The best place for Help in mobile app? - mobile

I'm a Ui/Ux designer, and I've been asked to give some advice on the architecture of an iPhone app, the said app implies a section called 'Help and guides' for the users to know how to properly enter their data in the app. While analyzing the app, I was going to recommand that it may be interesting to put that part in the settings, and I was challenged about the reason I would do that. All I could come up with was that it was kind of a habit to put it there. But indeed, why would we put the help in the settings?
While doing some research, it appears that the help and the FAQs are often placed in the settings of the apps, and I was wondering why. Even though it seems obvisous to me that this has evolve into a known pattern to the user, I was wondering if there was a proper justification for this practice. Any ideas or clues?

From my research into this as I am currently designing Android and IOS Apps. The reason to group both these items under the one menu is to keep the screen as clutter less as possible. Due to the screen size of a mobile phone, the need for space is high so removing the buttons by grouping them under the one menu helps greatly.
I would suggest possibly making a Menu button with the options to access help & settings as subheadings personally.


Website is ready, how the hell do I make it responsive?

As mentioned on the title, Iv'e just finished making a static website, using - CSS/JQUERY/SLICK/JQUERY/BOOTSTRAP.
And I have no idea what to do or where to start in order to make it responsive, tried google but still feeling confused not sure about where to start...
As for now minimizing the page seems to do nothing but cutting the area been minimized.
Changing the view to phone-view on chrome devtool causing the website to look the same, just extremely small which means you can't really read text or anything without zooming in.
any ideas or guidelines of how to start?... feeling lost which is weird cuz am feeling pretty comfortable with the method mentioned above.
Thanks alot for reading!
Thinking the mobile site after doing the standard one is not a good idea. But you are already at the end of that road and there is no going back now.
Responsiveness mostly works on the CSS side. You cambine media queries to specify which CSS should be used for each screen size, but it also has to do with your content structure. As mentioned in the comments, using rows and columns when designing your site helps doing the mobile site a lot.
I suggest you start reading this if you haven't:
And go through each section under the Responsive Web Design section. It should give you a good introduction to help you get started.

Need help on understanding Mobile First concept

So, I worked on responsive sites before but I'm on my way to build my first responsive site now. I opened some articles on the subject, and boom: Mobile First.. I have no idea how I skipped that concept till now. From the beginning I cant seem to understand whole thing (except that number of mobile devices will take out soon desktop computers) and here is why.
How I'm supposed to know how my site will look for desktop version, if I design it for mobile first? I mean, on the smallest device I will have to eventually hide some content etc, how I'm supposed to know what to hide and move things, when I don't know how the site will look on bigger screen? Isn't stripping the things easier?!?!
For me (right now), the Mobile First concept looks to me like building pyramid upside down.
Most implementations actually have two sites: one for browsers and one for mobiles. The webserver redirects the client to (or if it recognizes it as mobile accotding to the user-agent.
Still, there's room for responsiveness since you might decide to consider different screen sizes, both for mobiles as well as browsers - for example: iPad browser might display things differently than chrome on desktop.
Even though we already reached the point where major portion of the internet traffic is done by mobile devices, your site/service might be such that most of its clients will be laptops/desktops. Take Stackoverflow for example :)
You should use google analytics and see what's the split and decide according to that if it's really worth putting energy into it (and if so - how much).
In my opinion. mobile first applies more to apps than to websites. It is relatively easy to make a responsive website, or two versions of a website, to accommodate different screen sizes. It is much more difficult to create an app that works equally well on both small, mostly touch-driven screens, and large desktop screens. In applications the difference is more than just what information you can fit into an available screen real estate. Mobile applications often have a different UI flow and use a different set of components (widgets).
Once you have analyzed your requirements, you have to answer a key question: can a single application/website offer a great user experience on both desktop and mobile devices? If it can, go for it. If it cannot, then you arrive at the mobile first concept: these days it is often better to start with a mobile experience. It will work on large screens too, even though it may look a little strange and it will not take full advantage of a desktop environment. If you app is successful, you can always create a desktop-optimized version.
Note that I said "often", not "always". There are many applications that users still prefer to access from their desktops. If you build one of those applications, there is nothing wrong with going desktop first.
stripping away stuff scaling down your website to a mobile website is not a best practice. nor is mainting two separate websites. starting from mobile lets you focus on what you really need and on the content of your site. don't think "graphics" but think "content"

