AVR: if statement - c

I am new in AVR programming. I would like to control a variable (uint8_t received_msg) if it is equal to 0xFF. would it be correct to do:
if (!(received_msg ^ 0xFF))
or do I need to compare bit by bit
uint8_t test = 0;
test = received_msg ^ 0xFF
for (i =0; i<8; i++){
test = 0 & (1<<received_msg)

If you want to know if a variable is equal to 0xff, just test for equality:
if (received_message == 0xff)

Your question had fairly little to do with the AVR but some mistaken ideas about how compilers and microcontrollers work. That's not a complaint that it's a bad question - any question that helps you learn is good!
(TLDR: "use bitwise operators" is only in contrast to AVR specific stuff, feel absolutely free to use all your normal operations.)
First, you've expressed what you want to do - an equality test - in English. The whole point of a programming language like C is to allow you to express computed operations in a fairly readable manner, so use the most obvious (and thus clear) translation of received_msg == 0xFF - it is the compiler's job to convert this into code for the specific computer (AVR), and even if it does a horrible job of it it will waste no more than a few microseconds. (It doesn't, but if you make the code convoluted enough it can fail to do an excellent job.)
Second, you've attempted to express the same operation - comparing every bit against a set value, and collecting the result to see if they were all equal - in two other manners. This gets tricky both to read and write, as is shown by the bugs in the second version, but more importantly the second version shows a misunderstanding of what C's bitwise operators do. Bitwise here means each bit of a value is processed independent of the other bits; they are still all processed. Therefore splitting it into a loop is not needed, and only makes the job of both programmer and compiler harder. The technique used to make bitwise operators only affect single bits, not to be confused with which they operate on, is known as masking; it relies on properties like "0 or n = n", "1 and n = n", and "0 xor n = n".
I'm also getting the impression this was based around the idea that a microcontroller like the AVR would be working on individual bits all the time. This is extremely rare, but frequently emulated by PLCs. What we do have is operations making single bit work less costly than on general purpose CPUs. For instance, consider "PORTB |= 1<<3". This can be read as a few fundamental operations:
v0 := 1 // load immediate
v1 := 3
v2 := v0 shiftleft v1 // shift left
v3 := PORTB // load I/O register
v4 := v3 or v2
PORTB := v4 // store back to I/O register
This interpretation would be an extremely reduced instruction set, where loads and stores never combine with ALU operations such as shift and or. You may even get such code out of the compiler if you ask it not to optimize at all. But since it's such a common operation for a microcontroller, the AVR has a single instruction to do this without spending registers on holding v0-v4:
SBI PORTB, 3 // (set bit in I/O register)
This brings us from needing two registers (from reusing vN which are no longer needed) and six instructions to zero registers and one instruction. Further gains are possible because once it's a single instruction, one can use a skip instead of a branch. But it relies on a few things being known, such as 1<<3 setting only a single, fixed bit, and PORTB being among the lowest 32 I/O registers. If the compiler did not know these things, it could never use the SBI instructions, and there was such a time. This is why we have the advice "use the bitwise operators" - you no longer need to write sbi(PORTB,PB3);, which is inobvious to people who don't know the AVR instruction set, but can now write PORTB |= 1<<3; which is standard C, and therefore clearer while being just as effective. Arguably better macro naming might make more readable code too, but many of these macros came along as typing shorthands instead - for instance _BV(x) which is equal to 1<<x.
Sadly some of the standard C formulations become rather tricky, like clearing bit N: port &= ~(1<<N); It makes a pretty good case for a "clear_bit(port, bit)" macro, like Arduino's digitalWrite. Some microcontrollers (such as 8051) provide specific addresses for single bit work, and some compilers provide syntax extensions such as port.3. I sometimes wonder why AVR Libc doesn't declare bitfields for bit manipulation. Pardon the rant. There also remain some optimizations the compiler doesn't know of, such as converting PORTB ^= x; into PINB = x; (which really looks weird - PIN registers aren't writable, so they used that operation for another function).
See also the AVR Libc manual section on bit manipulation, particularly "Porting programs that use the deprecated sbi/cbi macros".

You can also try useful switch(){ case } statement like :
#define OTHER_CONST_VALUE 0x19
case 0xff:
case 0x0f:
case 1:
case 2:
this code will execute command depending on value of received_msg, it is important to place constant value after case word, and be careful with break statement it tells when jump off from { } block.

