Sinatra + Angularjs Routing - angularjs

I have an Angularjs app running on Sinatra.
My Angular routes are working if I click on a link within the app, however if I visit the url directly I get a 404 from Sinatra.
Is there a way to pass the routing from Sinatra to Angular?
Currently all Sinatra is doing is loading the index.html
get '/' do "#{Dir.pwd}/app/index.html"

Thanks to #Ryan I ended up implementing a working solution.
get '/*' do "#{Dir.pwd}/app/index.html"

One way you could do this would be to set up a catch-all route with Sinatra to pass requests on to your angular app. I'm not very familiar with the sinatra framework, but for flask this is how you do it:
#app.route('/', defaults={'path': ''})
def index(path):
return make_response(open('templates/index.html').read())
Just find the equivalent for Sinatra and you'll be good to go.
EDIT: I realized it is probably not the best idea to set up a catch-all route, especially if you are building a website (and using "$locationProvider.html5Mode(true)" vs. building a single-page webapp), for which returning proper 404's is important for search engine indexing, etc.
I would instead register a flask route for every route in your Angular app. In flask, this is how you do it.
def index(path):
return make_response(open('templates/index.html').read())
In sinatra, I'd suppose it would be something like this:
get '/' do
get '/about' do "#{Dir.pwd}/app/index.html"
EDIT: It really depends what you're going for. Some sites want their entire site to be an angular app (and don't prioritize SEO, proper 404's, etc.) and others want a particular section to be reserved for their angular app. You might see "/app/OTHER_STUFF", for example. In that case, a catch all would work well.


How to do security testing on AngularJS with the use of OWASP ZAP

I tried using OWASP in my angularjs web app, however.. none of my routing pages ever get lists in the spider.. can someone give me a detailed explanation on how to do this? I just want to see the vulnerabilites of all routing URLS in my angularjs app
ZAP will spider from the base URL you give it. Make sure that it can get to your routing pages by traversing the paths of available links that start on your base URL. If ZAP can't get to them by traversing your site from the base URL, create a simple sitemap or listing of all of your URLs and link/insert that on your home page.
Also, this is a handy way to get ZAP up and running via Docker.
AngularJS makes heavy use of JavaScript, which the 'traditional' spider doesnt handle very well.
Instead use the ajax spider: this is slower but will handle any JS as it launches browsers to crawl the site.

How do I reverse an AngularJS route from a Django template?

I have a Django application with an AngularJS frontend. The application sends notification emails, which it renders using Django templates.
ITEM: {{article.title}}
DATE: {{}}
SOURCE: {{}}
The issue is The previous version of the application didn't use Angular, so it was simple to find the link. In we had
url(r'article/(?P<article>\d+)/$', views.ArticleView.as_view(), name='show-article')
which meant that we could reverse a URL to a particular article with
django.core.urlresolvers.reverse('show-article', kwargs={'article':article_id})
Now, on the Angular-based revamp of the site, the display URL for an article looks like /mysite/#/article/1234 and is determined by routes.js:
$routeProvider.when('/article/:articleId', { ... } )
Bottom line, I don't have a way to grab an AngularJS route from Python. I could hard-code the all the routes from routes.js into something the backend sees, but it wouldn't be very DRY. I could generate routes.js dynamically with Django, but right now none of our other JS source is touched by Django -- that doesn't seem very clean either. Maybe I should continue to support the old-style URLs (/article/1234) as a redirect to the Angular-style URLs (/#/article/1234)? That still requires logical duplication, I think.
Is there a better pattern I should be using here?
Decoupling clients and servers is often a goal so duplication should not be considered a bad thing in this case. Depending on your needs however there are solutions which provide a reverse method which behaves like in Django. There is django-js-reverse and django-angular for angular specificaly.

Laravel, AngularJS and SEO

I am developing an app with an AngularJS front end and a Laravel API backend. The Laravel backend just listens for requests, process them and returns an answer. Front and back end are different independent apps... so far. I did it in such a way in order to be able to develop a mobile app later on which could consume the API. Im using also JWT to authenticate users, so Im not using Laravel's sessions at all. At this point I only require a webapp. I built a webapp which uses angular ui-router.
So far so good. The front end and the back end work well. However some of the front end views will be public and require share buttons, they also require to be indexable by Google.
I've read there are some alternatives.
Make some hack using the apache mod_rewrite in order to serve the angular app for people and a static version of it served directly by the backend. I think this would not be very difficult using Laravel.
Using Prerender.js. Which as far as Im concerned does pretty much the same job than option 1 but in a more complete manner.
However I am thinking about using a third alternative. Given that I only require the webapp now and the API is working I am thinking about using Laravel's built-in webapp functionality. I can use the controllers, directives and factories from angular and let Laravel handle the webapp routing.
An advantage of this is that I can render the meta tags using Blade (this fixes completely the SEO issues) and serve the rest of the contents using angular and the API.
Do anyone of you can see drawacks of such a solution or do you know a better way to accomplish SEO purposes using angular and Laravel?
Render Site :
You will have to render the pages from server side if you want to make it SEO friendly. But yes, what if you serve the server rendered pages to bots only. And for real users client side rendering will work.
Read about the Rendertron which will detect the user agent and accordingly serve the html.
Meta Tags :
Use Sluggable and replace id with slug in urls. You can follow

