Threads in User and kernel mode - c

what do we mean by thread running in User mode and running in kernel mode? Is this related to thread execution instruction from User mode and thread executing instruction from Kernel mode? Kindly elaborate.
Also, is it possible that if a thread is executing in user mode is put to suspended state, then it may start executing in kernel mode? if yes, how is it possible? Until now I am only aware that a thread if suspended will be SUSPENDED completely, i.e. the context switch will take place by CPU to schedule another thread.

what do we mean by thread running in User mode and running in kernel mode?
There is no way to know what a person means by a phrase without context. If I had to guess, I'd say they are talking about whether the thread is scheduled by a user-space scheduler or a kernel scheduler. But it's also possible they are actually asking whether the thread is running user code or kernel code.
Is this related to thread execution instruction from User mode and thread executing instruction from Kernel mode? Kindly elaborate.
It could be. It also might not be. There's no way to know what a person means by a phrase without context.
Also, is it possible that if a thread is executing in user mode is put to suspended state, then it may start executing in kernel mode? if yes, how is it possible?
For implementations where the kernel schedules threads, the scheduler is running in kernel space. The code that actually suspends the thread typically runs in kernel space too because it has to add the thread to the various kernel scheduler data structures. So the thread that resumes the thread will run in kernel space too. At a higher level view, the same thread of execution can "become" the kernel scheduler, choose a user-space thread to execute, and then "become" that thread.
Until now I am only aware that a thread if suspended will be SUSPENDED completely, i.e. the context switch will take place by CPU to schedule another thread.
Right, and that's kernel code. So the same core is running user space code, then it's running kernel code, then it's running the user space code of another thread.

Modern operating systems have hardware support for separating the user code from the kernel code. On the x86 architecture you can set up memory pages that are not accessible to normal user code, and will trigger a page fault, so that the OS can survive faulty programs.
Code running in kernel mode has higher privileges, but also more responsibillities, as not everything is as easily accessible as from user space. If the user code gets stuck, then the OS can clean it up. If a kernel mode code hangs it might not be that easy, depending on how high the privilege level is.


Context Switching to Specific Process after Specific ISR

Is there any (dirty)method to provoke context switching to specific process after specific ISR?
In normal situation, after an ISR, the process which was interrupted will keep running, and I have to wait the scheduler to pick that specific process. I want to switch to the specific process right away after the ISR.
Any advice will be great. Thanks!
Construct your driver so that the process has a thread blocking on suitable syscall (read(), ioctl()) with the ISR waking up that thread (because at least one byte became available for read()).
Then, make sure that thread has the highest priority possible, and preferably uses a realtime scheduler (SCHED_FIFO or SCHED_RR). In practice, if your process does not run with root privileges, you'll need to start the service with root privileges, setup the thread, then drop privileges; or give the binary executable CAP_SYS_NICE capability via e.g. setcap pe=CAP_SYS_NICE binary.
It is technically possible for the driver to also mess with the scheduling, but I would not do that. Anything that is so time-critical, should be done in the kernel ISR instead.
If you want to do it in userspace, because you don't want your code to be a derivative of the kernel and therefore GPL-licensed, you're on your own.

How to call make kernel module calls or disable interrupts?

I have a low latency server/client audio application running on seperate cores. (via cpuset)
No xruns are detected, I suspect the scheduler to interrupt my critical routine. Since disabling interrupts is not possible in user space my idea was to create a kernel module and write wrapper functions for local_irq_disable()/local_irq_enable(). Security is not an issue. An rt Linux with fully preemptible kernel is in use.
I assume the nanosleep function won't work without interrupts too?
What would be the more elegant way to disable the scheduler but keep
the timers running?
How do I call these wrapper functions from user space?
Edit: SMP affinity is the keyword here: SMP IRQ Affinity
I would recommend to first try to trace your kernels scheduling by using lttng and tracecompass to find out what really is happening on your system and what other process, ressource lock or interrupt is forcing your process out of cpu.
Do you really need this process to run without cpu time gaps? If not: do you need response time in micoroseconds or milliseconds?

Kernel - Linux - Where does the kernel talks to the cpu?

