Windows Azure SQL Database CREATE LOGIN - Expiration policy? - sql-server

I'm creating a login on a Windows Azure SQL Database as described here.
Just a simple question: it mentions on the page that the 'CHECK_EXPIRATION' option is not supported. Am I correct to assume that this mean that no expiration policy is enforced?
I'm just concerned that our Azure app will die one day because the password for our app user has expired :(. Could somebody kindly confirm my assumption and put my mind at rest :)?

Since the default value for CHECK_EXPIRATION is OFF and Windows Azure SQL Database does not support the CHECK_EXPIRATION option, no password expiration policy will be enforced.


Clarity on the method to secure "remember my password" feature of our desktop application, similar to the feature in SQL Server credentials

We would like to implement the feature of remembering user's passwords in our application similar to how Microsoft SQL Server login credentials are stored.
(nothing to do with SQL server connection)
We researched and found some information on this.
However, it is not clear how the process/flow of encryption/decryption takes place, i.e, how the process of securely saving and matching of password takes place during validation process.Some of the websites also mention that the SQL login passwords can be cracked.
As per this document from Microsoft, Windows DPAPI is also being used in the form of Service Master Key (SMK) to secure data stored in database, but the actual SQL credentials validation flow is not mentioned. (We found this question as well which mentions DPAPI.)
So is there any method where we can store user's application passwords similar to SQLServer's methodology or any other secure method to ensure they are not cracked or decrypted?
We have also read that DPAPI-encrypted passwords can be cracked.
EDIT 11/05/2022:
Added screenshot of SQL Server login page, and made minor edits to content.

Active Directory Last Name Change and SQL Windows Authentication Hundreds of Databases

I have a user that has changed their last name. They access many different SQL databases across dozens of servers with Windows Authentication.
What is the best way to update their last name other than creating a new AD account and migrating them over to the new AD account?
Thank you johannes krackowizer  for your valuable suggestion. Posting your suggestion as an answer to help other community members
Even if you changed user last name, it won't affect SQL Server.
While setting up login in SQL Server, you have to enter username and domain of the account.
After that, it will go to Windows and grabs the Security Identifier(SID) of the account
It stores both in the SQL Server
So, when you change user's last name in Windows, the SID will remain same.
When the user is logging to SQL Server, the SID will be passed from client to server that verifies against the database.
To know more about SIDs, find the link below:
SQL Server Logins, Users and Security Identifiers (SIDs) ( by Simon Liew

PowerApps allow guest users to connect to Azure SQL database with AAD integrated feature

I have a specific problem to which I couldn't find any answer online.
The situation is the following:
We created a Canvas app that connects to the Azure SQL database. We set the connection type to be AAD integrated.
Users that are members of the AD can see the data in the app, but guest users, even though we gave them all the rights and PowerApps plan, cannot see the data. they recieve the same authorization window as members, but when they click on allow, the app starts but no data is being pulled from the SQL database.
When we try to connect directly to the Azure SQL database with the guest user email and credentials (via SQL server management studio), everything works as expected and the guest can see all the tables.
When we use implicitly shared connection (with SQL server authentification), guests can see the data, but we need to use AAD integrated due to its security.
So far we tried:
Changing PA environment from sandbox to production
Adding special permissions in SQL database like database owner etc
Trying out different AAD guest user settings, eq- setting that guest users have the same privileges as members (picture below).
Nothing seems to work. I would be more than happy if you could tell me how to make this work or even push me in the right direction.
I've reproduced your problem in my side. Here's my experience.
After assigning powerapp license(I use O365 E5 here) to guest account and share the app to this account, I can visit the app but can't see the data in the table. I assume that it resulted from the connector hasn't been shared, but it's true that this connector can't be shared because of no 'share button'.
Then I tried to add access policy to my guest account with these two sql:
GRANT SELECT ON dbo.tinyTest TO [];
Pls note here, I used the User Principal Name here(can find the principal name in azure ad->users), I also tested to use '' in the sql but after executing successfully, it didn't work.
So I think you can try to use the sql above to add your guests accounts and make them can access the powerapp.
Here's some related docs:
create contained users mapped to azure ad identities
Share app resources
add table permission to user
Share my experience of this troubleshot.
First I need to create a power app but I found that after creating the connector with sql server azure ad authentication, it can't connect to the sql server, the error message is like 'Credentials are missing or not valid. inner exception: The credentials provided for the SQL source are invalid', solution is add my admin account as sql server instance Active Directory Admin.
Then I choose a table and successfully create a sample app. With the creating account, I can visit the app but other accounts can't. Here needs to share the app and it's related connectors to other users. But other accounts still can't reach the app because of no license. Because sql server connector is premium connector, so I assign O365 E3 license here. I met an error when assign license, the user's 'Usage location' can't be null or it can't assign license in M365 admin center.
Then I met similar error with Op, the difference is that both member account and guest account can't see the data in app. I try to find the way to share the connector to these uses but failed, I haven't made sure if those connectors without share button can be shared to others. So I have no options to study if this kind of connectors are authenticated in other ways so they don't need to be shared at all.
Next actions is using the account which used to create the sql server and database to sign in database and execute the sqls above.
Then the member account can see data in the power app while the guest account can't see. The reason is I used as the parameter in the sql, when I used, it worked finally.
Hope this can also help you.
For creating my demo app: First, I'm sure my environment isn't a sandbox(the environment in the screenshot below). And I think it's easy to create a demo app, and my app is simple, just choose to create an app from data and then select sql server as the connector, next I choose auzre ad auth and click the connector, enter server name and database name then choose a table, after that my app has created. That table has one row of data so when I signed in the app with the creating account, I see it in the screen while other accounts(member or guests) can't.
My sql server instance and database are created long time ago, but I'm sure I followed this tutorial to create them.
This appears to still be a limitation to access to Azure SQL via PA connector for guest users:
If the "guest" does NOT have a PowerApps Per-App/Per-User plan, they cannot use your PowerApps with SQL data source (Note: SQL is a premium connector).
Determine exactly which type of license the guest has. Then, either your organization or the guest (or guest's org) must purchase one of these licenses. $5/$10/$20 per month depending on your use case.

