Dynamically add forex data points to Shield UI Chart - shieldui

I need is to dynamically add the points I’ve received from a forex provider to s Shield UI Chart. According to the documentation, there isn’t the possibility for dynamically adding of points At least there is no such method, something like: AddPoint or similar.
How can I still achieve a web page using Shield UI Chart, which to constantly show a couple of exchange rates?

You are right, that there is no addPoints method of the Shield UI Chart. However we can add the incoming data values to an array instead. You might find useful following code:
We need some arrays- as many as we need to show.
var EURUSD = new Array();
var USDCAD = new Array();
var GBPUSD = new Array();
In the body of the function, that will actually display the data we will have the following code:
EURUSD[EURUSD.length] = parseFloat(data.ticks.EURUSD);
USDCAD[USDCAD.length] = parseFloat(data.ticks.USDCAD);
GBPUSD[GBPUSD.length] = parseFloat(data.ticks.GBPUSD);
it will actually put the new data to the designated arrays. You can note, that each time data is received, it has been added to the last index of each array:
Since we don’t want our arrays to grow too large, it is good to specify how many points we need to keep. Once that limit is reached, we remove the oldest point:
if (EURUSD.length > 50)
EURUSD = EURUSD.splice(1, 49);
if (USDCAD.length > 50)
USDCAD = USDCAD.splice(1, 49);
if (GBPUSD.length > 50)
GBPUSD = GBPUSD.splice(1, 49);
At the end we need to recreate the chart, referencing the appropriate container:
var containter = $("#EURUSDChart").swidget();
and than create the chart again.


Devexpress: how to add points to Chart Control at runtime?

i'm trying to build a telemetry software using Winform and Devexpress library. Specifically i'm working on a Line Chart Control and what i would like to do is to configure the chart so that it is able to display a data changing in real time.
The graph is generated reading some external sensors that send informations at a rate of 10 values per second.
This is my code for initialize the chart:
series1 = new Series("test test", ViewType.Line);
series1.ArgumentScaleType = ScaleType.Numerical;
((LineSeriesView)series1.View).LineMarkerOptions.Kind = MarkerKind.Triangle;
((LineSeriesView)series1.View).LineStyle.DashStyle = DashStyle.Dash;
((XYDiagram)chartControl1.Diagram).EnableAxisXZooming = true;
chartControl1.Legend.Visibility = DefaultBoolean.False;
chartControl1.Titles.Add(new ChartTitle());
chartControl1.Titles[0].Text = "A Line Chart";
chartControl1.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
And this is the one that add a new point and remove the first point available so that the amount of points in my chart is always the same (after a minimum amount of points is reached) and it keeps updating itself displaying the last X seconds of values and discarding the old values.
series1.Points.RemoveRange(0, 1);
series1.Points.Add(new SeriesPoint(time, value));
AxisXRange.SetMinMaxValues(newFirstTime, time);
AxisRange is the following
Range AxisXRange
SwiftPlotDiagram diagram = chartControl1.Diagram as SwiftPlotDiagram;
if (diagram != null)
return diagram.AxisX.VisualRange;
return null;
**The problem ** is that this code works temporarily. After some seconds, the chart stop working and a big red cross is displayed over it.
Is there something that i'm missing with its configuration?
Do you know any better way to realize my task?
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you
I think you doing it nearly right. Devexpress has an Article about RealTime-Charts. They doing it the same way but using a timer for updating the data. Maybe this would fix your painting problems.

Passing YouTube data into Google sheets column

My goal is to pass in a YouTube channel's id and call that channel's video view metrics for a given window of time, store that data in an array and then pass each video view metric into one column of array.length in descending order.
//...key variables
var channelId = sheet.getActiveCell().getValue();
var offsetCell = sheet.getActiveCell().offset(0,2);
//further down the script...
for(i=0; i < dataResponse.items.length; i++) {
var data = [];
var vidDataLen = dataResponse.items.length;
var offsetRange = sheet.getRange(offsetCell, vidDataLen, 0)
As you can follow, I initially used appendRow, but I didn't want data to be appended into overwriting rows, I wanted the data to pass into, the column and row of offsetCell, and descending into the succeeding cells.
My efforts with
var offsetRange = sheet.getRange(offsetCell, vidDataLen, 0)
were attempting to create an active range based on the number of items in the data array, since that will vary on each channel.
However, that did not work, because getRange does not accept objects as parameters.
Are there any google-script functions I could use to pass the array data into an offset cell and successive cells in that same column?
NOTE: Running this script with the offsetRange variable commented out results in the YouTube api being successfully called, however, only one value from the 'data' array is passed into offsetCell
NOTE 2: I have scoured StackOverflow for google scripted questions and related subjects, however I have not seen an active or relevant solution for passing multiple stored values from an API call into a specific range of offset cells (in one column).
The solution for this was relatively straight forward
I removed the data array and used the statement sheet.insertRows(offsetCell.getRow()+1,vidDataLen);
to create the range of cells in the column I wanted to pass data into so existing data would not be overwritten
var vidDataLen = dataResponse.items.length;
for(i=0; i < dataResponse.items.length; i++) {
offsetCell = offsetCell.offset(1, 0);
Instead of passing data into a loop array, I just passed each value directly into the setValue() method's argument, and then assigned offsetCell to offsetting each new iteration of offsetCell by 1 row and 0 columns.