I'm unsure of what received_msg will be representing. If it is a numerical value, than by all means use a switch-case, if-else or other structure of comparison; no need for a bitmask.
However, if received_msg contains binary data and you only want to look at certain elements and exclude others, a bitmask would be the appropriate approach.


C speed of comparison: Equals "==" vs Bitwise and "&"

Suppose I have an integer that is a power of 2, eg. 1024:
int a = 1 << 10; //works with any power of 2 no.
Now I want to check whether another integer b is the same as a. Which is faster/better (especially on weak embedded systems):
if (b == a) {}
if (b & a) {}
Sorry if this is a noob question, but couldn't find an answer using the search.
edit: thanks for many insightful answers. I could select only one of them, but all of them are welcome.
These operations are not even equivalent, because a & b will be false when both a and b are 0.
So I'd suggest to express the semantics that you want (i.e. a == b) and let the compiler to the optimization.
If you then measuer that you have performance issues at that point, then you can start analyzing/optimizing...
The short answer is this - it depends on what sort of things you're comparing. However, in this case, I'll assume that you're comparing two variables to each other (as opposed to a variable and an immediate, etc.)
This website, although rather old, studied how many clock cycles different instructions took on the x86 platform. The two instructions we're interested in here are the "AND" instruction and the "CMP" instruction (which the compiler uses for & and == respectively). What we can see here is that both of these instructions take about 1/3 of a cycle - that is to say, you can execute 3 of them in 1 cycle on average. Compare this to the "DIV" instruction which (in 1996) took 23 cycles to execute.
However, this omits one important detail. An "AND" instruction is not sufficient to complete the behavior you're looking for. In fact, a brief compilation on x86_64 suggests that you need both an "AND" and a "TEST" instruction for the "&" version, while "==" simply uses the "CMP" instruction. Because all these instructions are otherwise equivalent in IPC, the "==" will in fact be slightly faster...as of 1996.
Nowadays, processors optimize so well at the bare metal layer that you're unlikely to notice a difference. That said, if you wanted to see for sure...simply write a test program and find out for yourself.
As noted above though, even in the case that you have a power of 2, these instructions are still not equivalent, since it doesn't work for 0. Well...I guess technically zero ISN'T a power of 2. :) However you want to spin it though, use "==".
An X86 CPU sets a flag according to how the result of any operation compares to zero.
For the ==, your compiler will either use a dedicated compare instruction or a subtraction, setting this flag in both cases. The if() is then implemented by a jump that is conditional on this bit.
For the &, another instructions is used, the logical bitwise and instruction. That too sets the flag appropriately. So, again, the next instruction will be the conditional branch.
So, the question boils down to: Is there a performance difference between a subtraction and a bitwise and instruction? And the answer is "no" on any sane architecture. Both instructions use the same ALU, both set the same flags, and this ALU is typically designed to perform a subtraction in a single clock cycle.
Bottom line: Write readable code, and don't try to microoptimize what cannot be optimized.

Which way is faster in initializing registers in a microcontroller?