Why won't SQL Server allow creation of a user with SQL Server Authentication?

I've get a fresh install of SQL Server 2012 and do not want to use integrated security. Instead I'd like to use SQL Server authentication, where I create logins in SQL server and assign passwords. However, this option doesn't seem to be available (see screen snapshot below). Every option available to me under "User Type" (other than those that aren't related to accounts at all) want me to map to existing Windows Domain accounts.
In the old days, I'd specify a desired login name and be prompted for a password to go along with it, and I'd be done. Now there's no option to specify a password--I'm forced to map my new login to an existing
windows domain account. Not what I want. What am I missing here? Thanks in advance.
** edit ** New screen snapshots added after RB's comment. I did indeed have an option disabled that would allow BOTH Windows and SQL Server authentication modes, but it's turned on now. After doing so and restarting SQL Server, it is NOT making a difference:
Here is what I am presented with when I try to create a new user. None of these options simply allow me to create a login and password in the context of SQL server (well, one allows creation of a login with no password at all... useless!) All others are linked to existing Windows logins. Ideas?
Let's do this in a way that doesn't require pictures and right-clicking.
CREATE LOGIN [yourUserName] WITH PASSWORD = 'someStrongPassword';
CREATE USER [yourUserName];

SQL Server Integrated Security

I've been searching hard to get my head around security related issues in a SQL Server.
We're developing a .NET application that targets SQL Server 2008 and we want to use FileStream.
Now I've found out that SQL Server only allows FileStream through the Win32 API if you use Integrated Security. The problem is that we have around 80% of our application finished, but it is entirely based on SQL Authentication. So we are doing INSERT's straight form our application and are not using Stored Procedures for every CRUD operation.
This is relatively safe because I can store the the SQL username and password in an encrypted form. I know the password is transported in Clear Text, but I'm willing to accept that.
We want end-users to be able to connect to the databse through tools such as Crystal Reports and for that we have an extra SQL login that has only SELECT-rights granted.
Now, if we change to Integrated Security we would have to give individual users (via AD groups, etc.) rights to do the things the application can do. Otherwise the application would not be able to do it's work. But then the end-user would also have these rights when he connects straight to the DB.
I see people saying that you should use Stored Procedures for every CRUD operation and grant the EXEC-rights only to the AD-group, but how would I do this? I do not see how a user would have different authorizations when he connects directly or through the application... Can anybody enlighten me on this.
An extra question for bonus-points: Intergrated Security will not work on a Workgroup as far as I understand. How do people get FileStream to work in a Workgroup then? Or is this considered an impossibility?
Integrated security WILL work in a workgroup, using the legacy mechanism, where you have a matching username and password on the two machines. Also, a domain user can use the legacy mechanism to log into a non-domain server if the server has a matching user account.
Integrated security can even work with non-matching usernames and passwords. This may help you in your scenario.
Try this:
You will be prompted for your password. This establishes a NetBIOS session with the database server. You should be able to see the shared folders and shared printers on the database server once you have done that.
Once a netbios session has been established between the client computer and the database server, you will THEN be able to use integrated security without being prompted for a password.
You may have to specify "named pipes" as the network protocol to usem, if it doesn't work with TCP (but I think it will). Named Pipes inherits your existing NetBIOS session, so provided you can list the shares you are probably good to go.
You can also establish the logon session using the windows API function NetUseAdd with USE_INFO_2 (level 2) information which incorporates the password.
I guess the short answer then is that you can have a special Windows logon for your application and have the users log in using that. However note that they cannot also be connected to the same server using their own username and password.