Linux 64.
Intel Core 2 duo.
Where does the Linux kernel "communicate" with the cpu ?
I read the source code for scheduler but could not understand how they communicate and how the kernel tells the cpu that something need to be processed.
I understand that there are run queues, but isn't there something that enables the kernel to interrupt the cpu via the bus ?
It expands my initial questions a bit : How can we tell the cpu where the task queues are ?
Because the cpu has to poll something, and i guess we tell it at some point. Missed that point in the kernel code.
I will try to write a simplified explanation of how it works, tell me if anything is unclear.
A CPU only do one thing : execute instructions. It will start at a predefined address, and execute. That's all. Sometime you can have an interrupt, that will temporarily make the CPU jump to another instruction.
A kernel is a program (=a sequence of instructions) that will make it easy to execute other programs. The kernel will do his business to setup what it needs. This often include building a list of process to run. The definition of "process" is totally up to the kernel because, as you know, the CPU only do one thing.
Now, when the kernel runs (being executed by the CPU), it might decide that one process needs to be executed. To do so, the kernel will simply jump to the process program. How it is done doesn't matter, but in most OSes, the kernel will map a periodic interrupt (the CPU will periodically jump) to a function that decide which process to execute and jump to it. It isn't required, but it is convenient because programs will be forcefully "interrupted" periodically so others can also be executed.
To sum up, the CPU doesn't "know" anything. The kernel runs, and will jump to other process code to make them run. Only the kernel "knows".
The Linux kernel is a program. It doesn't "talk" to the CPU as such; the CPU has a special register, the program counter (PC), which points to the current execution of the kernel which the CPU is processing.
The kernel itself contains many services. One of them manages the task queues. Each entry in the task queue contains information about the task. One such information is the CPU core on which the task is running. When the kernel decides that the service should do some work, it will call it's functions. The functions are made up from instructions which the CPU interprets. Most of them change the state of the CPU (like advancing the PC, changing register values, setting flags, enabling/disabling CPU cores, ...).
This means the CPU isn't polling anything. Depending on the scheduler, different strategies are used to process the task queue. The most simple one is timer based: The kernel install a timer interrupt (i.e. it writes the address of an interrupt handler somewhere plus it configured the timer to cause an interrupt every few milliseconds).
The handler then looks at the task queue and decides what to do, depending on its strategy.

Why does OS require/maintain kernel-land threads?

Below are three threading models that i came across.
Based on these below 3 architectures, It is new for me to understand that, there also exist something called kernel thread, apart from user thread which is introduced as part of POSIX.1C
This is 1-1 model
This is N-1 model.
This is Hybrid model.
I have been through many questions on SO for kernel threads. This looks more relevant link for clarification.
At process level, For every user process that is loaded by Linux loader(say), Kernel does not allocate corresponding kernel process for executing machine instructions that a user process has come up with. User process only request for kernel mode execution, when it require a facility from kernel module[like malloc()/fork()]. Scheduling of user process is done by OS scheduler and assign a CPU core.
For example, User process does not require kernel execution mode to execute an instruction
a=a+2;//a is my local variable in a user level C function
My question:
So, What is the purpose of kernel level thread? Why does OS need to maintain a kernel thread(additionally) for corresponding user thread of a User level process? Does User mode programmer have any control on choosing any of the above three threading models for a given User process through programming?
After i understand the answer to first question, one relevant supplementary is,
Does kernel thread actually get scheduled by OS scheduler but not user thread?
I think the use of the word kernel thread is a bit misleading in these figures. I know the figures from a book about operating system (design) and if I remember correctly, they refer to the way how work is scheduled by the operating system.
In the figures, each process has at least one kernel thread assigned that is scheduled by the kernel.
The N-1 model shows multiple user-land threads that are not known to the kernel at all because the latter schedules the process (or how it's called in the figure, a single kernel thread) only. So for the kernel, each process is a kernel thread. When the process is assigned a slice of processor time, it itself runs multiple threads by scheduling them at its own discretion.
In the 1-1 model, the kernel is aware of the user-land threads and each thread is considered for processor time assignment by the scheduler. So instead of scheduling a whole process, the kernel switches between threads inside of processes.
The hybrid model combines both principles, where lightweight processes are actually threads known to the kernel and which are scheduled for execution by it. Additionally, they implement threads the kernel is not aware of and assign processor time in user-land.
And now to be completely confused, there is actually a real kernel thread in Linux. But as far as I understand the concept, these threads are used for kernel-space operations only, e.g. when kernel modules need to do things in parallel.
So, What is the purpose of kernel level thread?
To provide a vehicle for assignment of a set of resources provided by the OS. The set always incudes CPU code execution on a core. Others may include disk, NIC, KB, mouse, timers, as may be requested by syscalls from the thread. The kernel manages access to those resources as they become available and arbitrates between resource conflicts, eg. a request for KB input when none is available will remove CPU execution from the thread until KB input becomes available.
Why do we need a kernel thread(additionally) for corresponding user
thread of a User level process?
Without a kernel-level thread, the user thread would not be able to obtain execution - it would be dead code/stack. Note that with Linux, the concept of threads/processes can get somewhat muddied, but nevertheless, the fundamental unit of execution is a thread. A process is a higher-level construct whose code must be run by at least one thread, (eg. the one raised by the OS loader to run code at the process entry point when it is first loaded).
Does User mode programmer have any control on choosing any of the
above three threading models for a given User process through
No, not without a syscall, which means leaving user mode.
Does kernel thread actually get scheduled by OS scheduler but not user
Yes - it is the only thing that gets to be given execution when it can use it, have execution removed when it cannot, and be subject to preemptive removal of CPU if the OS scheduler requires it for something else.

System call in process

Suppose a process is running and it invokes a system call . Does that means that process will now be blocked . Are all system calls block a process and changes its state from running to block ? Or it depends on the scenario at that time?
No, it does not mean the process is blocked. Some system calls are blocking and some are not. However, note that for the duration of the time the kernel processes the system call, while the process continues to run, your own user code is not executing but the kernel code is executing on behalf of the process.
Some operating systems have even upcalls, where the user application registers some functions to be called by the kernel (back in userspace) at some occasions. The Unix signal machinery is a very simple example, but some OSes have much more complex upcalls.
I think there are some OSes where a syscall trigger some kernel processing which may trigger some upcall back in userspace.
I forgot the details