Mobile Browser for Website

Hopefully someone may know what I mean and where I may find such a thing.
I'm creating a new website and as part of it i'll be offering mobile web design. What I need if possible, is something that, should a user click on one of my examples, it load up a mobile browser (not the mobile site on a normal web browser). More like an emulator that will allow them to see working examples of potential sites.
Is there anything out there that will do this, or am I looking at opening a new window to a set size and displaying the site within it?
Please Note --- Whilst writing this out, I may have stumbled across a potential floor, as this may expose code.
I'm thinking I should perhaps consider putting JPEGs or PNGs that they can scroll through so not to expose the code behind the mobile site itself?!
If there is such an emulator or the likes that is available (and doesn't show code in the background) i'd be more than happy to be pointed in the right direction!!
Please correct me if I misunderstood your question, but it sounds like you want to let users preview a responsive design at different screen sizes while denying them access to the source code.
If that's the case, rendering the design as a flat image file for previewing purposes is your best bet, even though it would sacrifice any interactive aspects of your design. It's a rough trade-off.
I assume you have a legitimate reason for hiding the code. But if haven't already, you might want to ask yourself what's motivating you to conceal your source code in the first place. The web is built on open standards and accessibility; you'll have to go through a lot of contortions to hide static assets like HTML, CSS, and javascript from a browser. I understand if you're concerned about a sketchy client using your work without payment, but that's more of a contracts/legal issue than a technical one.
That said, you can always place the mobile site's main content (or an image of the content if you must hide the code) within a div of a specified width and height to visually emulate a phone. Wrap it with some phone graphics, control the overflow with overflow-y: scroll; and overflow-x: hidden; and there you have it.
Web Design Weekly is a nice example of this concept in action.
EDIT: it occurred to me that another option you could feasibly explore is video instead of static images. Always an option if you need to wow a client. is a good example of what I'm talking about.

how to work with drupal?

i am new to drupal and it is irritating me. i have mastered wordpress and SMF forum software to a near expert level. but drupal as well as joomla have made the admin interfaces so totally confusing i wish there was an answer available for me to use and drop them altogether.
i cant get the slide show to show up on the front page or any other page. i cant find in there a sufficient means of manipulating the content blocks and logging and nav blocks. i am not new to computers and programming, and if this was a programming problem, i probably would have fixed it by now, but the interface is so confusing i cant get the site to do anything im wanting it to do.
i have looked at several tutorials that dont help at all. i found out about a part time job my company is offering and i know for fact i can do it if i can get past the fact that the admin interface is a maze of confusion.
theme demo -
my test -
i beg anyone willing to help. i need to have something presentable, at least a good taste by monday. i could have already been done with it with SMF or wordpress, but they are the wrong type of software for the job.
please help someone.
It would appear that you may have solved your problem. I followed your link and the image rotator was working.
About the only difference was that on the AT demo site I was able to click the dots at the lower right hand corner to select the image I wanted whereas on your test site I was unable to do so.

what ways are there for mobile web design?

I want to know how to design a website. The website is shown normal on the web and mobile, but I need to know which one is better?
Design two different templates (one template for mobile and the other one for a normal monitor).
Check online through the user's device to see if its using a mobile device so I can change the stylesheet.
Is this correct? If there are any ideas, please tell me.
I would go for 1. Normally you don't want to show as much content on your mobile website as your "normal" desktop website. But include a link to your normal website from your mobile website.
I would go for one, as axelios suggested, I would include a link.
I, as a user, find extremely annoying websites that refuse to display the full site because they "recognised my browser as a mobile browser". Several newssites do that, which has eventually diminished the number of news I read, and some shops did so, which means I don't visit their sites anymore... so I strongly discourage the second solution.