HTML snippets for AngularJS app that uses pushState?

I'm deciding whether it's safe to develop my client-facing app in AngularJS using pushState.
I've read that when using pushState in an AngularJS app, we don't need to worry about Googlebot because it can now execute enough JS to produce an HTML snippet for itself. But then I wonder about Bing, Facebook and other bots and scrapers. The tutorials I've seen for making AngularJS SEO-friendly all deal with apps that use hashbangs (#!). These don't apply to me since I'm not using hashbangs.
Does anyone have insight into this problem? What are some methods for ensuring an AngularJS app that uses pushState is SEO-friendly and Social-scraper-friendly? If you use a service like Seo4Ajax or I'd appreciate your thoughts on it.
Note: As I understand it, when developing single page apps in the last couple of years it has been necessary to send HTML snippets to SEO crawlers. This was accomplished by using hashbangs and a meta tag that let Google, Bing and Facebook know that it needed to replace the bang (!) with an _escaped_string when making a request. On the server you'd listed for requests with _escaped_string and deliver the appropriate HTML snippet using a tool to generate HTML snippets like phantomJS.
Now that we have pushState, I don't see how we indicate to javascript-less bots what part of the URL to rewrite with an _escaped_string or even if it's necessary. I'm having trouble finding any information beyond "you're site will be okay with google ;)".
Here are some other SO questions that are similar but have gone unanswered.
Angularjs vs SEO vs pushState
.htaccess for SEO bots crawling single page applications without hashbangs
Here's a solution I posted in that question and am considering for myself in case I want to send HTML snippets to bots. This would be a solution for a Symfony2 backend:
Use prerender or another service to generate static snippets of all your pages. Store them somewhere accessible by your router.
In your Symfony2 routing file, create a route that matches your SPA. I have a test SPA running at, so my route would look like this:
# Adding a trailing / to this route breaks it. Not sure why.
# This is also not formatting correctly in StackOverflow. This is yaml.
----path: /ng-test/{one}/{two}/{three}/{four}
--------_controller: DriverSideSiteBundle:NgTest:ngTestReroute
--------'one': null
--------'two': null
--------'three': null
--------'four': null
----methods: [GET]
In your Symfony2 controller, check user-agent to see if it's googlebot or bingbot. You should be able to do this with the code below, and then use this list to target the bots you're interested in (
if(strstr(strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']), "googlebot"))
// what to do
If your controller finds a match to a bot, send it the HTML snippet. Otherwise, as in the case with my AngularJS app, just send the user to the index page and Angular will correctly do the rest.
Supposedly, Bing also supports pushState. For Facebook, make sure your website takes advantage of Open Graph META tags.

Removing the hashtag from AngularJS when working with SailsJS

I'm getting really frustrated with configuring the Routing on our app, which is using sailsJS and angularJS.
The problem is, that the browser doesn't know about angular, so any request like /login returns a 404 Error from sails. I need a solution, to keep the sails routes from the angular ones,
One solution would be to disable html5Mode, but i really don't like the look of URLs with the /#/ which is typical for angular.
I have researched a lot on this and haven't yet found a good answer or maybe a working project for this.
Is what I am trying to do even possible right now?
If you're using HTML5 mode with Angular, then you need to configure your web server (in this case SailsJS) to respond with your index.html file for requests to /login or any arbitrary routes.
If you navigate directly to http://localhost:3000/login in your web browser (assuming you're running Sails on localhost:3000), Sails needs to respond with your index.html so that your Angular app can bootstrap and then display the appropriate route. Then, subsequent links that the user clicks on in your app will be intercepted directly by the Angular router instead of Sails directly.
Angular has documentation about making HTML5 mode work correctly here.
Using this mode requires URL rewriting on server side, basically you have to rewrite all your links to entry point of your application (e.g. index.html). Requiring a <base> tag is also important for this case, as it allows Angular to differentiate between the part of the url that is the application base and the path that should be handeled by the application.