This question came to my mind while writing some firmware for a PIC microcontroller.
There are two methods I know to initialize registers in a microcontroller. Say for an example, if we are initializing a port as outputs, one way is to write a command like the following and it will assign 1 to every bit in TRISx register
Method 1
The same thing can be done by assigning bits individually.
Method 2
_TRISX0 = 1;
_TRISX1 = 1;
_TRISX2 = 1;
_TRISX7 = 1;
My question is, will it get treated as same by compiler and the time taken to complete both the operations are same? Or does method 1 take one clock cycle while method 2 takes 8 (I mean ~8 times slower)?
I tried reading X16 compiler guide but couldn't find any tips.
Hardware registers are always volatile qualified and the compiler is not allowed to optimize code containing volatile access. So if you write to them 8 times, then 8 writes is what you get. This is of course much slower than 1 write.
In addition, it is very bad practice to write to registers several times in a row just as if they were a temporary variable in RAM. Hardware registers tend to have all manner of subtle side-effects. They can have "write-once" attribute or only accept writes in certain modes. By writing to them in several steps, you make a habit of creating all manner of crazy, subtle problems caused by incorrect register setups.
Correct practice is to write to registers once, or as few times as necessary.
For example, you may think that a data direction register as in your example is a pretty dumb one with no side-effects. But often GPIO hardware needs some time to toggle the port circuits, from the point where you write to the data direction register to the point where you access the I/O port. So it is possible that several writes would stall the port needlessly.
Assuming REGISTER is the name of the memory-mapped, volatile-qualified hardware register, then...
Don't do this:
MASK1 = calculation();
MASK2 = calculation();
Do this:
uintx_t reg_val=0; // temp variable in RAM
MASK1 = calculation();
reg_val |= MASK1;
MASK2 = calculation();
reg_val |= MASK2;
REGISTER = reg_val; // single write to the actual register
It will depend on the processor instruction set and the compiler. For the PIC18F45K20, for example, the sdcc compiler compiles the following
TRISDbits.TRISD0 = 1;
BSF _TRISDbits, 0
while it compiles
MOVLW 0xff
So in this case setting an individual bit is faster, because it does not involve placing a temporary value in the working register.
Not all instruction sets include a BSF instruction however, and some architectures would not require the use of the working register for the latter task.
P.S. The above examples are based on the output of the sdcc compiler, but I imagine the xc8 and xc16 compilers yield similar results.
P.P.S. When inspecting the generated assembly, bear in mind that some instructions consume more processor cycles than others. See datasheet for details.
One thing is, you haven't provided C code to show how are those bits actually referenced. But let's say it's through union & struct of bit-fields.
The best way is to actually examine the ASM that the compiler generates. You do need to know your hw arch, but you would still need to look at the generated ASM to really know.
To assign just a single bit , say _TRISX0=1; vs TRISX = 0x01;, depending on the arch and compiler, it is possible that compiler can generate more efficient (less cycles and may be less instructions) code for just single bit assignment than entire register.
There is at least one such MCU/DSP processor and compiler, from TI, for which I know this is true.
For case when you have multiple (>1) statements, your Method 2, with individual bit assignments, it is likely that your one-liner register assignment will be more or as efficient: if compiler deduces - wrongly or not - that all of those bit assignments assign to same register in sequence, it may replace them with one-liner as you could have in method 1.
I do not have PIC specifically in mind. I'm advising to examine ASM for any MCU, when you care.

Calculating an 8-bit CRC with the C preprocessor?

