELECTs, I've created necessary indexes and it works well. But, as everyone knows, indexes need to be rebuilt when they are fragmented.
We have installed an SQL Server 2008 R2 Express on one of customer PCs plus my Winforms application. Three more PCs connect to this database over regular LAN, and everything seems fine.
Now, the problem is that, I want to rebuild indexes, for example every time a user starts using my program on ANY of the machines. Well, I can execute several ALTER INDEXes, but as stated in MS docs, OFFLINE indexing will lock the tables for period of indexing. Which means other users will lose access to tables when a user starts the program! I know there is an ONLINE option, but it doesn't work in Express edition of SQL Server.
In other environments with a real server running all the time, I would create an Agent Job which rebuilt indexes over night.
How can I solve this problem?

Without a normal 24/7 server running, it's difficult to do such maintenance automatically without disturbing users. I don't think putting that job at the application startup is a good idea, as it can really start many times together without a real reason, and also slows down startup significantly if tables are big, in addition to keep everyone else out as you say.
I would opt for 2 choices:
Setup a job on the "server" to do the rebuild on either SQL Server startup or computer startup. It will slow down the initialization of that PC when the user first power it on, but once done, it should work OK, and most likely with similar results to the nightly job.
Add an option in the application to launch the reindexing job manually when the user wants to do it, warning that it will take some time and during the process anyone else cannot use it. While this provides maximum flexibility, it relies on the user doing so when they start noting delays.


DBF/Foxpro - super slow queries through the network

I have an app that conducts queries on multiple DBF files over local area network.
However, the queries are extremely slow (up to 5 minutes on some files). They work quite fast locally, but since this app is going to be distributed to several customers we must account for those who have their DBFs in a remote machine.
What can I do to speed up these queries? I've already turned off oplocks, I repacked the DBFs, there's no antivirus running, and the issue persists.
You don't say what version of FoxPro you're using, or what client and server operating systems are involved, or what sort of network connection is involved.
On up to date Server 2008 R2 or later, with up to date Windows 7 SP1 or later clients you do not need to (and indeed should not) mess with OpLocks. In fact, you can't turn them off anyway without forcing the server back to SMB1, and you really don't want to do that.
The absolute first thing you should do before messing with anything infrastructural is make sure all your queries are Rushmore optimised because as with any database you need to take advantage of indexes. Have you done that?

Queries slow when run by specific Windows account

Running SQL Server 2014 Express on our domain. We use Windows Authentication to log on. All queries are performed in stored procedures.
Now, the system runs fine for all our users - except one. When he logs on (using our software), all queries take around 10 times longer (e.g. 30 ms instead of 2 ms). The queries are identical, the database is the same, the network speed is the same, the operative system is the same, the SQL Server drivers are the same, connection pooling is the same, DNS is the same. Changing computer does not help. The problem seems to be linked to the account being used.
What on Earth may be the cause for this huge performance hit?
Please advise!
I would try rebuilding the SP (by running an ALTER statement that duplicates its existing structure) to force SQL Server to recompile. I don't know every way SQL Server caches things but it can definitely create distinct execution plans for different types of connections so I wouldn't be surprised if your slow user is running a version with an inefficient execution plan.

How to debug slowdown on a SQL Azure server?

We've had a SQL Azure cloudapp/database in production for a long time and while its performance has been a little volatile, over the last few days it has suddenly dropped drastically. Our application is unresponsive because SQL queries and stored procedures that used to take 5-10 seconds are now taking 90 seconds or more.
What are the things I should check, given that we already do regular index rebuilds/reorgs, clear down large tables when we're finished, etc.
We're still on the "Web" service tier and are planning to move soon to the newer S2 perhaps but we need to tackle this issue.
1) How many active connections does your SQL Azure DB have during slow times? Things get wierd once you get into 150+ range on a shared plan.
If you have a ton of connections open, that means you're not properly clearing them in your app somewhere.
2) Does your DB have any blocking queries? DBs with alot of blocking (deadlocking) queries may behave much slower, if you need access to locked resources
3) You should really consider switching to a dedicated SQL Azure plan. It is very quick to do and no action is required on the app-dev side.
4) If neither helps, contact support. This could be an issue on their end
5) Once immediate problems are resolved, consider active monitoring of your SQL Azure db's (link in my profile signature)
You could also have a device in your network that is slowing down the performance. You might want to run some network tests to see if the problem is internal or external. For instance, someone might have changed some firewall or security settings on a rollout and messed it up a bit or a device might be ready to fail.

SQL Server Table > MS Access Local Copy?