Get all the Records from GXTGrid

ListStore< PojoSurveyReportApproved> store = new ListStore< PojoSurveyReportApproved>(loader);
List<ColumnConfig> configs = getSurvey(list);
cm = new ColumnModel(configs);
cp = new ContentPanel();
final Grid< PojoSurveyReportApproved> grid = new Grid< PojoSurveyReportApproved>(store, cm);
grid.getAriaSupport().setDescribedBy(toolBar.getId() + "-display");
This is my Grid, which loads dynamically. whenever it changes, all the records from the grid should be retrieved, where i can easily export it to Excel.
Just i want is all the records in the grid eighter as an array or list, is there any listener to handle it or any way i can get all the records.
I have tried out in some ways by adding a listener to a store by it does not gives me result
Did you try-
store.getAll(); ?
This code takes all the records in the grid and returns as a collection. However, you may need to take another arrayList to use the store values depending on your needs.

LoaderMax: setting array as a container (ImageLoader)

So, I have a LoaderMax instance loading images from various URLs. I want to add all loaded images to an array.
Here's my code:
var photosArray:Array = new Array(5);
var imageLoadingQueue:LoaderMax = new LoaderMax({name:"mainQueue", onComplete:completeHandler});
for (var g:uint=0; g<5; g++)
imageLoadingQueue.append(new ImageLoader("/img" + g + ".jpg", {name:"photo", container:photosArray[g], noCache:false, smoothing:true, width:126, height:126, scaleMode:"proportionalOutside"}));
private function completeHandler(e:LoaderEvent):void
trace("finished loading pictures!");
//the next two lines will return an error (saying that photosArray[1] is null)
photosArray[1].x = 250;
A few problems:
If I set the container of the image being loaded to the Array, it won't work. I'm not being able to access the image inside the array because it says it's null.
If I set the container of the image being loaded to "this" (using the container property when appending a new ImageLoader) and, on the completeHandler, set my array equal to event.target.content, it kinda works (but it's not the ideal). The problem is that, by doing so, the images are appearing on the stage as they are loaded, and I do no want them to do so.
Any help would be heavily appreciated.
David is correct, but I also wanted to mention that the LoaderMax's "content" is actually an array of all of its children's content, so you could just use that for simplicity. Keep in mind that ImageLoaders automatically create a Sprite (technically called a "ContentDisplay") to drop the image into so you probably don't need to create ANOTHER Sprite (a container for the container).
var photos:Array = imageLoadingQueue.content;
The other nice thing is that it creates the ContentDisplay Sprites immediately, even before any content is loaded into them, so you can place them and size them however you want while (or before or after) loading occurs.
The container needs to be a DisplayObjectContainer. ImageLoader will try to add the image to the container using addChild(), so obviously this won't work with an empty array. Create a new Sprite for each image and add it into the array first:
for (var g:uint=0; g<5; g++)
photosArray[g] = new Sprite();
imageLoadingQueue.append(new ImageLoader("/img" + g + ".jpg", {name:"photo", container:photosArray[g], noCache:false, smoothing:true, width:126, height:126, scaleMode:"proportionalOutside"}));

flex 3: Can anybody help me optimize this array -> arrayCollection function?

I'm using a parent to pass a multi-dimensional array to a child. Structure of the array, named projectPositions is as follows (with example data):
projectPositions[0][0] = 1;
projectPositions[0][1] = 5;
projectPositions[0][2] = '1AD';
projectPositions[0][3] = 'User name';
I need to take this inherited array and turn it into an arrayCollection so that I can use it as a dataProvider. Currently, my init function (which runs onCreationComplete) has this code in it to handle this task of array -> arrayCollection:
for (var i:int = 0; i < projectPositions.length; i++)
tempObject = new Object;
tempObject.startOffset = projectPositions[i][0];
tempObject.numDays = projectPositions[i][1];
tempObject.role = projectPositions[i][2];
tempObject.student = projectPositions[i][3];
positionsAC.addItemAt(tempObject, positionsAC.length);
Then, during a repeater, I use positionsAC as the dataprovider and reference the items in the following way:
<mx:Repeater id="indPositions" dataProvider="{positionsAC}" startingIndex="0" count="{projectPositions.length}">
<components:block id="thisBlock" offSet="{indPositions.currentItem.startOffset}" numDays="{indPositions.currentItem.numDays}" position="{indPositions.currentItem.role}" sName="{indPositions.currentItem.student}" />
This all works fine and returns the desired effect, but the load time of this application is around 10 seconds. I'm 99% sure that the load time is caused by the array -> arrayCollection for loop. Is there an easier way to achieve the desired effect without having to wait so long for the page to load?
The issue your having loading items could be because you are using a repeater instead of a list class.
With a repeater, there will be a block created in memory, and drawn on the screen. So, if you have 100 items in your array, then 100 blocks will be created. this could slow down both initial creation and the overall app.
A list based class focuses on a technique called renderer recycling; which means only the displayed elements are created and rendered on the screen. So, depending on settings, you'd usually have 7-10 'block' instances on the screen, no matter how many items you have in your array.
positionsAC.addItemAt(tempObject, positionsAC.length);
addItemAt is causing a reindex of the collection which can greatly slow down the collection.
Put this trace statement before and after the loop
take the output and subtract one from the other and that will show how many milliseconds the loop has run.
var date:Date = new Date( );
trace( date.getTime())