I'm writing code for a tiny 8-bit microcontroller with only a few bytes of RAM. It has a simple job which is to transmit 7 16-bit words, then the CRC of those words. The values of the words are chosen at compile time. The CRC specifically is "remainder of division of
word 0 to word 6 as unsigned number divided by the polynomial x^8+x²+x+1 (initial value 0xFF)."
Is it possible to calculate the CRC of those bytes at compile time using the C preprocessor?
#define CALC_CRC(a,b,c,d,e,f,g) /* what goes here? */
#define W0 0x6301
#define W1 0x12AF
#define W2 0x7753
#define W3 0x0007
#define W4 0x0007
#define W5 0x5621
#define W6 0x5422
#define CRC CALC_CRC(W0, W1, W2, W3, W4, W5, W6)
It is possible to design a macro which will perform a CRC calculation at compile time. Something like
// Choosing names to be short and hopefully unique.
#define cZX((n),b,v) (((n) & (1 << b)) ? v : 0)
#define cZY((n),b, w,x,y,z) (cZX((n),b,w)^CzX((n),b+1,x)^CzX((n),b+2,y)^cZX((n),b+3,z))
#define CRC(n) (cZY((n),0,cZ0,cZ1,cZ2,cZ3)^cZY((n),4,cZ4,cZ5,cZ6,cZ7))
should probably work, and will be very efficient if (n) can be evaluated as a compile-time constant; it will simply evaluate to a constant itself. On the other hand, if n is an expression, that expression will end up getting recomputed eight times. Even if n is a simple variable, the resulting code will likely be significantly larger than the fastest non-table-based way of writing it, and may be slower than the most compact way of writing it.
BTW, one thing I'd really like to see in the C and C++ standard would be a means of specifying overloads which would be used for functions declared inline only if particular parameters could be evaluated as compile-time constants. The semantics would be such that there would be no 'guarantee' that any such overload would be used in every case where a compiler might be able to determine a value, but there would be a guarantee that (1) no such overload would be used in any case where a "compile-time-const" parameter would have to be evaluated at runtime, and (2) any parameter which is considered a constant in one such overload will be considered a constant in any functions invoked from it. There are a lot of cases where a function could written to evaluate to a compile-time constant if its parameter is constant, but where run-time evaluation would be absolutely horrible. For example:
#define bit_reverse_byte(n) ( (((n) & 128)>>7)|(((n) & 64)>>5)|(((n) & 32)>>3)|(((n) & 16)>>1)|
(((n) & 8)<<1)|(((n) & 4)<<3)|(((n) & 2)<<5)|(((n) & 1)<<7) )
#define bit_reverse_word(n) (bit_reverse_byte((n) >> 8) | (bit_reverse_byte(n) << 8))
A simple rendering of a non-looped single-byte bit-reverse function in C on the PIC would be about 17-19 single-cycle instructions; a word bit-reverse would be 34, or about 10 plus a byte-reverse function (which would execute twice). Optimal assembly code would be about 15 single-cycle instructions for byte reverse or 17 for word-reverse. Computing bit_reverse_byte(b) for some byte variable b would take many dozens of instructions totalling many dozens of cycles. Computing bit_reverse_word(w) for some 16-bit wordw` would probably take hundreds of instructions taking hundreds or thousands of cycles to execute. It would be really nice if one could mark a function to be expanded inline using something like the above formulation in the scenario where it would expand to a total of four instructions (basically just loading the result) but use a function call in scenarios where inline expansion would be heinous.
The simplest checksum algorithm is the so-called longitudinal parity check, which breaks the data into "words" with a fixed number n of bits, and then computes the exclusive or of all those words. The result is appended to the message as an extra word.
To check the integrity of a message, the receiver computes the exclusive or of all its words, including the checksum; if the result is not a word with n zeros, the receiver knows that a transmission error occurred.
(souce: wiki)
In your example:
#define CALC_LRC(a,b,c,d,e,f) ((a)^(b)^(c)^(d)^(e)^(f))
Disclaimer: this is not really a direct answer, but rather a series of questions and suggestions that are too long for a comment.
First Question: Do you have control over both ends of the protocol, e.g. can you choose the checksum algorithm by means of either yourself or a coworker controlling the code on the other end?
If YES to question #1:
You need to evaluate why you need the checksum, what checksum is appropriate, and the consequences of receiving a corrupt message with a valid checksum (which factors into both the what & why).
What is your transmission medium, protocol, bitrate, etc? Are you expecting/observing bit errors? So for example, with SPI or I2C from one chip to another on the same board, if you have bit errors, it's probably the HW engineers fault or you need to slow the clock rate, or both. A checksum can't hurt, but shouldn't really be necessary. On the other hand, with an infrared signal in a noisy environment, and you'll have a much higher probability of error.
Consequences of a bad message is always the most important question here. So if you're writing the controller for digital room thermometer and sending a message to update the display 10x a second, one bad value ever 1000 messages has very little if any real harm. No checksum or a weak checksum should be fine.
If these 6 bytes fire a missile, set the position of a robotic scalpel, or cause the transfer of money, you better be damn sure you have the right checksum, and may even want to look into a cryptographic hash (which may require more RAM than you have).
For in-between stuff, with noticeable detriment to performance/satisfaction with the product, but no real harm, its your call. For example, a TV that occasionally changes the volume instead of the channel could annoy the hell out of customers--more so than simply dropping the command if a good CRC detects an error, but if you're in the business of making cheap/knock-off TVs that might be OK if it gets product to market faster.
So what checksum do you need?
If either or both ends have HW support for a checksum built into the peripheral (fairly common in SPI for example), that might be a wise choice. Then it becomes more or less free to calculate.
An LRC, as suggested by vulkanino's answer, is the simplest algorithm.
Wikipedia has some decent info on how/why to choose a polynomial if you really need a CRC:
If NO to question #1:
What CRC algorithm/polynomial does the other end require? That's what you're stuck with, but telling us might get you a better/more complete answer.
Thoughts on implementation:
Most of the algorithms are pretty light-weight in terms of RAM/registers, requiring only a couple extra bytes. In general, a function will result in better, cleaner, more readable, debugger-friendly code.
You should think of the macro solution as an optimization trick, and like all optimization tricks, jumping to them to early can be a waste of development time and a cause of more problems than it's worth.
Using a macro also has some strange implications you may not have considered yet:
You are aware that the preprocessor can only do the calculation if all the bytes in a message are fixed at compile time, right? If you have a variable in there, the compiler has to generate code. Without a function, that code will be inlined every time it's used (yes, that could mean lots of ROM usage). If all the bytes are variable, that code might be worse than just writing the function in C. Or with a good compiler, it might be better. Tough to say for certain. On the other hand, if a different number of bytes are variable depending on the message being sent, you might end up with several versions of the code, each optimized for that particular usage.