I'm looking for a little advice.
I have some SQL Server tables I need to move to local Access databases for some local production tasks - once per "job" setup, w/400 jobs this qtr, across a dozen users...
A little background:
I am currently using a DSN-less approach to avoid distribution issues
I can create temporary LINKS to the remote tables and run "make table" queries to populate the local tables, then drop the remote tables. Works as expected.
Performance here in US is decent - 10-15 seconds for ~40K records. Our India teams are seeing >5-10 minutes for the same datasets. Their internet connection is decent, not great and a variable I cannot control.
I am wondering if MS Access is adding some overhead here than can be avoided by a more direct approach: i.e., letting the server do all/most of the heavy lifting vs Access?
I've tinkered with various combinations, with no clear improvement or success:
Parameterized stored procedures from Access
SQL Passthru queries from Access
Any suggestions, or an overall approach to suggest? How about moving data as XML?
Note: I have Access 7, 10, 13 users.
It's not entirely clear but if the MSAccess database performing the dump is local and the SQL Server database is remote, across the internet, you are bound to bump into the physical limitations of the connection.
ODBC drivers are not meant to be used for data access beyond a LAN, there is too much latency.
When Access queries data, is doesn't open a stream, it fetches blocks of it, wait for the data wot be downloaded, then request another batch. This is OK on a LAN but quickly degrades over long distances, especially when you consider that communication between the US and India has probably around 200ms latency and you can't do much about it as it adds up very quickly if the communication protocol is chatty, all this on top of the connection's bandwidth that is very likely way below what you would get on a LAN.
The better solution would be to perform the dump locally and then transmit the resulting Access file after it has been compacted and maybe zipped (using 7z for instance for better compression). This would most likely result in very small files that would be easy to move around in a few seconds.
The process could easily be automated. The easiest is maybe to automatically perform this dump every day and making it available on an FTP server or an internal website ready for download.
You can also make it available on demand, maybe trough an app running on a server and made available through RemoteApp using RDP services on a Windows 2008 server or simply though a website, or a shell.
You could also have a simple windows service on your SQL Server that listens to requests for a remote client installed on the local machines everywhere, that would process the dump and sent it to the client which would then unpack it and replace the previously downloaded database.
Plenty of solutions for this, even though they would probably require some amount of work to automate reliably.
One final note: if you automate the data dump from SQL Server to Access, avoid using Access in an automated way. It's hard to debug and quite easy to break. Use an export tool instead that doesn't rely on having Access installed.
Renaud and all, thanks for taking time to provide your responses. As you note, performance across the internet is the bottleneck. The fetching of blocks (vs a continguous DL) of data is exactly what I was hoping to avoid via an alternate approach.
Or workflow is evolving to better leverage both sides of the clock where User1 in US completes their day's efforts in the local DB and then sends JUST their updates back to the server (based on timestamps). User2 in India, also has a local copy of the same DB, grabs just the updated records off the server at the start of his day. So, pretty efficient for day-to-day stuff.
The primary issue is the initial DL of the local DB tables from the server (huge multi-year DB) for the current "job" - should happen just once at the start of the effort (~1 wk long process) This is the piece that takes 5-10 minutes for India to accomplish.
We currently do move the DB back and forth via FTP - DAILY. It is used as a SINGLE shared DB and is a bit LARGE due to temp tables. I was hoping my new timestamped-based push-pull of just the changes daily would have been an overall plus. Seems to be, but the initial DL hurdle remains.

Efficient way to delete records every 10 mins

Problem at hand
Need to delete some few thousand records every 10 minutes from a SQL Server database table.This is part of cleanup for older records.
Solutions under consideration
There's .Net Service running for some other functionality. Same service can be used with a timer to execute SQL delete command on db.
SQL server job
Key consideration for providing solution
Ours is a web product which gets deployed at different client locations. we want minimal operational overhead as resources doing deployment are very limited technical skill and we also want to make sure that there's less to none configuration requirement for our Product.
Performance is very important, as it on live transactional database.
This sounds like exactly the sort of work that a SQL Server job was intended to provide; database maintenance.
A scheduled job can execute a basic T-SQL statement that will delete the records you don't want any more, on whatever schedule you want it to run on. The job creation can be scripted to be part of your standard deployment scripts, which should negate the deployment costs.
Additionally, by utilizing an established part of SQL Server, you capitalize on the knowledge of other database administrators that will understand SQL jobs and be able to manage them.
I would not use a trigger...and stick with SQL Server DTS or SSIS. Obviously you will need some kind of identifier so I would use a timestamp column with an index...if that's not required just fire off a TRUNCATE once nightly.
The efficiency of the delete comes from indexes, has nothing to do how the timer is triggered. It is very important that the 'old' records be easily identifiable by a range scan. If the DELETE has to scan the whole table to find these 'old' records, it will block all other activity. Usually in such cases the table is clustered by the datetime value first, and unique primary keys are delegated to a non-clustered index, if needed.
Now how to pop the timer, you really have three alternatives:
SQL Agent job
Conversation Timers
Application timer
SQL Agent job is the best option for 10 minute intervals. Only drawback is that it does not work on SQL Express deployments. If that is a concern, then conversation timers and activated procedures are a viable alternative.
Last option has the disadvantage that the application must be running for the timer to trigger deletion. If this is not a concern (ie. if the application is not running, it doesn't matter that the records are not deleted) then is OK. Note that ASP.Net applications are very bad host for such timers, because of the way IIS and ASP may choose to recycle and put to sleep app pools.