Efficiency of data structures in C99 (possibly affected by endianness)

I have a couple of questions that are all inter-related. Basically, in the algorithm I am implementing a word w is defined as four bytes, so it can be contained whole in a uint32_t.
However, during the operation of the algorithm I often need to access the various parts of the word. Now, I can do this in two ways:
uint32_t w = 0x11223344;
uint8_t a = (w & 0xff000000) >> 24;
uint8_t b = (w & 0x00ff0000) >> 16;
uint8_t b = (w & 0x0000ff00) >> 8;
uint8_t d = (w & 0x000000ff);
However, part of me thinks that isn't particularly efficient. I thought a better way would be to use union representation like so:
typedef union
uint8_t d;
uint8_t c;
uint8_t b;
uint8_t a;
uint32_t n;
} word32;
Using this method I can assign word32 w = 0x11223344; then I can access the various
parts as I require (w.a=11 in little endian).
However, at this stage I come up against endianness issues, namely, in big endian systems my struct is defined incorrectly so I need to re-order the word prior to it being passed in.
This I can do without too much difficulty. My question is, then, is the first part (various bitwise ands and shifts) efficient compared to the implementation using a union? Is there any difference between the two generally? Which way should I go on a modern, x86_64 processor? Is endianness just a red herring here?
I could inspect the assembly output of course, but my knowledge of compilers is not brilliant. I would have thought a union would be more efficient as it would essentially convert to memory offsets, like so:
mov eax, [r9+8]
Would a compiler realise that is what happening in the bit-shift case above?
If it matters, I'm using C99, specifically my compiler is clang (llvm).
Thanks in advance.
If you need AES, why not use an existing implementation? This can be particularly beneficial on modern Intel processors with hardware support for AES.
The union trick can slow down things due to store-to-load-forwarding (STLF) failures. This may happen, depending on the processor model, if you write data to memory and read it back soon as a different data type (e.g. 32bit vs 8bit).
Such a thing is hard to tell without being able to inspect the real use of these operations in your code:
the shift version will probably do
better if you happen to have all your
variables in registers, anyhow, and
then you do intensive computations on
them. Usually compilers (clang including) are relatively clever in issuing instructions for partial words and stuff like that.
the union version would perhaps be
more efficient if you'd have to load
your bytes from memory most of the
In any case I would abstract the access operation into a macro, such that you can modify it easily whence you have a working code.
For my personal taste I would go for the shift version, since it is conceptually simpler, and only go for the union when I'd see that at the end the produced assembler doesn't look satisfactory.
I would guess using a union may be more efficient. Of course, the compiler may be able to optimize the shifts into byte loads since they are known during compilation -- in which case both schemes will yield identical code.
Another option (also byte order dependent) is to cast the word to a byte array and access the bytes directly. I.e., something like the following
uint8_t b = ((uint8_t*)w)[n]
I'm not sure you will see any difference on a real modern 32/64 bit processor, though.
EDIT: It seems like clang produces identical code in both cases.
Given that accessing bits using shift and masking is a common operation I'd expect compilers to be quite smart about it especially if you're using constant shift count and mask.
An option would be to use macros for bit set/get so that you can pick the best strategy at configure time if on a specific platform a compiler happens to be on the dumb side (and wisely chosen names for the macros can also make the code more clear and self explaining).

Embedded C: what does var = 0xFF; do?

I'm working with embedded C for the first time. Although my C is rusty, I can read the code but I don't really have a grasp on why certain lines are the way the are. For example, I want to know if a variable is true or false and send it back to another application. Rather than setting the variable to 1 or 0, the original implementor chose 0xFF.
Is he trying to set it to an address space? or else why set a boolean variable to be 255?
0xFF sets all the bits in a char.
The original implementer probably decided that the standard 0 and 1 wasn't good enough and decided that if all bits off is false then all bits on is true.
That works because in C any value other than 0 is true.
Though this will set all bytes in a char, it will also work for any other variable type, since any one bit being set in a variable makes it true.
If you are in desperate need of memory, you might want to store 8 booleans in one byte (or 32 in a long, or whatever)
This can easily be done by using a flag mask:
// FLAGMASK = ..1<<n for n in 0..7...
FLAGMASK = 0x10; // e.g. n=4
flags &= ~FLAGMASK; // clear bit
flags |= FLAGMASK; // set bit
flags ^= FLAGMASK; // flip bit
flags = (flags & ~FLAGMASK) | (booleanFunction() & FLAGMASK); // clear, then maybe set
this only works when booleanFunction() returns 0 (all bits clear) or -1 (all bits set).
0xFF is the hex representation of ~0 (i.e. 11111111)
In, for example, VB and Access, -1 is used as True.
These young guys, what do they know?
In one of the original embedded languages - PL/M (-51 yes as in 8051, -85, -86, -286, -386) - there was no difference between logical operators (!, &&, || in C) and bitwise (~, &, |, ^). Instead PL/M has NOT, AND, OR and XOR taking care of both categories. Are we better off with two categories? I'm not so sure. I miss the logical ^^ operator (xor) in C, though. Still, I guess it would be possible to construct programs in C without having to involve the logical category.
In PL/M False is defined as 0. Booleans are usually represented in byte variables. True is defined as NOT False which will give you 0ffh (PL/M-ese for C's 0xff).
To see how the conversion of the status flag carry took place defore being stored in a byte (boolean wasn't available as a type) variable, PL/M could use the assembly instruction "sbb al,al" before storing. If carry was set al would contain 0ff, if it wasn't it would contain 0h. If the opposite value was required, PL/M would insert a "cmc" before the sbb or append a "not al" after (actually xor - one or the other).
So the 0xff for TRUE is a direct compatibility port from PL/M. Necessary? Probably not, unless you're unsure of your skills (in C) AND playing it super safe.
As I would have.
PL/M-80 (used for the 8080, 8085 and Z80) did not have support for integers or floats, and I suspect it was the same for PL/M-51. PL/M-86 (used for the 8086, 8088, 80188 and 80186) added integers, single precision floating point, segment:offset pointers and the standard memory models small, medium, compact and large. For those so inclined there were special directives to create do-it-yourself hybrid memory models. Microsoft's huge memory model was equivalent to intel's large. MS also sported tiny, small, compact, medium and large models.
Often in embedded systems there is one programmer who writes all the code and his/her idiosyncrasies are throughout the source. Many embedded programmers were HW engineers and had to get a system running as best they could. There was no requirement nor concept of "portability". Another consideration in embedded systems is the compiler is specific for the CPU HW. Refer to the ISA for this CPU and check all uses of the "boolean".
As others have said, it's setting all the bits to 1. And since this is embedded C, you might be storing this into a register where each bit is important for something, so you want to set them all to 1. I know I did similar when writing in assembler.
What's really important to know about this question is the type of "var". You say "boolean", but is that a C++/C99's bool, or is it (highly likely, being an embedded C app), something of a completely different type that's being used as a boolean?
Also adding 1 to 0xff sets it to 0( assuming unsigned char) and the checking might have been in a loop with an increment to break.
Here's a likely reason: 0xff is the binary complement of 0. It may be that on your embedded architecture, storing 0xff into a variable is more efficient than storing, say, 1 which might require extra instructions or a constant stored in memory.
Or perhaps the most efficient way to check the "truth value" of a register in your architecture is with a "check bit set" instruction. With 0xff as the TRUE value, it doesn't matter which bit gets checked... they're all set.
The above is just speculation, of course, without knowing what kind of embedded processor you're using. 8-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit? PIC, AVR, ARM, x86???
(As others have pointed out, any integer value other than zero is considered TRUE for the purposes of boolean expressions in C.)
